789 lines
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789 lines
23 KiB
# piker: trading gear for hackers
# Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for pikers)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Personal/Private position parsing, calculating, summarizing in a way
that doesn't try to cuk most humans who prefer to not lose their moneys..
(looking at you `ib` and dirt-bird friends)
from collections import deque
from contextlib import contextmanager as cm
# from pprint import pformat
import os
from os import path
from math import copysign
import re
import time
from typing import (
from msgspec import Struct
import pendulum
from pendulum import datetime, now
import tomli
import toml
from . import config
from .brokers import get_brokermod
from .clearing._messages import BrokerdPosition, Status
from .data._source import Symbol
from .log import get_logger
log = get_logger(__name__)
def open_trade_ledger(
broker: str,
account: str,
) -> str:
Indempotently create and read in a trade log file from the
``<configuration_dir>/ledgers/`` directory.
Files are named per broker account of the form
``<brokername>_<accountname>.toml``. The ``accountname`` here is the
name as defined in the user's ``brokers.toml`` config.
ldir = path.join(config._config_dir, 'ledgers')
if not path.isdir(ldir):
fname = f'trades_{broker}_{account}.toml'
tradesfile = path.join(ldir, fname)
if not path.isfile(tradesfile):
f'Creating new local trades ledger: {tradesfile}'
with open(tradesfile, 'w') as cf:
pass # touch
with open(tradesfile, 'rb') as cf:
start = time.time()
ledger = tomli.load(cf)
print(f'Ledger load took {time.time() - start}s')
cpy = ledger.copy()
yield cpy
if cpy != ledger:
# TODO: show diff output?
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12956957/print-diff-of-python-dictionaries
print(f'Updating ledger for {tradesfile}:\n')
# we write on close the mutated ledger data
with open(tradesfile, 'w') as cf:
return toml.dump(ledger, cf)
class Transaction(Struct):
# TODO: should this be ``.to`` (see below)?
fqsn: str
tid: Union[str, int] # unique transaction id
size: float
price: float
cost: float # commisions or other additional costs
dt: datetime
expiry: Optional[datetime] = None
# optional key normally derived from the broker
# backend which ensures the instrument-symbol this record
# is for is truly unique.
bsuid: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None
# optional fqsn for the source "asset"/money symbol?
# from: Optional[str] = None
class Position(Struct):
Basic pp (personal/piker position) model with attached clearing
transaction history.
symbol: Symbol
# can be +ve or -ve for long/short
size: float
# "breakeven price" above or below which pnl moves above and below
# zero for the entirety of the current "trade state".
be_price: float
# unique backend symbol id
bsuid: str
# ordered record of known constituent trade messages
clears: dict[
Union[str, int, Status], # trade id
dict[str, Any], # transaction history summaries
] = {}
expiry: Optional[datetime] = None
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
return {
f: getattr(self, f)
for f in self.__struct_fields__
def to_pretoml(self) -> dict:
Prep this position's data contents for export to toml including
re-structuring of the ``.clears`` table to an array of
inline-subtables for better ``pps.toml`` compactness.
d = self.to_dict()
clears = d.pop('clears')
expiry = d.pop('expiry')
if expiry:
d['expiry'] = str(expiry)
clears_list = []
for tid, data in clears.items():
inline_table = toml.TomlDecoder().get_empty_inline_table()
inline_table['tid'] = tid
for k, v in data.items():
inline_table[k] = v
d['clears'] = clears_list
return d
def update_from_msg(
msg: BrokerdPosition,
) -> None:
# XXX: better place to do this?
symbol = self.symbol
lot_size_digits = symbol.lot_size_digits
be_price, size = (
self.be_price = be_price
self.size = size
def dsize(self) -> float:
The "dollar" size of the pp, normally in trading (fiat) unit
return self.be_price * self.size
def update(
t: Transaction,
) -> None:
self.clears[t.tid] = {
'cost': t.cost,
'price': t.price,
'size': t.size,
'dt': str(t.dt),
def lifo_update(
size: float,
price: float,
cost: float = 0,
# TODO: idea: "real LIFO" dynamic positioning.
# - when a trade takes place where the pnl for
# the (set of) trade(s) is below the breakeven price
# it may be that the trader took a +ve pnl on a short(er)
# term trade in the same account.
# - in this case we could recalc the be price to
# be reverted back to it's prior value before the nearest term
# trade was opened.?
# dynamic_breakeven_price: bool = False,
) -> (float, float):
Incremental update using a LIFO-style weighted mean.
# "avg position price" calcs
# TODO: eventually it'd be nice to have a small set of routines
# to do this stuff from a sequence of cleared orders to enable
# so called "contextual positions".
new_size = self.size + size
# old size minus the new size gives us size diff with
# +ve -> increase in pp size
# -ve -> decrease in pp size
size_diff = abs(new_size) - abs(self.size)
if new_size == 0:
self.be_price = 0
elif size_diff > 0:
# XXX: LOFI incremental update:
# only update the "average price" when
# the size increases not when it decreases (i.e. the
# position is being made smaller)
self.be_price = (
# weight of current exec = (size * price) + cost
(abs(size) * price)
(copysign(1, new_size) * cost) # transaction cost
# weight of existing be price
self.be_price * abs(self.size) # weight of previous pp
) / abs(new_size) # normalized by the new size: weighted mean.
self.size = new_size
return new_size, self.be_price
def minimize_clears(
) -> dict[str, dict]:
Minimize the position's clears entries by removing
all transactions before the last net zero size to avoid
unecessary history irrelevant to the current pp state.
size: float = self.size
clears_since_zero: deque[tuple(str, dict)] = deque()
# scan for the last "net zero" position by
# iterating clears in reverse.
for tid, clear in reversed(self.clears.items()):
size -= clear['size']
clears_since_zero.appendleft((tid, clear))
if size == 0:
self.clears = dict(clears_since_zero)
return self.clears
def update_pps(
records: dict[str, Transaction],
pps: Optional[dict[str, Position]] = None
) -> dict[str, Position]:
Compile a set of positions from a trades ledger.
pps: dict[str, Position] = pps or {}
# lifo update all pps from records
for r in records:
pp = pps.setdefault(
# if no existing pp, allocate fresh one.
# don't do updates for ledger records we already have
# included in the current pps state.
if r.tid in pp.clears:
# NOTE: likely you'll see repeats of the same
# ``Transaction`` passed in here if/when you are restarting
# a ``brokerd.ib`` where the API will re-report trades from
# the current session, so we need to make sure we don't
# "double count" these in pp calculations.
# lifo style "breakeven" price calc
# include transaction cost in breakeven price
# and presume the worst case of the same cost
# to exit this transaction (even though in reality
# it will be dynamic based on exit stratetgy).
# track clearing data
return pps
def load_pps_from_ledger(
brokername: str,
acctname: str,
# post normalization filter on ledger entries to be processed
filter_by: Optional[list[dict]] = None,
) -> dict[str, Position]:
Open a ledger file by broker name and account and read in and
process any trade records into our normalized ``Transaction``
form and then pass these into the position processing routine
and deliver the two dict-sets of the active and closed pps.
with open_trade_ledger(
) as ledger:
if not ledger:
# null case, no ledger file with content
return {}
brokermod = get_brokermod(brokername)
src_records = brokermod.norm_trade_records(ledger)
if filter_by:
bsuids = set(filter_by)
records = list(filter(lambda r: r.bsuid in bsuids, src_records))
records = src_records
return update_pps(records)
def get_pps(
brokername: str,
acctids: Optional[set[str]] = set(),
) -> dict[str, dict[str, Position]]:
Read out broker-specific position entries from
incremental update file: ``pps.toml``.
conf, path = config.load(
# load dicts as inlines to preserve compactness
# _dict=toml.decoder.InlineTableDict,
all_active = {}
all_closed = {}
# try to load any ledgers if no section found
bconf, path = config.load('brokers')
accounts = bconf[brokername]['accounts']
for account in accounts:
# TODO: instead of this filter we could
# always send all known pps but just not audit
# them since an active client might not be up?
if (
acctids and
f'{brokername}.{account}' not in acctids
active, closed = update_pps_conf(brokername, account)
all_active.setdefault(account, {}).update(active)
all_closed.setdefault(account, {}).update(closed)
return all_active, all_closed
# TODO: instead see if we can hack tomli and tomli-w to do the same:
# - https://github.com/hukkin/tomli
# - https://github.com/hukkin/tomli-w
class PpsEncoder(toml.TomlEncoder):
Special "styled" encoder that makes a ``pps.toml`` redable and
compact by putting `.clears` tables inline and everything else
separator = ','
def dump_list(self, v):
Dump an inline list with a newline after every element and
with consideration for denoted inline table types.
retval = "[\n"
for u in v:
if isinstance(u, toml.decoder.InlineTableDict):
out = self.dump_inline_table(u)
out = str(self.dump_value(u))
retval += " " + out + "," + "\n"
retval += "]"
return retval
def dump_inline_table(self, section):
"""Preserve inline table in its compact syntax instead of expanding
into subsection.
val_list = []
for k, v in section.items():
# if isinstance(v, toml.decoder.InlineTableDict):
if isinstance(v, dict):
val = self.dump_inline_table(v)
val = str(self.dump_value(v))
val_list.append(k + " = " + val)
retval = "{ " + ", ".join(val_list) + " }"
return retval
def dump_sections(self, o, sup):
retstr = ""
if sup != "" and sup[-1] != ".":
sup += '.'
retdict = self._dict()
arraystr = ""
for section in o:
qsection = str(section)
value = o[section]
if not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$', section):
qsection = toml.encoder._dump_str(section)
# arrayoftables = False
if (
and isinstance(value, toml.decoder.InlineTableDict)
retstr += (
" = "
'\n' # only on the final terminating left brace
# XXX: this code i'm pretty sure is just blatantly bad
# and/or wrong..
# if isinstance(o[section], list):
# for a in o[section]:
# if isinstance(a, dict):
# arrayoftables = True
# if arrayoftables:
# for a in o[section]:
# arraytabstr = "\n"
# arraystr += "[[" + sup + qsection + "]]\n"
# s, d = self.dump_sections(a, sup + qsection)
# if s:
# if s[0] == "[":
# arraytabstr += s
# else:
# arraystr += s
# while d:
# newd = self._dict()
# for dsec in d:
# s1, d1 = self.dump_sections(d[dsec], sup +
# qsection + "." +
# dsec)
# if s1:
# arraytabstr += ("[" + sup + qsection +
# "." + dsec + "]\n")
# arraytabstr += s1
# for s1 in d1:
# newd[dsec + "." + s1] = d1[s1]
# d = newd
# arraystr += arraytabstr
elif isinstance(value, dict):
retdict[qsection] = o[section]
elif o[section] is not None:
retstr += (
" = "
# if not isinstance(value, dict):
if not isinstance(value, toml.decoder.InlineTableDict):
# inline tables should not contain newlines:
# https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#inline-table
retstr += '\n'
raise ValueError(value)
retstr += arraystr
return (retstr, retdict)
def load_pps_from_toml(
brokername: str,
acctid: str,
# XXX: there is an edge case here where we may want to either audit
# the retrieved ``pps.toml`` output or reprocess it since there was
# an error on write on the last attempt to update the state file
# even though the ledger *was* updated. For this cases we allow the
# caller to pass in a symbol set they'd like to reload from the
# underlying ledger to be reprocessed in computing pps state.
reload_records: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
update_from_ledger: bool = False,
) -> tuple[dict, dict[str, Position]]:
Load and marshal to objects all pps from either an existing
``pps.toml`` config, or from scratch from a ledger file when
none yet exists.
conf, path = config.load('pps')
brokersection = conf.setdefault(brokername, {})
pps = brokersection.setdefault(acctid, {})
pp_objs = {}
# no pps entry yet for this broker/account so parse any available
# ledgers to build a brand new pps state.
if not pps or update_from_ledger:
pp_objs = load_pps_from_ledger(
# Reload symbol specific ledger entries if requested by the
# caller **AND** none exist in the current pps state table.
elif (
pps and reload_records
# no pps entry yet for this broker/account so parse
# any available ledgers to build a pps state.
pp_objs = load_pps_from_ledger(
if not pps:
f'No trade history could be loaded for {brokername}:{acctid}'
# unmarshal/load ``pps.toml`` config entries into object form.
for fqsn, entry in pps.items():
bsuid = entry['bsuid']
# convert clears sub-tables (only in this form
# for toml re-presentation) back into a master table.
clears_list = entry['clears']
# index clears entries in "object" form by tid in a top
# level dict instead of a list (as is presented in our
# ``pps.toml``).
pp = pp_objs.get(bsuid)
if pp:
clears = pp.clears
clears = {}
for clears_table in clears_list:
tid = clears_table.pop('tid')
clears[tid] = clears_table
size = entry['size']
# TODO: an audit system for existing pps entries?
# if not len(clears) == abs(size):
# pp_objs = load_pps_from_ledger(
# brokername,
# acctid,
# filter_by=reload_records,
# )
# reason = 'size <-> len(clears) mismatch'
# raise ValueError(
# '`pps.toml` entry is invalid:\n'
# f'{fqsn}\n'
# f'{pformat(entry)}'
# )
expiry = entry.get('expiry')
if expiry:
expiry = pendulum.parse(expiry)
pp_objs[bsuid] = Position(
Symbol.from_fqsn(fqsn, info={}),
# XXX: super critical, we need to be sure to include
# all pps.toml clears to avoid reusing clears that were
# already included in the current incremental update
# state, since today's records may have already been
# processed!
return conf, pp_objs
def update_pps_conf(
brokername: str,
acctid: str,
trade_records: Optional[list[Transaction]] = None,
ledger_reload: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> tuple[
dict[str, Position],
dict[str, Position],
# this maps `.bsuid` values to positions
pp_objs: dict[Union[str, int], Position]
if trade_records and ledger_reload:
for r in trade_records:
ledger_reload[r.bsuid] = r.fqsn
conf, pp_objs = load_pps_from_toml(
# update all pp objects from any (new) trade records which
# were passed in (aka incremental update case).
if trade_records:
pp_objs = update_pps(
pp_entries = {} # dict-serialize all active pps
# NOTE: newly closed position are also important to report/return
# since a consumer, like an order mode UI ;), might want to react
# based on the closure.
closed_pp_objs: dict[str, Position] = {}
for bsuid in list(pp_objs):
pp = pp_objs[bsuid]
# XXX: debug hook for size mismatches
# if bsuid == 447767096:
# breakpoint()
if (
pp.size == 0
# drop time-expired positions (normally derivatives)
or (pp.expiry and pp.expiry < now())
# if expired the position is closed
pp.size = 0
# position is already closed aka "net zero"
closed_pp = pp_objs.pop(bsuid, None)
if closed_pp:
closed_pp_objs[bsuid] = closed_pp
# serialize to pre-toml form
asdict = pp.to_pretoml()
if pp.expiry is None:
asdict.pop('expiry', None)
# TODO: we need to figure out how to have one top level
# listing venue here even when the backend isn't providing
# it via the trades ledger..
# drop symbol obj in serialized form
s = asdict.pop('symbol')
fqsn = s.front_fqsn()
print(f'Updating active pp: {fqsn}')
# XXX: ugh, it's cuz we push the section under
# the broker name.. maybe we need to rethink this?
brokerless_key = fqsn.rstrip(f'.{brokername}')
pp_entries[brokerless_key] = asdict
conf[brokername][acctid] = pp_entries
# TODO: why tf haven't they already done this for inline tables smh..
enc = PpsEncoder(preserve=True)
# table_bs_type = type(toml.TomlDecoder().get_empty_inline_table())
enc.dump_funcs[toml.decoder.InlineTableDict] = enc.dump_inline_table
# deliver object form of all pps in table to caller
return pp_objs, closed_pp_objs
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
args = sys.argv
assert len(args) > 1, 'Specifiy account(s) from `brokers.toml`'
args = args[1:]
for acctid in args:
broker, name = acctid.split('.')
update_pps_conf(broker, name)