WIP: Create examples/multihost/ script set to show some distributed cases! #3

goodboy wants to merge 2 commits from multihost_exs into aio_abandons

Add a super naive multi-host-capable web-req proxier for @jc211

This is based on their example from a thread in the trio room

Likely more refinements to come, especially deats on how to maybe grab the pub ip addresses of each host automatically maybe?

Todo for this to land: - [ ] ensure the “during handling of the above exception” teardown case is resolved when we return the return httpx.Response without a spec,

  • possibly make a python pkg which more clearly demonstrates how a distributed tractor app should/could look?

  • add more full example with a msg-spec for use in both the client & server, prolly pkged in a .msgspec.py submod and imported from both?

  • docs and/or flags for enabling debug mode.

  • example with registries in both client and server root actors such that both can be queried to discover some daemon subactors spawned (by the eventually merged in service-mngr from piker..)

Add a super naive multi-host-capable web-req proxier for @jc211 This is based on their example from a [thread in the trio room](https://matrix.to/#/!OqDVTrmPstKzivLwZW:gitter.im/$S4vkyuW7v8brARZlqZgkXviQuoBvYLgqr37bS_hwy8M?via=gitter.im&via=matrix.org&via=zoltan.site) Likely more refinements to come, especially deats on how to maybe grab the pub ip addresses of each host automatically maybe? ---- Todo for this to land: - [ ] ensure the "during handling of the above exception" teardown case is resolved when we return the `return httpx.Response` without a spec, - [ ] possibly make a python pkg which more clearly demonstrates how a distributed `tractor` app should/could look? - [ ] add more full example with a msg-spec for use in both the client & server, prolly pkged in a `.msgspec.py` submod and imported from both? - [ ] docs and/or flags for enabling debug mode. - [ ] example with registries in both client and server root actors such that both can be queried to discover some daemon subactors spawned (by the eventually merged in service-mngr from `piker`..)
goodboy added 1 commit 2024-09-19 02:53:19 +00:00
goodboy changed title from Start a `examples/multihost/` set to kick start distributed usage! to Create `examples/multihost/` script set to show some distributed cases! 2024-09-19 05:26:44 +00:00
goodboy changed title from Create `examples/multihost/` script set to show some distributed cases! to WIP: Create `examples/multihost/` script set to show some distributed cases! 2024-09-19 05:39:55 +00:00
goodboy added 1 commit 2024-09-19 06:51:45 +00:00
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Reference: goodboy/tractor#3
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