#!/usr/bin/python import time import json import logging import trio import pynng import tractor import trio_asyncio from skynet_bot.gpu import open_gpu_worker from skynet_bot.dgpu import open_dgpu_node from skynet_bot.types import * from skynet_bot.brain import run_skynet from skynet_bot.constants import * from skynet_bot.frontend import open_skynet_rpc, rpc_call def test_dgpu_simple(): async def main(): async with trio.open_nursery() as n: await n.start( run_skynet, 'skynet', '3GbZd6UojbD8V7zWpeFn', 'ancap.tech:34508') await trio.sleep(2) for i in range(3): n.start_soon(open_dgpu_node) await trio.sleep(1) start = time.time() async def request_img(): with pynng.Req0(dial=DEFAULT_RPC_ADDR) as rpc_sock: res = await rpc_call( rpc_sock, 'tg+1', 'txt2img', { 'prompt': 'test', 'step': 28, 'width': 512, 'height': 512, 'guidance': 7.5, 'seed': None, 'algo': 'stable', 'upscaler': None }) logging.info(res) async with trio.open_nursery() as inner_n: for i in range(3): inner_n.start_soon(request_img) logging.info(f'time elapsed: {time.time() - start}') n.cancel_scope.cancel() trio_asyncio.run(main)