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# piker: trading gear for hackers
# Copyright (C) 2018-present Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship of piker0)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Super fast OHLC sampling graphics types.
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
from numba import njit, float64, int64 # , optional
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtCore import QLineF, QPointF
# from numba import types as ntypes
# from ..data._source import numba_ohlc_dtype
from .._profile import pg_profile_enabled
from ._style import hcolor
def _mk_lines_array(
data: List,
size: int,
elements_step: int = 6,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Create an ndarray to hold lines graphics info.
return np.zeros_like(
shape=(int(size), elements_step),
def lines_from_ohlc(
row: np.ndarray,
w: float
) -> Tuple[QLineF]:
open, high, low, close, index = row[
['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'index']]
# TODO: maybe consider using `QGraphicsLineItem` ??
# gives us a ``.boundingRect()`` on the objects which may make
# computing the composite bounding rect of the last bars + the
# history path faster since it's done in C++:
# https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qgraphicslineitem.html
# high -> low vertical (body) line
if low != high:
hl = QLineF(index, low, index, high)
# XXX: if we don't do it renders a weird rectangle?
# see below for filtering this later...
hl = None
# NOTE: place the x-coord start as "middle" of the drawing range such
# that the open arm line-graphic is at the left-most-side of
# the index's range according to the view mapping coordinates.
# open line
o = QLineF(index - w, open, index, open)
# close line
c = QLineF(index, close, index + w, close)
return [hl, o, c]
# TODO: for now need to construct this manually for readonly arrays, see
# https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/4511
# ntypes.Tuple((float64[:], float64[:], float64[:]))(
# numba_ohlc_dtype[::1], # contiguous
# int64,
# optional(float64),
# ),
def path_arrays_from_ohlc(
data: np.ndarray,
start: int64,
bar_gap: float64 = 0.43,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate an array of lines objects from input ohlc data.
size = int(data.shape[0] * 6)
x = np.zeros(
# data,
y, c = x.copy(), x.copy()
# TODO: report bug for assert @
# /home/goodboy/repos/piker/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numba/core/typing/builtins.py:991
for i, q in enumerate(data[start:], start):
# TODO: ask numba why this doesn't work..
# open, high, low, close, index = q[
# ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'index']]
open = q['open']
high = q['high']
low = q['low']
close = q['close']
index = float64(q['index'])
istart = i * 6
istop = istart + 6
# x,y detail the 6 points which connect all vertexes of a ohlc bar
x[istart:istop] = (
index - bar_gap,
index + bar_gap,
y[istart:istop] = (
# specifies that the first edge is never connected to the
# prior bars last edge thus providing a small "gap"/"space"
# between bars determined by ``bar_gap``.
c[istart:istop] = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)
return x, y, c
def gen_qpath(
start, # XXX: do we need this?
) -> QtGui.QPainterPath:
profiler = pg.debug.Profiler(disabled=not pg_profile_enabled())
x, y, c = path_arrays_from_ohlc(data, start, bar_gap=w)
profiler("generate stream with numba")
# TODO: numba the internals of this!
path = pg.functions.arrayToQPath(x, y, connect=c)
profiler("generate path with arrayToQPath")
return path
class BarItems(pg.GraphicsObject):
"""Price range bars graphics rendered from a OHLC sequence.
sigPlotChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
# 0.5 is no overlap between arms, 1.0 is full overlap
w: float = 0.43
def __init__(
# scene: 'QGraphicsScene', # noqa
plotitem: 'pg.PlotItem', # noqa
pen_color: str = 'bracket',
last_bar_color: str = 'bracket',
) -> None:
# XXX: for the mega-lulz increasing width here increases draw
# latency... so probably don't do it until we figure that out.
self.bars_pen = pg.mkPen(hcolor(pen_color), width=1)
self.last_bar_pen = pg.mkPen(hcolor(last_bar_color), width=2)
# NOTE: this prevents redraws on mouse interaction which is
# a huge boon for avg interaction latency.
# TODO: one question still remaining is if this makes trasform
# interactions slower (such as zooming) and if so maybe if/when
# we implement a "history" mode for the view we disable this in
# that mode?
# not sure if this is actually impoving anything but figured it
# was worth a shot:
# self.path.reserve(int(100e3 * 6))
self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
self._pi = plotitem
self._xrange: Tuple[int, int]
self._yrange: Tuple[float, float]
# TODO: don't render the full backing array each time
# self._path_data = None
self._last_bar_lines: Optional[Tuple[QLineF, ...]] = None
# track the current length of drawable lines within the larger array
self.start_index: int = 0
self.stop_index: int = 0
def draw_from_data(
data: np.ndarray,
start: int = 0,
) -> QtGui.QPainterPath:
"""Draw OHLC datum graphics from a ``np.ndarray``.
This routine is usually only called to draw the initial history.
hist, last = data[:-1], data[-1]
self.path = gen_qpath(hist, start, self.w)
# save graphics for later reference and keep track
# of current internal "last index"
# self.start_index = len(data)
index = data['index']
self._xrange = (index[0], index[-1])
self._yrange = (
# up to last to avoid double draw of last bar
self._last_bar_lines = lines_from_ohlc(last, self.w)
# trigger render
# https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qgraphicsitem.html#update
return self.path
def update_from_array(
array: np.ndarray,
) -> None:
"""Update the last datum's bar graphic from input data array.
This routine should be interface compatible with
``pg.PlotCurveItem.setData()``. Normally this method in
``pyqtgraph`` seems to update all the data passed to the
graphics object, and then update/rerender, but here we're
assuming the prior graphics havent changed (OHLC history rarely
does) so this "should" be simpler and faster.
This routine should be made (transitively) as fast as possible.
# index = self.start_index
istart, istop = self._xrange
index = array['index']
first_index, last_index = index[0], index[-1]
# length = len(array)
prepend_length = istart - first_index
append_length = last_index - istop
flip_cache = False
# TODO: allow mapping only a range of lines thus
# only drawing as many bars as exactly specified.
if prepend_length:
# new history was added and we need to render a new path
new_bars = array[:prepend_length]
prepend_path = gen_qpath(new_bars, 0, self.w)
# XXX: SOMETHING IS MAYBE FISHY HERE what with the old_path
# y value not matching the first value from
# array[prepend_length + 1] ???
# update path
old_path = self.path
self.path = prepend_path
# trigger redraw despite caching
if append_length:
# generate new lines objects for updatable "current bar"
self._last_bar_lines = lines_from_ohlc(array[-1], self.w)
# generate new graphics to match provided array
# path appending logic:
# we need to get the previous "current bar(s)" for the time step
# and convert it to a sub-path to append to the historical set
# new_bars = array[istop - 1:istop + append_length - 1]
new_bars = array[-append_length - 1:-1]
append_path = gen_qpath(new_bars, 0, self.w)
self.path.moveTo(float(istop - self.w), float(new_bars[0]['open']))
# trigger redraw despite caching
flip_cache = True
self._xrange = first_index, last_index
# last bar update
i, o, h, l, last, v = array[-1][
['index', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']
# assert i == self.start_index - 1
# assert i == last_index
body, larm, rarm = self._last_bar_lines
# XXX: is there a faster way to modify this?
rarm.setLine(rarm.x1(), last, rarm.x2(), last)
# writer is responsible for changing open on "first" volume of bar
larm.setLine(larm.x1(), o, larm.x2(), o)
if l != h: # noqa
if body is None:
body = self._last_bar_lines[0] = QLineF(i, l, i, h)
# update body
body.setLine(i, l, i, h)
# XXX: pretty sure this is causing an issue where the bar has
# a large upward move right before the next sample and the body
# is getting set to None since the next bar is flat but the shm
# array index update wasn't read by the time this code runs. Iow
# we're doing this removal of the body for a bar index that is
# now out of date / from some previous sample. It's weird
# though because i've seen it do this to bars i - 3 back?
if flip_cache:
def boundingRect(self):
# Qt docs: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qgraphicsitem.html#boundingRect
# TODO: Can we do rect caching to make this faster
# like `pg.PlotCurveItem` does? In theory it's just
# computing max/min stuff again like we do in the udpate loop
# anyway. Not really sure it's necessary since profiling already
# shows this method is faf.
# boundingRect _must_ indicate the entire area that will be
# drawn on or else we will get artifacts and possibly crashing.
# (in this case, QPicture does all the work of computing the
# bounding rect for us).
# apparently this a lot faster says the docs?
# https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpainterpath.html#controlPointRect
hb = self.path.controlPointRect()
hb_tl, hb_br = hb.topLeft(), hb.bottomRight()
# need to include last bar height or BR will be off
mx_y = hb_br.y()
mn_y = hb_tl.y()
body_line = self._last_bar_lines[0]
if body_line:
mx_y = max(mx_y, max(body_line.y1(), body_line.y2()))
mn_y = min(mn_y, min(body_line.y1(), body_line.y2()))
return QtCore.QRectF(
# top left
# bottom right
hb_br.x() + 1,
def paint(
p: QtGui.QPainter,
opt: QtWidgets.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem,
w: QtWidgets.QWidget
) -> None:
profiler = pg.debug.Profiler(disabled=not pg_profile_enabled())
# p.setCompositionMode(0)
# TODO: one thing we could try here is pictures being drawn of
# a fixed count of bars such that based on the viewbox indices we
# only draw the "rounded up" number of "pictures worth" of bars
# as is necesarry for what's in "view". Not sure if this will
# lead to any perf gains other then when zoomed in to less bars
# in view.
p.drawLines(*tuple(filter(bool, self._last_bar_lines)))
profiler('draw last bar')
profiler('draw history path')