Since I needed the `break_ipc()` helper from the
`examples/advanced_faults/` used in the
`test_advanced_faults` suite, might as well move it into a pkg-wide
importable module. Also changed the default break method to be
`socket_close` which just calls `Stream.socket.close()` underneath in
Also tweak that example to not keep sending after the stream has been
broken since with new `trio` that will raise `ClosedResourceError` and
in the wrapping test we generally speaking want to see a hang and then
cancel via simulated user sent SIGINT/ctl-c.
Yes, this is "the switch" and will likely cause the test suite to bail
until a few more fixes some in.
Tweaked a couple `.msg` pkg exports:
- remove `__spec__` (used by modules) and change it to `__msg_types:
lists[Msg]` as well as add a new `__msg_spec__: TypeAlias`, being the
default `Any` paramed spec.
- tweak the naming of `msg.types` lists of runtime vs payload msgs to:
`._runtime_msgs` and `._payload_msgs`.
- just build `__msg_types__` out of the above 2 lists.
Since with my in-index runtime-port to our native msg-spec it seems
these ones are hanging B(
- `test_one_end_stream_not_opened()`
- `test_maybe_allow_overruns_stream()`
Tossing in some `trio.fail_after()`s seems to at least gnab them as
failures B)
Though the runtime hasn't been changed over in this patch (it was in the
local index at the time however), the test does now demonstrate that
using a `Started` the correctly typed `.pld` will codec correctly when
passed manually to `MsgCodec.encode/decode()`.
Despite not having the runtime ported to the new shuttle msg set
(meaning the mentioned test will fail without the runtime port patch),
I was able to get this first original test working that limits payload
packets as a `Msg.pld: NamespacePath`this as long as we spec
`enc/dec_hook()`s then the `Msg.pld` will be processed correctly as per:
in both the `Any` and `NamespacePath|None` spec cases.
^- turns out in this case -^ that the codec hooks only get invoked on
the unknown-fields NOT the entire `Struct`-msg.
A further gotcha was merging a `|None` into the `pld_spec` since this
test spawns a subactor and opens a context via `send_back_nsp()` and
that func has no explicit `return` - so of course it delivers
a `Return(pld=None)` which will fail if we only spec `NamespacePath`.
Since `contextvars.ContextVar` seems to reset to the default in every
new task, switching to using `trio.lowlevel.RunVar` kinda gets close to
what we'd like where a child scope can override what's in the rent but
ideally without modifying the rent's. I tried `tricycle.TreeVar` as well
but it also seems to reset across (embedded) nurseries in our runtime;
need to try it again bc apparently that's not how it's suppose to work?
NOTE that for now i'm keeping the `.msg.types._ctxvar_MsgCodec` set to
the `msgspec` default (`Any` types) so that the test suite will still
pass until the runtime is ported to the new msg-spec + codec.
Surrounding and in support of all this the `Msg`-set impl deats changed
a bit as well as various stuff in `.msg` sub-mods:
- drop the `.pld` struct types for `Error`, `Start`, `StartAck` since we
don't really need the `.pld` payload field in those cases since
they're runtime control msgs for starting RPC tasks and handling
remote errors; we can just put the fields directly on each msg since
the user will never want/need to override the `.pld` field type.
- add a couple new runtime msgs and include them in `msg.__spec__`
and make them NOT inherit from `Msg` since they are runtime-specific
and thus have no need for `.pld` type constraints:
- `Aid` the actor-id identity handshake msg.
- `SpawnSpec`: the spawn data passed from a parent actor down to a
a child in `Actor._from_parent()` for which we need a shuttle
protocol msg, so might as well make it a pendatic one ;)
- fix some `Actor.uid` field types that were type-borked on `Error`
- add notes about how we need built-in `debug_mode` msgs in order to
avoid msg-type errors when using the TTY lock machinery and
a different `.pld` spec then the default `Any` is in use..
-> since `devx._debug.lock_tty_for_child()` and it's client side
`wait_for_parent_stdin_hijack()` use `Context.started('Locked')`
and `MsgStream.send('pdb_unlock')` string values as their `.pld`
contents we'd need to either always do a `ipc_pld_spec | str` or
pre-define some dedicated `Msg` types which get `Union`-ed in
for this?
- break out `msg.pretty_struct.Struct._sin_props()` into a helper func
`iter_fields()` since the impl doesn't require a struct instance.
- as mentioned above since `ContextVar` didn't work as anticipated
I next tried `tricycle.TreeVar` but that too didn't seem to keep
the `apply_codec()` setting intact across
`Portal.open_context()`/`Context.open_stream()` (it kept reverting to
the default `.pld: Any` default setting) so I finalized on
a trio.lowlevel.RunVar` for now despite it basically being
a `global`..
-> will probably come back to test this with `TreeVar` and some hot
tips i picked up from @mikenerone in the `trio` gitter, which i put in
comments surrounding proto-code.
Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in,
DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg`
a parent `Generic`..
So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as
verification in the test suite!
Fixes in `.msg.types`:
- implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building
methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a
buncha notes around what did and didn't work:
- 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that
you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above).
- 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work!
- 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with
`types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work..
- explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg
set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in
a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__`
(moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well).
- for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]`
and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field.
- make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`.
- toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type.
Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`:
- rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec`
- make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields
- wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses
`mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly.
Get more detailed in testing:
- inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to
some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome.
- drop input `generic`; no longer used.
- drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`.
- for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger
when any expectation doesn't match the outcome.
- use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above).
- ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc
decoder and codec loaded values.
- ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the
`types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering
since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
Mostly adjusting input args/logic to various spec/codec signatures and
new runtime semantics:
- `test_msg_spec_xor_pld_spec()` to verify that a shuttle prot spec and
payload spec are necessarily mutex and that `mk_codec()` enforces it.
- switch to `ipc_msg_spec` input in `mk_custom_codec()` helper.
- drop buncha commented cruft from `test_limit_msgspec()` including no
longer needed type union instance checks in dunder attributes.
Instead just instantiate `msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` instances inside
`mk_codec()` and assign them directly as `._enc/._dec` fields.
Explicitly take in named-args to both and proxy to the coder/decoder
instantiation calls directly.
Shuffling some codec internals:
- rename `mk_codec()` inputs as `ipc_msg_spec` and `ipc_pld_spec`, make
them mutex such that a payload type spec can't be passed if the
built-in msg-spec isn't used.
=> expose `MsgCodec.ipc_pld_spec` directly from `._dec.type`
=> presume input `ipc_msg_spec` is `Any` by default when no
`ipc_pld_spec` is passed since we have no way atm to enable
a similar type-restricted-payload feature without a wrapping
"shuttle protocol" ;)
- move all the payload-sub-decoders stuff prototyped in GH#311
(inside `.types`) to `._codec` as commented-for-later-maybe `MsgCodec`
methods including:
- `.mk_pld_subdec()` for registering
- `.enc/dec_payload()` for sub-codec field loading.
- also comment out `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` as the orig
tag-to-decoder table factory, now mostly superseded by
`.types.mk_msg_spec()` which takes the generic parameterizing approach
- change naming to `types.mk_msg_spec(payload_type_union)` input, making
it more explicit that it expects a `Union[Type]`.
Oh right, and start exposing all the `.types.Msg` subtypes in the `.msg`
subpkg in prep for usage throughout the runtime B)
Re-arranging such that element-orders are line-arranged to our new
IPC `.msg.types.Msg` fields spec in prep for replacing the current
`dict`-as-msg impls with the `msgspec.Struct` native versions!
As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey
into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo
boop ->
The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by
specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully
encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish
cross-process SC!
The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing
`dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name
changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal
semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the
IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC.
------ - ------
In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes
of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema
for all msgs):
- `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload
(to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl)
- `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec`
payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via
a `{'functype': ... }` msg)
- `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()`
(instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`)
- `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of
our `{'yield': ... }`)
- `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block
(over `{'stop': True }`)
- `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()`
(which is a `{'return': ... }`)
- `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData`
payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata`
mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()`
The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API
for rendering a "payload type specification" using a
`payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to
`msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that
(for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is
type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field
support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context`
dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type
Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream`
IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue:
Misc notes on current impl(s) status:
------ - ------
- add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support
for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and
delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types`
applied to `.pld`:
- as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic
subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but
without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject
`.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test.
- around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes
this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task
via a `MsgCodec` in app code.
- the orig approach in was
the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have
per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the
particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the
idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about
capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset
encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in
TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add
a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on.
|_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as
`enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec
stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to
`MsgCodec` methods in the future.
- add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was
originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working
as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now
in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`)
Testing/deps work:
------ - ------
- new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is
correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using
a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`.
- pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support
(which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all
this XD)!
Leave all the proto native struct-msg stuff in `.types` since i'm
thinking it's the right name for the mod that will hold all the built-in
SCIPP msgspecs longer run. Obvi the naive codec stack stuff needs to be
cleaned out/up and anything useful moved into `._codec` ;)
The greasy details are strewn throughout a `msgspec` issue:
and specifically this code was mostly written as part of POC example in
this comment:
This work obviously pertains to our desire and prep for typed messaging
and capabilities aware msg-oriented-protocols in #196. I added a "wants
to have" method to `Context` showing how I think we could offer a pretty
neat msg-type-set-as-capability-for-protocol system.
XXX NOTE XXX: this commit was rewritten during a rebase from a very old
version as per the prior commit.
XXX NOTE XXX: this is a heavily modified commit from the original
(ec226463) which was super out of date when rebased onto the current
branch. I went through a manual conflict rework and removed all the
legacy segments as well as rename-moved this original mod
`` -> `tractor.msg/`. Further the
`NamespacePath` type def was discarded from this mod since it was from
a super old version which was already moved to a `.msg.ptr` submod.
As per original questions and discussion with `msgspec` author:
this prototypes a new (but very naive) `msgspec.Struct` codec
implementation which will be more filled out in the next commit.
Fitting in line with the issues outstanding:
- #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot).
- #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less
better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs"
using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs.
- #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based
messaging and RPC.
This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg
codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right
now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds
general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like
`capnproto`, and apache arrow).
Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with:
- a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder`
pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding.
- factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task.
- `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped
`_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'.
- `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task
as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation.
A new test (suite) in ``:
- verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in
this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars
- ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get
decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already
created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg
wrapper packets..
-> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up
and running Bo
By simply allowing an input `codec: tuple` of funcs for now to the
`MsgpackTCPStream` transport but, ideally wrapping this in a `Codec`
type with an API for dynamic extension of the interchange lib's msg
processing settings. Right now we're tied to `msgspec.msgpack` for this
transport but with the right design this can likely extend to other libs
in the future.
Relates to starting feature work toward #36, #196, #365.
Such that we just link on `guest`_ and use in the feat line as well as
the code ex. Fill out the IPC-stack feature bullet and put the
`.trionics` one last. Also fix-n-finish the `uv` shell install section.
Also make all code example snippets a sub-section of a new `Example
codez` section in prep to reduce the amount of code in the readme which
instead will be simply linked to in the repo in the future.
Hasn't been needed for a while since the type-annots have been exposed
from core since `trio>=0.24`. Allows us to drop a buncha sub-deps as
well like,
- `async-generator`
- `importlib-metadata`
- `mypy-extensions`
- `typing-extensions`
- `zipp`
Yah, don't really know why i listed all those but..
Since `uv`'s cpython distributions are built this way `pdbp`'s tab
completion was breaking (as was vi-mode). This adds a new
`.devx._enable_readline_feats()` import hook which checks for the
appropriate library and applies settings accordingly.
Namely since i use `xonsh` for a main shell, this includes adding it as
well as related tooling. Obvi bump the `uv.lock`.
Some other stuff retained from `poetry` days,
- add usage-comments around various (optional) deps.
- add toml section separator lines.
- go with 2-space indent.
- add comment on `trio>0.27` needed for py3.13+
Kinda like a "runtime"-y level for `.pdb()` (which is more or less like
an `.info()` for our debugger subsys) which can be used to report
internals info for those hacking on `.devx` tools.
Also, inject only the *last* 6 digits of the `id(Task)` in
`pformat_task_uid()` output by default.
Starting with a little sub-sys for tracing caller frames by marking them
with a dunder var (`__runtimeframe__` by default) and then scanning for
that frame such that code that is *calling* our APIs can be reported
easily in logging / tracing output.
New APIs:
- `find_caller_info()` which does the scan and delivers a,
- `CallerInfo` which (attempts) to expose both the runtime frame-info
and frame of the caller func along with `NamespacePath` properties.
Probably going to re-implement the dunder var bit as a decorator later
so we can bind in the literal func-object ref instead of trying to look
it up with `get_class_from_frame()`, since it's kinda hacky/non-general
and def doesn't work for closure funcs..
Since obvi we don't want to just only see the trace in the root most of
the time ;)
Currently the sig keeps firing twice in the root though, and i'm not
sure why yet..