Type hint all ctx managers in _ringbuf.py
Remove unnecesary send lock on ring chan sender
Handle EOF on ring chan receiver
Rename ringbuf tests to make it less redundant
Add EOF signaling mechanism
Support proper `receive_some` end of stream semantics
Add StapledStream non-ipc test
Create MsgpackRBStream similar to MsgpackTCPStream for buffered whole-msg reads
Add EventFD.read cancellation on EventFD.close mechanism using cancel scope
Add test for eventfd cancellation
Improve and add docstrings
Add trio.StrictFIFOLock on sender.send_all
Support max_bytes argument on receive_some, keep track of write_ptr on receiver
Add max_bytes receive test test_ringbuf_max_bytes
Add docstrings to all ringbuf tests
Remove EFD_NONBLOCK support, not necesary anymore since we can use abandon_on_cancel=True on trio.to_thread.run_sync
Close eventfd's after usage on open_ringbuf
EventFD class now expects the fd to already be init with open_eventfd
RingBuff Sender and Receiver fully manage SharedMemory and EventFD lifecycles, no aditional ctx mngrs needed
Separate ring buf tests into its own test bed
Add parametrization to test and cancellation
Add docstrings
Add simple testing data gen module .samples