More or less just simplifies to not seeing the stream closure errors and
instead expecting KBIs from the simulated user who 'ctl-cs after hang'.
Toss in a little `stuff_hangin_ctlc()` to the script to wrap all that
and always check stream closure before sending the final KBI.
I swear long ago it used to operate this way but, I guess this finalizes
the design decision. It makes a lot more sense to *not* propagate any
`trio.EndOfChannel` raised from a `Context.open_stream() as stream:`
block when that EoC is due to graceful-explicit stream termination.
We use the EoC much like a `StopAsyncIteration` where the error
indicates termination of the stream due to either:
- reception of a stop IPC msg indicating the far end ended the stream
- closure of the underlying `Context._recv_chan` either by the runtime
or due to user code having called `MsgStream.aclose()`.
User code shouldn't expect to handle EoC outside the block since the
`@acm` having closed should indicate the exactly same lifetime state
(of said stream) ;)
- add special EoC handler in `.open_stream()` which silently "absorbs"
the error only when the stream is already marked as closed (meaning
the EoC indeed corresponds to IPC closure) with an assert for now
ensuring the error is the same as set to `MsgStream._eoc`.
- in `MsgStream.receive()` break up the handlers for EoC and
`trio.ClosedResourceError` since the error instances are saved to
different variables and we **don't** want to rewrite the exception in
the eoc case (normally to mask `trio` internals in tbs) bc we need the
instance to be the exact one for doing checks inside
`.open_stream().__aexit__()` to absorb it.
Other surrounding "improvements":
- start using the new `Context.maybe_raise()` helper where it can easily
replace existing equivalent block-sections.
- use new `RemoteActorError.src_uid` as required.
- `trio_typing` is nearly obsolete since `trio >= 0.23`
- `exceptiongroup` is built-in to python 3.11
- `async_generator` primitives have lived in `contextlib` for quite
a while!
Since `._runtime` was getting pretty long (> 2k LOC) and much of the RPC
low-level machinery is fairly isolated to a handful of task-funcs, it
makes sense to re-org the RPC task scheduling and driving msg loop to
its own code space.
The move includes:
- `process_messages()` which is the main IPC business logic.
- `try_ship_error_to_remote()` helper, to box local errors for the wire.
- `_invoke()`, the core task scheduler entrypoing used in the msg loop.
- `_invoke_non_context()`, holds impls for non-`@context` task starts.
- `_errors_relayed_via_ipc()` which does all error catch-n-boxing for
wire-msg shipment using `try_ship_error_to_remote()` internally.
Also inside `._runtime` improve some `Actor` methods docs.
Finally, since normally you need the content from `._context.Context`
and surroundings in order to effectively grok `Portal.open_context()`
anyways, might as well move the impl to the ctx module as
`open_context_from_portal()` and just bind it on the `Portal` class def.
Associated/required tweaks:
- avoid circ import on `.devx` by only import
`.maybe_wait_for_debugger()` when debug mode is set.
- drop `async_generator` usage, not sure why this hadn't already been
changed to `contextlib`?
- use `@acm` alias throughout `._portal`
Previously i was trying to approach this using lots of
`__tracebackhide__`'s in various internal funcs but since it's not
exactly straight forward to do this inside core deps like `trio` and the
stdlib, it makes a bit more sense to optionally catch and re-raise
certain classes of errors from their originals using `raise from` syntax
as per:
- litter `._context` methods with `__tracebackhide__`/`hide_tb` which
were previously being shown but that don't need to be to application
code now that cancel semantics testing is finished up.
- i originally did the same but later commented it all out in `._ipc`
since error catch and re-raise instead in higher level layers
(above the transport) seems to be a much saner approach.
- add catch-n-reraise-from in `MsgStream.send()`/.`receive()` to avoid
seeing the depths of `trio` and/or our `._ipc` layers on comms errors.
Further this patch adds some refactoring to use the
same remote-error shipper routine from both the actor-core in the RPC
- rename it as `try_ship_error_to_remote()` and call it from
`._invoke()` as well as it's prior usage.
- make it optionally accept `cid: str` a `remote_descr: str` and of
course a `hide_tb: bool`.
Other misc tweaks:
- add some todo notes around `Actor.load_modules()` debug hooking.
- tweak the zombie reaper log msg and timeout value ;)
Since importing from our top level `` is not scaleable
or as "future forward thinking" in terms of:
- LoC-wise (it's only one file),
- prevents "external" (aka non-test) example scripts from importing
content easily,
- seemingly(?) can't be used via abs-import if using
a `[tool.pytest.ini_options]` in a `pyproject.toml` vs.
a `pytest.ini`, see:
=> Go back to having an internal "testing" pkg like `trio` (kinda) does.
- move generic top level helpers into pkg-mod including the new
`expect_ctxc()` (which i needed in the advanced faults testing script.
- move `@tractor_test` into `._testing.pytest` sub-mod.
- adjust all the helper imports to be a `from tractor._testing import <..>`
Rework `test_ipc_channel_break_during_stream()` and backing script:
- make test(s) pull `debug_mode` from new fixture (which is now
controlled manually from `--tpdb` flag) and drop the previous
parametrized input.
- update logic in ^ test for "which-side-fails" cases to better match
recently updated/stricter cancel/failure semantics in terms of
`ClosedResouruceError` vs. `EndOfChannel` expectations.
- handle `ExceptionGroup`s with expected embedded errors in test.
- better pendantics around whether to expect a user simulated KBI.
- for `examples/advanced_faults/` script:
- generalize ipc breakage in new `break_ipc()` with support for diff
internal `trio` methods and a #TODO for future disti frameworks
- only make one sub-actor task break and the other just stream.
- use new `._testing.expect_ctxc()` around ctx block.
- add a bit of exception handling with `print()`s around ctxc (unused
except if 'msg' break method is set) and eoc cases.
- don't break parent side ipc in loop any more then once
after first break, checked via flag var.
- add a `pre_close: bool` flag to control whether
`MsgStreama.aclose()` is called *before* any ipc breakage method.
Still TODO:
- drop `pytest.ini` and add the alt section to ``.
-> currently can't get `--rootdir=` opt to work.. not showing in
console header.
-> ^ also breaks on 'tests' `enable_modules` imports in subactors
during discovery tests?
With the seeming cause that some cases occasionally raise
`ExceptionGroup` instead of a (collapsed out) single error which, in
those cases at least try to check that `.exceptions` has the original
Found exactly why trying this won't work when playing around with
opening workspaces in `modden` using a `Portal.open_context()` back to
the 'bigd' root actor: the RPC machinery only registers one entry in
`Actor._contexts` which will get overwritten by each task's side and
then experience race-based IPC msging errors (eg. rxing `{'started': _}`
on the callee side..). Instead make opening a ctx back to the self-actor
a runtime error describing it as an invalid op.
To match:
- add a new test `test_ctx_with_self_actor()` to the context semantics
- tried out adding a new `side: str` to the `Actor.get_context()` (and
callers) but ran into not being able to determine the value from in
`._push_result()` where it's needed to figure out which side to push
to.. So, just leaving the commented arg (passing) in the runtime core
for now in case we can come back to trying to make it work, tho i'm
thinking it's not the right hack anyway XD
Call it `allow_msg_keys: list[str] = ['yield']` and set it to accept
`['yield', 'return']` from the drain loop in `.aclose()`. Only pass the
last key error to `_raise_from_no_key_in_msg()` in the fall-through
Somehow this seems to prevent all the intermittent test failures i was
seeing in local runs including when running the entire suite all in
sequence; i ain't complaining B)
Much like similar recent changes throughout the core, build out `msg:
str` depending on error cases and emit with `.cancel()` level as
appropes. Also mute (via level) some duplication in the cancel case
inside `_run_asyncio_task()` for console noise reduction.
Since apparently `str(KeyboardInterrupt()) == ''`? So instead add little
`<str> or repr(merr)` expressions throughout to avoid blank strings
rendering if various `repr()`/`.__str__()` outputs..
Not sure if it's really that useful other then for reporting errors from
`current_actor()` but at least it alerts `tractor` devs and/or users
when the runtime has already terminated vs. hasn't been started
Set the `._last_actor_terminated: tuple` in the root's final block which
allows testing for an already terminated tree which is the case where
`._state._current_actor == None` and the last is set.
Including mostly tweaking asserts on relayed `ContextCancelled`s and
the new pub ctx properties: `.outcome`, `.maybe_error`, etc. as it
pertains to graceful (absorbed) remote cancellation vs. loud ctxc cases
expected to be raised by any `Portal.cancel_actor()` style teardown.
Start checking a variety internals like `._remote/local_error`,
`._is_self_cancelled()`, `._is_final_result_set()`, `._cancel_msg`
where applicable.
Also factor out the new `expect_ctxc()` checker to our `` for
use in other suites.
Changes the condition logic to be more strict and moves it to a private
`._is_self_cancelled() -> bool` predicate which can be used elsewhere
(instead of having almost similar duplicate checks all over the
place..) and allows taking in a specific `remote_error` just for
verification purposes (like for tests).
Main strictness distinctions are now:
- obvi that `.cancel_called` is set (this filters any
`Portal.cancel_actor()` or other out-of-band RPC),
- the received `ContextCancelled` **must** have its `.canceller` set to
this side's `Actor.uid` (indicating we are the requester).
- `.src_actor_uid` **must** be the same as the `.chan.uid` (so the error
must have originated from the opposite side's task.
- `ContextCancelled.canceller` should be already set to the `.chan.uid`
indicating we received the msg via the runtime calling
`._deliver_msg()` -> `_maybe_cancel_and_set_remote_error()` which
ensures the error is specifically destined for this ctx-task exactly
the same as how `Actor._cancel_task()` sets it from an input
`requesting_uid` arg.
In support of the above adjust some impl deats:
- add `Context._actor: Actor` which is set once in `mk_context()` to
avoid issues (particularly in testing) where `current_actor()` raises
after the root actor / runtime is already exited. Use `._actor.uid` in
both `.cancel_acked` (obvi) and '_maybe_cancel_and_set_remote_error()`
when deciding whether to call `._scope.cancel()`.
- always cast `.canceller` to `tuple` if not null.
- delegate `.cancel_acked` directly to new private predicate (obvi).
- always set `._canceller` from any `RemoteActorError.src_actor_uid` or
failing over to the `.chan.uid` when a non-remote error (tho that
shouldn't ever happen right?).
- more extensive doc-string for `.cancel()` detailing the new strictness
rules about whether an eventual `.cancel_acked` might be set.
Also tossed in even more logging format tweaks by adding a
`type_only: bool` to `.repr_outcome()` as desired for simpler output in
the `state: <outcome-repr-here>` and `.repr_rpc()` sections of the
Like how we set `Context._cancel_msg` in `._deliver_msg()` (in
which case normally it's an `{'error': ..}` msg), do the same when any
RPC task is remotely cancelled via `Actor._cancel_task` where that task
doesn't yet have a cancel msg set yet.
This makes is much easier to distinguish between ctx cancellations due
to some remote error vs. Explicit remote requests via any of
`Actor.cancel()`, `Portal.cancel_actor()` or `Context.cancel()`.
We don't expect `._scope.cancelled_caught` to be set really ever on
inter-peer cancellation since no ctx is ever cancelling itself, a peer
cancels some other and then bubbles back to all other peers.
Also add `ids: lambda` for `error_during_ctxerr_handling` param to
Buncha subtle details changed mostly to do with when `Context.cancel()`
gets called on "real" remote errors vs. (peer requested) cancellation
and then local side handling of `ContextCancelled`.
Specific changes to make tests pass:
- due to raciness with `sleeper_ctx.result()` raising the ctxc locally
vs. the child-peers receiving similar ctxcs themselves (and then
erroring and propagating back to the root parent), we might not see
`._remote_error` set during the sub-ctx loops (except for the sleeper
itself obvi).
- do not expect `.cancel_called`/`.cancel_caught` to be set on any
sub-ctx since currently `Context.cancel()` is only called non-shielded
and thus is not in invoked when `._scope.cancel()` is called as part
of each root-side ctx ref/block handling the inter-peer ctxc.
- do not expect `Context._scope.cancelled_caught` to be set in most cases
(even the sleeper)
TODO Outstanding adjustments not fixed yet:
-[ ] `_scope.cancelled_caught` checks outside the `.open_context()`
Since eventually we want to implement all other RPC "func types" as
contexts underneath this starts the rework to move all the other cases
into a separate func not only to simplify the main `._invoke()` body but
also as a reminder of the intention to do it XD
Details of re-factor:
- add a new `._invoke_non_context()` which just moves all the old blocks
for non-context handling to a single def.
- factor what was basically just the `finally:` block handler (doing all
the task bookkeeping) into a new `@acm`: `_errors_relayed_via_ipc()`
with that content packed into the post-`yield` (also with a `hide_tb:
bool` flag added of course).
* include a `debug_kbis: bool` for when needed.
- since the `@context` block is the only type left in the main
`_invoke()` body, de-dent it so it's more grok-able B)
Obviously this patch also includes a few improvements regarding
context-cancellation-semantics (for the `context` RPC case) on the
callee side in order to match previous changes to the `Context` api:
- always setting any ctxc as the `Context._local_error`.
- using the new convenience `.maybe_raise()` topically (for now).
- avoiding any previous reliance on `Context.cancelled_caught` for
anything public of meaning.
Further included is more logging content updates:
- being pedantic in `.cancel()` msgs about whether termination is caused
by error or ctxc.
- optional `._invoke()` traceback hiding via a `hide_tb: bool`.
- simpler log headers throughout instead leveraging new `.__repr__()` on
- buncha `<= <actor-uid>` sent some message emissions.
- simplified handshake statuses reporting.
Other subsys api changes we need to match:
- change to `Channel.transport`.
- avoiding any `local_nursery: ActorNursery` waiting when the
`._implicit_runtime_started` is set.
And yes, lotsa more comments for #TODOs dawg.. since there's always
In the case where the callee side delivers us a ctxc with `.canceller`
set we can presume that remote cancellation already has taken place and
thus we don't need to do the normal call-`Context.cancel()`-on-error
step. Further, in the case where we do call it also handle any
`trio.CloseResourceError` gracefully with a `.warning()`.
Also, originally I had added a post-`yield`-maybe-raise to attempt
handling any remote ctxc the same as for the local case (i.e. raised
from `yield` line) wherein if we get a remote ctxc the same handler
branch-path would trigger, thus avoiding different behaviour in that
case. I ended up masking it out (but can't member why.. ) as it seems
the normal `.result()` call and its internal handling gets the same
behaviour? I've left in the heavily commented code in case it ends up
being the better way to go; likely making the move to having a single
code in both cases is better even if it is just a matter of deciding
whether to swallow the ctxc or not in the `.cancel_acked` case.
Further teensie improvements:
- obvi improve/simplify log msg contents as in prior patches.
- use the new `maybe_wait_for_debugger(header_msg: str)` if/when waiting
to exit in debug mode.
- another `hide_tb: bool` frame hider flag.
- rando type-annot updates of course :)
Spanning from the pub API, to instance `repr()` customization (for
logging/REPL content), to the impl details around the notion of a "final
outcome" and surrounding IPC msg draining mechanics during teardown.
A few API and field updates:
- new `.cancel_acked: bool` to replace what we were mostly using
`.cancelled_caught: bool` for but, for purposes of better mapping the
semantics of remote cancellation of parallel executing tasks; it's set
only when `.cancel_called` is set and a ctxc arrives with
a `.canceller` field set to the current actor uid indicating we
requested and received acknowledgement from the other side's task
that is cancelled gracefully.
- strongly document and delegate (and prolly eventually remove as a pub
attr) the `.cancelled_caught` property entirely to the underlying
`._scope: trio.CancelScope`; the `trio` semantics don't really map
well to the "parallel with IPC msging" case in the sense that for
us it breaks the concept of the ctx/scope closure having "caught"
something instead of having "received" a msg that the other side has
"acknowledged" (i.e. which for us is the completion of cancellation).
- new `.__repr__()`/`.__str__()` format that tries to tersely yet
comprehensively as possible display everything you need to know about
the 3 main layers of an SC-linked-IPC-context:
* ipc: the transport + runtime layers net-addressing and prot info.
* rpc: the specific linked caller-callee task signature details
including task and msg-stream instances.
* state: current execution and final outcome state of the task pair.
* a teensie extra `.repr_rpc` for a condensed rpc signature.
- new `.dst_maddr` to get a `libp2p` style "multi-address" (though right
now it's just showing the transport layers so maybe we should move to
to our `Channel`?)
- new public instance-var fields supporting more granular remote
cancellation/result/error state:
* `.maybe_error: Exception|None` for any final (remote) error/ctxc
which computes logic on the values of `._remote_error`/`._local_error`
to determine the "final error" (if any) on termination.
* `.outcome` to the final error or result (or `None` if un-terminated)
* `.repr_outcome()` for a console/logging friendly version of the
final result or error as needed for the `.__str__()`.
- new private interface bits to support all of ^:
* a new "no result yet" sentinel value, `Unresolved`, using a module
level class singleton that `._result` is set too (instead of
`id(self)`) to both determine if and present when no final result
from the callee has-yet-been/was delivered (ever).
=> really we should get rid of `.result()` and change it to
`.wait_for_result()` (or something)u
* `_final_result_is_set()` predicate to avoid waiting for an already
delivered result.
* `._maybe_raise()` proto-impl that we should use to replace all the
`if re:` blocks it can XD
* new `._stream: MsgStream|None` for when a stream is opened to aid
with the state repr mentioned above.
Tweaks to the termination drain loop `_drain_to_final_msg()`:
- obviously (obvi) use all the changes above when determining whether or
not a "final outcome" has arrived and thus breaking from the loop ;)
* like the `.outcome` `.maybe_error` and `._final_ctx_is_set()` in
the `while` pred expression.
- drop the `_recv_chan.receive_nowait()` + guard logic since it seems
with all the surrounding (and coming soon) changes to
`Portal.open_context()` using all the new API stuff (mentioned in
first bullet set above) we never hit the case of inf-block?
Oh right and obviously a ton of (hopefully improved) logging msg content
changes, commented code removal and detailed comment-docs strewn about!
After some deep logging improvements to many parts of `._runtime`,
I realized a silly detail where we are always waiting on any opened
`local_nursery: ActorNursery` to signal exit from
`Actor._stream_handler()` even in the case of being an implicitly opened
root actor (`open_root_actor()` wasn't called by user/app code) via
So, to address this add a `ActorNursery._implicit_runtime_started: bool`
that can be set and then checked to avoid doing the unnecessary
`.exited.wait()` (and any subsequent warn logging on an exit timeout) in
that special but most common case XD
Matching with other subsys log format refinements, improve readability
and simplicity of the actor-nursery supervisory log msgs, including:
- simplify and/or remove any content that more or less duplicates msg
content found in emissions from lower-level primitives and sub-systems
(like `._runtime`, `_context`, `_portal` etc.).
- add a specific `._open_and_supervise_one_cancels_all_nursery()`
handler block for `ContextCancelled` to log with `.cancel()` level
noting that the case is a "remote cancellation".
- put the nursery-exit and actor-tree shutdown status into a single msg
in the `implicit_runtime` case.
- rename `.soft_wait()` -> `.soft_kill()`
- rename `.do_hard_kill()` -> `.hard_kill()`
- adjust any `trio.Process.__repr__()` log msg contents to have the
little tree branch prefix: `'|_'`
Our remote error box types `RemoteActorError`, `ContextCancelled` and
`StreamOverrun` needed a console display makeover particularly for
logging content and `repr()` in higher level primitives like `Context`.
This adds a more "dramatic" str-representation to showcase the
underlying boxed traceback content more sensationally (via ascii-art
emphasis) as well as support a more terse `.reprol()` (representation
for one-line) format that can be used for types that track remote
errors/cancels like with `Context._remote_error`.
Impl deats:
- change `RemoteActorError.__repr__()` formatting to show (sub-type
specific) `.msgdata` fields in a multi-line format (similar to our new
`.msg.types.Struct` style) followed by some ascii accented delimiter
lines to emphasize any `.msgdata["tb_str"]` packed by the remote
- for rme and subtypes allow picking the specifically relevant fields
via a type defined `.reprol_fields: list[str]` and pick for each
|_ `RemoteActorError.src_actor_uid`
|_ `ContextCancelled.canceller`
|_ `StreamOverrun.sender`
- add `.reprol()` to show a `repr()`-on-one-line formatted string that
can be used by other multi-line-field-`repr()` styled composite types
as needed in (high level) logging info.
- toss in some mod level `_body_fields: list[str]` for summary of such
fields (if needed).
- add some new rae (remote-actor-error) props:
- `.type` around a newly named `.boxed_type`
- `.type_str: str`
- `.tb_str: str`
Hit a reallly weird bug in the `._runtime` IPC msg handling loop where
it seems that by `str.format()`-ing a `Channel` before initializing it
would put the `._MsgTransport._agen()` in an already started state
causing an irrecoverable core startup failure..
I presume it's something to do with delegating to the
`MsgpackTCPStream.__repr__()` and, something something.. the
`.set_msg_transport(stream)` getting called to too early such that
`.msgstream.__init__()` is called thus init-ing the `._agen()` before
necessary? I'm sure there's a design lesson to be learned in here
somewhere XD
This was discovered while trying to add more "fancy" logging throughout
said core for the purposes of cobbling together an init attempt at
libp2p style multi-address representations for our IPC primitives. Thus
I also tinker here with adding some new fields to `MsgpackTCPStream`:
- `layer_key`: int = 4
- `name_key`: str = 'tcp'
- `codec_key`: str = 'msgpack'
Anyway, just changed it so that if `.msgstream` ain't set then we just
return a little "null repr" `str` value thinger.
Also renames `Channel.msgstream` internally to `._transport` with
appropriate pub `@property`s added such that everything else won't break
Also drops `Optional` typing vis-a-vi modern union syntax B)
Obviously we can't deterministic-ally call `.load_ref()` (since you'd
have to point to an `id()` or something and presume a particular
py-runtime + virt-mem space for it to exist?) but it at least helps with
the `str` formatting for logging purposes (like `._cancel_rpc_tasks()`)
when `repr`-ing ctxs and their specific "rpc signatures".
Maybe in the future getting this working at least for singleton types
per process (like `Actor` XD ) will be a thing we can support and make
some sense of.. Bo
Originally designed and used throughout `piker`, the subtype adds some
handy pprinting and field diffing extras often handy when viewing struct
types in logging or REPL console interfaces B)
Obvi this rejigs the `tractor.msg` mod into a sub-pkg and moves the
existing namespace obj-pointer stuff into a new `.msg.ptr` sub mod.
As per a lot of the recent refinements to `Context` cancellation, add
a new test case to replicate the original hang-on-cancel found with
`modden` when using a client actor to spawn a subactor in some other
tree where despite `Context.cancel()` being called the requesting client
would hang on the opened context with the server.
The specific scenario added here is to have,
- root actor spawns 2 children: a client and a spawn server.
- the spawn server opens with a spawn-request serve loop and begins to
wait for the client.
- client spawns and connects to the sibling spawn server, requests to
spawn a sub-actor, the "little bro", connects to it then does some
echo streaming, cancels the request with it's sibling (the spawn
server) which should in turn cancel the root's-grandchild and result
in a cancel-ack back to the client's `.open_context()`.
- root ensures that it can also connect to the grandchild (little bro),
do the same echo streaming, then ensure everything tears down
correctly after cancelling all the children.
More refinements to come here obvi in the specific cancellation
semantics and possibly causes.
Also tweaks the other tests in suite to use the new `Context` properties
recently introduced and similarly updated in the previous patch to the
ctx-semantics suite.
In order to match a very significant and coming-soon patch set to the
IPC `Context` and `Channel` cancellation semantics with significant but
subtle changes to the primitives and runtime logic:
- a new set of `Context` state pub meth APIs for checking exact
inter-actor-linked-task outcomes such as `.outcome`, `.maybe_error`,
and `.cancel_acked`.
- trying to move away from `Context.cancelled_caught` usage since the
semantics from `trio` don't really map well (in terms of cancel
requests and how they result in cancel-scope graceful closure) and
`.cancel_acked: bool` is a better approach for IPC req-resp msging.
- change test usage to access `._scope.cancelled_caught` directly.
- more pedantic ctxc-raising expects around the "type of self
cancellation" and final outcome in ctxc cases:
- `ContextCancelled` is raised by ctx (`Context.result()`) consumer
methods when `Portal.cancel_actor()` is called (since it's an
out-of-band request) despite `Channel._cancel_called` being set.
- also raised by `.open_context().__aexit__()` on close.
- `.outcome` is always `.maybe_error` is always one of
Since a bug in the new `MsgStream.aclose()` impl's drain block logic was
triggering an actual inf loop (by not ever canceller the streamer child
actor), make sure we put a loop limit on the `inf_streamer`()` XD
Also add a bit more deats to the test `print()`s in each actor and toss
in `debug_mode` fixture support.
Besides improving a bunch more log msg contents similarly as before this
changes the cancel method signatures slightly with different arg names:
for `.cancel()`:
- instead of `requesting_uid: str` take in a `req_chan: Channel`
since we can always just read its `.uid: tuple` for logging and
further we can then offer the `chan=None` case indicating a
"self cancel" (since there's no "requesting channel").
- the semantics of "requesting" here better indicate that the IPC connection
is an IPC peer and further (eventually) will allow permission checking
against given peers for cancellation requests.
- when `chan==None` we also define a meth-internal `requester_type: str`
differently for logging content :)
- add much more detailed `.cancel()` content around the requester, its
type, and any debugger related locking steps.
for `._cancel_task()`:
- change the `chan` arg to `parent_chan: Channel` since "parent"
correctly indicates that the channel is the parent of the locally
spawned rpc task to cancel; in fact no other chan should be able to
cancel tasks parented/spawned by other channels obvi!
- also add more extensive meth-internal `.cancel()` logging with a #TODO
around showing only the "relevant/lasest" `Context` state vars in such
logging content.
for `.cancel_rpc_tasks()`:
- shorten `requesting_uid` -> `req_uid`.
- add `parent_chan: Channel` to be similar as above in `._cancel_task()`
(since it's internally delegated to anyway) which replaces the prior
`only_chan` and use it to filter to only tasks spawned by this channel
(thus as their "parent") as before.
- instead of `if tasks:` to enter, invert and `return` early on
`if not tasks`, for less indentation B)
- add WIP str-repr format (for `.cancel()` emissions) to show
a multi-address (maddr) + task func (via the new `Context._nsf`) and
report all cancel task targets with it a "tree"; include #TODO to
finalize and implement some utils for all this!
To match ensure we adjust `process_messages()` self/`Actor` cancel
handling blocks to provide the new `kwargs` (now with `dict`-merge
syntax) to `._invoke()`.
Turns out that py3.11 might be so fast that iterating a EoC-ed
`MsgStream` 1k times is faster then a `Context.cancel()` msg
transmission from a parent actor to it's child (which i guess makes
sense). So tweak the test to delay 5ms between stream async-for iteration
attempts when the stream is detected to be `.closed: bool` (coming in
patch) or `ctx.cancel_called == true`.
Such that you see the children entries prior to exit instead of the
prior somewhat detail/use-less logging. Also, rename all `anursery` vars
to just `an` as is the convention in most examples.
Since that's what we're now doing in `MsgStream._eoc` internal
assignments (coming in future patch), do the same in this exception
re-raise-helper and include more extensive doc string detailing all
the msg-type-to-raised-error cases. Also expose a `hide_tb: bool` like
we have already in `unpack_error()`.
As similarly improved in other parts of the runtime, adds much more
pedantic (`.cancel()`) logging content to indicate the src of remote
cancellation request particularly for `Actor.cancel()` and
`._cancel_task()` cases prior to `._invoke()` task scheduling. Also add
detailed case comments and much more info to the
"request-to-cancel-already-terminated-RPC-task" log emission to include
the `Channel` and `Context.cid` deats.
This helped me find the src of a race condition causing a test to fail
where a callee ctx task was returning a result *before* an expected
`ctx.cancel()` request arrived B). Adding much more pedantic
`.cancel()` msg contents around the requester's deats should ensure
these cases are much easier to detect going forward!
Also, simplify the `._invoke()` final result/error log msg to only put
*one of either* the final error or returned result above the `Context`
The only case where we can't is in `Portal.run_from_ns()` usage (since we
pass a path with `self:<Actor.meth>`) and because `.to_tuple()`
internally uses `.load_ref()` which will of course fail on such a path..
So or now impl as,
- mk `Actor.start_remote_task()` take a `nsf: NamespacePath` but also
offer a `load_nsf: bool = False` such that by default we bypass ref
loading (maybe this is fine for perf long run as well?) for the
`Actor`/'self:'` case mentioned above.
- mk `.get_context()` take an instance `nsf` obvi.
More logging msg format tweaks:
- change msg-flow related content to show the `Context._nsf`, which,
right, is coming follow up commit..
- bunch more `.runtime()` format updates to show `msg: dict` contents
and internal primitives with trailing `'\n'` for easier reading.
- report import loading `stackscope` in subactors.
Such that with `--tpdb` passed (sub)actors will engage the `pdbp` REPL
automatically and so that we can use the new `stackscope` support when
complex cases hang Bo
- simplified some type-annots (ns paths),
- doc-ed an inter-peer test func with some ascii msg flows,
- added a bottom #TODO for replicating the scenario i hit in `modden`
where a separate client actor-tree was hanging on cancelling a `bigd`
Given i just similarly revamped a buncha `._runtime` log msg formatting,
might as well do something similar inside the spawning machinery such
that groking teardown sequences of each supervising task is much more
sane XD
Mostly this includes doing similar `'<field>: <value>\n'` multi-line
formatting when reporting various subproc supervision steps as well as
showing a detailed `trio.Process.__repr__()` as appropriate.
Also adds a detailed #TODO according to the needs of #320 for which
we're going to need some internal mechanism for intermediary parent
actors to determine if a given debug tty locker (sub-actor) is one of
*their* (transitive) children and thus stall the normal
cancellation/teardown sequence until that locker is complete.
As part of solving some final edge cases todo with inter-peer remote
cancellation (particularly a remote cancel from a separate actor
tree-client hanging on the request side in `modden`..) I needed less
dense, more line-delimited log msg formats when understanding ipc
channel and context cancels from console logging; this adds a ton of
that to:
- `._invoke()` which now does,
- better formatting of `Context`-task info as multi-line
`'<field>: <value>\n'` messages,
- use of `trio.Task` (from `.lowlevel.current_task()` for full
rpc-func namespace-path info,
- better "msg flow annotations" with `<=` for understanding
`ContextCancelled` flow.
- `Actor._stream_handler()` where in we break down IPC peers reporting
better as multi-line `|_<Channel>` log msgs instead of all jammed on
one line..
- `._ipc.Channel.send()` use `pformat()` for repr of packet.
Also tweak some optional deps imports for debug mode:
- add `maybe_import_gb()` for attempting to import `greenback`.
- maybe enable `stackscope` tree pprinter on `SIGUSR1` if installed.
Add a further stale-debugger-lock guard before removal:
- read the `._debug.Lock.global_actor_in_debug: tuple` uid and possibly
`maybe_wait_for_debugger()` when the child-user is known to have
a live process in our tree.
- only cancel `Lock._root_local_task_cs_in_debug: CancelScope` when
the disconnected channel maps to the `Lock.global_actor_in_debug`,
though not sure this is correct yet?
Started adding missing type annots in sections that were modified.
Since it's generally useful to know who is the cause of an overrun (say
bc you want your system to then adjust the writer side to slow tf down)
might as well pack an extra `.sender: tuple[str, str]` actor uid field
which can be relayed through `RemoteActorError` boxing. Add an extra
case for the exc-type to `unpack_error()` to match B)
Since we use basically the exact same set of logic in
`Portal.open_context()` when expecting the first `'started'` msg factor
and generalize `._streaming._raise_from_no_yield_msg()` into a new
`._exceptions._raise_from_no_key_in_msg()` (as per the lingering todo)
which obvi requires a more generalized / optional signature including
a caller specific `log` obj. Obvi call the new func from all the other
modules X)
Apparently (and i don't know if this was always broken [i feel like no?]
or is a recent change to stdlib's `logging` stuff) we need increment the
`stacklevel` input by one for our custom level methods now? Without this
you're going to see the path to the method's-callstack-frame on every
emission instead of to the caller's. I first noticed this when debugging
the workspace layer spawning in `modden.bigd` and then verified it in
other depended projects..
I guess we should add some tests for this as well XD
Took me longer then i wanted to figure out the source of
a failed-response to a remote-cancellation (in this case in `modden`
where a client was cancelling a workspace layer.. but disconnects before
receiving the ack msg) that was triggering an IPC error when sending the
error msg for the cancellation of a `Actor._cancel_task()`, but since
this (non-rpc) `._invoke()` task was trying to send to a now
disconnected canceller it was resulting in a `BrokenPipeError` (or similar)
Now, we except for such IPC errors and only raise them when,
1. the transport `Channel` is for sure up (bc ow what's the point of
trying to send an error on the thing that caused it..)
2. it's definitely for handling an RPC task
Similarly if the entire main invoke `try:` excepts,
- we only hide the call-stack frame from the debugger (with
`__tracebackhide__: bool`) if it's an RPC task that has a connected
channel since we always want to see the frame when debugging internal
task or IPC failures.
- we don't bother trying to send errors to the context caller (actor)
when it's a non-RPC request since failures on actor-runtime-internal
tasks shouldn't really ever be reported remotely, only maybe raised
Also some other tidying,
- this properly corrects for the self-cancel case where an RPC context
is cancelled due to a local (runtime) task calling a method like
`Actor.cancel_soon()`. We now set our own `.uid` as the
`ContextCancelled.canceller` value so that other-end tasks know that
the cancellation was due to a self-cancellation by the actor itself.
We still need to properly test for this though!
- add a more detailed module doc-str.
- more explicit imports for `trio` core types throughout.
Drop all the nested `@acm` blocks and defunct comments from initial
validations. Add some todos for cases that are still unclear such as
whether the caller / streamer should have `.cancelled_caught == True` in
it's teardown.
We can now make asserts on `.cancelled_caught` and `_remote_error` vs.
`_local_error`. Expect a runtime error when `Context.open_stream()` is
called AFTER `.cancel()` and the remote `ContextCancelled` hasn't
arrived (yet). Adjust to `'itself'` string in self-cancel case.
This took way too long to get right but hopefully will give us grok-able
and correct context exit semantics going forward B)
The main fixes were:
- always shielding the `MsgStream.aclose()` call on teardown to avoid
bubbling a `Cancelled`.
- properly absorbing any `ContextCancelled` in cases due to "self
cancellation" using the new `Context.canceller` in the logic.
- capturing any error raised by the `Context.result()` call in the
"normal exit, result received" case and setting it as the
`Context._local_error` so that self-cancels can be easily measured via
`Context.cancelled_caught` in same way as remote-error caused
- extremely detailed comments around all of the cancellation-error cases
to avoid ever getting confused about the control flow in the future XD
As part of extremely detailed inter-peer-actor testing, add much more
granular `Context` cancellation state tracking via the following (new)
- `.canceller: tuple[str, str]` the uuid of the actor responsible for
the cancellation condition - always set by
`Context._maybe_cancel_and_set_remote_error()` and replaces
`._cancelled_remote` and `.cancel_called_remote`. If set, this value
should normally always match a value from some `ContextCancelled`
raised or caught by one side of the context.
- `._local_error` which is always set to the locally raised (and caller
or callee task's scope-internal) error which caused any
eventual cancellation/error condition and thus any closure of the
context's per-task-side-`trio.Nursery`.
- `.cancelled_caught: bool` is now always `True` whenever the local task
catches (or "silently absorbs") a `ContextCancelled` (a `ctxc`) that
indeed originated from one of the context's linked tasks or any other
context which raised its own `ctxc` in the current `.open_context()` scope.
=> whenever there is a case that no `ContextCancelled` was raised
**in** the `.open_context().__aexit__()` (eg. `ctx.result()` called
after a call `ctx.cancel()`), we still consider the context's as
having "caught a cancellation" since the `ctxc` was indeed silently
handled by the cancel requester; all other error cases are already
represented by mirroring the state of the `._scope: trio.CancelScope`
=> IOW there should be **no case** where an error is **not raised** in
the context's scope and `.cancelled_caught: bool == False`, i.e. no
case where `._scope.cancelled_caught == False and ._local_error is not
- always raise any `ctxc` from `.open_stream()` if `._cancel_called ==
True` - if the cancellation request has not already resulted in
a `._remote_error: ContextCancelled` we raise a `RuntimeError` to
indicate improper usage to the guilty side's task code.
- make `._maybe_raise_remote_err()` a sync func and don't raise
any `ctxc` which is matched against a `.canceller` determined to
be the current actor, aka a "self cancel", and always set the
`._local_error` to any such `ctxc`.
- `.side: str` taken from inside `.cancel()` and unused as of now since
it might be better re-written as a similar `.is_opener() -> bool`?
- drop unused `._started_received: bool`..
- TONS and TONS of detailed comments/docs to attempt to explain all the
possible cancellation/exit cases and how they should exhibit as either
silent closes or raises from the `Context` API!
Adjust the `._runtime._invoke()` code to match:
- use `ctx._maybe_raise_remote_err()` in `._invoke()`.
- adjust to new `.canceller` property.
- more type hints.
- better `log.cancel()` msging around self-cancels vs. peer-cancels.
- always set the `._local_error: BaseException` for the "callee" task
just like `Portal.open_context()` now will do B)
Prior we were raising any `Context._remote_error` directly and doing
(more or less) the same `ContextCancelled` "absorbing" logic (well
kinda) in block; instead delegate to the method
Tests that appropriate `Context` exit state, the relay of
a `ContextCancelled` error and its `.canceller: tuple[str, str]` value
are set when an inter-peer cancellation happens via an "out of band"
request method (in this case using `Portal.cancel_actor()` and that
cancellation is propagated "horizontally" to other peers. Verify that
any such cancellation scenario which also experiences an "error during
`ContextCancelled` handling" DOES NOT result in that further error being
suppressed and that the user's exception bubbles out of the
`Context.open_context()` block(s) appropriately!
Likely more tests to come as well as some factoring of the teardown
state checks where possible.
Pertains to serious testing the major work landing in #357
Specifically in the `.__aexit__()` phase to ensure remote,
runtime-internal, and locally raised error-during-cancelled-handling
exceptions are NEVER masked by a local `ContextCancelled` or any
exception group of `trio.Cancelled`s.
Also adds a ton of details to doc strings including extreme detail
surrounding the `ContextCancelled` raising cases and their processing
inside `.open_context()`'s exception handler blocks.
Details, details:
- internal rename `err`/`_err` stuff to just be `scope_err` since it's
effectively the error bubbled up from the context's surrounding (and
cross-actor) "scope".
- always shield `._recv_chan.aclose()` to avoid any `Cancelled` from
masking the `scope_err` with a runtime related `trio.Cancelled`.
- explicitly catch the specific set of `scope_err: BaseException` that
we can reasonably expect to handle instead of the catch-all parent
type including exception groups, cancels and KBIs.
Well first off, turns out it's never used and generally speaking
doesn't seem to help much with "runtime hacking/debugging"; why would
we need to "fabricate" a msg when `.cancel()` is called to self-cancel?
Also (and since `._maybe_cancel_and_set_remote_error()` now takes an
`error: BaseException` as input and thus expects error-msg unpacking
prior to being called), we now manually set `Context._cancel_msg: dict`
just prior to any remote error assignment - so any case where we would
have fabbed a "cancel msg" near calling `.cancel()`, just do the manual
In this vein some other subtle changes:
- obviously don't set `._cancel_msg` in `.cancel()` since it's no longer
an input.
- generally do walrus-style `error := unpack_error()` before applying
and setting remote error-msg state.
- always raise any `._remote_error` in `.result()` instead of returning
the exception instance and check before AND after the underlying mem
chan read.
- add notes/todos around `raise self._remote_error from None` masking of
(runtime) errors in `._maybe_raise_remote_err()` and use it inside
`.result()` since we had the inverse duplicate logic there anyway..
Further, this adds and extends a ton of (internal) interface docs and
details comments around the `Context` API including many subtleties
pertaining to calling `._maybe_cancel_and_set_remote_error()`.
Bump type annotations to 3.10+ style throughout module as well as fill
out doc strings a bit. Inside `unpack_error()` pop any `error_dict: dict`
- return `None` early if not found,
- versus pass directly as `**error_dict` to the error constructor
instead of a double field read.
Since both `MsgStream.receive()` and `.receive_nowait()` need the same
raising logic when a non-stream msg arrives (so that maybe an
appropriate IPC translated error can be raised) move the `KeyError`
handler code into a new `._streaming._raise_from_no_yield_msg()` func
and call it from both methods to make the error-interface-raising
symmetrical across both methods.
Previously we weren't raising a remote error if the local scope was
cancelled during a call to `Context.result()` which is problematic if
the caller WAS NOT the requester for said remote cancellation; in that
case we still want a `ContextCancelled` raised with the `.canceller:
str` set to the cancelling actor uid.
Further fix a naming bug where the (seemingly older) `._remote_err` was
being set to such an error instead of `._remote_error` XD
Move over relevant test from the "context semantics" test module which
was already verifying peer-caused-`ContextCancelled.canceller: tuple`
error info and propagation during an inter-peer cancellation scenario.
Also begin a more general set of inter-peer cancellation tests starting
with the simplest case where when a peer is cancelled the parent should
NOT get an "muted" `trio.Cancelled` and instead
a `tractor.ContextCancelled` with a `.canceller: tuple` which points to
the sibling actor which requested the peer cancel.
We were using a `all(<yielded values>)` condition which obviously won't
work if the batched managers yield any non-truthy value. So instead see
the `unwrapped: dict` with the `id(mngrs)` and only unblock once all
values have been filled in to be something that is not that value.
Detect if the input ref is a non-func (like an `object` instance) in
which case grab its type name using `type()`. Wrap all the name-getting
into a new `_mk_fqpn()` static meth: gets the "fully qualified path
name" and returns path and name in tuple; port other methds to use it.
Refine and update the docs B)
- `Context._cancel_called_remote` -> `._cancelled_remote` since "called"
implies the cancellation was "requested" when it could be due to
another error and the actor uid is the value - only set once the far
end task scope is terminated due to either error or cancel, which has
nothing to do with *what* caused the cancellation.
- `Actor._cancel_called_remote` -> `._cancel_called_by_remote` which
emphasizes that this variable is **only set** IFF some remote actor
**requested that** this actor's runtime be cancelled via
Turns out you can get a case where you might be opening multiple
ctx-streams concurrently and during the context opening phase you block
for all contexts to open, but then when you eventually start opening
streams some slow to start context has caused the others become in an
overrun state.. so we need to let the caller control whether that's an
error ;)
This also needs a test!
Because obviously we probably want to support `allow_overruns` on the
remote callee side as well XD
Only found the bugs fixed in this patch this thanks to writing a much
more exhaustive test set for overrun cases B)
This actually caught further runtime bugs so it's gud i tried..
Add overrun-ignore enabled / disabled cases and error catching for all
of them. More or less this should cover every possible outcome when
it comes to setting `allow_overruns: bool` i hope XD
This adds remote cancellation semantics to our `tractor.Context`
machinery to more closely match that of `trio.CancelScope` but
with operational differences to handle the nature of parallel tasks interoperating
across multiple memory boundaries:
- if an actor task cancels some context it has opened via
`Context.cancel()`, the remote (scope linked) task will be cancelled
using the normal `CancelScope` semantics of `trio` meaning the remote
cancel scope surrounding the far side task is cancelled and
`trio.Cancelled`s are expected to be raised in that scope as per
normal `trio` operation, and in the case where no error is raised
in that remote scope, a `ContextCancelled` error is raised inside the
runtime machinery and relayed back to the opener/caller side of the
- if any actor task cancels a full remote actor runtime using
`Portal.cancel_actor()` the same semantics as above apply except every
other remote actor task which also has an open context with the actor
which was cancelled will also be sent a `ContextCancelled` **but**
with the `.canceller` field set to the uid of the original cancel
requesting actor.
This changeset also includes a more "proper" solution to the issue of
"allowing overruns" during streaming without attempting to implement any
form of IPC streaming backpressure. Implementing task-granularity
backpressure cross-process turns out to be more or less impossible
without augmenting out streaming protocol (likely at the cost of
performance). Further allowing overruns requires special care since
any blocking of the runtime RPC msg loop task effectively can block
control msgs such as cancels and stream terminations.
The implementation details per abstraction layer are as follows.
- add a new contructor factor func `mk_context()` which provides
a strictly private init-er whilst allowing us to not have to define
an `.__init__()` on the type def.
- add public `.cancel_called` and `.cancel_called_remote` properties.
- general rename of what was the internal `._backpressure` var to
`._allow_overruns: bool`.
- move the old contents of `Actor._push_result()` into a new
`._deliver_msg()` allowing for better encapsulation of per-ctx
msg handling.
- always check for received 'error' msgs and process them with the new
`_maybe_cancel_and_set_remote_error()` **before** any msg delivery to
the local task, thus guaranteeing error and cancellation handling
despite any overflow handling.
- add a new `._drain_overflows()` task-method for use with new
`._allow_overruns: bool = True` mode.
- add back a `._scope_nursery: trio.Nursery` (allocated in
`Portal.open_context()`) who's sole purpose is to spawn a single task
which runs the above method; anything else is an error.
- augment `._deliver_msg()` to start a task and run the above method
when operating in no overrun mode; the task queues overflow msgs and
attempts to send them to the underlying mem chan using a blocking
`.send()` call.
- on context exit, any existing "drainer task" will be cancelled and
remaining overflow queued msgs are discarded with a warning.
- rename `._error` -> `_remote_error` and set it in a new method
`_maybe_cancel_and_set_remote_error()` which is called before
- adjust `.result()` to always call `._maybe_raise_remote_err()` at its
start such that whenever a `ContextCancelled` arrives we do logic for
whether or not to immediately raise that error or ignore it due to the
current actor being the one who requested the cancel, by checking the
error's `.canceller` field.
- set the default value of `._result` to be `id(Context()` thus avoiding
conflict with any `.result()` actually being `False`..
- augment `.cancel()` and `._cancel_task()` and `.cancel_rpc_tasks()` to
take a `requesting_uid: tuple` indicating the source actor of every
cancellation request.
- pass through the new `Context._allow_overruns` through `.get_context()`
- call the new `Context._deliver_msg()` from `._push_result()` (since
the factoring out that method's contents).
- `TastStatus.started()` back a `Context` (unless an error is raised)
instead of the cancel scope to make it easy to set/get state on that
context for the purposes of cancellation and remote error relay.
- always raise any remote error via `Context._maybe_raise_remote_err()`
before doing any `ContextCancelled` logic.
- assign any `Context._cancel_called_remote` set by the `requesting_uid`
cancel methods (mentioned above) to the `ContextCancelled.canceller`.
- always pass a `requesting_uid: tuple` to `Actor.cancel()` and
`._cancel_task` to that any corresponding `ContextCancelled.canceller`
can be set inside `._invoke()`.
Turns out stuff was totally broken in these cases because we're either
closing the underlying mem chan too early or not handling the
"allow_overruns" mode's cancellation correctly..
To handle both remote cancellation this adds `ContextCanceled.canceller:
tuple` the uid of the cancel requesting actor and is expected to be set
by the runtime when servicing any remote cancel request. This makes it
possible for `ContextCancelled` receivers to know whether "their actor
runtime" is the source of the cancellation.
Also add an explicit `RemoteActor.src_actor_uid` which better formalizes
the notion of "which remote actor" the error originated from.
Both of these new attrs are expected to be packed in the `.msgdata` when
the errors are loaded locally.
These will verify new changes to the runtime/messaging core which allows
us to adopt an "ignore cancel if requested by us" style handling of
`ContextCancelled` more like how `trio` does with
`trio.Nursery.cancel_scope.cancel()`. We now expect
a `ContextCancelled.canceller: tuple` which is set to the actor uid of
the actor which requested the cancellation which eventually resulted in
the remote error-msg.
Also adds some experimental tweaks to the "backpressure" test which it
turns out is very problematic in coordination with context cancellation
since blocking on the feed mem chan to some task will block the ipc msg
loop and thus handling of cancellation.. More to come to both the test
and core to address this hopefully since right now this test is failing.