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# piker: trading gear for hackers
# Copyright (C) 2018-present Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship of pikers)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Sampling and broadcast machinery for (soft) real-time delivery of
financial data flows.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import Counter
import time
import tractor
import trio
from trio_typing import TaskStatus
from ._sharedmem import ShmArray
from ..log import get_logger
log = get_logger(__name__)
class sampler:
Global sampling engine registry.
Manages state for sampling events, shm incrementing and
sample period logic.
# TODO: we could stick these in a composed type to avoid
# angering the "i hate module scoped variables crowd" (yawn).
ohlcv_shms: dict[int, list[ShmArray]] = {}
# holds one-task-per-sample-period tasks which are spawned as-needed by
# data feed requests with a given detected time step usually from
# history loading.
incrementers: dict[int, trio.CancelScope] = {}
# holds all the ``tractor.Context`` remote subscriptions for
# a particular sample period increment event: all subscribers are
# notified on a step.
subscribers: dict[int, tractor.Context] = {}
async def increment_ohlc_buffer(
delay_s: int,
task_status: TaskStatus[trio.CancelScope] = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED,
Task which inserts new bars into the provide shared memory array
every ``delay_s`` seconds.
This task fulfills 2 purposes:
- it takes the subscribed set of shm arrays and increments them
on a common time period
- broadcast of this increment "signal" message to other actor
Note that if **no** actor has initiated this task then **none** of
the underlying buffers will actually be incremented.
# # wait for brokerd to signal we should start sampling
# await shm_incrementing(shm_token['shm_name']).wait()
# TODO: right now we'll spin printing bars if the last time stamp is
# before a large period of no market activity. Likely the best way
# to solve this is to make this task aware of the instrument's
# tradable hours?
# adjust delay to compensate for trio processing time
ad = min(sampler.ohlcv_shms.keys()) - 0.001
total_s = 0 # total seconds counted
lowest = min(sampler.ohlcv_shms.keys())
ad = lowest - 0.001
with trio.CancelScope() as cs:
# register this time period step as active
sampler.incrementers[delay_s] = cs
while True:
# TODO: do we want to support dynamically
# adding a "lower" lowest increment period?
await trio.sleep(ad)
total_s += lowest
# increment all subscribed shm arrays
# - this in ``numba``
# - just lookup shms for this step instead of iterating?
for delay_s, shms in sampler.ohlcv_shms.items():
if total_s % delay_s != 0:
# TODO: ``numba`` this!
for shm in shms:
# TODO: in theory we could make this faster by copying the
# "last" readable value into the underlying larger buffer's
# next value and then incrementing the counter instead of
# using ``.push()``?
# append new entry to buffer thus "incrementing" the bar
array = shm.array
last = array[-1:][shm._write_fields].copy()
# (index, t, close) = last[0][['index', 'time', 'close']]
(t, close) = last[0][['time', 'close']]
# this copies non-std fields (eg. vwap) from the last datum
['time', 'volume', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close']
][0] = (t + delay_s, 0, close, close, close, close)
# write to the buffer
# broadcast the buffer index step to any subscribers for
# a given sample period.
subs = sampler.subscribers.get(delay_s, ())
for stream in subs:
await stream.send({'index': shm._last.value})
except (
f'{stream._ctx.chan.uid} dropped connection'
async def iter_ohlc_periods(
ctx: tractor.Context,
delay_s: int,
) -> None:
Subscribe to OHLC sampling "step" events: when the time
aggregation period increments, this event stream emits an index
# add our subscription
subs = sampler.subscribers.setdefault(delay_s, [])
await ctx.started()
async with ctx.open_stream() as stream:
# stream and block until cancelled
await trio.sleep_forever()
except ValueError:
f'iOHLC step stream was already dropped {ctx.chan.uid}?'
async def sample_and_broadcast(
bus: '_FeedsBus', # noqa
shm: ShmArray,
quote_stream: trio.abc.ReceiveChannel,
brokername: str,
sum_tick_vlm: bool = True,
) -> None:
log.info("Started shared mem bar writer")
overruns = Counter()
# iterate stream delivered by broker
async for quotes in quote_stream:
# TODO: ``numba`` this!
for broker_symbol, quote in quotes.items():
# TODO: in theory you can send the IPC msg *before* writing
# to the sharedmem array to decrease latency, however, that
# will require at least some way to prevent task switching
# at the yield such that the array write isn't delayed while
# another consumer is serviced..
# start writing the shm buffer with appropriate
# trade data
# TODO: we should probably not write every single
# value to an OHLC sample stream XD
# for a tick stream sure.. but this is excessive..
ticks = quote['ticks']
for tick in ticks:
ticktype = tick['type']
# write trade events to shm last OHLC sample
if ticktype in ('trade', 'utrade'):
last = tick['price']
# update last entry
# benchmarked in the 4-5 us range
o, high, low, v = shm.array[-1][
['open', 'high', 'low', 'volume']
new_v = tick.get('size', 0)
if v == 0 and new_v:
# no trades for this bar yet so the open
# is also the close/last trade price
o = last
if sum_tick_vlm:
volume = v + new_v
# presume backend takes care of summing
# it's own vlm
volume = quote['volume']
'bar_wap', # can be optionally provided
]][-1] = (
max(high, last),
min(low, last),
quote.get('bar_wap', 0),
# XXX: we need to be very cautious here that no
# context-channel is left lingering which doesn't have
# a far end receiver actor-task. In such a case you can
# end up triggering backpressure which which will
# eventually block this producer end of the feed and
# thus other consumers still attached.
subs = bus._subscribers[broker_symbol.lower()]
# NOTE: by default the broker backend doesn't append
# it's own "name" into the fqsn schema (but maybe it
# should?) so we have to manually generate the correct
# key here.
bsym = f'{broker_symbol}.{brokername}'
lags: int = 0
for (stream, tick_throttle) in subs:
with trio.move_on_after(0.2) as cs:
if tick_throttle:
# this is a send mem chan that likely
# pushes to the ``uniform_rate_send()`` below.
(bsym, quote)
except trio.WouldBlock:
ctx = getattr(stream, '_ctx', None)
if ctx:
f'Feed overrun {bus.brokername} ->'
f'{ctx.channel.uid} !!!'
key = id(stream)
overruns[key] += 1
f'Feed overrun {bus.brokername} -> '
f'feed @ {tick_throttle} Hz'
if overruns[key] > 6:
f'Dropping consumer {stream}'
await stream.aclose()
raise trio.BrokenResourceError
await stream.send(
{bsym: quote}
if cs.cancelled_caught:
lags += 1
if lags > 10:
await tractor.breakpoint()
except (
ctx = getattr(stream, '_ctx', None)
if ctx:
f'{ctx.chan.uid} dropped '
'`brokerd`-quotes-feed connection'
if tick_throttle:
assert stream._closed
# XXX: do we need to deregister here
# if it's done in the fee bus code?
# so far seems like no since this should all
# be single-threaded. Doing it anyway though
# since there seems to be some kinda race..
subs.remove((stream, tick_throttle))
except ValueError:
log.error(f'{stream} was already removed from subs!?')
# TODO: a less naive throttler, here's some snippets:
# token bucket by njs:
# https://gist.github.com/njsmith/7ea44ec07e901cb78ebe1dd8dd846cb9
async def uniform_rate_send(
rate: float,
quote_stream: trio.abc.ReceiveChannel,
stream: tractor.MsgStream,
task_status: TaskStatus = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED,
) -> None:
# TODO: compute the approx overhead latency per cycle
left_to_sleep = throttle_period = 1/rate - 0.000616
# send cycle state
first_quote = last_quote = None
last_send = time.time()
diff = 0
while True:
# compute the remaining time to sleep for this throttled cycle
left_to_sleep = throttle_period - diff
if left_to_sleep > 0:
with trio.move_on_after(left_to_sleep) as cs:
sym, last_quote = await quote_stream.receive()
diff = time.time() - last_send
if not first_quote:
first_quote = last_quote
if (throttle_period - diff) > 0:
# received a quote but the send cycle period hasn't yet
# expired we aren't supposed to send yet so append
# to the tick frame.
# append quotes since last iteration into the last quote's
# tick array/buffer.
ticks = last_quote.get('ticks')
# XXX: idea for frame type data structure we could
# use on the wire instead of a simple list?
# frames = {
# 'index': ['type_a', 'type_c', 'type_n', 'type_n'],
# 'type_a': [tick0, tick1, tick2, .., tickn],
# 'type_b': [tick0, tick1, tick2, .., tickn],
# 'type_c': [tick0, tick1, tick2, .., tickn],
# ...
# 'type_n': [tick0, tick1, tick2, .., tickn],
# }
# TODO: once we decide to get fancy really we should
# have a shared mem tick buffer that is just
# continually filled and the UI just ready from it
# at it's display rate.
if ticks:
# send cycle isn't due yet so continue waiting
if cs.cancelled_caught:
# 2 cases:
# no quote has arrived yet this cycle so wait for
# the next one.
if not first_quote:
# if no last quote was received since the last send
# cycle **AND** if we timed out waiting for a most
# recent quote **but** the throttle cycle is now due to
# be sent -> we want to immediately send the next
# received quote ASAP.
sym, first_quote = await quote_stream.receive()
# we have a quote already so send it now.
# measured_rate = 1 / (time.time() - last_send)
# log.info(
# f'`{sym}` throttled send hz: {round(measured_rate, ndigits=1)}'
# )
# TODO: now if only we could sync this to the display
# rate timing exactly lul
await stream.send({sym: first_quote})
except (
# NOTE: any of these can be raised by ``tractor``'s IPC
# transport-layer and we want to be highly resilient
# to consumers which crash or lose network connection.
# I.e. we **DO NOT** want to crash and propagate up to
# ``pikerd`` these kinds of errors!
# if the feed consumer goes down then drop
# out of this rate limiter
log.warning(f'{stream} closed')
# reset send cycle state
first_quote = last_quote = None
diff = 0
last_send = time.time()