# piker: trading gear for hackers # Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for piker0) # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Chart trading, the only way to scalp. """ from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass, field from functools import partial from pprint import pformat import time from typing import Optional, Dict, Callable, Any import uuid from pydantic import BaseModel import tractor import trio from .. import config from ..clearing._client import open_ems, OrderBook from ..clearing._allocate import ( mk_allocator, Position, ) from ..data._source import Symbol from ..data.feed import Feed from ..log import get_logger from ._editors import LineEditor, ArrowEditor from ._lines import order_line, LevelLine from ._position import ( PositionTracker, SettingsPane, ) from ._label import FormatLabel from ._window import MultiStatus from ..clearing._messages import Order, BrokerdPosition from ._forms import open_form_input_handling log = get_logger(__name__) class OrderDialog(BaseModel): '''Trade dialogue meta-data describing the lifetime of an order submission to ``emsd`` from a chart. ''' # TODO: use ``pydantic.UUID4`` field uuid: str order: Order symbol: Symbol line: LevelLine last_status_close: Callable = lambda: None msgs: dict[str, dict] = {} fills: Dict[str, Any] = {} class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True underscore_attrs_are_private = False def on_level_change_update_next_order_info( level: float, # these are all ``partial``-ed in at callback assignment time. line: LevelLine, order: Order, tracker: PositionTracker, ) -> None: '''A callback applied for each level change to the line which will recompute the order size based on allocator settings. this is assigned inside ``OrderMode.line_from_order()`` ''' # NOTE: the ``Order.account`` is set at order stage time # inside ``OrderMode.line_from_order()``. order_info = tracker.alloc.next_order_info( startup_pp=tracker.startup_pp, live_pp=tracker.live_pp, price=level, action=order.action, ) line.update_labels(order_info) # update bound-in staged order order.price = level order.size = order_info['size'] @dataclass class OrderMode: '''Major UX mode for placing orders on a chart view providing so called, "chart trading". This is the other "main" mode that pairs with "view mode" (when wathing the rt price update at the current time step) and allows entering orders using mouse and keyboard. This object is chart oriented, so there is an instance per chart / view currently. Current manual: a -> alert s/ctrl -> submission type modifier {on: live, off: dark} f (fill) -> 'buy' limit order d (dump) -> 'sell' limit order c (cancel) -> cancel order under cursor cc -> cancel all submitted orders on chart mouse click and drag -> modify current order under cursor ''' chart: 'ChartPlotWidget' # type: ignore # noqa nursery: trio.Nursery quote_feed: Feed book: OrderBook lines: LineEditor arrows: ArrowEditor multistatus: MultiStatus pane: SettingsPane trackers: dict[str, PositionTracker] # switched state, the current position current_pp: Optional[PositionTracker] = None active: bool = False name: str = 'order' dialogs: dict[str, OrderDialog] = field(default_factory=dict) _colors = { 'alert': 'alert_yellow', 'buy': 'buy_green', 'sell': 'sell_red', } _staged_order: Optional[Order] = None def line_from_order( self, order: Order, symbol: Symbol, **line_kwargs, ) -> LevelLine: level = order.price line = order_line( self.chart, # TODO: convert these values into human-readable form # (i.e. with k, m, M, B) type embedded suffixes level=level, action=order.action, size=order.size, color=self._colors[order.action], dotted=True if ( order.exec_mode == 'dark' and order.action != 'alert' ) else False, **line_kwargs, ) # set level update callback to order pane method and update once # immediately if order.action != 'alert': line._on_level_change = partial( on_level_change_update_next_order_info, line=line, order=order, tracker=self.current_pp, ) else: # for alerts we don't need to compute per price sizing via # the order mode allocator but we still need to update the # "staged" order message we'll send to the ems def update_order_price(y: float) -> None: order.price = y line._on_level_change = update_order_price line.set_level(level) return line def stage_order( self, action: str, trigger_type: str, ) -> None: '''Stage an order for submission. ''' # not initialized yet chart = self.chart cursor = chart.linked.cursor if not (chart and cursor and cursor.active_plot): return chart = cursor.active_plot price = cursor._datum_xy[1] symbol = self.chart.linked.symbol order = self._staged_order = Order( action=action, price=price, account=self.current_pp.alloc.account, size=0, symbol=symbol, brokers=symbol.brokers, oid='', # filled in on submit exec_mode=trigger_type, # dark or live ) line = self.line_from_order( order, symbol, show_markers=True, # just for the stage line to avoid # flickering while moving the cursor # around where it might trigger highlight # then non-highlight depending on sensitivity always_show_labels=True, # don't highlight the "staging" line highlight_on_hover=False, # prevent flickering of marker while moving/tracking cursor only_show_markers_on_hover=False, ) line = self.lines.stage_line(line) # hide crosshair y-line and label cursor.hide_xhair() # add line to cursor trackers cursor._trackers.add(line) return line def submit_order( self, ) -> OrderDialog: '''Send execution order to EMS return a level line to represent the order on a chart. ''' staged = self._staged_order symbol = staged.symbol oid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # format order data for ems order = staged.copy( update={ 'symbol': symbol.key, 'oid': oid, } ) line = self.line_from_order( order, symbol, show_markers=True, only_show_markers_on_hover=True, ) # register the "submitted" line under the cursor # to be displayed when above order ack arrives # (means the marker graphic doesn't show on screen until the # order is live in the emsd). # TODO: update the line once an ack event comes back # from the EMS! # maybe place a grey line in "submission" mode # which will be updated to it's appropriate action # color once the submission ack arrives. self.lines.submit_line( line=line, uuid=oid, ) dialog = OrderDialog( uuid=oid, order=order, symbol=symbol, line=line, last_status_close=self.multistatus.open_status( f'submitting {self._trigger_type}-{order.action}', final_msg=f'submitted {self._trigger_type}-{order.action}', clear_on_next=True, ) ) # TODO: create a new ``OrderLine`` with this optional var defined line.dialog = dialog # enter submission which will be popped once a response # from the EMS is received to move the order to a different# status self.dialogs[oid] = dialog # hook up mouse drag handlers line._on_drag_start = self.order_line_modify_start line._on_drag_end = self.order_line_modify_complete # send order cmd to ems self.book.send(order) return dialog # order-line modify handlers def order_line_modify_start( self, line: LevelLine, ) -> None: print(f'Line modify: {line}') # cancel original order until new position is found? # TODO: make a config option for this behaviour.. def order_line_modify_complete( self, line: LevelLine, ) -> None: level = line.value() # updateb by level change callback set in ``.line_from_order()`` size = line.dialog.order.size self.book.update( uuid=line.dialog.uuid, price=level, size=size, ) # ems response loop handlers def on_submit( self, uuid: str ) -> OrderDialog: ''' Order submitted status event handler. Commit the order line and registered order uuid, store ack time stamp. ''' line = self.lines.commit_line(uuid) # a submission is the start of a new order dialog dialog = self.dialogs[uuid] dialog.line = line dialog.last_status_close() return dialog def on_fill( self, uuid: str, price: float, arrow_index: float, pointing: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: ''' Fill msg handler. Triggered on reception of a `filled` message from the EMS. Update relevant UIs: - add arrow annotation on bar - update fill bar size ''' dialog = self.dialogs[uuid] line = dialog.line if line: self.arrows.add( uuid, arrow_index, price, pointing=pointing, color=line.color ) else: log.warn("No line for order {uuid}!?") async def on_exec( self, uuid: str, msg: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: # DESKTOP NOTIFICATIONS # # TODO: this in another task? # not sure if this will ever be a bottleneck, # we probably could do graphics stuff first tho? # TODO: make this not trash. # XXX: linux only for now result = await trio.run_process( [ 'notify-send', '-u', 'normal', '-t', '10000', 'piker', f'alert: {msg}', ], ) log.runtime(result) def on_cancel( self, uuid: str ) -> None: msg = self.book._sent_orders.pop(uuid, None) if msg is not None: self.lines.remove_line(uuid=uuid) self.chart.linked.cursor.show_xhair() dialog = self.dialogs.pop(uuid, None) if dialog: dialog.last_status_close() else: log.warning( f'Received cancel for unsubmitted order {pformat(msg)}' ) def cancel_orders_under_cursor(self) -> list[str]: return self.cancel_orders_from_lines( self.lines.lines_under_cursor() ) def cancel_all_orders(self) -> list[str]: '''Cancel all orders for the current chart. ''' return self.cancel_orders_from_lines( self.lines.all_lines() ) def cancel_orders_from_lines( self, lines: list[LevelLine], ) -> list[str]: ids: list = [] if lines: key = self.multistatus.open_status( f'cancelling {len(lines)} orders', final_msg=f'cancelled {len(lines)} orders', group_key=True ) # cancel all active orders and triggers for line in lines: dialog = getattr(line, 'dialog', None) if dialog: oid = dialog.uuid cancel_status_close = self.multistatus.open_status( f'cancelling order {oid[:6]}', group_key=key, ) dialog.last_status_close = cancel_status_close ids.append(oid) self.book.cancel(uuid=oid) return ids @asynccontextmanager async def open_order_mode( feed: Feed, chart: 'ChartPlotWidget', # noqa symbol: Symbol, brokername: str, started: trio.Event, ) -> None: '''Activate chart-trader order mode loop: - connect to emsd - load existing positions - begin EMS response handling loop which updates local state, mostly graphics / UI. ''' multistatus = chart.window().status_bar done = multistatus.open_status('starting order mode..') book: OrderBook trades_stream: tractor.MsgStream # The keys in this dict **must** be in set our set of "normalized" # symbol names (i.e. the same names you'd get back in search # results) in order for position msgs to correctly trigger the # display of a position indicator on screen. position_msgs: dict[str, list[BrokerdPosition]] # spawn EMS actor-service async with ( open_ems(brokername, symbol) as ( book, trades_stream, position_msgs, brokerd_accounts, ), trio.open_nursery() as tn, ): log.info(f'Opening order mode for {brokername}.{symbol.key}') view = chart.view # annotations editors lines = LineEditor(chart=chart) arrows = ArrowEditor(chart, {}) # symbol id symbol = chart.linked.symbol symkey = symbol.key # map of per-provider account keys to position tracker instances trackers: dict[str, PositionTracker] = {} # load account names from ``brokers.toml`` accounts_def = config.load_accounts( providers=symbol.brokers ) # XXX: ``brokerd`` delivers a set of account names that it allows # use of but the user also can define the accounts they'd like # to use, in order, in their `brokers.toml` file. accounts = {} for name in brokerd_accounts: # ensure name is in ``brokers.toml`` accounts[name] = accounts_def[name] # first account listed is the one we select at startup # (aka order based selection). pp_account = next( # choose first account based on line order from `brokers.toml`. iter(accounts.keys()) ) if accounts else 'paper' # NOTE: requires the backend exactly specifies # the expected symbol key in its positions msg. pp_msgs = position_msgs.get(symkey, ()) pps_by_account = {msg['account']: msg for msg in pp_msgs} # update pp trackers with data relayed from ``brokerd``. for account_name in accounts: # net-zero pp startup_pp = Position( symbol=symbol, size=0, avg_price=0, ) msg = pps_by_account.get(account_name) if msg: log.info(f'Loading pp for {symkey}:\n{pformat(msg)}') startup_pp.update_from_msg(msg) # allocator alloc = mk_allocator( symbol=symbol, account=account_name, # if this startup size is greater the allocator limit, # the limit is increased internally in this factory. startup_pp=startup_pp, ) pp_tracker = PositionTracker( chart, alloc, startup_pp ) pp_tracker.hide() trackers[account_name] = pp_tracker assert pp_tracker.startup_pp.size == pp_tracker.live_pp.size # TODO: do we even really need the "startup pp" or can we # just take the max and pass that into the some state / the # alloc? pp_tracker.update_from_pp() # on existing position, show pp tracking graphics if pp_tracker.startup_pp.size != 0: pp_tracker.show() pp_tracker.hide_info() # setup order mode sidepane widgets form = chart.sidepane vbox = form.vbox from textwrap import dedent from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from ._style import _font, _font_small from ..calc import humanize feed_label = FormatLabel( fmt_str=dedent(""" actor: **{actor_name}**\n |_ @**{host}:{port}**\n |_ throttle_hz: **{throttle_rate}**\n |_ streams: **{symbols}**\n |_ shm: **{shm}**\n """), font=_font.font, font_size=_font_small.px_size, font_color='default_lightest', ) form.feed_label = feed_label # add feed info label to top vbox.insertWidget( 0, feed_label, alignment=Qt.AlignBottom, ) # vbox.setAlignment(feed_label, Qt.AlignBottom) # vbox.setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom) blank_h = chart.height() - ( form.height() + form.fill_bar.height() # feed_label.height() ) vbox.setSpacing( int((1 + 5/8)*_font.px_size) ) # fill in brokerd feed info host, port = feed.portal.channel.raddr if host == '': host = 'localhost' mpshm = feed.shm._shm shmstr = f'{humanize(mpshm.size)}' form.feed_label.format( actor_name=feed.portal.channel.uid[0], host=host, port=port, symbols=len(feed.symbols), shm=shmstr, throttle_rate=feed.throttle_rate, ) order_pane = SettingsPane( form=form, # XXX: ugh, so hideous... fill_bar=form.fill_bar, pnl_label=form.left_label, step_label=form.bottom_label, limit_label=form.top_label, ) order_pane.set_accounts(list(trackers.keys())) # update pp icons for name, tracker in trackers.items(): order_pane.update_account_icons({name: tracker.live_pp}) # top level abstraction which wraps all this crazyness into # a namespace.. mode = OrderMode( chart, tn, feed, book, lines, arrows, multistatus, pane=order_pane, trackers=trackers, ) # XXX: MUST be set order_pane.order_mode = mode # select a pp to track tracker = trackers[pp_account] mode.current_pp = tracker tracker.show() tracker.hide_info() # XXX: would love to not have to do this separate from edit # fields (which are done in an async loop - see below) # connect selection signals (from drop down widgets) # to order sync pane handler for key in ('account', 'size_unit',): w = form.fields[key] w.currentTextChanged.connect( partial( order_pane.on_selection_change, key=key, ) ) # make fill bar and positioning snapshot order_pane.on_ui_settings_change('limit', tracker.alloc.limit()) order_pane.update_status_ui(pp=tracker) # TODO: create a mode "manager" of sorts? # -> probably just call it "UxModes" err sumthin? # so that view handlers can access it view.order_mode = mode order_pane.on_ui_settings_change('account', pp_account) mode.pane.display_pnl(mode.current_pp) # Begin order-response streaming done() # start async input handling for chart's view async with ( # ``ChartView`` input async handler startup chart.view.open_async_input_handler(), # pp pane kb inputs open_form_input_handling( form, focus_next=chart.linked.godwidget, on_value_change=order_pane.on_ui_settings_change, ), ): # signal to top level symbol loading task we're ready # to handle input since the ems connection is ready started.set() tn.start_soon( process_trades_and_update_ui, tn, feed, mode, trades_stream, book, ) yield mode async def process_trades_and_update_ui( n: trio.Nursery, feed: Feed, mode: OrderMode, trades_stream: tractor.MsgStream, book: OrderBook, ) -> None: get_index = mode.chart.get_index global _pnl_tasks # this is where we receive **back** messages # about executions **from** the EMS actor async for msg in trades_stream: fmsg = pformat(msg) log.info(f'Received order msg:\n{fmsg}') name = msg['name'] if name in ( 'position', ): sym = mode.chart.linked.symbol if msg['symbol'].lower() in sym.key: tracker = mode.trackers[msg['account']] tracker.live_pp.update_from_msg(msg) # update order pane widgets tracker.update_from_pp() mode.pane.update_status_ui(tracker) if tracker.live_pp.size: # display pnl mode.pane.display_pnl(tracker) # short circuit to next msg to avoid # unnecessary msg content lookups continue resp = msg['resp'] oid = msg['oid'] dialog = mode.dialogs.get(oid) if dialog is None: log.warning(f'received msg for untracked dialog:\n{fmsg}') # TODO: enable pure tracking / mirroring of dialogs # is desired. continue # record message to dialog tracking dialog.msgs[oid] = msg # response to 'action' request (buy/sell) if resp in ( 'dark_submitted', 'broker_submitted' ): # show line label once order is live mode.on_submit(oid) # resp to 'cancel' request or error condition # for action request elif resp in ( 'broker_cancelled', 'broker_inactive', 'broker_errored', 'dark_cancelled' ): # delete level line from view mode.on_cancel(oid) broker_msg = msg['brokerd_msg'] log.warning(f'Order {oid} failed with:\n{pformat(broker_msg)}') elif resp in ( 'dark_triggered' ): log.info(f'Dark order triggered for {fmsg}') elif resp in ( 'alert_triggered' ): # should only be one "fill" for an alert # add a triangle and remove the level line mode.on_fill( oid, price=msg['trigger_price'], arrow_index=get_index(time.time()), ) mode.lines.remove_line(uuid=oid) await mode.on_exec(oid, msg) # response to completed 'action' request for buy/sell elif resp in ( 'broker_executed', ): # right now this is just triggering a system alert await mode.on_exec(oid, msg) if msg['brokerd_msg']['remaining'] == 0: mode.lines.remove_line(uuid=oid) # each clearing tick is responded individually elif resp in ('broker_filled',): known_order = book._sent_orders.get(oid) if not known_order: log.warning(f'order {oid} is unknown') continue action = known_order.action details = msg['brokerd_msg'] # TODO: some kinda progress system mode.on_fill( oid, price=details['price'], pointing='up' if action == 'buy' else 'down', # TODO: put the actual exchange timestamp arrow_index=get_index(details['broker_time']), ) # TODO: how should we look this up? # tracker = mode.trackers[msg['account']] # tracker.live_pp.fills.append(msg)