ems_no_last_required: don't require last field to boot dark-pool engine #38

goodboy wants to merge 7 commits from ems_no_last_required into tsp_gaps
5 changed files with 93 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ class OrderClient(Struct):
async def relay_orders_from_sync_code(
client: OrderClient,
symbol_key: str,
to_ems_stream: tractor.MsgStream,
@ -242,6 +241,11 @@ async def open_ems(
async with maybe_open_emsd(
# XXX NOTE, LOL so this determines the daemon `emsd` loglevel
# then FYI.. that's kinda wrong no?
# -[ ] shouldn't it be set by `pikerd -l` or no?
# -[ ] would make a lot more sense to have a subsys ctl for
# levels.. like `-l emsd.info` or something?
) as portal:

View File

@ -653,7 +653,11 @@ class Router(Struct):
flume = feed.flumes[fqme]
first_quote: dict = flume.first_quote
book: DarkBook = self.get_dark_book(broker)
book.lasts[fqme]: float = float(first_quote['last'])
if not (last := first_quote.get('last')):
last: float = flume.rt_shm.array[-1]['close']
book.lasts[fqme]: float = float(last)
async with self.maybe_open_brokerd_dialog(
@ -716,7 +720,7 @@ class Router(Struct):
subs = self.subscribers[sub_key]
sent_some: bool = False
for client_stream in subs:
for client_stream in subs.copy():
await client_stream.send(msg)
sent_some = True
@ -1010,10 +1014,14 @@ async def translate_and_relay_brokerd_events(
status_msg.brokerd_msg = msg
status_msg.src = msg.broker_details['name']
await router.client_broadcast(
if not status_msg.req:
# likely some order change state?
await tractor.pause()
await router.client_broadcast(
if status == 'closed':
log.info(f'Execution for {oid} is complete!')

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@ -297,6 +297,8 @@ class PaperBoi(Struct):
# transmit pp msg to ems
pp: Position = self.acnt.pps[bs_mktid]
# TODO, this will break if `require_only=True` was passed to
# `.update_from_ledger()`
pp_msg = BrokerdPosition(

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ subsys: str = 'piker.clearing'
log = get_logger(subsys)
# TODO, oof doesn't this ignore the `loglevel` then???
get_console_log = partial(

View File

@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ async def _reconnect_forever(
await trio.sleep_forever()
except HandshakeError:
log.exception(f'Retrying connection')
log.exception('Retrying connection')
# ws & nursery block ends
@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ async def open_autorecon_ws(
JSONRPC response-request style machinery for transparent multiplexing of msgs
over a NoBsWs.
JSONRPC response-request style machinery for transparent multiplexing
of msgs over a `NoBsWs`.
@ -377,43 +377,82 @@ async def open_jsonrpc_session(
url: str,
start_id: int = 0,
response_type: type = JSONRPCResult,
request_type: Optional[type] = None,
request_hook: Optional[Callable] = None,
error_hook: Optional[Callable] = None,
msg_recv_timeout: float = float('inf'),
# ^NOTE, since only `deribit` is using this jsonrpc stuff atm
# and options mkts are generally "slow moving"..
# FURTHER if we break the underlying ws connection then since we
# don't pass a `fixture` to the task that manages `NoBsWs`, i.e.
# `_reconnect_forever()`, the jsonrpc "transport pipe" get's
# broken and never restored with wtv init sequence is required to
# re-establish a working req-resp session.
) -> Callable[[str, dict], dict]:
Init a json-RPC-over-websocket connection to the provided `url`.
A `json_rpc: Callable[[str, dict], dict` is delivered to the
caller for sending requests and a bg-`trio.Task` handles
processing of response msgs including error reporting/raising in
the parent/caller task.
# NOTE, store all request msgs so we can raise errors on the
# caller side!
req_msgs: dict[int, dict] = {}
async with (
trio.open_nursery() as n,
open_autorecon_ws(url) as ws
trio.open_nursery() as tn,
) as ws
rpc_id: Iterable = count(start_id)
rpc_id: Iterable[int] = count(start_id)
rpc_results: dict[int, dict] = {}
async def json_rpc(method: str, params: dict) -> dict:
async def json_rpc(
method: str,
params: dict,
) -> dict:
perform a json rpc call and wait for the result, raise exception in
case of error field present on response
nonlocal req_msgs
req_id: int = next(rpc_id)
msg = {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': next(rpc_id),
'id': req_id,
'method': method,
'params': params
_id = msg['id']
rpc_results[_id] = {
result = rpc_results[_id] = {
'result': None,
'event': trio.Event()
'error': None,
'event': trio.Event(), # signal caller resp arrived
req_msgs[_id] = msg
await ws.send_msg(msg)
# wait for reponse before unblocking requester code
await rpc_results[_id]['event'].wait()
ret = rpc_results[_id]['result']
if (maybe_result := result['result']):
ret = maybe_result
del rpc_results[_id]
del rpc_results[_id]
err = result['error']
raise Exception(
f'JSONRPC request failed\n'
f'req: {msg}\n'
f'resp: {err}\n'
if ret.error is not None:
raise Exception(json.dumps(ret.error, indent=4))
@ -428,6 +467,7 @@ async def open_jsonrpc_session(
the server side.
nonlocal req_msgs
async for msg in ws:
match msg:
case {
@ -451,19 +491,28 @@ async def open_jsonrpc_session(
'params': _,
if request_hook:
await request_hook(request_type(**msg))
case {
'error': error
if error_hook:
await error_hook(response_type(**msg))
# retreive orig request msg, set error
# response in original "result" msg,
# THEN FINALLY set the event to signal caller
# to raise the error in the parent task.
req_id: int = error['id']
req_msg: dict = req_msgs[req_id]
result: dict = rpc_results[req_id]
result['error'] = error
f'JSONRPC request failed\n'
f'req: {req_msg}\n'
f'resp: {error}\n'
case _:
log.warning(f'Unhandled JSON-RPC msg!?\n{msg}')
yield json_rpc