Demonstrates fixed size frame-oriented reads by the child where the
parent only transmits a "read" stream msg on "frame fill events" such
that the child incrementally reads the shm list data (much like in
a real-time-buffered streaming system).
First attempt at getting `multiprocessing.shared_memory.ShareableList`
working; we wrap the stdlib type with a readonly attr and a `.key` for
cross-actor lookup. Also, rename all `numpy` specific routines to have
a `ndarray` suffix in the func names.
More or less a verbatim copy-paste minus some edgy variable naming and
internal `piker` module imports. There is a bunch of OHLC related
defaults that need to be dropped and we need to adjust to an optional
dependence on `numpy` by supporting shared lists as per the mp docs.
Since it isn't required until the landing of the new service-manager
stuff in #12; was an oversight
from commit `0607a31dddeba032a2cf7d9fe605edd9d7bb4846`.
In particular ensuring we use `ctx._pld_rx.recv_msg_nowait()` from
`.receive_nowait()` (which is called from `.aclose()`) such that we
ALWAYS (can) set the surrounding `Context._result/._outcome_msg` attrs
on reception of a final `Return`!!
This fixes a final stream-teardown-race-condition-bug where prior we
normally didn't set the `Context._result/._outcome_msg` in such cases.
This is **precisely because** `.receive_nowait()` only returns the
`pld` and when called from `.aclose()` this value is discarded, meaning
so is its boxing `Return` despite consuming it from the underlying
Longer term this should be solved differently by ensuring such races
cases are handled at a higher scope like inside `Context._deliver_msg()`
or the `Portal.open_context()` enter/exit blocks? Add a detailed warning
note and todos for all this around the special case block!
Such that any `Return` is always capture for each ctx instance and set
in `._deliver_msg()` normally; ensures we can at least introspect for it
when missing (like in a recently discovered stream teardown race bug).
Yes this augments the already existing `._result` which is dedicated for
the `._outcome_msg.pld` in the non-error case; we might want to see if
there's a nicer way to directly proxy ref to that without getting the
pre-pld-decoded `Raw` form with `msgspec`?
Also use the new `ctx._pld_rx.recv_msg()` and drop assigning
Namely renaming and tweaking the `MsgType` receiving methods,
- `.recv_msg()` from what was `.recv_msg_w_pld()` which both receives
the IPC msg from the underlying `._rx_chan` and then decodes its
payload with `.decode_pld()`; it now also log reports on the different
"stage of SC dialog protocol" msg types via a `match/case`.
- a new `.recv_msg_nowait()` sync equivalent of ^ (*was*
`.recv_pld_nowait()`) who's use was the source of a recently
discovered bug where any final `Return.pld` is being
consumed-n-discarded by by `MsgStream.aclose()` depending on
ctx/stream teardown race conditions..
- remove all the "instance persistent" ipc-ctx attrs, specifically the
optional `_ipc`, `_ctx` and the `.wraps_ipc()` cm, since none of them
were ever really needed/used; all methods which require
a `Context/MsgStream` are explicitly always passed.
- update a buncha typing namely to use the more generic-styled
`PayloadT` over `Any` and obviously `MsgType[PayloadT]`.
Repairs a bug in `drain_to_final_msg()` where in the `Yield()` case
block we weren't guarding against the `ctx._stream is None` edge case
which should be treated a `continue`-draining (not a `break` or
attr-error!!) situation since the peer task maybe be continuing to send
`Yield` but has not yet sent an outcome msg (one of
`Return/Error/ContextCancelled`) to terminate the loop. Ensure we
explicitly warn about this case as well as `.cancel()` emit on a taskc.
Thanks again to @guille for discovering this!
Also add temporary `.info()`s around rxed `Return` msgs as part of
trying to debug a different bug discovered while updating the
context-semantics test suite (in a prior commit).
Muchas grax to @guilledk for finding the first issue which kicked of
this further scrutiny of the `tractor.Context` and `MsgStream` semantics
test suite with a strange edge case where,
- if the parent opened and immediately closed a stream while the remote
child task started and continued (without terminating) to send msgs
the parent's `open_context().__aexit__()` would **not block** on the
child to complete!
=> this was seemingly due to a bug discovered inside the
`.msg._ops.drain_to_final_msg()` stream handling case logic where we
are NOT checking if `Context._stream` is non-`None`!
As such this,
- extends the `test_caller_closes_ctx_after_callee_opens_stream` (now
renamed, see below) to include cases for all combinations of the child
and parent sending before receiving on the stream as well as all
placements of `Context.cancel()` in the parent before, around and after
the stream open.
- uses the new `expect_ctxc()` for expecting the taskc (`trio.Task`
cancelled)` cases.
- also extends the `test_callee_closes_ctx_after_stream_open` (also
renamed) to include the case where the parent sends a msg before it
=> this case has unveiled yet-another-bug where somehow the underlying
`MsgStream._rx_chan: trio.ReceiveMemoryChannel` is allowing the
child's `Return[None]` msg be consumed and NOT in a place where it is
correctly set as `Context._result` resulting in the parent hanging
forever inside `._ops.drain_to_final_msg()`..
- start renaming using the new "remote-task-peer-side" semantics
throughout the test module: "caller" -> "parent", "callee" -> "child".
Just like we do from the `.devx._debug.open_crash_handler()`, this
allows checking various attrs on the raised `ContextCancelled` much like
`with pytest.raises() as excinfo:`.
Seems this can happen in particular when we raise a `MessageTypeError`
on the sender side of a `Context`, since there isn't any msg relayed
from the other side (though i'm wondering if MTE should derive from RAE
then considering this case?).
Means `RemoteActorError.boxed_type = None` in such cases instead of
raising an attr-error for the `None.boxed_type_str`.
Namely that `add_hooks: bool` should be the same as on the rent side..
Also, just drop the now unused `iter_maybe_sends`.
This makes the suite entire greeeeen btw, including the new sub-suite
which i hadn't runt before Bo
Namely renaming and massively simplifying it to a new
`test_ext_types_over_ipc` which avoids all the wacky "parent dictates
what sender should be able to send beforehand"..
Instead keep it simple and just always try to send the same small set of
types over the wire with expect-logic to handle each case,
- use the new `dec_hook`/`ext_types` args to `mk_[co]dec()` routines for
pld-spec ipc transport.
- always try to stream a small set of types from the child with logic to
handle the cases expected to error.
- draft a `test_pld_limiting_usage` to check runtime raising of bad API
usage; haven't run it yet tho.
- move `test_custom_extension_types` to top of mod so that the
`enc/dec_nsp()` hooks can be reffed from test parametrizations.
- comment out (and maybe remove) the old routines for
`iter_maybe_sends`, `test_limit_msgspec`, `chk_pld_type`.
XXX TODO, turns out the 2 failing cases from this suite have exposed an
an actual bug with `MsgTypeError` unpacking where the `ipc_msg=` input
is being set to `None` ?? -> see the comment at the bottom of
`._exceptions._mk_recv_mte()` which seems to describe the likely
Since it should only be used from within a `Portal.open_context()`
scope, make sure the caller knows that!
Also don't hide the frame in tb if the immediate function errors..
By using our new `PldRx` design we can,
- pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is
used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder`
- pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the
equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior
to transport.
The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()`
extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec
such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged
by the encoder/sender side B)
A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various
cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include,
- `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new
`ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`.
- proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get
removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover
the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed
a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be
- add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from
from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance.
- mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design
was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to
use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context`
apis to now break.
|_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe
config the `.msgpack.Encoder`
- generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones
that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented.
- mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside
`.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal.
Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`),
- add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and
use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use.
- prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's
mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version?
- originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely
it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that
ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as
originally intended for this sub-suite).
In the `examples/debugging/` i had put the
pattern-comment lines on the line following the `breakpoint()` bc it
seems that's where `pdb` would always "stop" and print the line to
console? So the test would only pass by actually ensuring that in the
`pexpect` capture..
Now on 3.13 it seems that the `pdb` line halting must have been fixed;
it now renders to console the same `breakpoint()` line?
Anyway it works as you'd expect now but **only** on 3.13 so after this
change we might have to adjust the tests to `pytest.xfail()` on earlier
Like any `bdb.BdbQuit` that might be relayed from a remote context after
a REPl exit with the `quit` cmd. This fixes various issues while
debugging where it may not be clear to the parent task that the child
was terminated with a purposefully unrecoverable error.
Inside a new `.trionics._beg` and exposed from the subpkg ns in
anticipation of the `strict_exception_groups=False` being removed by
`trio` in py 3.15.
- mk an embedded single-exc "extractor" using a `BaseExceptionGroup.exceptions` length
check, when 1 return the lone child.
- use the above in a new `@acm`, async bc it's most likely to be composed in an
`async with` tuple-style sequence block, called `collapse_eg()` which
acts a one line "absorber" for when the above mentioned flag is no
logner supported by `trio.open_nursery()`.
All untested atm fwiw.. but soon to be used in our test suite(s) likely!
Including changes like,
- loose eg flagging in various test emedded `trio.open_nursery()`s.
- changes to eg handling (like using `except*`).
- added `debug_mode` integration to tests that needed some REPLin
in order to figure out appropriate updates.