465 lines
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465 lines
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# piker: trading gear for hackers
# Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for pikers)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Real-time and historical data feed endpoints.
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager as acm
from dataclasses import asdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (
import time
from fuzzywuzzy import process as fuzzy
import numpy as np
import pendulum
from pydantic import BaseModel
from trio_typing import TaskStatus
import tractor
import trio
import wsproto
from piker._cacheables import open_cached_client
from piker.brokers._util import (
from piker.log import get_console_log
from piker.data import ShmArray
from piker.data._web_bs import open_autorecon_ws, NoBsWs
from . import log
from .api import (
# https://www.kraken.com/features/api#get-tradable-pairs
class Pair(BaseModel):
altname: str # alternate pair name
wsname: str # WebSocket pair name (if available)
aclass_base: str # asset class of base component
base: str # asset id of base component
aclass_quote: str # asset class of quote component
quote: str # asset id of quote component
lot: str # volume lot size
pair_decimals: int # scaling decimal places for pair
lot_decimals: int # scaling decimal places for volume
# amount to multiply lot volume by to get currency volume
lot_multiplier: float
# array of leverage amounts available when buying
leverage_buy: list[int]
# array of leverage amounts available when selling
leverage_sell: list[int]
# fee schedule array in [volume, percent fee] tuples
fees: list[tuple[int, float]]
# maker fee schedule array in [volume, percent fee] tuples (if on
# maker/taker)
fees_maker: list[tuple[int, float]]
fee_volume_currency: str # volume discount currency
margin_call: str # margin call level
margin_stop: str # stop-out/liquidation margin level
ordermin: float # minimum order volume for pair
async def stream_messages(
ws: NoBsWs,
Message stream parser and heartbeat handler.
Deliver ws subscription messages as well as handle heartbeat logic
though a single async generator.
too_slow_count = last_hb = 0
while True:
with trio.move_on_after(5) as cs:
msg = await ws.recv_msg()
# trigger reconnection if heartbeat is laggy
if cs.cancelled_caught:
too_slow_count += 1
if too_slow_count > 20:
"Heartbeat is too slow, resetting ws connection")
await ws._connect()
too_slow_count = 0
if isinstance(msg, dict):
if msg.get('event') == 'heartbeat':
now = time.time()
delay = now - last_hb
last_hb = now
# XXX: why tf is this not printing without --tl flag?
log.debug(f"Heartbeat after {delay}")
# print(f"Heartbeat after {delay}")
err = msg.get('errorMessage')
if err:
raise BrokerError(err)
yield msg
async def process_data_feed_msgs(
ws: NoBsWs,
Parse and pack data feed messages.
async for msg in stream_messages(ws):
chan_id, *payload_array, chan_name, pair = msg
if 'ohlc' in chan_name:
yield 'ohlc', OHLC(chan_id, chan_name, pair, *payload_array[0])
elif 'spread' in chan_name:
bid, ask, ts, bsize, asize = map(float, payload_array[0])
# TODO: really makes you think IB has a horrible API...
quote = {
'symbol': pair.replace('/', ''),
'ticks': [
{'type': 'bid', 'price': bid, 'size': bsize},
{'type': 'bsize', 'price': bid, 'size': bsize},
{'type': 'ask', 'price': ask, 'size': asize},
{'type': 'asize', 'price': ask, 'size': asize},
yield 'l1', quote
# elif 'book' in msg[-2]:
# chan_id, *payload_array, chan_name, pair = msg
# print(msg)
print(f'UNHANDLED MSG: {msg}')
yield msg
def normalize(
ohlc: OHLC,
) -> dict:
quote = asdict(ohlc)
quote['broker_ts'] = quote['time']
quote['brokerd_ts'] = time.time()
quote['symbol'] = quote['pair'] = quote['pair'].replace('/', '')
quote['last'] = quote['close']
quote['bar_wap'] = ohlc.vwap
# seriously eh? what's with this non-symmetry everywhere
# in subscription systems...
# XXX: piker style is always lowercases symbols.
topic = quote['pair'].replace('/', '').lower()
# print(quote)
return topic, quote
def make_sub(pairs: list[str], data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, str]:
Create a request subscription packet dict.
# eg. specific logic for this in kraken's sync client:
# https://github.com/krakenfx/kraken-wsclient-py/blob/master/kraken_wsclient_py/kraken_wsclient_py.py#L188
return {
'pair': pairs,
'event': 'subscribe',
'subscription': data,
async def open_history_client(
symbol: str,
) -> tuple[Callable, int]:
# TODO implement history getter for the new storage layer.
async with open_cached_client('kraken') as client:
# lol, kraken won't send any more then the "last"
# 720 1m bars.. so we have to just ignore further
# requests of this type..
queries: int = 0
async def get_ohlc(
end_dt: Optional[datetime] = None,
start_dt: Optional[datetime] = None,
) -> tuple[
datetime, # start
datetime, # end
nonlocal queries
if queries > 0:
raise DataUnavailable
count = 0
while count <= 3:
array = await client.bars(
count += 1
queries += 1
except DataThrottle:
log.warning(f'kraken OHLC throttle for {symbol}')
await trio.sleep(1)
start_dt = pendulum.from_timestamp(array[0]['time'])
end_dt = pendulum.from_timestamp(array[-1]['time'])
return array, start_dt, end_dt
yield get_ohlc, {'erlangs': 1, 'rate': 1}
async def backfill_bars(
sym: str,
shm: ShmArray, # type: ignore # noqa
count: int = 10, # NOTE: any more and we'll overrun the underlying buffer
task_status: TaskStatus[trio.CancelScope] = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED,
) -> None:
Fill historical bars into shared mem / storage afap.
with trio.CancelScope() as cs:
async with open_cached_client('kraken') as client:
bars = await client.bars(symbol=sym)
async def stream_quotes(
send_chan: trio.abc.SendChannel,
symbols: list[str],
feed_is_live: trio.Event,
loglevel: str = None,
# backend specific
sub_type: str = 'ohlc',
# startup sync
task_status: TaskStatus[tuple[dict, dict]] = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED,
) -> None:
Subscribe for ohlc stream of quotes for ``pairs``.
``pairs`` must be formatted <crypto_symbol>/<fiat_symbol>.
# XXX: required to propagate ``tractor`` loglevel to piker logging
get_console_log(loglevel or tractor.current_actor().loglevel)
ws_pairs = {}
sym_infos = {}
async with open_cached_client('kraken') as client, send_chan as send_chan:
# keep client cached for real-time section
for sym in symbols:
# transform to upper since piker style is always lower
sym = sym.upper()
si = Pair(**await client.symbol_info(sym)) # validation
syminfo = si.dict()
syminfo['price_tick_size'] = 1 / 10**si.pair_decimals
syminfo['lot_tick_size'] = 1 / 10**si.lot_decimals
syminfo['asset_type'] = 'crypto'
sym_infos[sym] = syminfo
ws_pairs[sym] = si.wsname
symbol = symbols[0].lower()
init_msgs = {
# pass back token, and bool, signalling if we're the writer
# and that history has been written
symbol: {
'symbol_info': sym_infos[sym],
'shm_write_opts': {'sum_tick_vml': False},
'fqsn': sym,
async def subscribe(ws: wsproto.WSConnection):
# XXX: setup subs
# https://docs.kraken.com/websockets/#message-subscribe
# specific logic for this in kraken's shitty sync client:
# https://github.com/krakenfx/kraken-wsclient-py/blob/master/kraken_wsclient_py/kraken_wsclient_py.py#L188
ohlc_sub = make_sub(
{'name': 'ohlc', 'interval': 1}
# TODO: we want to eventually allow unsubs which should
# be completely fine to request from a separate task
# since internally the ws methods appear to be FIFO
# locked.
await ws.send_msg(ohlc_sub)
# trade data (aka L1)
l1_sub = make_sub(
{'name': 'spread'} # 'depth': 10}
# pull a first quote and deliver
await ws.send_msg(l1_sub)
# unsub from all pairs on teardown
await ws.send_msg({
'pair': list(ws_pairs.values()),
'event': 'unsubscribe',
'subscription': ['ohlc', 'spread'],
# XXX: do we need to ack the unsub?
# await ws.recv_msg()
# see the tips on reconnection logic:
# https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044504011-WebSocket-API-unexpected-disconnections-from-market-data-feeds
ws: NoBsWs
async with open_autorecon_ws(
) as ws:
# pull a first quote and deliver
msg_gen = process_data_feed_msgs(ws)
# TODO: use ``anext()`` when it lands in 3.10!
typ, ohlc_last = await msg_gen.__anext__()
topic, quote = normalize(ohlc_last)
task_status.started((init_msgs, quote))
# lol, only "closes" when they're margin squeezing clients ;P
# keep start of last interval for volume tracking
last_interval_start = ohlc_last.etime
# start streaming
async for typ, ohlc in msg_gen:
if typ == 'ohlc':
# TODO: can get rid of all this by using
# ``trades`` subscription...
# generate tick values to match time & sales pane:
# https://trade.kraken.com/charts/KRAKEN:BTC-USD?period=1m
volume = ohlc.volume
# new OHLC sample interval
if ohlc.etime > last_interval_start:
last_interval_start = ohlc.etime
tick_volume = volume
# this is the tick volume *within the interval*
tick_volume = volume - ohlc_last.volume
ohlc_last = ohlc
last = ohlc.close
if tick_volume:
'type': 'trade',
'price': last,
'size': tick_volume,
topic, quote = normalize(ohlc)
elif typ == 'l1':
quote = ohlc
topic = quote['symbol'].lower()
await send_chan.send({topic: quote})
async def open_symbol_search(
ctx: tractor.Context,
) -> Client:
async with open_cached_client('kraken') as client:
# load all symbols locally for fast search
cache = await client.cache_symbols()
await ctx.started(cache)
async with ctx.open_stream() as stream:
async for pattern in stream:
matches = fuzzy.extractBests(
# repack in dict form
await stream.send(
{item[0]['altname']: item[0]
for item in matches}