''' `piker.accounting` mgmt calculations for - positioning - ledger updates - config file IO ''' from pathlib import Path from piker import config from piker.accounting import ( Account, calc, Position, TransactionLedger, open_trade_ledger, load_account, load_account_from_ledger, ) def test_root_conf_networking_section( root_conf: dict, ): conf, path = config.load( 'conf', touch_if_dne=True, ) assert conf['network']['tsdb'] def test_account_file_default_empty( tmpconfdir: Path, ): conf, path = load_account( 'kraken', 'paper', ) # ensure the account file empty but created # and in the correct place in the filesystem! assert not conf assert path.parent.is_dir() assert path.parent.name == 'accounting' def test_paper_ledger_position_calcs(): broker: str = 'binance' acnt_name: str = 'paper' accounts_path: Path = config.repodir() / 'tests' / '_inputs' ldr: TransactionLedger with ( open_trade_ledger( broker, acnt_name, allow_from_sync_code=True, _fp=accounts_path, ) as ldr, # open `polars` acnt dfs Bo calc.open_ledger_dfs( broker, acnt_name, ledger=ldr, _fp=accounts_path, ) as (dfs, ledger), ): acnt: Account = load_account_from_ledger( broker, acnt_name, ledger=ldr, _fp=accounts_path, ) # do manual checks on expected pos calcs based on input # ledger B) # xrpusdt should have a net-zero size xrp: str = 'xrpusdt.spot.binance' pos: Position = acnt.pps[xrp] # XXX: turns out our old dict-style-processing # get's this wrong i think due to dt-sorting.. # lcum: float = pos.cumsize df = dfs[xrp] assert df['cumsize'][-1] == 0 assert pos.cumsize == 0