Namely that `add_hooks: bool` should be the same as on the rent side..
Also, just drop the now unused `iter_maybe_sends`.
This makes the suite entire greeeeen btw, including the new sub-suite
which i hadn't runt before Bo
Namely renaming and massively simplifying it to a new
`test_ext_types_over_ipc` which avoids all the wacky "parent dictates
what sender should be able to send beforehand"..
Instead keep it simple and just always try to send the same small set of
types over the wire with expect-logic to handle each case,
- use the new `dec_hook`/`ext_types` args to `mk_[co]dec()` routines for
pld-spec ipc transport.
- always try to stream a small set of types from the child with logic to
handle the cases expected to error.
- draft a `test_pld_limiting_usage` to check runtime raising of bad API
usage; haven't run it yet tho.
- move `test_custom_extension_types` to top of mod so that the
`enc/dec_nsp()` hooks can be reffed from test parametrizations.
- comment out (and maybe remove) the old routines for
`iter_maybe_sends`, `test_limit_msgspec`, `chk_pld_type`.
XXX TODO, turns out the 2 failing cases from this suite have exposed an
an actual bug with `MsgTypeError` unpacking where the `ipc_msg=` input
is being set to `None` ?? -> see the comment at the bottom of
`._exceptions._mk_recv_mte()` which seems to describe the likely
By using our new `PldRx` design we can,
- pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is
used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder`
- pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the
equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior
to transport.
The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()`
extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec
such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged
by the encoder/sender side B)
A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various
cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include,
- `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new
`ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`.
- proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get
removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover
the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed
a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be
- add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from
from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance.
- mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design
was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to
use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context`
apis to now break.
|_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe
config the `.msgpack.Encoder`
- generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones
that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented.
- mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside
`.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal.
Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`),
- add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and
use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use.
- prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's
mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version?
- originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely
it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that
ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as
originally intended for this sub-suite).
Including changes like,
- loose eg flagging in various test emedded `trio.open_nursery()`s.
- changes to eg handling (like using `except*`).
- added `debug_mode` integration to tests that needed some REPLin
in order to figure out appropriate updates.
- Drop `test_msg_spec_xor_pld_spec()` since we no longer support
`ipc_msg_spec` arg to `mk_codec()`.
- Expect `MsgTypeError`s around `.open_context()` calls when
`add_codec_hooks == False`.
- toss in some `.pause()` points in the subactor ctx body whilst hacking
out a `.pld` protocol for debug mode TTY locking.
These are likely temporary changes but still needed to actually see the
desired/correct failures (of which 5 of 6 tests are supposed to fail rn)
mostly to do with `Start` and `Return` msgs which are invalid under each
test's applied msg-spec.
Tweak set here:
- bit more `print()`s in root and sub for grokin test flow.
- never use `` in subactor.. should know this by now XD
- comment out some bits that can't ever pass rn and make the underlying
expected failues harder to grok:
- the sub's child-side-of-ctx task doing sends should only fail
for certain msg types like `Started` + `Return`, `Yield`s are
processed receiver/parent side.
- don't expect `sent` list to match predicate set for the same reason
as last bullet.
The outstanding msg-type-semantic validation questions are:
- how to handle `.open_context()` with an input `kwargs` set that
doesn't adhere to the currently applied msg-spec?
- should the initial `@acm` entry fail before sending to the child
- where should received `MsgTypeError`s be raised, at the `MsgStream`
`.receive()` or lower in the stack?
- i'm thinking we should mk `MsgTypeError` derive from
`RemoteActorError` and then have it be delivered as an error to the
`Context`/`MsgStream` for per-ctx-task handling; would lead to more
flexible/modular policy overrides in user code outside any defaults
we provide.
Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to
a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over
a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also
param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type,
`NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context
child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along
with their expected `.send()`-ability.
Deats on technical refinements:
------ - ------
- added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate
generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the
current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC
- as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside
a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor
before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how
the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially.
- for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`),
added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we
move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as
a `list[str]` of names.
- the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an
invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the
RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and
instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond
with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during
a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad
input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap"
dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg
is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee
the child adheres to its own spec.
- tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress.
Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation:
------ - ------
- turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done
with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when
a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return
values from said methods are generally `bool`s..
- this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method
invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core
functionality on them XD
=> The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such
cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always
include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their
results are always handled without msg type errors.
More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
Though the runtime hasn't been changed over in this patch (it was in the
local index at the time however), the test does now demonstrate that
using a `Started` the correctly typed `.pld` will codec correctly when
passed manually to `MsgCodec.encode/decode()`.
Despite not having the runtime ported to the new shuttle msg set
(meaning the mentioned test will fail without the runtime port patch),
I was able to get this first original test working that limits payload
packets as a `Msg.pld: NamespacePath`this as long as we spec
`enc/dec_hook()`s then the `Msg.pld` will be processed correctly as per:
in both the `Any` and `NamespacePath|None` spec cases.
^- turns out in this case -^ that the codec hooks only get invoked on
the unknown-fields NOT the entire `Struct`-msg.
A further gotcha was merging a `|None` into the `pld_spec` since this
test spawns a subactor and opens a context via `send_back_nsp()` and
that func has no explicit `return` - so of course it delivers
a `Return(pld=None)` which will fail if we only spec `NamespacePath`.
Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in,
DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg`
a parent `Generic`..
So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as
verification in the test suite!
Fixes in `.msg.types`:
- implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building
methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a
buncha notes around what did and didn't work:
- 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that
you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above).
- 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work!
- 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with
`types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work..
- explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg
set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in
a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__`
(moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well).
- for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]`
and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field.
- make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`.
- toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type.
Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`:
- rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec`
- make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields
- wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses
`mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly.
Get more detailed in testing:
- inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to
some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome.
- drop input `generic`; no longer used.
- drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`.
- for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger
when any expectation doesn't match the outcome.
- use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above).
- ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc
decoder and codec loaded values.
- ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the
`types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering
since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
Mostly adjusting input args/logic to various spec/codec signatures and
new runtime semantics:
- `test_msg_spec_xor_pld_spec()` to verify that a shuttle prot spec and
payload spec are necessarily mutex and that `mk_codec()` enforces it.
- switch to `ipc_msg_spec` input in `mk_custom_codec()` helper.
- drop buncha commented cruft from `test_limit_msgspec()` including no
longer needed type union instance checks in dunder attributes.