
608 lines
18 KiB

monitor: a real-time, sorted watchlist.
Launch with ``piker monitor <watchlist name>``.
(Currently there's a bunch of questrade specific stuff in here)
from itertools import chain
from types import ModuleType, AsyncGeneratorType
from typing import List
import trio
import tractor
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.stacklayout import StackLayout
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy import utils
from kivy.app import async_runTouchApp
from kivy.core.window import Window
from ..log import get_logger
from .pager import PagerView
from .kivy.hoverable import HoverBehavior
log = get_logger('monitor')
_colors2hexs = {
'darkgray': 'a9a9a9',
'gray': '808080',
'green': '008000',
'forestgreen': '228b22',
'red2': 'ff3333',
'red': 'ff0000',
'firebrick': 'b22222',
_colors = {key: utils.rgba(val) for key, val in _colors2hexs.items()}
def colorcode(name):
return _colors[name if name else 'gray']
_bs = 0.75 # border size
# medium shade of gray that seems to match the
# default i3 window borders
_i3_rgba = [0.14]*3 + [1]
# slightly off black like the jellybean bg from
# vim colorscheme
_cell_rgba = [0.07]*3 + [1]
_black_rgba = [0]*4
_kv = (f'''
#:kivy 1.10.0
font_size: 21
# make text wrap to botom
text_size: self.size
halign: 'center'
valign: 'middle'
size: self.texture_size
# color: {colorcode('gray')}
# font_color: {colorcode('gray')}
font_name: 'Roboto-Regular'
background_color: [0]*4 # by default transparent; use row color
# background_color: {_cell_rgba}
# spacing: 0, 0
# padding: [0]*4
font_size: 21
background_color: [0]*4 # by default transparent; use row color
# background_color: {_cell_rgba}
# canvas.before:
# Color:
# rgba: [0.13]*4
# BorderImage: # use a fixed size border
# pos: self.pos
# size: [self.size[0] - {_bs}, self.size[1]]
# # 0s are because the containing TickerTable already has spacing
# # border: [0, {_bs} , 0, {_bs}]
# border: [0, {_bs} , 0, 0]
spacing: [{_bs}]
# row_force_default: True
row_default_height: 62
cols: 1
# i3 style gray as background
rgba: {_i3_rgba}
# rgba: {_cell_rgba}
# scale with container self here refers to the widget i.e BoxLayout
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
spacing: [{_bs}, 0]
# minimum_height: 200 # should be pulled from Cell text size
# minimum_width: 200
# row_force_default: True
# row_default_height: 61 # determines the header row size
padding: [0]*4
spacing: [0]
# rgba: [0]*4
rgba: {_cell_rgba}
# self here refers to the widget i.e Row(GridLayout)
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
# row higlighting on mouse over
rgba: {_i3_rgba}
size: self.width, self.height if self.hovered else 1
pos: self.pos
radius: (10,)
# part of the `PagerView`
size_hint: 1, None
# static size of 51 px
height: 51
font_size: 25
background_color: {_i3_rgba}
class Cell(Button):
"""Data cell: the fundemental widget.
``key`` is the column name index value.
def __init__(self, key=None, **kwargs):
super(Cell, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.key = key
class HeaderCell(Cell):
"""Column header cell label.
def on_press(self, value=None):
"""Clicking on a col header indicates to sort rows by this column
in `update_quotes()`.
table = self.row.table
# if this is a row header cell then sort by the clicked field
if self.row.is_header:
table.sort_key = self.key
last = table.last_clicked_col_cell
if last and last is not self:
last.underline = False
last.bold = False
# outline the header text to indicate it's been the last clicked
self.underline = True
self.bold = True
# mark this cell as the last selected
table.last_clicked_col_cell = self
# sort and render the rows immediately
# allow highlighting of row headers for tracking
elif self.is_header:
if self.background_color == self.color:
self.background_color = _black_rgba
self.background_color = self.color
class BidAskLayout(StackLayout):
"""Cell which houses three buttons containing a last, bid, and ask in a
single unit oriented with the last 2 under the first.
def __init__(self, values, header=False, **kwargs):
# uncomment to get vertical stacked bid-ask
# super(BidAskLayout, self).__init__(orientation='bt-lr', **kwargs)
super(BidAskLayout, self).__init__(orientation='lr-tb', **kwargs)
assert len(values) == 3, "You can only provide 3 values: last,bid,ask"
self._keys2cells = {}
cell_type = HeaderCell if header else Cell
top_size = cell_type().font_size
small_size = top_size - 4
top_prop = 0.5 # proportion of size used by top cell
bottom_prop = 1 - top_prop
for (key, size_hint, font_size), value in zip(
[('last', (1, top_prop), top_size),
('bid', (0.5, bottom_prop), small_size),
('ask', (0.5, bottom_prop), small_size)],
# uncomment to get vertical stacked bid-ask
# [('last', (top_prop, 1), top_size),
# ('bid', (bottom_prop, 0.5), small_size),
# ('ask', (bottom_prop, 0.5), small_size)],
cell = cell_type(
# width=self.width/2 - 3,
self._keys2cells[key] = cell
cell.key = value
cell.is_header = header
setattr(self, key, cell)
# should be assigned by referrer
self.row = None
def get_cell(self, key):
return self._keys2cells[key]
def row(self):
return self.row
def row(self, row):
# so hideous
for cell in self.cells:
cell.row = row
def cells(self):
return [self.last, self.bid, self.ask]
class Row(GridLayout, HoverBehavior):
"""A grid for displaying a row of ticker quote data.
The row fields can be updated using the ``fields`` property which will in
turn adjust the text color of the values based on content changes.
def __init__(
self, record, headers=(), bidasks=None, table=None,
super(Row, self).__init__(cols=len(record), **kwargs)
self._cell_widgets = {}
self._last_record = record
self.table = table
self.is_header = is_header
# selection state
self.mouse_over = False
# create `BidAskCells` first
layouts = {}
bidasks = bidasks or {}
ba_cells = {}
for key, children in bidasks.items():
layout = BidAskLayout(
[record[key]] + [record[child] for child in children],
layout.row = self
layouts[key] = layout
for i, child in enumerate([key] + children):
ba_cells[child] = layout.cells[i]
children_flat = list(chain.from_iterable(bidasks.values()))
# build out row using Cell labels
for (key, val) in record.items():
header = key in headers
# handle bidask cells
if key in layouts:
elif key in children_flat:
# these cells have already been added to the `BidAskLayout`
cell = self._append_cell(val, key, header=header)
cell.key = key
self._cell_widgets[key] = cell
def get_cell(self, key):
return self._cell_widgets[key]
def _append_cell(self, text, key, header=False):
if not len(self._cell_widgets) < self.cols:
raise ValueError(f"Can not append more then {self.cols} cells")
# header cells just have a different colour
celltype = HeaderCell if header else Cell
cell = celltype(text=str(text), key=key)
cell.is_header = header
cell.row = self
return cell
def update(self, record, displayable):
"""Update this row's cells with new values from a quote ``record``.
Return all cells that changed in a ``dict``.
# color changed field values
cells = {}
gray = colorcode('gray')
fgreen = colorcode('forestgreen')
red = colorcode('red2')
for key, val in record.items():
# logic for cell text coloring: up-green, down-red
if self._last_record[key] < val:
color = fgreen
elif self._last_record[key] > val:
color = red
color = gray
cell = self.get_cell(key)
cell.text = str(displayable[key])
cell.color = color
if color != gray:
cells[key] = cell
self._last_record = record
return cells
# mouse over handlers
def on_enter(self):
"""Highlight layout on enter.
f"Entered row {type(self)} through {self.border_point}")
# don't highlight header row
if getattr(self, 'is_header', None):
self.hovered = False
def on_leave(self):
"""Un-highlight layout on exit.
f"Left row {type(self)} through {self.border_point}")
class TickerTable(GridLayout):
"""A grid for displaying ticker quote records as a table.
def __init__(self, sort_key='%', quote_cache={}, **kwargs):
super(TickerTable, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.symbols2rows = {}
self.sort_key = sort_key
self.quote_cache = quote_cache
self.row_filter = lambda item: item
# for tracking last clicked column header cell
self.last_clicked_col_cell = None
self._last_row_toggle = 0
def append_row(self, record, bidasks=None):
"""Append a `Row` of `Cell` objects to this table.
row = Row(record, headers=('symbol',), bidasks=bidasks, table=self)
# store ref to each row
self.symbols2rows[row._last_record['symbol']] = row
return row
def render_rows(
self, pairs: {str: (dict, Row)}, sort_key: str = None,
"""Sort and render all rows on the ticker grid from ``pairs``.
sort_key = sort_key or self.sort_key
for data, row in filter(
row_filter or self.row_filter,
sorted(pairs.values(), key=lambda item: item[0][sort_key])
self.add_widget(row) # row append
def ticker_search(self, patt):
"""Return sequence of matches when pattern ``patt`` is in a
symbol name. Most naive algo possible for the moment.
for symbol, row in self.symbols2rows.items():
if patt in symbol:
yield symbol, row
def search(self, patt):
"""Search bar api compat.
return dict(self.ticker_search(patt)) or {}
async def update_quotes(
nursery: trio._core._run.Nursery,
brokermod: ModuleType,
widgets: dict,
agen: AsyncGeneratorType,
symbol_data: dict,
first_quotes: dict
"""Process live quotes by updating ticker rows.
table = widgets['table']
flash_keys = {'low', 'high'}
async def revert_cells_color(cells):
await trio.sleep(0.3)
for cell in cells:
cell.background_color = _black_rgba
def color_row(row, data, cells):
hdrcell = row.get_cell('symbol')
chngcell = row.get_cell('%')
# determine daily change color
daychange = float(data['%'])
if daychange < 0.:
color = colorcode('red2')
elif daychange > 0.:
color = colorcode('forestgreen')
color = colorcode('gray')
# update row header and '%' cell text color
chngcell.color = hdrcell.color = color
# if the cell has been "highlighted" make sure to change its color
if hdrcell.background_color != [0]*4:
hdrcell.background_color = color
# briefly highlight bg of certain cells on each trade execution
unflash = set()
tick_color = None
last = cells.get('last')
if not last:
vol = cells.get('vol')
if not vol:
return # no trade exec took place
# flash gray on volume tick
# (means trade exec @ current price)
last = row.get_cell('last')
tick_color = colorcode('gray')
tick_color = last.color
last.background_color = tick_color
# flash the size cell
size = row.get_cell('size')
size.background_color = tick_color
# flash all other cells
for key in flash_keys:
cell = cells.get(key)
if cell:
cell.background_color = cell.color
# revert flash state momentarily
nursery.start_soon(revert_cells_color, unflash)
cache = {}
table.quote_cache = cache
# initial coloring
for sym, quote in first_quotes.items():
row = table.symbols2rows[sym]
record, displayable = brokermod.format_quote(
quote, symbol_data=symbol_data)
row.update(record, displayable)
color_row(row, record, {})
cache[sym] = (record, row)
# render all rows once up front
# real-time cell update loop
async for quotes in agen: # new quotes data only
for symbol, quote in quotes.items():
record, displayable = brokermod.format_quote(
quote, symbol_data=symbol_data)
row = table.symbols2rows[symbol]
cache[symbol] = (record, row)
cells = row.update(record, displayable)
color_row(row, record, cells)
log.debug("Waiting on quotes")
log.warn("Data feed connection dropped")
async def _async_main(
name: str,
portal: tractor._portal.Portal,
tickers: List[str],
brokermod: ModuleType,
rate: int,
# an async generator instance which yields quotes dict packets
quote_gen: AsyncGeneratorType,
) -> None:
'''Launch kivy app + all other related tasks.
This is started with cli cmd `piker monitor`.
# subscribe for tickers (this performs a possible filtering
# where invalid symbols are discarded)
sd = await portal.run(
"piker.brokers.data", 'symbol_data',
broker=brokermod.name, tickers=tickers)
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
# get first quotes response
log.debug("Waiting on first quote...")
quotes = await quote_gen.__anext__()
first_quotes = [
brokermod.format_quote(quote, symbol_data=sd)[0]
for quote in quotes.values()]
if first_quotes[0].get('last') is None:
log.error("Broker API is down temporarily")
# build out UI
Window.set_title(f"monitor: {name}\t(press ? for help)")
box = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical', spacing=0)
# define bid-ask "stacked" cells
# (TODO: needs some rethinking and renaming for sure)
bidasks = brokermod._bidasks
# add header row
headers = first_quotes[0].keys()
header = Row(
{key: key for key in headers},
size_hint=(1, None),
# build table
table = TickerTable(
size_hint=(1, None),
for ticker_record in first_quotes:
table.append_row(ticker_record, bidasks=bidasks)
# associate the col headers row with the ticker table even though
# they're technically wrapped separately in containing BoxLayout
header.table = table
# mark the initial sorted column header as bold and underlined
sort_cell = header.get_cell(table.sort_key)
sort_cell.bold = sort_cell.underline = True
table.last_clicked_col_cell = sort_cell
# set up a pager view for large ticker lists
pager = PagerView(box, table, nursery)
widgets = {
# 'anchor': anchor,
'root': box,
'table': table,
'box': box,
'header': header,
'pager': pager,
update_quotes, nursery, brokermod, widgets, quote_gen, sd, quotes)
# Trio-kivy entry point.
await async_runTouchApp(widgets['root']) # run kivy
await quote_gen.aclose() # cancel aysnc gen call
# un-subscribe from symbols stream (cancel if brokerd
# was already torn down - say by SIGINT)
with trio.move_on_after(0.2):
await portal.run(
"piker.brokers.data", 'modify_quote_stream',
broker=brokermod.name, tickers=[])
# cancel GUI update task