Clearly, the linter didn't help us here.. but, just pass the
`brokerd` time for now in the `.broker_time` field; we can't get it from
the fill-case incremental updates in the `openOrders` sub. Add some
notes about this and how we might approach for backends with this
The (partial) fills from this sub are most indicative of clears (also
says support) whereas the msgs in the `ownTrades` sub are only emitted
after the entire order request has completed - there is no size-vlm
Further enhancements:
- this also includes proper subscription-syncing inside `subscribe()` with
a small pre-msg-loop which waits on ack-msgs for each sub and raises any
errors. This approach should probably be implemented for the data feed
streams as well.
- configure the `ownTrades` sub to not bother sending historical data on
- make the `openOrders` sub include rate limit counters.
- handle the rare case where the ems is trying to cancel an order which
was just edited and hasn't yet had it's new `txid` registered.
Since we figured out how to pass through ems dialog ids to the
`openOrders` sub we don't really need to do much with status updates
other then error handling. This drops `process_status()` and moves the
error handling logic into a status handler sub-block; we now just
info-log status updates for troubleshooting purposes.
Why we need so many fields to accomplish passing through a dialog key to
orders is beyond me but this is how they do it with edits..
Allows not having to handle `editOrderStatus` msgs to update the dialog
key table and instead just do it in the `openOrders` sub by checking the
canceled msg for a 'cancel_reason' of 'Order replaced', in which case we
just pop the txid and wait for the new order the kraken backend engine
will submit automatically, which will now have the correct 'userref'
value we passed in via the `newuserref`, and then we add that new `txid`
to our table.
Turns out you can pass both thus making mapping an ems `oid` to
a brokerd-side `reqid` much more simple. This allows us to avoid keeping
as much local dialog state but with still the following caveats:
- ok `editOrder` msgs must update the reqid<->txid map
- only pop `reqids2txids` entries inside the `cancelOrderStatus` handler
If we don't have a pos table built out already (in mem) we can't figure
out the likely dst asset (since there's no pair entry to guide us) that
we should use to search for withdrawal transactions; so move it later.
Further this ports to the new api changes in `piker.pp`` that will land
with #365.
This ended up driving the rework of the `piker.pp` apis to use context
manager + table style which resulted in a much easier to follow
state/update system B). Also added is a flag to do a manual simulation
of a "fill triggered rt pp msg" which requires the user to delete the
last ledgered trade entry from config files and then allowing that trade
to emit through the `openOrders` sub and update client shortly after
order mode boot; this is how the rt updates were verified to work
without doing even more live orders 😂.
Patch details:
- open both `open_trade_ledger()` and `open_pps()` inside the trade
dialog startup and conduct a "pp state sync" logic phase where we now
pull the account balances and incrementally load pp data (in order,
from `pps.toml`, ledger, api) until we can generate the asset balance
by reverse incrementing through trade history eventually erroring out
if we can't reproduce the balance value.
- rework the `trade2pps()` to take in the `PpTable` and generate new
ems msgs from table updates.
- return the new `dict[str, Transaction]` expected from
- only update pp config and ledger on dialog exit.
Since our ems doesn't actually do blocking style client-side submission
updates, thus resulting in the client being able to update an existing
order's state before knowing its current state, we can run into race
conditions where for some backends an order is updated using the wrong
order id. For kraken we manually implement detecting this race (lol, for
now anyway) such that when a new client side edit comes in before the
new `txid` is known, we simply expect the handler loop to cancel the
order. Further this adds cancellation on arbitrary status errors, like
rate limits.
Also this adds 2 leg (ems <-> brokerd <-> kraken) msg tracing using
a `collections.ChainMap` which is likely going to end up being the POC
for a more general data structure recommended for backends that need to
trace msg flow for translation with the ems.
Turns out the `openOrders` and `ownTrades` subs always return a `reqid`
value (the one brokerd sends to the kraken api in order requests) is
always set to zero, which seems to be a bug? So this includes patches to
work around that as well reliance on the `openOrders` sub to do most
`BrokerdStatus` updates since `XOrderStatus` events don't seem to have
much data in them at all (they almost look like pure ack events so maybe
they aren't affirmative of final state changes anyway..).
Other fixes:
- respond with a `BrokerdOrderAck` immediately after `requid` generation
not after order submission to ensure the ems has a valid `requid`
*before* kraken api events are relayed through.
- add a `reqids2txids: bidict[int, str]` which maps brokerd genned
`requid`s to kraken-side `txid`s since (as mentioned above) the
clearing and state endpoints don't relay back this value (it's always
- add log messages for each sub so that (at least for now) we can see
exact msg contents coming from kraken.
- drop `.remaining` calcs for now since we need to keep record of the
order states manually in order to retreive the original submission
- fix the `openOrders` case for fills, in this case the message includes
no `status` field and thus we must catch it in a block *after* the
normal state handler to avoid masking.
- drop response msg generation from the cancel status case since we
can do it again from the `openOrders` handler and sending a double
status causes issues on the client side.
- add a shite ton of notes around all this missing `requid` stuff.
More or less just to avoid orders the user wasn't aware of from
persisting until we get "open order relaying" through the ems working.
Some further fixes which required a new `reqids2txids` map which keeps
track of which `kraken` "txid" is mapped to our `reqid: int`; mainly
this was needed for cancel requests which require knowing the underlying
`txid`s (since apparently kraken doesn't keep track of the "reqid" we
pass it). Pass the ws instance into `handle_order_updates()` to enable
the cancelling orders on startup. Don't key error on unknown `reqid`
values (for eg. when receiving historical trade events on startup).
Handle cancel requests first in the ems side loop.
Since we seem to always be able to get back the `reqid`/`userref` value
we send to kraken ws endpoints, we can use this as our brokerd side
order id and avoid all race cases with getting the true `txid` value
that `kraken` assigns (and which changes when you do "edits"
:eyeroll:). This simplifies status updates by allowing our relay loop
just to pass back our generated `.reqid` verbatim and allows responding
with a `BrokerdOrderAck` immediately in the request handler task which
should guarantee there are no further race conditions with the relay
loop and mapping `txid`s from kraken.. and figuring out wtf to do when
they change, etc.
Addressing same issue as in #350 where we need to compute position
updates using the *first read* from the ledger **before** we update it
to make sure `Position.lifo_update()` gets called and **not skipped**
because new trades were read as clears entries but haven't actually been
included in update calcs yet.. aka we call `Position.lifo_update()`.
Main change here is to convert `update_ledger()` into a context mngr so
that the ledger write is committed after pps updates using
This is basically a hotfix to #346 as well.
Turns out the EMS can support this as originally expected: you can
update a `brokerd`-side `.reqid` through a `BrokerdAck` msg and the ems
which update its cross-dialog (leg) tracking correctly! The issue was
a bug in the `editOrderStatus` msg handling and appropriate tracking
of the correct `.oid` (ems uid) on the kraken side. This unfortunately
required adding a `emsflow: dict[str, list[BrokerdOrder]]` msg flow
tracing table which means the broker daemon is tracking all the msg flow
with the ems, though I'm wondering now if this is just good practise
anyway and maybe we should offer a small primitive type from our msging
utils to aid with this? I've used such constructs in event handling
systems prior.
There's a lot more factoring that can be done after these changes as
well but the quick detailed summary is,
- rework the `handle_order_requests()` loop to use `match:` syntax and
update the new `emsflow` table on every new request from the ems.
- fix the `editOrderStatus` case pattern to not include an error msg and
thus actually be triggered to respond to the ems with a `BrokerdAck`
containing the new `.reqid`, the new kraken side `txid`.
- skip any `openOrders` msgs which are detected as being kraken's
internal order "edits" by matching on the `cancel_reason` field.
- update the `emsflow` table in all ws-stream msg handling blocks
with responses sent to the ems.
Relates to #290
Move to using the websocket API for all order control ops and dropping
the sync rest api approach which resulted in a bunch of buggy races.
Further this gets us must faster (batch) order cancellation for free
and a simpler ems request handler loop. We now heavily leverage the new
py3.10 `match:` syntax for all kraken-side API msg parsing and
processing and handle both the `openOrders` and `ownTrades` subscription
We also block "order editing" (by immediate cancellation) for now since
the EMS isn't entirely yet equipped to handle brokerd side `.reqid`
changes (which is how kraken implements so called order "updates" or
"edits") for a given order-request dialog and we may want to even
consider just implementing "updates" ourselves via independent cancel
and submit requests? Definitely something to ponder. Alternatively we
can "masquerade" such updates behind the count-style `.oid` remapping we
had to implement anyway (kraken's limitation) and maybe everything will
just work?
Further details in this patch:
- create 2 tables for tracking the EMS's `.oid` (uui4) value to `int`s
that kraken expects (for `reqid`s): `ids` and `reqmsgs` which enable
local lookup of ems uids to piker-backend-client-side request ids and
received order messages.
- add `openOrders` sub support which more or less directly relays to
equivalent `BrokerdStatus` updates and calc the `.filled` and
`.remaining` values based on cleared vlm updates.
- add handler blocks for `[add/edit/cancel]OrderStatus` events including
error msg cases.
- don't do any order request response processing in
`handle_order_requests()` since responses are always received via one
(or both?) of the new ws subs: `ownTrades` and `openOrders` and thus
such msgs are now handled in the response relay loop.
Relates to #290Resolves#310, #296
Moves to using the new `piker.pp` apis to both store real-time trade
events in a ledger file as well emit position update msgs (which were
not in this backend at all prior) when new orders clear (aka fill).
In terms of outstanding issues,
- solves the pp update part of the bugs reported in #310
- starts a msg case block in prep for #293
Details of rework:
- move the `subscribe()` ws fixture to module level and `partial()` in
the client token instead of passing it to the instance; in prep for
removal of the `.token` attr from the `NoBsWs` wrapper.
- drop `make_auth_sub()` since it was too thin and we can just
do it all succinctly in `subscribe()`
- filter trade update msgs to those not yet stored int the toml ledger
- much better kraken api msg unpacking using new `match:` synax B)
No real-time update support (yet) but this is the first draft at writing
trades ledgers and `pps.toml` entries for the kraken backend.
- drop `pack_positions()`, no longer used.
- use `piker.pp` apis to both write a trades ledger file and update the
`pps.toml` inside the `trades_dialogue()` endpoint startup.
- drop the weird paper engine swap over if auth can't be done, we should
be doing something with messaging in the ems over this..
- more web API error response raising.
- pass the `pp.Transaction` set loaded from ledger into
`process_trade_msgs()` do avoid duplicate sends of already collected
trades msgs.
- add `norm_trade_records()` public endpoing (used by `piker.pp` api)
and `update_ledger()` helper.
- rejig `process_trade_msgs()` to drop the weird `try:` assertion block
and skip already-recorded-in-ledger trade msgs as well as yield *each*
trade instead of sub-sequences.