Since porting all backends to the new `FeedInit` + `MktPair` + `Asset`
style init, we can now just directly pass a `MktPair` instance to the
history endpoint(s) since it's always called *after* the live feed
`.stream_quotes()` ep B)
This has a lot of benefits including allowing brokerd backends to have
more flexible, pre-processed market endpoint meta-data that piker has
already validated; makes handling special cases in much more straight
forward as well such as forex pairs from legacy brokers XD
First pass changes all crypto backends to expect this new input, ib will
come next after handling said special cases..
Previously you couldn't have a brokerd backend which defined
`.trades_dialogue()` but which could also indicate that the paper
clearing engine should be used. This adds that support by allowing the
endpoint task to return a simple `'paper'` string, in which case the ems
will boot a paperboi.
The obvious useful case for this is if you have a broker you want to use
but do not have actual broker credentials setup (yet) with that provider
in your `brokers.toml`; demonstrated here with the adjustment to
`kraken`'s startup to no longer raise a runtime error B)
This will (likely) act as a new backend query endpoint for other `piker`
(client) code to lookup `MktPair` info from each backend. To start it
also returns the backend-broker's local `Pair` (or wtv other type) as
The main motivation for this is for our paper engine which can require
the mkt info when processing paper-trades ledgers which do not contain
appropriate info to compute position metrics.
Allows building a `MktPair` from the backend specific `Pair` for
eventual use in the data feed layer. Also adds `Pair.price/tick_size` to
get to the expected tick precision info format.
Try out using our new internal type for storing info about kraken's asset
infos now stored in the `Client.assets: dict[str, Asset]` table. Handle
a server error when requesting such info msgs.
Our issue was not having the correct value set on each
`Symbol.lot_tick_size`.. and then doing PPU calcs with the default set
for legacy mkts..
- actually write `pps.toml` on broker mode exit.
- drop `get_likely_pair()` and import from pp module.
Apparently it will likely fix our `trio`-cancel-scopes-corrupted crash
when we try to let our `._web_bs.NoBsWs` do reconnect logic around
the asyn-generator implemented data-feed streaming routines in `binance`
and `kraken`. See the project docs for deatz; obvs we add the lib as
a dep.
Also includes a retyping of `Client._pair: dict[str, Pair]` to look up
pair structs and map all alt-key-name-sets to each for easy precision
info lookup to set the `.sym` field for each transaction including for
on-chain transfers which kraken provides as an "asset decimals" field,
presumably pulled from the particular block-token's limitation info.
Add decimal quantize API to Symbol to simplify by-broker truncation
Add symbol info to `pps.toml`
Move _assert call to outside the _async_main context manager
Minor indentation and styling changes, also convert a few prints to log calls
Fix multi write / race condition on open_pps call
Switch open_pps to not write by default
Fix integer math kraken syminfo _tick_size initialization
Factor and fix dst <- src pair parsing into a new func
`get_likely_pair()` and use throughout initial position loading; solves
a parsing bug for src asset balances which aren't only 3 chars long..
a terrible assumption.
Trying to send a message in the `NoBsWs.fixture()` exit when the ws is
not currently disconnected causes a double `._stack.close()` call which
will corrupt `trio`'s coro stack. Instead only do the unsub if we detect
the ws is still up.
Also drops the legacy `backfill_bars()` module endpoint.