Added nix-shell dev file
Switch to dev branch of py-leap for get_table row auto struct unpack
Add testing module with helpers like override global load config function
Add types for Queue V0
Rename test contract to gpu.scd to match current
Add new enqueue test
Update lock
Add a lot of dgpu real image gen tests
Modified docker files and environment to allow for quick test relaunch without image rebuild
Rename package from skynet_bot to skynet
Drop tractor usage cause cuda is oriented to just a single proc managing gpu resources
Add ackwnoledge phase to image request for quick gpu disconnected type scenarios
Add click entry point for dgpu
Add posibility to reuse postgres_db fixture on same session by checking if schema init has been already done
Add simple dgpu worker connection test
Make db connection handler manage schema and table init logic
Keep tweaking dgpu main handler attemtping to fix subactor hangs
Change frontend open rpc logic to return a wrapped rpc_call fn referencing the new socket
Decupled user config request validation from telegram module
Fix next_worker logic, now takes in account multiple tasks per dgpu
Add dgpu_workers and dgpu_next calls
Fixed readme, moved db init code into db module