import pytest from skynet.config import * from skynet.ipfs import AsyncIPFSHTTP from skynet.nodeos import open_nodeos @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def ipfs_client(): yield AsyncIPFSHTTP('') @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def postgres_db(): from skynet.db import open_new_database with open_new_database() as db_params: yield db_params @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def cleos(): with open_nodeos() as cli: yield cli @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def dgpu(): from import NetConnector from skynet.dgpu.compute import ModelMngr from skynet.dgpu.daemon import WorkerDaemon config = load_skynet_toml(file_path='skynet.toml') hf_token = load_key(config, 'skynet.dgpu.hf_token') hf_home = load_key(config, 'skynet.dgpu.hf_home') set_hf_vars(hf_token, hf_home) config = config['skynet']['dgpu'] conn = NetConnector(config) mm = ModelMngr(config) daemon = WorkerDaemon(mm, conn, config) yield conn, mm, daemon