from contextlib import asynccontextmanager as acm from functools import partial import os from typing import AsyncContextManager from pathlib import Path from shutil import rmtree import pytest import tractor from piker import ( # log, config, ) from piker._daemon import ( Services, ) from piker.clearing._client import open_ems def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--ll", action="store", dest='loglevel', default=None, help="logging level to set when testing") parser.addoption("--confdir", default=None, help="Use a practice API account") @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def loglevel(request) -> str: return request.config.option.loglevel @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def test_config(): dirname = os.path.dirname dirpath = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'data' ) ) return dirpath @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def confdir( request, test_config: str, ): ''' If the `--confdir` flag is not passed use the broker config file found in that dir. ''' confdir = request.config.option.confdir if confdir is not None: config._override_config_dir(confdir) return confdir _ci_env: bool = os.environ.get('CI', False) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def ci_env() -> bool: ''' Detect CI envoirment. ''' return _ci_env @acm async def _open_test_pikerd( reg_addr: tuple[str, int] | None = None, loglevel: str = 'warning', **kwargs, ) -> tuple[ str, int, tractor.Portal ]: ''' Testing helper to startup the service tree and runtime on a different port then the default to allow testing alongside a running stack. ''' import random from piker._daemon import maybe_open_pikerd if reg_addr is None: port = random.randint(6e3, 7e3) reg_addr = ('', port) async with ( maybe_open_pikerd( registry_addr=reg_addr, loglevel=loglevel, **kwargs, ) as service_manager, ): # this proc/actor is the pikerd assert service_manager is Services async with tractor.wait_for_actor( 'pikerd', arbiter_sockaddr=reg_addr, ) as portal: raddr = assert raddr == reg_addr yield ( raddr[0], raddr[1], portal, service_manager, ) @pytest.fixture def open_test_pikerd( request, loglevel: str, ): yield partial( _open_test_pikerd, # bind in level from fixture, which is itself set by # `--ll ` cli flag. loglevel=loglevel, ) # TODO: teardown checks such as, # - no leaked subprocs or shm buffers # - all requested container service are torn down # - certain ``tractor`` runtime state? @acm async def _open_test_pikerd_and_ems( fqsn, mode, loglevel, open_test_pikerd ): async with ( open_test_pikerd() as (_, _, _, services), open_ems( fqsn, mode=mode, loglevel=loglevel, ) as ems_services): yield (services, ems_services) @pytest.fixture def open_test_pikerd_and_ems( open_test_pikerd, fqsn: str = 'xbtusdt.kraken', mode: str = 'paper', loglevel: str = 'info', ): yield partial( _open_test_pikerd_and_ems, fqsn, mode, loglevel, open_test_pikerd ) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def delete_testing_dir(): ''' This fixture removes the temp directory used for storing all config/ledger/pp data created during testing sessions. During test runs this file can be found in .config/piker/_testing ''' yield app_dir = Path(config.get_app_dir('piker')).resolve() if app_dir.is_dir(): rmtree(str(app_dir)) assert not app_dir.is_dir()