
1077 lines
35 KiB

# piker: trading gear for hackers
# Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for piker0)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In da suit parlances: "Execution management systems"
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pprint import pformat
import time
from typing import AsyncIterator, Callable
from bidict import bidict
from pydantic import BaseModel
import trio
from trio_typing import TaskStatus
import tractor
from ..log import get_logger
from ..data._normalize import iterticks
from ..data.feed import Feed, maybe_open_feed
from .._daemon import maybe_spawn_brokerd
from . import _paper_engine as paper
from ._messages import (
Status, Order,
BrokerdCancel, BrokerdOrder, BrokerdOrderAck, BrokerdStatus,
BrokerdFill, BrokerdError, BrokerdPosition,
log = get_logger(__name__)
# TODO: numba all of this
def mk_check(
trigger_price: float,
known_last: float,
action: str,
) -> Callable[[float, float], bool]:
"""Create a predicate for given ``exec_price`` based on last known
price, ``known_last``.
This is an automatic alert level thunk generator based on where the
current last known value is and where the specified value of
interest is; pick an appropriate comparison operator based on
avoiding the case where the a predicate returns true immediately.
# str compares:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46708708/compare-strings-in-numba-compiled-function
if trigger_price >= known_last:
def check_gt(price: float) -> bool:
return price >= trigger_price
return check_gt
elif trigger_price <= known_last:
def check_lt(price: float) -> bool:
return price <= trigger_price
return check_lt
return None
class _DarkBook:
'''EMS-trigger execution book.
Contains conditions for executions (aka "orders" or "triggers")
which are not exposed to brokers and thus the market; i.e. these are
privacy focussed "client side" orders which are submitted in real-time
based on specified trigger conditions.
An instance per `brokerd` is created per EMS actor (for now).
broker: str
# levels which have an executable action (eg. alert, order, signal)
orders: dict[
str, # symbol
str, # uuid
Callable[[float], bool], # predicate
str, # name
dict, # cmd / msg type
] = field(default_factory=dict)
# tracks most recent values per symbol each from data feed
lasts: dict[
tuple[str, str],
] = field(default_factory=dict)
# mapping of piker ems order ids to current brokerd order flow message
_ems_entries: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
_ems2brokerd_ids: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=bidict)
# XXX: this is in place to prevent accidental positions that are too
# big. Now obviously this won't make sense for crypto like BTC, but
# for most traditional brokers it should be fine unless you start
# slinging NQ futes or something; check ur margin.
_DEFAULT_SIZE: float = 1.0
async def clear_dark_triggers(
brokerd_orders_stream: tractor.MsgStream,
ems_client_order_stream: tractor.MsgStream,
quote_stream: tractor.ReceiveMsgStream, # noqa
broker: str,
symbol: str,
book: _DarkBook,
) -> None:
"""Core dark order trigger loop.
Scan the (price) data feed and submit triggered orders
to broker.
# this stream may eventually contain multiple symbols
# XXX: optimize this for speed!
async for quotes in quote_stream:
# TODO: numba all this!
# start = time.time()
for sym, quote in quotes.items():
execs = book.orders.get(sym, None)
if execs is None:
for tick in iterticks(
# dark order price filter(s)
types=('ask', 'bid', 'trade', 'last')
price = tick.get('price')
ttype = tick['type']
# update to keep new cmds informed
book.lasts[(broker, symbol)] = price
for oid, (
) in (
if not pred or (ttype not in tf) or (not pred(price)):
# majority of iterations will be non-matches
action: str = cmd['action']
symbol: str = cmd['symbol']
if action == 'alert':
# nothing to do but relay a status
# message back to the requesting ems client
resp = 'alert_triggered'
else: # executable order submission
# submit_price = price + price*percent_away
submit_price = price + abs_diff_away
f'Dark order triggered for price {price}\n'
f'Submitting order @ price {submit_price}')
msg = BrokerdOrder(
# this **creates** new order request for the
# underlying broker so we set a "broker
# request id" (``reqid`` kwarg) to ``None``
# so that the broker client knows that we
# aren't trying to modify an existing
# order-request and instead create a new one.
await brokerd_orders_stream.send(msg.dict())
# mark this entry as having sent an order
# request. the entry will be replaced once the
# target broker replies back with
# a ``BrokerdOrderAck`` msg including the
# allocated unique ``BrokerdOrderAck.reqid`` key
# generated by the broker's own systems.
book._ems_entries[oid] = msg
# our internal status value for client-side
# triggered "dark orders"
resp = 'dark_triggered'
msg = Status(
oid=oid, # ems order id
broker_details={'name': broker},
cmd=cmd, # original request message
# remove exec-condition from set
log.info(f'removing pred for {oid}')
await ems_client_order_stream.send(msg)
else: # condition scan loop complete
log.debug(f'execs are {execs}')
if execs:
book.orders[symbol] = execs
# print(f'execs scan took: {time.time() - start}')
class TradesRelay:
# for now we keep only a single connection open with
# each ``brokerd`` for simplicity.
brokerd_dialogue: tractor.MsgStream
# map of symbols to dicts of accounts to pp msgs
positions: dict[str, dict[str, BrokerdPosition]]
# count of connected ems clients for this ``brokerd``
consumers: int = 0
class Router(BaseModel):
'''Order router which manages and tracks per-broker dark book,
alerts, clearing and related data feed management.
A singleton per ``emsd`` actor.
# setup at actor spawn time
nursery: trio.Nursery
# broker to book map
books: dict[str, _DarkBook] = {}
# order id to client stream map
clients: set[tractor.MsgStream] = set()
dialogues: dict[str, list[tractor.MsgStream]] = {}
# brokername to trades-dialogues streams with ``brokerd`` actors
relays: dict[str, TradesRelay] = {}
class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
underscore_attrs_are_private = False
def get_dark_book(
brokername: str,
) -> _DarkBook:
return self.books.setdefault(brokername, _DarkBook(brokername))
async def maybe_open_brokerd_trades_dialogue(
feed: Feed,
symbol: str,
dark_book: _DarkBook,
_exec_mode: str,
loglevel: str,
) -> tuple[dict, tractor.MsgStream]:
'''Open and yield ``brokerd`` trades dialogue context-stream if none
already exists.
relay = self.relays.get(feed.mod.name)
if relay is None:
relay = await self.nursery.start(
relay.consumers += 1
# TODO: get updated positions here?
assert relay.brokerd_dialogue
yield relay
# TODO: what exactly needs to be torn down here or
# are we just consumer tracking?
relay.consumers -= 1
_router: Router = None
async def open_brokerd_trades_dialogue(
router: Router,
feed: Feed,
symbol: str,
_exec_mode: str,
loglevel: str,
task_status: TaskStatus[TradesRelay] = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED,
) -> tuple[dict, tractor.MsgStream]:
'''Open and yield ``brokerd`` trades dialogue context-stream if none
already exists.
trades_endpoint = getattr(feed.mod, 'trades_dialogue', None)
broker = feed.mod.name
# TODO: make a `tractor` bug/test for this!
# portal = feed._brokerd_portal
# XXX: we must have our own portal + channel otherwise
# when the data feed closes it may result in a half-closed
# channel that the brokerd side thinks is still open somehow!?
async with maybe_spawn_brokerd(
) as portal:
if trades_endpoint is None or _exec_mode == 'paper':
# for paper mode we need to mock this trades response feed
# so we load bidir stream to a new sub-actor running a
# paper-simulator clearing engine.
# load the paper trading engine
_exec_mode = 'paper'
log.warning(f'Entering paper trading mode for {broker}')
# load the paper trading engine as a subactor of this emsd
# actor to simulate the real IPC load it'll have when also
# pulling data from feeds
open_trades_endpoint = paper.open_paperboi(
# open live brokerd trades endpoint
open_trades_endpoint = portal.open_context(
async with (
open_trades_endpoint as (brokerd_ctx, positions),
brokerd_ctx.open_stream() as brokerd_trades_stream,
# XXX: really we only want one stream per `emsd` actor
# to relay global `brokerd` order events unless we're
# doing to expect each backend to relay only orders
# affiliated with a particular ``trades_dialogue()``
# session (seems annoying for implementers). So, here
# we cache the relay task and instead of running multiple
# tasks (which will result in multiples of the same msg being
# relayed for each EMS client) we just register each client
# stream to this single relay loop using _router.dialogues
# begin processing order events from the target brokerd backend
# by receiving order submission response messages,
# normalizing them to EMS messages and relaying back to
# the piker order client set.
pps = {}
for msg in positions:
pps.setdefault(msg['symbol'], {})['account'] = msg
relay = TradesRelay(
_router.relays[broker] = relay
# the ems scan loop may be cancelled by the client but we
# want to keep the ``brokerd`` dialogue up regardless
await translate_and_relay_brokerd_events(
# this context should block here indefinitely until
# the ``brokerd`` task either dies or is cancelled
# parent context must have been closed
# remove from cache so next client will respawn if needed
async def _setup_persistent_emsd(
ctx: tractor.Context,
) -> None:
global _router
# open a root "service nursery" for the ``emsd`` actor
async with trio.open_nursery() as service_nursery:
_router = Router(nursery=service_nursery)
# TODO: send back the full set of persistent
# orders/execs?
await ctx.started()
# allow service tasks to run until cancelled
await trio.sleep_forever()
async def translate_and_relay_brokerd_events(
broker: str,
brokerd_trades_stream: tractor.MsgStream,
router: Router,
) -> AsyncIterator[dict]:
'''Trades update loop - receive updates from ``brokerd`` trades
endpoint, convert to EMS response msgs, transmit **only** to
ordering client(s).
This is where trade confirmations from the broker are processed and
appropriate responses relayed **only** back to the original EMS
client actor. There is a messaging translation layer throughout.
Expected message translation(s):
broker ems
'error' -> log it locally (for now)
'status' -> relabel as 'broker_<status>', if complete send 'executed'
'fill' -> 'broker_filled'
Currently handled status values from IB:
{'presubmitted', 'submitted', 'cancelled', 'inactive'}
book = router.get_dark_book(broker)
relay = router.relays[broker]
assert relay.brokerd_dialogue == brokerd_trades_stream
async for brokerd_msg in brokerd_trades_stream:
name = brokerd_msg['name']
log.info(f'Received broker trade event:\n{pformat(brokerd_msg)}')
if name == 'position':
pos_msg = BrokerdPosition(**brokerd_msg).dict()
# XXX: this will be useful for automatic strats yah?
# keep pps per account up to date locally in ``emsd`` mem
relay.positions.setdefault(pos_msg['symbol'], {}).setdefault(
pos_msg['account'], {}
# fan-out-relay position msgs immediately by
# broadcasting updates on all client streams
for client_stream in router.clients:
await client_stream.send(pos_msg)
# Get the broker (order) request id, this **must** be normalized
# into messaging provided by the broker backend
reqid = brokerd_msg['reqid']
# all piker originated requests will have an ems generated oid field
oid = brokerd_msg.get(
if oid is None:
# XXX: paper clearing special cases
# paper engine race case: ``Client.submit_limit()`` hasn't
# returned yet and provided an output reqid to register
# locally, so we need to retreive the oid that was already
# packed at submission since we already know it ahead of
# time
paper = brokerd_msg['broker_details'].get('paper_info')
if paper:
# paperboi keeps the ems id up front
oid = paper['oid']
# may be an order msg specified as "external" to the
# piker ems flow (i.e. generated by some other
# external broker backend client (like tws for ib)
ext = brokerd_msg['broker_details'].get('external')
if ext:
log.error(f"External trade event {ext}")
# check for existing live flow entry
entry = book._ems_entries.get(oid)
# initial response to brokerd order request
if name == 'ack':
# register the brokerd request id (that was generated
# / created internally by the broker backend) with our
# local ems order id for reverse lookup later.
# a ``BrokerdOrderAck`` **must** be sent after an order
# request in order to establish this id mapping.
book._ems2brokerd_ids[oid] = reqid
# new order which has not yet be registered into the
# local ems book, insert it now and handle 2 cases:
# - the order has previously been requested to be
# cancelled by the ems controlling client before we
# received this ack, in which case we relay that cancel
# signal **asap** to the backend broker
action = getattr(entry, 'action', None)
if action and action == 'cancel':
# assign newly providerd broker backend request id
entry.reqid = reqid
# tell broker to cancel immediately
await brokerd_trades_stream.send(entry.dict())
# - the order is now active and will be mirrored in
# our book -> registered as live flow
# update the flow with the ack msg
book._ems_entries[oid] = BrokerdOrderAck(**brokerd_msg)
# a live flow now exists
oid = entry.oid
resp = None
broker_details = {}
if name in (
# TODO: figure out how this will interact with EMS clients
# for ex. on an error do we react with a dark orders
# management response, like cancelling all dark orders?
# This looks like a supervision policy for pending orders on
# some unexpected failure - something we need to think more
# about. In most default situations, with composed orders
# (ex. brackets), most brokers seem to use a oca policy.
msg = BrokerdError(**brokerd_msg)
# XXX should we make one when it's blank?
# TODO: getting this bs, prolly need to handle status messages
# 'Market data farm connection is OK:usfarm.nj'
# another stupid ib error to handle
# if 10147 in message: cancel
resp = 'broker_errored'
broker_details = msg.dict()
# don't relay message to order requester client
# continue
elif name in (
msg = BrokerdStatus(**brokerd_msg)
if msg.status == 'cancelled':
log.info(f'Cancellation for {oid} is complete!')
if msg.status == 'filled':
# conditional execution is fully complete, no more
# fills for the noted order
if not msg.remaining:
resp = 'broker_executed'
# be sure to pop this stream from our dialogue set
# since the order dialogue should be done.
log.info(f'Execution for {oid} is complete!')
# just log it
log.info(f'{broker} filled {msg}')
# one of {submitted, cancelled}
resp = 'broker_' + msg.status
# pass the BrokerdStatus msg inside the broker details field
broker_details = msg.dict()
elif name in (
msg = BrokerdFill(**brokerd_msg)
# proxy through the "fill" result(s)
resp = 'broker_filled'
broker_details = msg.dict()
log.info(f'\nFill for {oid} cleared with:\n{pformat(resp)}')
raise ValueError(f'Brokerd message {brokerd_msg} is invalid')
# Create and relay response status message
# to requesting EMS client
ems_client_order_stream = router.dialogues[oid]
await ems_client_order_stream.send(
except KeyError:
f'Received `brokerd` msg for unknown client with oid: {oid}')
# TODO: do we want this to keep things cleaned up?
# it might require a special status from brokerd to affirm the
# flow is complete?
# router.dialogues.pop(oid)
async def process_client_order_cmds(
client_order_stream: tractor.MsgStream, # noqa
brokerd_order_stream: tractor.MsgStream,
symbol: str,
feed: Feed, # noqa
dark_book: _DarkBook,
router: Router,
) -> None:
client_dialogues = router.dialogues
# cmd: dict
async for cmd in client_order_stream:
log.info(f'Received order cmd:\n{pformat(cmd)}')
action = cmd['action']
oid = cmd['oid']
# TODO: make ``tractor.MsgStream`` a frozen type again such that it
# can be stored in sets like the old context was.
# wait, maybe this **is** already working thanks to our parent
# `trio` type?
# register this stream as an active dialogue for this order id
# such that translated message from the brokerd backend can be
# routed (relayed) to **just** that client stream (and in theory
# others who are registered for such order affiliated msgs).
client_dialogues[oid] = client_order_stream
reqid = dark_book._ems2brokerd_ids.inverse.get(oid)
live_entry = dark_book._ems_entries.get(oid)
# TODO: can't wait for this stuff to land in 3.10
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0636/#going-to-the-cloud-mappings
if action in ('cancel',):
# check for live-broker order
if live_entry:
reqid = live_entry.reqid
msg = BrokerdCancel(
# NOTE: cancel response will be relayed back in messages
# from corresponding broker
if reqid:
# send cancel to brokerd immediately!
log.info("Submitting cancel for live order {reqid}")
await brokerd_order_stream.send(msg.dict())
# this might be a cancel for an order that hasn't been
# acked yet by a brokerd, so register a cancel for when
# the order ack does show up later such that the brokerd
# order request can be cancelled at that time.
dark_book._ems_entries[oid] = msg
# dark trigger cancel
# remove from dark book clearing
dark_book.orders[symbol].pop(oid, None)
# tell client side that we've cancelled the
# dark-trigger order
await client_order_stream.send(
# de-register this client dialogue
except KeyError:
log.exception(f'No dark order for {symbol}?')
# TODO: 3.10 struct-pattern matching and unpacking here
elif action in ('alert', 'buy', 'sell',):
msg = Order(**cmd)
sym = msg.symbol
trigger_price = msg.price
size = msg.size
exec_mode = msg.exec_mode
broker = msg.brokers[0]
if exec_mode == 'live' and action in ('buy', 'sell',):
if live_entry is not None:
# sanity check on emsd id
assert live_entry.oid == oid
reqid = live_entry.reqid
# if we already had a broker order id then
# this is likely an order update commmand.
log.info(f"Modifying live {broker} order: {reqid}")
msg = BrokerdOrder(
oid=oid, # no ib support for oids...
# if this is None, creates a new order
# otherwise will modify any existing one
# send request to backend
# XXX: the trades data broker response loop
# (``translate_and_relay_brokerd_events()`` above) will
# handle relaying the ems side responses back to
# the client/cmd sender from this request
log.info(f'Sending live order to {broker}:\n{pformat(msg)}')
await brokerd_order_stream.send(msg.dict())
# an immediate response should be ``BrokerdOrderAck``
# with ems order id from the ``trades_dialogue()``
# endpoint, but we register our request as part of the
# flow so that if a cancel comes from the requesting
# client, before that ack, when the ack does arrive we
# immediately take the reqid from the broker and cancel
# that live order asap.
dark_book._ems_entries[oid] = msg
# "DARK" triggers
# submit order to local EMS book and scan loop,
# effectively a local clearing engine, which
# scans for conditions and triggers matching executions
elif exec_mode in ('dark', 'paper') or (
action in ('alert')
# Auto-gen scanner predicate:
# we automatically figure out what the alert check
# condition should be based on the current first
# price received from the feed, instead of being
# like every other shitty tina platform that makes
# the user choose the predicate operator.
last = dark_book.lasts[(broker, sym)]
pred = mk_check(trigger_price, last, action)
spread_slap: float = 5
min_tick = feed.symbols[sym].tick_size
if action == 'buy':
tickfilter = ('ask', 'last', 'trade')
percent_away = 0.005
# TODO: we probably need to scale this based
# on some near term historical spread
# measure?
abs_diff_away = spread_slap * min_tick
elif action == 'sell':
tickfilter = ('bid', 'last', 'trade')
percent_away = -0.005
abs_diff_away = -spread_slap * min_tick
else: # alert
tickfilter = ('trade', 'utrade', 'last')
percent_away = 0
abs_diff_away = 0
# submit execution/order to EMS scan loop
# NOTE: this may result in an override of an existing
# dark book entry if the order id already exists
sym, {}
)[oid] = (
resp = 'dark_submitted'
# alerts have special msgs to distinguish
if action == 'alert':
resp = 'alert_submitted'
await client_order_stream.send(
async def _emsd_main(
ctx: tractor.Context,
broker: str,
symbol: str,
_exec_mode: str = 'dark', # ('paper', 'dark', 'live')
loglevel: str = 'info',
) -> None:
'''EMS (sub)actor entrypoint providing the
execution management (micro)service which conducts broker
order control on behalf of clients.
This is the daemon (child) side routine which starts an EMS runtime
(one per broker-feed) and and begins streaming back alerts from
broker executions/fills.
``send_order_cmds()`` is called here to execute in a task back in
the actor which started this service (spawned this actor), presuming
capabilities allow it, such that requests for EMS executions are
received in a stream from that client actor and then responses are
streamed back up to the original calling task in the same client.
The primary ``emsd`` task tree is:
- ``_emsd_main()``:
sets up brokerd feed, order feed with ems client, trades dialogue with
brokderd trading api.
- ``clear_dark_triggers()``:
run (dark order) conditions on inputs and trigger brokerd "live"
order submissions.
- (maybe) ``translate_and_relay_brokerd_events()``:
accept normalized trades responses from brokerd, process and
relay to ems client(s); this is a effectively a "trade event
reponse" proxy-broker.
- ``process_client_order_cmds()``:
accepts order cmds from requesting piker clients, registers
execs with exec loop
global _router
assert _router
dark_book = _router.get_dark_book(broker)
# TODO: would be nice if in tractor we can require either a ctx arg,
# or a named arg with ctx in it and a type annotation of
# tractor.Context instead of strictly requiring a ctx arg.
ems_ctx = ctx
feed: Feed
# spawn one task per broker feed
async with (
) as (feed, stream),
# XXX: this should be initial price quote from target provider
first_quote = feed.first_quotes[symbol]
book = _router.get_dark_book(broker)
book.lasts[(broker, symbol)] = first_quote['last']
# open a stream with the brokerd backend for order
# flow dialogue
async with (
# only open if one isn't already up: we try to keep
# as few duplicate streams as necessary
) as relay,
trio.open_nursery() as n,
brokerd_stream = relay.brokerd_dialogue # .clone()
# signal to client that we're started
# TODO: we could eventually send back **all** brokerd
# positions here?
await ems_ctx.started(
{sym: list(pps.values())
for sym, pps in relay.positions.items()}
# establish 2-way stream with requesting order-client and
# begin handling inbound order requests and updates
async with ems_ctx.open_stream() as ems_client_order_stream:
# trigger scan and exec loop
# start inbound (from attached client) order request processing
# main entrypoint, run here until cancelled.
await process_client_order_cmds(
# relay.brokerd_dialogue,
# remove client from "registry"
dialogues = _router.dialogues
for oid, client_stream in dialogues.copy().items():
if client_stream == ems_client_order_stream:
f'client dialogue is being abandoned:\n'
f'{oid} ->\n{client_stream._ctx.chan.uid}'
# TODO: for order dialogues left "alive" in
# the ems this is where we should allow some
# system to take over management. Likely we
# want to allow the user to choose what kind
# of policy to use (eg. cancel all orders
# from client, run some algo, etc.)