2622 lines
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2622 lines
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# piker: trading gear for hackers
# Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for pikers)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Interactive Brokers API backend.
Note the client runs under an ``asyncio`` loop (since ``ib_insync`` is
built on it) and thus actor aware API calls must be spawned with
from __future__ import annotations
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager as acm
from contextlib import AsyncExitStack
from dataclasses import asdict, astuple
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
import itertools
from math import isnan
from typing import (
Any, Callable, Optional,
AsyncIterator, Awaitable,
import asyncio
from pprint import pformat
import inspect
import time
from types import SimpleNamespace
import trio
from trio_typing import TaskStatus
import tractor
from tractor import to_asyncio
from async_generator import aclosing
from ib_insync.wrapper import RequestError
from ib_insync.contract import Contract, ContractDetails, Option
from ib_insync.order import Order, Trade, OrderStatus
from ib_insync.objects import Fill, Execution
from ib_insync.ticker import Ticker
from ib_insync.objects import Position
import ib_insync as ibis
from ib_insync.wrapper import Wrapper
from ib_insync.client import Client as ib_Client
from fuzzywuzzy import process as fuzzy
import numpy as np
import pendulum
from .. import config
from ..log import get_logger, get_console_log
from ..data._source import base_ohlc_dtype
from ..data._sharedmem import ShmArray
from ._util import SymbolNotFound, NoData
from ..clearing._messages import (
BrokerdOrder, BrokerdOrderAck, BrokerdStatus,
BrokerdPosition, BrokerdCancel,
BrokerdFill, BrokerdError,
log = get_logger(__name__)
# passed to ``tractor.ActorNursery.start_actor()``
_spawn_kwargs = {
'infect_asyncio': True,
_time_units = {
's': ' sec',
'm': ' mins',
'h': ' hours',
_time_frames = {
'1s': '1 Sec',
'5s': '5 Sec',
'30s': '30 Sec',
'1m': 'OneMinute',
'2m': 'TwoMinutes',
'3m': 'ThreeMinutes',
'4m': 'FourMinutes',
'5m': 'FiveMinutes',
'10m': 'TenMinutes',
'15m': 'FifteenMinutes',
'20m': 'TwentyMinutes',
'30m': 'HalfHour',
'1h': 'OneHour',
'2h': 'TwoHours',
'4h': 'FourHours',
'D': 'OneDay',
'W': 'OneWeek',
'M': 'OneMonth',
'Y': 'OneYear',
_show_wap_in_history: bool = False
# optional search config the backend can register for
# it's symbol search handling (in this case we avoid
# accepting patterns before the kb has settled more then
# a quarter second).
_search_conf = {
'pause_period': 6 / 16,
# annotation to let backend agnostic code
# know if ``brokerd`` should be spawned with
# ``tractor``'s aio mode.
_infect_asyncio: bool = True
# overrides to sidestep pretty questionable design decisions in
# ``ib_insync``:
class NonShittyWrapper(Wrapper):
def tcpDataArrived(self):
"""Override time stamps to be floats for now.
# use a ns int to store epoch time instead of datetime
self.lastTime = time.time_ns()
for ticker in self.pendingTickers:
ticker.rtTime = None
ticker.ticks = []
ticker.tickByTicks = []
ticker.domTicks = []
self.pendingTickers = set()
def execDetails(
reqId: int,
contract: Contract,
Get rid of datetime on executions.
# this is the IB server's execution time supposedly
# https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/classIBApi_1_1Execution.html#a2e05cace0aa52d809654c7248e052ef2
execu.time = execu.time.timestamp()
return super().execDetails(reqId, contract, execu)
class NonShittyIB(ibis.IB):
"""The beginning of overriding quite a few decisions in this lib.
- Don't use datetimes
- Don't use named tuples
def __init__(self):
# override `ib_insync` internal loggers so we can see wtf
# it's doing..
self._logger = get_logger(
# XXX: just to override this wrapper
self.wrapper = NonShittyWrapper(self)
self.client = ib_Client(self.wrapper)
self.client._logger = get_logger(
# self.errorEvent += self._onError
self.client.apiEnd += self.disconnectedEvent
# map of symbols to contract ids
_adhoc_cmdty_data_map = {
# https://misc.interactivebrokers.com/cstools/contract_info/v3.10/index.php?action=Conid%20Info&wlId=IB&conid=69067924
# NOTE: some cmdtys/metals don't have trade data like gold/usd:
# https://groups.io/g/twsapi/message/44174
'XAUUSD': ({'conId': 69067924}, {'whatToShow': 'MIDPOINT'}),
_futes_venues = (
_adhoc_futes_set = {
# equities
# cypto$
# agriculture
'he.globex', # lean hogs
'le.globex', # live cattle (geezers)
'gf.globex', # feeder cattle (younguns)
# raw
'lb.globex', # random len lumber
# metals
'xauusd.cmdty', # gold spot
'xagusd.cmdty', # silver spot
'ni.nymex', # silver futes
'qi.comex', # mini-silver futes
# exchanges we don't support at the moment due to not knowing
# how to do symbol-contract lookup correctly likely due
# to not having the data feeds subscribed.
_exch_skip_list = {
'ASX', # aussie stocks
'MEXI', # mexican stocks
'VALUE', # no idea
# https://misc.interactivebrokers.com/cstools/contract_info/v3.10/index.php?action=Conid%20Info&wlId=IB&conid=69067924
_enters = 0
def bars_to_np(bars: list) -> np.ndarray:
Convert a "bars list thing" (``BarsList`` type from ibis)
into a numpy struct array.
# TODO: maybe rewrite this faster with ``numba``
np_ready = []
for bardata in bars:
ts = bardata.date.timestamp()
t = astuple(bardata)[:7]
np_ready.append((ts, ) + t[1:7])
nparr = np.array(
assert nparr['time'][0] == bars[0].date.timestamp()
assert nparr['time'][-1] == bars[-1].date.timestamp()
return nparr
class Client:
IB wrapped for our broker backend API.
Note: this client requires running inside an ``asyncio`` loop.
_contracts: dict[str, Contract] = {}
def __init__(
ib: ibis.IB,
) -> None:
self.ib = ib
self.ib.RaiseRequestErrors = True
# contract cache
self._feeds: dict[str, trio.abc.SendChannel] = {}
# NOTE: the ib.client here is "throttled" to 45 rps by default
async def trades(
# api_only: bool = False,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
# orders = await self.ib.reqCompletedOrdersAsync(
# apiOnly=api_only
# )
fills = await self.ib.reqExecutionsAsync()
norm_fills = []
for fill in fills:
fill = fill._asdict() # namedtuple
for key, val in fill.copy().items():
if isinstance(val, Contract):
fill[key] = asdict(val)
return norm_fills
async def bars(
fqsn: str,
# EST in ISO 8601 format is required... below is EPOCH
start_dt: Union[datetime, str] = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000-05:00",
end_dt: Union[datetime, str] = "",
sample_period_s: str = 1, # ohlc sample period
period_count: int = int(2e3), # <- max per 1s sample query
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
Retreive OHLCV bars for a fqsn over a range to the present.
bars_kwargs = {'whatToShow': 'TRADES'}
global _enters
# log.info(f'REQUESTING BARS {_enters} @ end={end_dt}')
print(f'REQUESTING BARS {_enters} @ end={end_dt}')
if not end_dt:
end_dt = ''
_enters += 1
contract = await self.find_contract(fqsn)
bars_kwargs.update(getattr(contract, 'bars_kwargs', {}))
# _min = min(2000*100, count)
bars = await self.ib.reqHistoricalDataAsync(
# time history length values format:
# ``durationStr=integer{SPACE}unit (S|D|W|M|Y)``
# OHLC sampling values:
# 1 secs, 5 secs, 10 secs, 15 secs, 30 secs, 1 min, 2 mins,
# 3 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins,
# 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 1 day, 1W, 1M
# barSizeSetting='1 secs',
# durationStr='{count} S'.format(count=15000 * 5),
# durationStr='{count} D'.format(count=1),
# barSizeSetting='5 secs',
durationStr='{count} S'.format(count=period_count),
# barSizeSetting='5 secs',
barSizeSetting='1 secs',
# barSizeSetting='1 min',
# always use extended hours
# restricted per contract type
# whatToShow='MIDPOINT',
# whatToShow='TRADES',
if not bars:
# TODO: raise underlying error here
raise ValueError(f"No bars retreived for {fqsn}?")
nparr = bars_to_np(bars)
return bars, nparr
async def con_deats(
contracts: list[Contract],
) -> dict[str, ContractDetails]:
futs = []
for con in contracts:
if con.primaryExchange not in _exch_skip_list:
# batch request all details
results = await asyncio.gather(*futs)
# one set per future result
details = {}
for details_set in results:
# XXX: if there is more then one entry in the details list
# then the contract is so called "ambiguous".
for d in details_set:
con = d.contract
key = '.'.join([
con.primaryExchange or con.exchange,
expiry = con.lastTradeDateOrContractMonth
if expiry:
key += f'.{expiry}'
# nested dataclass we probably don't need and that
# won't IPC serialize..
d.secIdList = ''
details[key] = d
return details
async def search_stocks(
pattern: str,
upto: int = 3, # how many contracts to search "up to"
) -> dict[str, ContractDetails]:
Search for stocks matching provided ``str`` pattern.
Return a dictionary of ``upto`` entries worth of contract details.
descriptions = await self.ib.reqMatchingSymbolsAsync(pattern)
if descriptions is None:
return {}
# limit
descrs = descriptions[:upto]
return await self.con_deats([d.contract for d in descrs])
async def search_symbols(
pattern: str,
# how many contracts to search "up to"
upto: int = 3,
asdicts: bool = True,
) -> dict[str, ContractDetails]:
# TODO add search though our adhoc-locally defined symbol set
# for futes/cmdtys/
results = await self.search_stocks(
for key, deats in results.copy().items():
tract = deats.contract
sym = tract.symbol
sectype = tract.secType
if sectype == 'IND':
results[f'{sym}.IND'] = tract
exch = tract.exchange
if exch in _futes_venues:
# try get all possible contracts for symbol as per,
# https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/basic_contracts.html#fut
con = ibis.Future(
all_deats = await self.con_deats([con])
results |= all_deats
except RequestError as err:
return results
async def get_fute(
symbol: str,
exchange: str,
expiry: str = '',
front: bool = False,
) -> Contract:
Get an unqualifed contract for the current "continous" future.
# it's the "front" contract returned here
if front:
con = (await self.ib.qualifyContractsAsync(
ibis.ContFuture(symbol, exchange=exchange)
con = (await self.ib.qualifyContractsAsync(
return con
async def find_contract(
pattern: str,
currency: str = 'USD',
) -> Contract:
# TODO: we can't use this currently because
# ``wrapper.starTicker()`` currently cashes ticker instances
# which means getting a singel quote will potentially look up
# a quote for a ticker that it already streaming and thus run
# into state clobbering (eg. list: Ticker.ticks). It probably
# makes sense to try this once we get the pub-sub working on
# individual symbols...
# XXX UPDATE: we can probably do the tick/trades scraping
# inside our eventkit handler instead to bypass this entirely?
if '.ib' in pattern:
from ..data._source import unpack_fqsn
broker, symbol, expiry = unpack_fqsn(pattern)
symbol = pattern
# try:
# # give the cache a go
# return self._contracts[symbol]
# except KeyError:
# log.debug(f'Looking up contract for {symbol}')
expiry: str = ''
if symbol.count('.') > 1:
symbol, _, expiry = symbol.rpartition('.')
# use heuristics to figure out contract "type"
sym, exch = symbol.upper().rsplit('.', maxsplit=1)
qualify: bool = True
# futes
if exch in _futes_venues:
if expiry:
# get the "front" contract
contract = await self.get_fute(
# get the "front" contract
contract = await self.get_fute(
qualify = False
elif exch in ('FOREX'):
currency = ''
symbol, currency = sym.split('/')
con = ibis.Forex(
con.bars_kwargs = {'whatToShow': 'MIDPOINT'}
# commodities
elif exch == 'CMDTY': # eg. XAUUSD.CMDTY
con_kwargs, bars_kwargs = _adhoc_cmdty_data_map[sym]
con = ibis.Commodity(**con_kwargs)
con.bars_kwargs = bars_kwargs
# stonks
# TODO: metadata system for all these exchange rules..
primaryExchange = ''
if exch in ('PURE', 'TSE'): # non-yankee
currency = 'CAD'
# stupid ib...
primaryExchange = exch
exch = 'SMART'
exch = 'SMART'
primaryExchange = exch
con = ibis.Stock(
exch = 'SMART' if not exch else exch
if qualify:
contract = (await self.ib.qualifyContractsAsync(con))[0]
assert contract
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(f"No contract could be found {con}")
self._contracts[pattern] = contract
# add an aditional entry with expiry suffix if available
conexp = contract.lastTradeDateOrContractMonth
if conexp:
self._contracts[pattern + f'.{conexp}'] = contract
return contract
async def get_head_time(
contract: Contract,
) -> datetime:
"""Return the first datetime stamp for ``contract``.
return await self.ib.reqHeadTimeStampAsync(
formatDate=2, # timezone aware UTC datetime
async def get_sym_details(
symbol: str,
) -> tuple[Contract, Ticker, ContractDetails]:
contract = await self.find_contract(symbol)
ticker: Ticker = self.ib.reqMktData(
details_fute = self.ib.reqContractDetailsAsync(contract)
details = (await details_fute)[0]
return contract, ticker, details
async def get_quote(
symbol: str,
) -> tuple[Contract, Ticker, ContractDetails]:
Return a single quote for symbol.
contract, ticker, details = await self.get_sym_details(symbol)
ready = ticker.updateEvent
# ensure a last price gets filled in before we deliver quote
for _ in range(100):
if isnan(ticker.last):
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
if ready in done:
f'Quote for {symbol} timed out: market is closed?'
log.info(f'Got first quote for {symbol}')
f'Symbol {symbol} is not returning a quote '
'it may be outside trading hours?')
return contract, ticker, details
# async to be consistent for the client proxy, and cuz why not.
def submit_limit(
# ignored since ib doesn't support defining your
# own order id
oid: str,
symbol: str,
price: float,
action: str,
size: int,
account: str, # if blank the "default" tws account is used
# XXX: by default 0 tells ``ib_insync`` methods that there is no
# existing order so ask the client to create a new one (which it
# seems to do by allocating an int counter - collision prone..)
reqid: int = None,
) -> int:
Place an order and return integer request id provided by client.
contract = self._contracts[symbol]
except KeyError:
# require that the symbol has been previously cached by
# a data feed request - ensure we aren't making orders
# against non-known prices.
raise RuntimeError("Can not order {symbol}, no live feed?")
trade = self.ib.placeOrder(
orderId=reqid or 0, # stupid api devs..
action=action.upper(), # BUY/SELL
# lookup the literal account number by name here.
except AssertionError: # errrg insync..
log.warning(f'order for {reqid} already complete?')
# will trigger an error in ems request handler task.
return None
# ib doesn't support setting your own id outside
# their own weird client int counting ids..
return trade.order.orderId
def submit_cancel(
reqid: str,
) -> None:
"""Send cancel request for order id ``oid``.
def inline_errors(
to_trio: trio.abc.SendChannel,
) -> None:
Setup error relay to the provided ``trio`` mem chan such that
trio tasks can retreive and parse ``asyncio``-side API request
def push_err(
reqId: int,
errorCode: int,
errorString: str,
contract: Contract,
) -> None:
reason = errorString
if reqId == -1:
# it's a general event?
key = 'event'
key = 'error'
# error "object"
{'reqid': reqId,
'reason': reason,
'contract': contract}
except trio.BrokenResourceError:
# XXX: eventkit's ``Event.emit()`` for whatever redic
# reason will catch and ignore regular exceptions
# resulting in tracebacks spammed to console..
# Manually do the dereg ourselves.
log.exception('Disconnected from errorEvent updates')
def positions(
account: str = '',
) -> list[Position]:
Retrieve position info for ``account``.
return self.ib.positions(account=account)
async def recv_trade_updates(
client: Client,
to_trio: trio.abc.SendChannel,
) -> None:
"""Stream a ticker using the std L1 api.
# sync with trio task
def push_tradesies(eventkit_obj, obj, fill=None):
"""Push events to trio task.
if fill is not None:
# execution details event
item = ('fill', (obj, fill))
elif eventkit_obj.name() == 'positionEvent':
item = ('position', obj)
item = ('status', obj)
log.info(f'eventkit event ->\n{pformat(item)}')
except trio.BrokenResourceError:
log.exception(f'Disconnected from {eventkit_obj} updates')
# hook up to the weird eventkit object - event stream api
for ev_name in [
'orderStatusEvent', # all order updates
'execDetailsEvent', # all "fill" updates
'positionEvent', # avg price updates per symbol per account
# 'commissionReportEvent',
# XXX: ugh, it is a separate event from IB and it's
# emitted as follows:
# self.ib.commissionReportEvent.emit(trade, fill, report)
# XXX: not sure yet if we need these
# 'updatePortfolioEvent',
# XXX: these all seem to be weird ib_insync intrernal
# events that we probably don't care that much about
# given the internal design is wonky af..
# 'newOrderEvent',
# 'orderModifyEvent',
# 'cancelOrderEvent',
# 'openOrderEvent',
eventkit_obj = getattr(client.ib, ev_name)
handler = partial(push_tradesies, eventkit_obj)
# let the engine run and stream
await client.ib.disconnectedEvent
# per-actor API ep caching
_client_cache: dict[tuple[str, int], Client] = {}
_scan_ignore: set[tuple[str, int]] = set()
def get_config() -> dict[str, Any]:
conf, path = config.load()
section = conf.get('ib')
if section is None:
log.warning(f'No config section found for ib in {path}')
return {}
return section
_accounts2clients: dict[str, Client] = {}
async def load_aio_clients(
host: str = '',
port: int = None,
client_id: int = 6116,
# the API TCP in `ib_insync` connection can be flaky af so instead
# retry a few times to get the client going..
connect_retries: int = 3,
connect_timeout: float = 0.5,
) -> dict[str, Client]:
Return an ``ib_insync.IB`` instance wrapped in our client API.
Client instances are cached for later use.
TODO: consider doing this with a ctx mngr eventually?
global _accounts2clients, _client_cache, _scan_ignore
conf = get_config()
ib = None
client = None
# attempt to get connection info from config; if no .toml entry
# exists, we try to load from a default localhost connection.
localhost = ''
host, hosts = conf.get('host'), conf.get('hosts')
if not (hosts or host):
host = localhost
if not hosts:
hosts = [host]
elif host and hosts:
raise ValueError(
'Specify only one of `host` or `hosts` in `brokers.toml` config')
try_ports = conf.get(
# default order is to check for gw first
[4002, 7497]
if isinstance(try_ports, dict):
'`ib.ports` in `brokers.toml` should be a `list` NOT a `dict`'
try_ports = list(try_ports.values())
_err = None
accounts_def = config.load_accounts(['ib'])
ports = try_ports if port is None else [port]
combos = list(itertools.product(hosts, ports))
accounts_found: dict[str, Client] = {}
# (re)load any and all clients that can be found
# from connection details in ``brokers.toml``.
for host, port in combos:
sockaddr = (host, port)
if (
sockaddr in _client_cache
or sockaddr in _scan_ignore
ib = NonShittyIB()
for i in range(connect_retries):
await ib.connectAsync(
# this timeout is sensative on windows and will
# fail without a good "timeout error" so be
# careful.
except (
# TODO: if trying to scan for remote api clients
# pretty sure we need to catch this, though it
# definitely needs a shorter timeout since it hangs
# for like 5s..
) as ce:
_err = ce
if i > 8:
# cache logic to avoid rescanning if we already have all
# clients loaded.
f'Failed to connect on {port} for {i} time, retrying...')
# create and cache client
client = Client(ib)
# Pre-collect all accounts available for this
# connection and map account names to this client
# instance.
pps = ib.positions()
if pps:
for pp in pps:
] = client
# if there are accounts without positions we should still
# register them for this client
for value in ib.accountValues():
acct_number = value.account
entry = accounts_def.inverse.get(acct_number)
if not entry:
raise ValueError(
'No section in brokers.toml for account:'
f' {acct_number}\n'
f'Please add entry to continue using this API client'
# surjection of account names to operating clients.
if acct_number not in accounts_found:
accounts_found[entry] = client
f'Loaded accounts for client @ {host}:{port}\n'
# update all actor-global caches
log.info(f"Caching client for {sockaddr}")
_client_cache[sockaddr] = client
# XXX: why aren't we just updating this directy above
# instead of using the intermediary `accounts_found`?
# if we have no clients after the scan loop then error out.
if not _client_cache:
raise ConnectionError(
'No ib APIs could be found scanning @:\n'
'Check your `brokers.toml` and/or network'
) from _err
yield _accounts2clients
# TODO: for re-scans we'll want to not teardown clients which
# are up and stable right?
for acct, client in _accounts2clients.items():
log.info(f'Disconnecting {acct}@{client}')
_client_cache.pop((host, port))
async def load_clients_for_trio(
from_trio: asyncio.Queue,
to_trio: trio.abc.SendChannel,
) -> None:
Pure async mngr proxy to ``load_aio_clients()``.
This is a bootstrap entrypoing to call from
a ``tractor.to_asyncio.open_channel_from()``.
global _accounts2clients
if _accounts2clients:
await asyncio.sleep(float('inf'))
async with load_aio_clients() as accts2clients:
# TODO: maybe a sync event to wait on instead?
await asyncio.sleep(float('inf'))
_proxies: dict[str, MethodProxy] = {}
async def open_client_proxies() -> tuple[
dict[str, MethodProxy],
dict[str, Client],
async with (
# acm_func=open_client_proxies,
kwargs={'target': load_clients_for_trio},
# lock around current actor task access
# TODO: maybe this should be the default in tractor?
) as (cache_hit, (clients, from_aio)),
AsyncExitStack() as stack
if cache_hit:
log.info(f'Re-using cached clients: {clients}')
for acct_name, client in clients.items():
proxy = await stack.enter_async_context(
_proxies[acct_name] = proxy
yield _proxies, clients
def get_preferred_data_client(
clients: dict[str, Client],
) -> tuple[str, Client]:
Load and return the (first found) `Client` instance that is
preferred and should be used for data by iterating, in priority
order, the ``ib.prefer_data_account: list[str]`` account names in
the users ``brokers.toml`` file.
conf = get_config()
data_accounts = conf['prefer_data_account']
for name in data_accounts:
client = clients.get(f'ib.{name}')
if client:
return name, client
raise ValueError(
'No preferred data client could be found:\n'
async def open_data_client() -> MethodProxy:
Open the first found preferred "data client" as defined in the
user's ``brokers.toml`` in the ``ib.prefer_data_account`` variable
and deliver that client wrapped in a ``MethodProxy``.
async with (
open_client_proxies() as (proxies, clients),
account_name, client = get_preferred_data_client(clients)
proxy = proxies.get(f'ib.{account_name}')
if not proxy:
raise ValueError(
f'No preferred data client could be found for {account_name}!'
yield proxy
class MethodProxy:
def __init__(
chan: to_asyncio.LinkedTaskChannel,
event_table: dict[str, trio.Event],
asyncio_ns: SimpleNamespace,
) -> None:
self.chan = chan
self.event_table = event_table
self._aio_ns = asyncio_ns
async def _run_method(
meth: str = None,
) -> Any:
Make a ``Client`` method call by requesting through the
``tractor.to_asyncio`` layer.
chan = self.chan
await chan.send((meth, kwargs))
while not chan.closed():
# send through method + ``kwargs: dict`` as pair
msg = await chan.receive()
# print(f'NEXT MSG: {msg}')
# TODO: py3.10 ``match:`` syntax B)
if 'result' in msg:
res = msg.get('result')
return res
elif 'exception' in msg:
err = msg.get('exception')
raise err
elif 'error' in msg:
etype, emsg = msg
log.warning(f'IB error relay: {emsg}')
log.warning(f'UNKNOWN IB MSG: {msg}')
def status_event(
pattern: str,
) -> Union[dict[str, Any], trio.Event]:
ev = self.event_table.get(pattern)
if not ev or ev.is_set():
# print(f'inserting new data reset event item')
ev = self.event_table[pattern] = trio.Event()
return ev
async def wait_for_data_reset(self) -> None:
Send hacker hot keys to ib program and wait
for the event that declares the data feeds to be
back up before unblocking.
async def open_aio_client_method_relay(
from_trio: asyncio.Queue,
to_trio: trio.abc.SendChannel,
client: Client,
event_consumers: dict[str, trio.Event],
) -> None:
# TODO: separate channel for error handling?
# relay all method requests to ``asyncio``-side client and deliver
# back results
while not to_trio._closed:
msg = await from_trio.get()
if msg is None:
print('asyncio PROXY-RELAY SHUTDOWN')
meth_name, kwargs = msg
meth = getattr(client, meth_name)
resp = await meth(**kwargs)
# echo the msg back
to_trio.send_nowait({'result': resp})
except (
# TODO: relay all errors to trio?
# BaseException,
) as err:
to_trio.send_nowait({'exception': err})
async def open_client_proxy(
client: Client,
) -> MethodProxy:
event_table = {}
async with (
) as (first, chan),
trio.open_nursery() as relay_n,
assert isinstance(first, Client)
proxy = MethodProxy(
# mock all remote methods on ib ``Client``.
for name, method in inspect.getmembers(
Client, predicate=inspect.isfunction
if '_' == name[0]:
setattr(proxy, name, partial(proxy._run_method, meth=name))
async def relay_events():
async with chan.subscribe() as msg_stream:
async for msg in msg_stream:
if 'event' not in msg:
# if 'event' in msg:
# wake up any system event waiters.
etype, status_msg = msg
reason = status_msg['reason']
ev = proxy.event_table.pop(reason, None)
if ev and ev.statistics().tasks_waiting:
log.info(f'Relaying ib status message: {msg}')
yield proxy
# terminate asyncio side task
await chan.send(None)
async def get_client(
is_brokercheck: bool = False,
) -> Client:
Init the ``ib_insync`` client in another actor and return
a method proxy to it.
if is_brokercheck:
yield Client
# TODO: the IPC via portal relay layer for when this current
# actor isn't in aio mode.
async with open_data_client() as proxy:
yield proxy
# https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/tick_types.html
tick_types = {
77: 'trade',
# a "utrade" aka an off exchange "unreportable" (dark) vlm:
# https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/tick_types.html#rt_volume
48: 'dark_trade',
# standard L1 ticks
0: 'bsize',
1: 'bid',
2: 'ask',
3: 'asize',
4: 'last',
5: 'size',
8: 'volume',
# ``ib_insync`` already packs these into
# quotes under the following fields.
# 55: 'trades_per_min', # `'tradeRate'`
# 56: 'vlm_per_min', # `'volumeRate'`
# 89: 'shortable', # `'shortableShares'`
# TODO: cython/mypyc/numba this!
def normalize(
ticker: Ticker,
calc_price: bool = False
) -> dict:
# should be real volume for this contract by default
calc_price = False
# check for special contract types
con = ticker.contract
if type(con) in (
# commodities and forex don't have an exchange name and
# no real volume so we have to calculate the price
suffix = con.secType
# no real volume on this tract
calc_price = True
suffix = con.primaryExchange
if not suffix:
suffix = con.exchange
# append a `.<suffix>` to the returned symbol
# key for derivatives that normally is the expiry
# date key.
expiry = con.lastTradeDateOrContractMonth
if expiry:
suffix += f'.{expiry}'
# convert named tuples to dicts so we send usable keys
new_ticks = []
for tick in ticker.ticks:
if tick and not isinstance(tick, dict):
td = tick._asdict()
td['type'] = tick_types.get(
tbt = ticker.tickByTicks
if tbt:
print(f'tickbyticks:\n {ticker.tickByTicks}')
ticker.ticks = new_ticks
# some contracts don't have volume so we may want to calculate
# a midpoint price based on data we can acquire (such as bid / ask)
if calc_price:
{'type': 'trade', 'price': ticker.marketPrice()}
# serialize for transport
data = asdict(ticker)
# generate fqsn with possible specialized suffix
# for derivatives, note the lowercase.
data['symbol'] = data['fqsn'] = '.'.join(
(con.symbol, suffix)
# convert named tuples to dicts for transport
tbts = data.get('tickByTicks')
if tbts:
data['tickByTicks'] = [tbt._asdict() for tbt in tbts]
# add time stamps for downstream latency measurements
data['brokerd_ts'] = time.time()
# stupid stupid shit...don't even care any more..
# leave it until we do a proper latency study
# if ticker.rtTime is not None:
# data['broker_ts'] = data['rtTime_s'] = float(
# ticker.rtTime.timestamp) / 1000.
return data
_pacing: str = (
'Historical Market Data Service error '
'message:Historical data request pacing violation'
async def get_bars(
proxy: MethodProxy,
fqsn: str,
# blank to start which tells ib to look up the latest datum
end_dt: str = '',
) -> (dict, np.ndarray):
Retrieve historical data from a ``trio``-side task using
a ``MethoProxy``.
fails = 0
bars: Optional[list] = None
first_dt: datetime = None
last_dt: datetime = None
if end_dt:
last_dt = pendulum.from_timestamp(end_dt.timestamp())
for _ in range(10):
out = await proxy.bars(
if out:
bars, bars_array = out
await tractor.breakpoint()
if bars_array is None:
raise SymbolNotFound(fqsn)
first_dt = pendulum.from_timestamp(
last_dt = pendulum.from_timestamp(
time = bars_array['time']
assert time[-1] == last_dt.timestamp()
assert time[0] == first_dt.timestamp()
f'{len(bars)} bars retreived for {first_dt} -> {last_dt}'
return (bars, bars_array, first_dt, last_dt), fails
except RequestError as err:
msg = err.message
# why do we always need to rebind this?
# _err = err
if 'No market data permissions for' in msg:
# TODO: signalling for no permissions searches
raise NoData(
f'Symbol: {fqsn}',
elif (
err.code == 162
and 'HMDS query returned no data' in err.message
# XXX: this is now done in the storage mgmt layer
# and we shouldn't implicitly decrement the frame dt
# index since the upper layer may be doing so
# concurrently and we don't want to be delivering frames
# that weren't asked for.
f'NO DATA found ending @ {end_dt}\n'
# try to decrement start point and look further back
# end_dt = last_dt = last_dt.subtract(seconds=2000)
raise NoData(
f'Symbol: {fqsn}',
elif _pacing in msg:
'History throttle rate reached!\n'
'Resetting farms with `ctrl-alt-f` hack\n'
# TODO: we might have to put a task lock around this
# method..
hist_ev = proxy.status_event(
'HMDS data farm connection is OK:ushmds'
# XXX: other event messages we might want to try and
# wait for but i wasn't able to get any of this
# reliable..
# reconnect_start = proxy.status_event(
# 'Market data farm is connecting:usfuture'
# )
# live_ev = proxy.status_event(
# 'Market data farm connection is OK:usfuture'
# )
# try to wait on the reset event(s) to arrive, a timeout
# will trigger a retry up to 6 times (for now).
tries: int = 2
timeout: float = 10
# try 3 time with a data reset then fail over to
# a connection reset.
for i in range(1, tries):
log.warning('Sending DATA RESET request')
await data_reset_hack(reset_type='data')
with trio.move_on_after(timeout) as cs:
for name, ev in [
# TODO: not sure if waiting on other events
# is all that useful here or not. in theory
# you could wait on one of the ones above
# first to verify the reset request was
# sent?
('history', hist_ev),
await ev.wait()
log.info(f"{name} DATA RESET")
if cs.cancelled_caught:
fails += 1
f'Data reset {name} timeout, retrying {i}.'
log.warning('Sending CONNECTION RESET')
await data_reset_hack(reset_type='connection')
with trio.move_on_after(timeout) as cs:
for name, ev in [
# TODO: not sure if waiting on other events
# is all that useful here or not. in theory
# you could wait on one of the ones above
# first to verify the reset request was
# sent?
('history', hist_ev),
await ev.wait()
log.info(f"{name} DATA RESET")
if cs.cancelled_caught:
fails += 1
log.warning('Data CONNECTION RESET timeout!?')
return None, None
# else: # throttle wasn't fixed so error out immediately
# raise _err
async def open_history_client(
symbol: str,
) -> tuple[Callable, int]:
History retreival endpoint - delivers a historical frame callble
that takes in ``pendulum.datetime`` and returns ``numpy`` arrays.
async with open_data_client() as proxy:
async def get_hist(
end_dt: Optional[datetime] = None,
start_dt: Optional[datetime] = None,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, str]:
out, fails = await get_bars(proxy, symbol, end_dt=end_dt)
# TODO: add logic here to handle tradable hours and only grab
# valid bars in the range
if out is None:
# could be trying to retreive bars over weekend
log.error(f"Can't grab bars starting at {end_dt}!?!?")
raise NoData(
bars, bars_array, first_dt, last_dt = out
# volume cleaning since there's -ve entries,
# wood luv to know what crookery that is..
vlm = bars_array['volume']
vlm[vlm < 0] = 0
return bars_array, first_dt, last_dt
# TODO: it seems like we can do async queries for ohlc
# but getting the order right still isn't working and I'm not
# quite sure why.. needs some tinkering and probably
# a lookthrough of the ``ib_insync`` machinery, for eg. maybe
# we have to do the batch queries on the `asyncio` side?
yield get_hist, {'erlangs': 1, 'rate': 6}
async def backfill_bars(
fqsn: str,
shm: ShmArray, # type: ignore # noqa
# TODO: we want to avoid overrunning the underlying shm array buffer
# and we should probably calc the number of calls to make depending
# on that until we have the `marketstore` daemon in place in which
# case the shm size will be driven by user config and available sys
# memory.
count: int = 16,
task_status: TaskStatus[trio.CancelScope] = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED,
) -> None:
Fill historical bars into shared mem / storage afap.
TODO: avoid pacing constraints:
# last_dt1 = None
last_dt = None
with trio.CancelScope() as cs:
async with open_data_client() as proxy:
out, fails = await get_bars(proxy, fqsn)
if out is None:
raise RuntimeError("Could not pull currrent history?!")
(first_bars, bars_array, first_dt, last_dt) = out
vlm = bars_array['volume']
vlm[vlm < 0] = 0
last_dt = first_dt
# write historical data to buffer
i = 0
while i < count:
out, fails = await get_bars(proxy, fqsn, end_dt=first_dt)
if out is None:
# could be trying to retreive bars over weekend
# TODO: add logic here to handle tradable hours and
# only grab valid bars in the range
log.error(f"Can't grab bars starting at {first_dt}!?!?")
# XXX: get_bars() should internally decrement dt by
# 2k seconds and try again.
(first_bars, bars_array, first_dt, last_dt) = out
# last_dt1 = last_dt
# last_dt = first_dt
# volume cleaning since there's -ve entries,
# wood luv to know what crookery that is..
vlm = bars_array['volume']
vlm[vlm < 0] = 0
# TODO we should probably dig into forums to see what peeps
# think this data "means" and then use it as an indicator of
# sorts? dinkus has mentioned that $vlms for the day dont'
# match other platforms nor the summary stat tws shows in
# the monitor - it's probably worth investigating.
shm.push(bars_array, prepend=True)
i += 1
asset_type_map = {
'STK': 'stock',
'OPT': 'option',
'FUT': 'future',
'CONTFUT': 'continuous_future',
'CASH': 'forex',
'IND': 'index',
'CFD': 'cfd',
'BOND': 'bond',
'CMDTY': 'commodity',
'FOP': 'futures_option',
'FUND': 'mutual_fund',
'WAR': 'warrant',
'IOPT': 'warran',
'BAG': 'bag',
# 'NEWS': 'news',
_quote_streams: dict[str, trio.abc.ReceiveStream] = {}
async def _setup_quote_stream(
from_trio: asyncio.Queue,
to_trio: trio.abc.SendChannel,
symbol: str,
opts: tuple[int] = (
'375', # RT trade volume (excludes utrades)
'233', # RT trade volume (includes utrades)
'236', # Shortable shares
# these all appear to only be updated every 25s thus
# making them mostly useless and explains why the scanner
# is always slow XD
# '293', # Trade count for day
'294', # Trade rate / minute
'295', # Vlm rate / minute
contract: Optional[Contract] = None,
) -> trio.abc.ReceiveChannel:
Stream a ticker using the std L1 api.
This task is ``asyncio``-side and must be called from
global _quote_streams
async with load_aio_clients() as accts2clients:
caccount_name, client = get_preferred_data_client(accts2clients)
contract = contract or (await client.find_contract(symbol))
ticker: Ticker = client.ib.reqMktData(contract, ','.join(opts))
# NOTE: it's batch-wise and slow af but I guess could
# be good for backchecking? Seems to be every 5s maybe?
# ticker: Ticker = client.ib.reqTickByTickData(
# contract, 'Last',
# )
# # define a simple queue push routine that streams quote packets
# # to trio over the ``to_trio`` memory channel.
# to_trio, from_aio = trio.open_memory_channel(2**8) # type: ignore
def teardown():
log.error(f"Disconnected stream for `{symbol}`")
# decouple broadcast mem chan
_quote_streams.pop(symbol, None)
def push(t: Ticker) -> None:
Push quotes to trio task.
# log.debug(t)
except (
# XXX: HACK, not sure why this gets left stale (probably
# due to our terrible ``tractor.to_asyncio``
# implementation for streams.. but if the mem chan
# gets left here and starts blocking just kill the feed?
# trio.WouldBlock,
# XXX: eventkit's ``Event.emit()`` for whatever redic
# reason will catch and ignore regular exceptions
# resulting in tracebacks spammed to console..
# Manually do the dereg ourselves.
except trio.WouldBlock:
f'channel is blocking symbol feed for {symbol}?'
# except trio.WouldBlock:
# # for slow debugging purposes to avoid clobbering prompt
# # with log msgs
# pass
await asyncio.sleep(float('inf'))
# return from_aio
async def open_aio_quote_stream(
symbol: str,
contract: Optional[Contract] = None,
) -> trio.abc.ReceiveStream:
from tractor.trionics import broadcast_receiver
global _quote_streams
from_aio = _quote_streams.get(symbol)
if from_aio:
# if we already have a cached feed deliver a rx side clone to consumer
async with broadcast_receiver(
) as from_aio:
yield from_aio
async with tractor.to_asyncio.open_channel_from(
) as (first, from_aio):
# cache feed for later consumers
_quote_streams[symbol] = from_aio
yield from_aio
async def stream_quotes(
send_chan: trio.abc.SendChannel,
symbols: list[str],
feed_is_live: trio.Event,
loglevel: str = None,
# startup sync
task_status: TaskStatus[tuple[dict, dict]] = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED,
) -> None:
Stream symbol quotes.
This is a ``trio`` callable routine meant to be invoked
once the brokerd is up.
# TODO: support multiple subscriptions
sym = symbols[0]
log.info(f'request for real-time quotes: {sym}')
async with open_data_client() as proxy:
con, first_ticker, details = await proxy.get_sym_details(symbol=sym)
first_quote = normalize(first_ticker)
# print(f'first quote: {first_quote}')
def mk_init_msgs() -> dict[str, dict]:
Collect a bunch of meta-data useful for feed startup and
pack in a `dict`-msg.
# pass back some symbol info like min_tick, trading_hours, etc.
syminfo = asdict(details)
# nested dataclass we probably don't need and that won't IPC
# serialize
# TODO: more consistent field translation
atype = syminfo['asset_type'] = asset_type_map[syminfo['secType']]
# for stocks it seems TWS reports too small a tick size
# such that you can't submit orders with that granularity?
min_tick = 0.01 if atype == 'stock' else 0
syminfo['price_tick_size'] = max(syminfo['minTick'], min_tick)
# for "traditional" assets, volume is normally discreet, not
# a float
syminfo['lot_tick_size'] = 0.0
ibclient = proxy._aio_ns.ib.client
host, port = ibclient.host, ibclient.port
# TODO: for loop through all symbols passed in
init_msgs = {
# pass back token, and bool, signalling if we're the writer
# and that history has been written
sym: {
'symbol_info': syminfo,
'fqsn': first_quote['fqsn'],
'status': {
'data_ep': f'{host}:{port}',
return init_msgs
init_msgs = mk_init_msgs()
# TODO: we should instead spawn a task that waits on a feed to start
# and let it wait indefinitely..instead of this hard coded stuff.
with trio.move_on_after(1):
contract, first_ticker, details = await proxy.get_quote(symbol=sym)
# it might be outside regular trading hours so see if we can at
# least grab history.
if isnan(first_ticker.last):
task_status.started((init_msgs, first_quote))
# it's not really live but this will unblock
# the brokerd feed task to tell the ui to update?
# block and let data history backfill code run.
await trio.sleep_forever()
return # we never expect feed to come up?
async with open_aio_quote_stream(
) as stream:
# ugh, clear ticks since we've consumed them
# (ahem, ib_insync is stateful trash)
first_ticker.ticks = []
task_status.started((init_msgs, first_quote))
async with aclosing(stream):
if type(first_ticker.contract) not in (
# wait for real volume on feed (trading might be closed)
while True:
ticker = await stream.receive()
# for a real volume contract we rait for the first
# "real" trade to take place
if (
# not calc_price
# and not ticker.rtTime
not ticker.rtTime
# spin consuming tickers until we get a real
# market datum
log.debug(f"New unsent ticker: {ticker}")
log.debug("Received first real volume tick")
# ugh, clear ticks since we've consumed them
# (ahem, ib_insync is truly stateful trash)
ticker.ticks = []
# XXX: this works because we don't use
# ``aclosing()`` above?
quote = normalize(ticker)
log.debug(f"First ticker received {quote}")
# tell caller quotes are now coming in live
# last = time.time()
async for ticker in stream:
quote = normalize(ticker)
await send_chan.send({quote['fqsn']: quote})
# ugh, clear ticks since we've consumed them
ticker.ticks = []
# last = time.time()
def pack_position(
pos: Position
) -> dict[str, Any]:
con = pos.contract
if isinstance(con, Option):
# TODO: option symbol parsing and sane display:
symbol = con.localSymbol.replace(' ', '')
# TODO: lookup fqsn even for derivs.
symbol = con.symbol.lower()
exch = (con.primaryExchange or con.exchange).lower()
symkey = '.'.join((symbol, exch))
if not exch:
# attempt to lookup the symbol from our
# hacked set..
for sym in _adhoc_futes_set:
if symbol in sym:
symkey = sym
expiry = con.lastTradeDateOrContractMonth
if expiry:
symkey += f'.{expiry}'
# TODO: options contracts into a sane format..
return BrokerdPosition(
avg_price=float(pos.avgCost) / float(con.multiplier or 1.0),
async def handle_order_requests(
ems_order_stream: tractor.MsgStream,
accounts_def: dict[str, str],
) -> None:
global _accounts2clients
request_msg: dict
async for request_msg in ems_order_stream:
log.info(f'Received order request {request_msg}')
action = request_msg['action']
account = request_msg['account']
acct_number = accounts_def.get(account)
if not acct_number:
f'An IB account number for name {account} is not found?\n'
'Make sure you have all TWS and GW instances running.'
await ems_order_stream.send(BrokerdError(
reason=f'No account found: `{account}` ?',
client = _accounts2clients.get(account)
if not client:
f'An IB client for account name {account} is not found.\n'
'Make sure you have all TWS and GW instances running.'
await ems_order_stream.send(BrokerdError(
reason=f'No api client loaded for account: `{account}` ?',
if action in {'buy', 'sell'}:
# validate
order = BrokerdOrder(**request_msg)
# call our client api to submit the order
reqid = client.submit_limit(
# XXX: by default 0 tells ``ib_insync`` methods that
# there is no existing order so ask the client to create
# a new one (which it seems to do by allocating an int
# counter - collision prone..)
if reqid is None:
await ems_order_stream.send(BrokerdError(
reason='Order already active?',
# deliver ack that order has been submitted to broker routing
await ems_order_stream.send(
# ems order request id
# broker specific request id
elif action == 'cancel':
msg = BrokerdCancel(**request_msg)
log.error(f'Unknown order command: {request_msg}')
async def trades_dialogue(
ctx: tractor.Context,
loglevel: str = None,
) -> AsyncIterator[dict[str, Any]]:
# XXX: required to propagate ``tractor`` loglevel to piker logging
get_console_log(loglevel or tractor.current_actor().loglevel)
accounts_def = config.load_accounts(['ib'])
global _accounts2clients
global _client_cache
# deliver positions to subscriber before anything else
all_positions = []
accounts = set()
clients: list[tuple[Client, trio.MemoryReceiveChannel]] = []
async with (
trio.open_nursery() as nurse,
open_client_proxies() as (proxies, aioclients),
# for account, client in _accounts2clients.items():
for account, proxy in proxies.items():
client = aioclients[account]
async def open_stream(
task_status: TaskStatus[
# each api client has a unique event stream
async with tractor.to_asyncio.open_channel_from(
) as (first, trade_event_stream):
await trio.sleep_forever()
trade_event_stream = await nurse.start(open_stream)
clients.append((client, trade_event_stream))
assert account in accounts_def
for client in aioclients.values():
for pos in client.positions():
msg = pack_position(pos)
msg.account = accounts_def.inverse[msg.account]
assert msg.account in accounts, (
f'Position for unknown account: {msg.account}')
trades: list[dict] = []
for proxy in proxies.values():
trades.append(await proxy.trades())
log.info(f'Loaded {len(trades)} from this session')
# TODO: write trades to local ``trades.toml``
# - use above per-session trades data and write to local file
# - get the "flex reports" working and pull historical data and
# also save locally.
await ctx.started((
tuple(name for name in accounts_def if name in accounts),
async with (
ctx.open_stream() as ems_stream,
trio.open_nursery() as n,
# start order request handler **before** local trades event loop
n.start_soon(handle_order_requests, ems_stream, accounts_def)
# allocate event relay tasks for each client connection
for client, stream in clients:
# block until cancelled
await trio.sleep_forever()
async def deliver_trade_events(
trade_event_stream: trio.MemoryReceiveChannel,
ems_stream: tractor.MsgStream,
accounts_def: dict[str, str],
) -> None:
'''Format and relay all trade events for a given client to the EMS.
action_map = {'BOT': 'buy', 'SLD': 'sell'}
# TODO: for some reason we can receive a ``None`` here when the
# ib-gw goes down? Not sure exactly how that's happening looking
# at the eventkit code above but we should probably handle it...
async for event_name, item in trade_event_stream:
log.info(f'ib sending {event_name}:\n{pformat(item)}')
# TODO: templating the ib statuses in comparison with other
# brokers is likely the way to go:
# https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/interfaceIBApi_1_1EWrapper.html#a17f2a02d6449710b6394d0266a353313
# short list:
# - PendingSubmit
# - PendingCancel
# - PreSubmitted (simulated orders)
# - ApiCancelled (cancelled by client before submission
# to routing)
# - Cancelled
# - Filled
# - Inactive (reject or cancelled but not by trader)
# XXX: here's some other sucky cases from the api
# - short-sale but securities haven't been located, in this
# case we should probably keep the order in some kind of
# weird state or cancel it outright?
# status='PendingSubmit', message=''),
# status='Cancelled', message='Error 404,
# reqId 1550: Order held while securities are located.'),
# status='PreSubmitted', message='')],
if event_name == 'status':
# XXX: begin normalization of nonsense ib_insync internal
# object-state tracking representations...
# unwrap needed data from ib_insync internal types
trade: Trade = item
status: OrderStatus = trade.orderStatus
# skip duplicate filled updates - we get the deats
# from the execution details event
msg = BrokerdStatus(
time_ns=time.time_ns(), # cuz why not
# everyone doin camel case..
status=status.status.lower(), # force lower case
# this seems to not be necessarily up to date in the
# execDetails event.. so we have to send it here I guess?
broker_details={'name': 'ib'},
elif event_name == 'fill':
# for wtv reason this is a separate event type
# from IB, not sure why it's needed other then for extra
# complexity and over-engineering :eyeroll:.
# we may just end up dropping these events (or
# translating them to ``Status`` msgs) if we can
# show the equivalent status events are no more latent.
# unpack ib_insync types
# pep-0526 style:
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0526/#global-and-local-variable-annotations
trade: Trade
fill: Fill
trade, fill = item
execu: Execution = fill.execution
# TODO: normalize out commissions details?
details = {
'contract': asdict(fill.contract),
'execution': asdict(fill.execution),
'commissions': asdict(fill.commissionReport),
'broker_time': execu.time, # supposedly server fill time
'name': 'ib',
msg = BrokerdFill(
# should match the value returned from `.submit_limit()`
time_ns=time.time_ns(), # cuz why not
# XXX: required by order mode currently
elif event_name == 'error':
err: dict = item
# f$#$% gawd dammit insync..
con = err['contract']
if isinstance(con, Contract):
err['contract'] = asdict(con)
if err['reqid'] == -1:
log.error(f'TWS external order error:\n{pformat(err)}')
# TODO: what schema for this msg if we're going to make it
# portable across all backends?
# msg = BrokerdError(**err)
elif event_name == 'position':
msg = pack_position(item)
msg.account = accounts_def.inverse[msg.account]
elif event_name == 'event':
# it's either a general system status event or an external
# trade event?
log.info(f"TWS system status: \n{pformat(item)}")
# TODO: support this again but needs parsing at the callback
# level...
# reqid = item.get('reqid', 0)
# if getattr(msg, 'reqid', 0) < -1:
# log.info(f"TWS triggered trade\n{pformat(msg.dict())}")
# msg.reqid = 'tws-' + str(-1 * reqid)
# mark msg as from "external system"
# TODO: probably something better then this.. and start
# considering multiplayer/group trades tracking
# msg.broker_details['external_src'] = 'tws'
# XXX: we always serialize to a dict for msgpack
# translations, ideally we can move to an msgspec (or other)
# encoder # that can be enabled in ``tractor`` ahead of
# time so we can pass through the message types directly.
await ems_stream.send(msg.dict())
async def open_symbol_search(
ctx: tractor.Context,
) -> None:
# TODO: load user defined symbol set locally for fast search?
await ctx.started({})
async with open_data_client() as proxy:
async with ctx.open_stream() as stream:
last = time.time()
async for pattern in stream:
log.debug(f'received {pattern}')
now = time.time()
assert pattern, 'IB can not accept blank search pattern'
# throttle search requests to no faster then 1Hz
diff = now - last
if diff < 1.0:
log.debug('throttle sleeping')
await trio.sleep(diff)
pattern = stream.receive_nowait()
except trio.WouldBlock:
if not pattern or pattern.isspace():
log.warning('empty pattern received, skipping..')
# TODO: *BUG* if nothing is returned here the client
# side will cache a null set result and not showing
# anything to the use on re-searches when this query
# timed out. We probably need a special "timeout" msg
# or something...
# XXX: this unblocks the far end search task which may
# hold up a multi-search nursery block
await stream.send({})
log.debug(f'searching for {pattern}')
last = time.time()
# async batch search using api stocks endpoint and module
# defined adhoc symbol set.
stock_results = []
async def stash_results(target: Awaitable[list]):
stock_results.extend(await target)
async with trio.open_nursery() as sn:
# trigger async request
await trio.sleep(0)
# match against our ad-hoc set immediately
adhoc_matches = fuzzy.extractBests(
log.info(f'fuzzy matched adhocs: {adhoc_matches}')
adhoc_match_results = {}
if adhoc_matches:
# TODO: do we need to pull contract details?
adhoc_match_results = {i[0]: {} for i in adhoc_matches}
log.debug(f'fuzzy matching stocks {stock_results}')
stock_matches = fuzzy.extractBests(
matches = adhoc_match_results | {
item[0]: {} for item in stock_matches
# TODO: we used to deliver contract details
# {item[2]: item[0] for item in stock_matches}
log.debug(f"sending matches: {matches.keys()}")
await stream.send(matches)
async def data_reset_hack(
reset_type: str = 'data',
) -> None:
Run key combos for resetting data feeds and yield back to caller
when complete.
This is a linux-only hack around:
- a return type that hopefully determines if the hack was
- other OS support?
- integration with ``ib-gw`` run in docker + Xorg?
async def vnc_click_hack(
reset_type: str = 'data'
) -> None:
Reset the data or netowork connection for the VNC attached
ib gateway using magic combos.
key = {'data': 'f', 'connection': 'r'}[reset_type]
import asyncvnc
async with asyncvnc.connect(
# password='ibcansmbz',
) as client:
# move to middle of screen
# 640x1800
client.keyboard.press('Ctrl', 'Alt', key) # keys are stacked
await tractor.to_asyncio.run_task(vnc_click_hack)
# we don't really need the ``xdotool`` approach any more B)
return True