Commit Graph

1616 Commits (12250a7bb1a96e441699f2900ffb9a1f74411d45)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tyler Goodlet 1fd8654ca5 Port all `.ui*` submods to new `.ui.qt` imports
This also officially moves the code base to using `PyQt6` including all
necessary reference changes and enum namespace path moves.

Also includes a small `.ui.order_mode` fix to cancel any
`Order.price <= 0` and a name error fix with logging using `msg`,
which is already used for the input order msg..
2024-05-01 14:33:10 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet d0170982bf Add `piker.ui.qt` as a `PyQt6` shim module
For the future, like if we ever get a `PyQt7` (or wtv else..), add
a module which allows changing Qt binding lib imports from one spot for
all other `.ui` submodules. In some sense this is like a shoddier, less
dynamic version of how `` supports multiple
libs; it might actually make sense eventually to instead import from
their shim layer instead?

Included is a draft attempt at exposing a bunch of enums which under
custom names:
- while the specific grouping of values seem to always stay consistent,
  the root enum's seem to almost always get moved around in the `PyQtX`
  module namespace.
- changing groupings and/or each top level enum's ns location can more
  simply be changed/re-orged from one spot.
- allows `.ui` consumer code to use a name more relevant to `piker`'s
  usage of wtv UI component is being configured.
2024-05-01 14:30:18 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 821e73a409 Use a `unit_prefix: str` (like u or $) on health bar 2024-05-01 14:09:39 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 83d1f117a8 Always cancel (loaded) zero-priced orders
Ran into this trading a peenee where a dark got (mistakenly) submitted
at a price of 0 and then that consecutively broke upstream allocator/pp
code due to a divide-by-zero.. So instead always check for a zero-price
(since that should never ever be valid in any market) and instead cancel
any such order in the EMS and return `None` so that upstream callers can
ignore it without crash handling.
2024-01-17 10:29:43 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet d3e7b5cd0e Formalize rc `redraw()` msg-endpoint
So now a chart rc client can ask to invoke the new
`Viz.reset_graphics()` by timeframe and fqme Bo This handy when doing
underlying (real time or tsp) edits and you want to make the UI reflect
the changes incrementally.

Impl deatz:
- tweak the msg schema to use a `cmd:  str` which normally maps to
  (something similar to) the UI method name instead of `annot` and now
  offer 3 such "commands": 'redraw', 'remove', 'SelectRect'.
- impl `AnnotCtl.redraw()` which sends the underlying `msg: dict` on the
  correct `tractor.Msgstream` ipc instance.
  - since ipc-stream lookups now happen in multiple client methods impl
    a private `._get_ipc()` to do the error raise on unknown fqmes.
2024-01-03 17:33:15 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet c82ca812a8 Pass display state table to interaction handlers
This took a teensie bit of reworking in some `.ui` modules
more or less in the following order of functional dependence:

- add a `Ctl-R` kb-binding to trigger a `Viz.reset_graphics()` in
  the kb-handler task `handle_viewmode_kb_inputs()`.
  - call the new method on all `Viz`s (& for all sample-rates) and
    `DisplayState` refs provided in a (new input)
    `dss: dict[str, DisplayState]` table, which was originally inite-ed
    from the multi-feed display loop (so orig in `.graphics_update_loop()`
    but now provided as an input to that func, see below..)
- `._interaction`: allow binding in `async_handler()` kwargs (`via
  a `functools.partial`) passed to `ChartView.open_async_input_handler()`
  such that arbitrary inputs to our kb+mouse handler funcs can accept
  "wtv we desire".
  - use ^ to bind in the aforementioned `dss` display-state table to
    said handlers!
- define the `dss` table (as mentioned) inside `._display.display_symbol_data()`
  and pass it into the update loop funcs as well as the newly augmented
  `.open_async_input_handler()` calls,
  - drop calling `chart.view.open_async_input_handler()` from the
    `.order_mode.open_order_mode()`'s enter block and instead factor it
    into the caller to support passing the `dss` table to the kb
  - comment out the original history update loop handling of forced `Viz`
    redraws entirely since we now have a manual method via `Ctl-R`.
  - now, just update the `._remote_ctl.dss: dict` with this table since
    we want to also provide rc for **all** loaded feeds, not just the
    currently shown one/set.
- docs, naming and typing tweaks to `._event.open_handlers()`
2023-12-28 21:06:06 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet a7ad50cf8f Add `Viz.reset_graphics()` for "force re-render"
Since we're now using it multiple layers probably makes sense to impl
and wrap it more correctly / publicly. The main (recent) use case is
where editing an underlying time series and then wanting to refresh the
graphics layers to reflect the changes in a chart. Part of this also
obviously includes wiping the y-range mx/mn cache.

Also ensure that `force_redraw` is proxying through to any `BarItems`
via the new `render_baritems()` func kwarg even when switching between
downsampled-line vs. bars modes.
2023-12-28 18:00:26 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 661805695e Reimpl axis dt label contents gen with `polars`
Since `polars` has a more sane set of (time-zone aware) datetime APIs it
makes more sense and is definitely no slower then the previous `numpy`
impl. Also, actually use the sample-rate specific formats defined in
`DynamicDateAxis.tick_tpl`: dict[int, str]` finally using the new
`Viz.time_step()` property.
2023-12-28 11:08:29 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 3de7c9a9eb Add `Viz.time_step()`, the sample step-size in time
Since we end up needing the actual (OHLC sampled) time step info (at
least in seconds) for various purposes (in this specific follow up use
case to determine sample-rate specific `datetime` format strings for
a charted time series x-axis label), allow always reading it from the
viz with the presumption (at least for now) the underlying data-frame
will have an epoch `'time'` col/field.
2023-12-28 11:02:06 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet ad565936ec Factor UI-rc loop into ctx-free func
In theory the `async for msg` loop can be re-purposed without having to
always call `remote_annotate()` so factor it into a new
`serve_rc_annots()` and then just call it from the former (for now) with
the wrapping `try:` block outside to delete per-client-ctx annotation
instance sets. Also, use some type aliases instead of repeatedly
defining the same complex `dict`-table defs B)
2023-12-26 20:56:04 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet d4b07cc95a `ui._lines`: more direct Qt imports for typing 2023-12-26 20:49:07 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 88f415e5b8 Cannot delete when the rect has no scene.. 2023-12-26 17:36:34 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 1d7e97a295 Woops, need to use `.push_async_callback()`
For non-full-`.__aexit__()` handlers need this method instead (facepalm).
Also create and assign the `AnnotCtl._annot_stack: AsyncExitStack` just
before yielding the client since it's not needed prior and ensures annot
removal happens **before** ipc teardown.
2023-12-24 15:08:44 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet bbb98597a0 Add annot removal via client methods or ctx-mngr
Since leaking annots to a remote `chart` actor probably isn't a thing we
want to do (often), add a removal/deletion handler block to the
`remote_annotate()` ctx which can be triggered using a `{rm_annot: aid}`

Augmnent the `AnnotCtl` with,
- `.remove() which sends said msg (from above) and returns a `bool`
  indicating success.
- add an `.open_rect()` acm which does the `.add_rect()` / `.remove()`
  calls underneath for use in scope oriented client usage.
- add a `._annot_stack: AsyncExitStack` which will always have any/all
  non-`.open_rect()` calls to `.add_rect()` register removal on client
  teardown, to avoid leaking annots when a client finally disconnects.
- comment out the `.modify()` meth idea for now.
- rename all `Xstream` var-tags to `Xipc` names.
2023-12-24 14:42:12 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet e33d6333ec Woops, remove the label-proxy, not the widget.. 2023-12-24 13:59:16 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 263a5a8d07 Add `SelectRect.delete()` for permanent scene dealloc 2023-12-23 13:37:47 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet b064a5f94d A working remote annotations controller B)
Obvi took a little `.ui` component fixing (as per prior commits) but
this is now a working PoC for gap detection and markup from a remote
(data) non-`chart` actor!

Iface and impl deats from `.ui._remote_ctl`:
- add new `open_annot_ctl()` mngr which attaches to all locally
  discoverable chart actors, gathers annot-ctl streams per fqme set, and
  delivers a new `AnnotCtl` client which allows adding annotation
  rectangles via a `.add_rect()` method.
  - also template out some other soon-to-get methods for removing and
    modifying pre-exiting annotations on some `ChartView` 💥
- ensure the `chart` CLI subcmd starts the (`qtloops`) guest-mode init
  with the `.ui._remote_ctl` module enabled.
- actually use this stuff in the `piker store ldshm` CLI to submit
  markup rects around any detected null/time gaps in the tsdb data!

Still lots to do:
-  probably colorization of gaps depending on if they're venue
   closures (aka real mkt gaps) vs. "missing data" from the backend (aka
   timeseries consistency gaps).
- run gap detection and markup as part of the std `.tsp` sub-sys
   runtime such that gap annots are a std "built-in" feature of
- support for epoch time stamp AND abs-shm-index rect x-values
  (depending on chart operational state).
2023-12-22 15:19:20 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet e7fa841263 Pass scene-points to `.select_box` as per prior comments
As mentioned in a prior commit this was the (seemingly, and so far) only
way to make our `.select_box` annotator shift-click rect work properly
(and the same as) by adopting the code around `ViewBox.rbScaleBox`
(which we now also disable). That means also passing the scene coords to
the `SelectRect.set_scen_pos()`. Also add in the proper `ev:
pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene.mouseEvents.MouseDragEvent` so we can actually
figure out wut the hell all this pg custom mouse-event stuff is XD
2023-12-22 12:09:08 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 1f346483a0 Always pass full `ShmArray._array` buf to `ContentsLables` updates so the label can be used outside the "backfilled-valid" range 2023-12-22 12:06:55 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet d006ecce7e Fix `._pg_overrides` import cycle caused by our `Axis` override 2023-12-22 12:05:18 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 69368f20c2 Finally fix our `SelectRect` for use with cursor..
Turns out using the `.setRect()` method was the main cause of the issue
(though still don't really understand how or why) and this instead
adopts verbatim the code from `pg.ViewBox.updateScaleBox()` which uses
a scaling transform to set the rect for the "zoom scale box" thingy.

Further add a shite ton more improvements and interface tweaks in
support of the new remote-annotation control msging subsys:
- re-impl `.set_scen_pos()` to expect `QGraphicsScene` coordinates (i.e.
  passed from the interaction loop and pass scene `QPointF`s from
  `ViewBox.mouseDragEvent()` using the `MouseDragEvent.scenePos()` and
  friends; this is required to properly use the transform setting
  approach to resize the select-rect as mentioned above.
- add `as_point()` converter to maybe-cast python `tuple[float, float]`
  inputs (prolly from IPC msgs) to equivalent `QPointF`s.
- add a ton more detailed Qt-obj-related typing throughout our deriv.
- call `.add_to_view()` from init so that wtv view is passed in during
  instantiation is always set as the `.vb` after creation.
- factor the (proxy widget) label creation into a new `.init_label()`
  so that both the `set_scen/view_pos()` methods can call it and just
  generally decouple rect-pos mods from label content mods.
2023-12-22 11:47:31 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 8d324acf91 First (untested) draft remote annotation ctl API
Since we can and want to eventually allow remote control of pretty much
all UIs, this drafts out a new `.ui._remote_ctl` module with a new
`@tractor.context` called `remote_annotate()` which simply starts a msg
loop which allows for (eventual) initial control of a `SelectRect`
through IPC msgs.

Remote controller impl deats:
- make `._display.graphics_update_loop()` set a `._remote_ctl._dss:
  dict` for all chart actor-global `DisplayState` instances which can
  then be controlled from the `remote_annotate()` handler task.
- also stash any remote client controller `tractor.Context` handles in
  a module var for broadband IPC cancellation on any display loop
- draft a further global map to track graphics object instances since
  likely we'll want to support remote mutation where the client can use
  the `id(obj): int` key as an IPC handle/uuid.
- just draft out a client-side `@acm` for now: `open_annots_client()` to
  be filled out in up coming commits.

UI component tweaks in support of the above:
- change/add `SelectRect.set_view_pos()` and `.set_scene_pos()` to allow
  specifying the rect coords in either of the scene or viewbox domains.
  - use these new apis in the interaction loop.
- add a `SelectRect.add_to_view()` to avoid having annotation client
  code knowing "how" a graphics obj needs to be added and can instead
  just pass only the target `ChartView` during init.
- drop all the status label updates from the display loop since they
  don't really work all the time, and probably it's not a feature we
  want to keep in the longer term (over just console output and/or using
  the status bar for simpler "current state / mkt" infos).
  - allows a bit of simplification of `.ui._fsp` method APIs to not pass
    around status (bar) callbacks as well!
2023-12-19 15:36:54 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet ab84303da7 Drop `SelectRect.mouse_drag_released()` since it was a dumb method 2023-12-18 20:32:17 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet f5dc21d3f4 Adjust all `.tsp` imports to use new sub-pkg
Also toss in a poll loop around the `hist_shm: ShmArray` backfill
read-check in the `.data.allocate_persisten_feed()`  init to cope with
possible racy-ness from the increased tsdb history loading concurrency
now implemented.
2023-12-18 11:54:28 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 3639f360c3 Reactivate forced viz updates from sampler broadcasts in hist display loop 2023-12-15 13:59:19 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet afd0781b62 Add (shm) abs index to `ContextLabel` 2023-12-15 13:57:10 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet b94582cb35 Move `dedupe()` to `.data.tsp` (so it has pals)
Includes a rename of `.data._timeseries` -> `.data.tsp` for "time series
processing", making it a public sub-mod; it contains a highly useful set
of data-frame and `numpy.ndarray` ops routines in various subsystems Bo
2023-12-11 16:24:27 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet dd0167b9a5 Make `fsp.cascade()` expect src/dst `Flume`s
Been meaning to this for a while, and there's still a few design
/ interface kinks (like `.mkt: MktPair` which should be better
generalized?) but this flips over all of the fsp chaining engine
to operate on the higher level `Flume` APIs via the newly cobbled
`Cascade` thinger..
2023-12-06 17:53:35 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet d3dab17939 order_mode: fix to avoid `Dialog.uuid` on null dialog.. 2023-10-20 13:57:52 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 00c046c280 Factor transport-ep parser/loader into helper
For now def it `.cli.load_trans_eps()` just inside the pkg mod; only
loads the ep for `pikerd` which currently acts as the main service-actor
registrar per host. Delegate to this new `.load_trans_eps()`
as-it-was-used from the `pikerd` cmd body and add fresh support for
`piker chart --maddr <addr: str>` using the routine in the body of the
`piker.cli.cli` cmd group after loading the `conf.toml::network` section

Also, toss in runtime debug mode wrapping around `piker chart` using the
new `tractor.devx.maybe_open_crash_handler()` and pull the switch from
a `--pdb` flag now factored into the `.cli.cli` click group.
2023-10-03 10:00:01 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet e5fdb33e31 Port cache-`dict` search to new `rapidfuzz` api 2023-10-01 17:46:46 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet e139d2e259 Set `registry_addrs` in CLI (click) context-config
Since `tractor` and our runtime internals is now moved to multihomed semantics,
do the same in the CLI / config entrypoints.

Also, try using the new `tractor.devx.maybe_open_crash_handler()` around
the `pikerd` CLI.
2023-10-01 15:42:31 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet a98f5877bc ui._exec: use new `get_runtime_vars()` name 2023-09-28 12:31:24 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 4a180019f0 Swap out `fuzzywuzzy` for the newer `rapidfuzz` lib 2023-09-13 11:57:02 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 995d1534b6 Drop hard redraws for now 2023-08-25 13:33:59 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 9d31941d42 order_mode: embedded `Order` maybe be in dict form.. 2023-08-25 13:33:59 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 077d9bf1d2 Better commenting around order-mode error block 2023-08-10 12:41:53 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 5ed8544fd1 Bleh, move `.data.types` back up to top level pkg
Since it's depended on by `.data` stuff as well as pretty much
everything else, makes more sense to expose it as a top level module
(and maybe eventually as a subpkg as we add to it).
2023-08-05 15:57:10 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 94ebe1e87e Add some new hotkey maps for chart zoom and pane hiding 2023-08-02 20:41:56 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet fff610fa8d Fix `PositionTracker.pane` attr resolve bug.. 2023-08-02 17:33:02 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet d94ab9d5b2 order_mode: Only send cancels for dialogs that still exist 2023-07-26 15:43:48 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 64329d44e7 Flip `tractor.breakpoint()`s to new `.pause()` 2023-07-26 12:48:19 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 4436342d33 Change ui stuff to use new `Position.cumsize` attr name 2023-07-26 12:40:09 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 5e7916a0df Start `piker.toolz` subpkg for all our tooling B)
Since there's a growing list of top level mods which are more or less
utils/tools for working with the runtime; begin to move them into a new
subpkg starting with a new `.toolz.debug`.

Start with,
- a new `open_crash_handller()` for doing breakpoints around blocks that
  might error.
- move in what was `piker._profile` into `.toolz.profile` and adjust all
  importing appropriately.
2023-07-20 15:23:01 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet a05a82486d Log a warning on no symcache support in a backend 2023-07-17 17:31:12 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 71d0097dc7 Switch to `Position.cumsize` in tracker and order mode mods 2023-07-17 13:51:30 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 8fb667686f Open symcaches as part of per-backend search spawning 2023-07-17 01:24:45 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 621634b5a2 Move `frame_ticks()` and tick-type defs into `.ticktools` 2023-06-27 15:47:05 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet eacc59226f rename `.data._normalize` -> `.ticktools` 2023-06-27 15:47:05 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 49e67d5f36 Always add a paper (account) entry to order mode init
Allows for tracking paper engine orders despite the ems not necessarily
being opened by the current order mode instance (UI) in "paper"
execution mode; useful for tracking bots/strats running against the same
EMS daemon.
2023-06-27 13:48:03 -04:00