piker ----- Trading gear for hackers. |pypi| |travis| |versions| |license| |docs| ``piker`` is an attempt at a pro-grade, broker agnostic, next-gen FOSS toolset for real-time trading and financial analysis. It tries to use as much cutting edge tech as possible including (but not limited to): - Python 3.7+ - ``trio`` - ``tractor`` .. |travis| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/pikers/piker/master.svg :target: https://travis-ci.org/pikers/piker Install ******* ``piker`` is currently under heavy alpha development and as such should be cloned from this repo and hacked on directly. A couple bleeding edge components are being used atm pertaining to async ports of libraries for use with `trio`_. Before installing make sure you have `pipenv`_. For a development install:: git clone git@github.com:pikers/piker.git cd piker pipenv install --dev -e . pipenv shell To start the real-time index ETF watchlist with the `questrade` backend:: piker -l info monitor indexes If you want to see super granular price changes, increase the broker quote query ``rate`` with ``-r``:: piker monitor indexes -r 10 It is also possible to run the broker data feed micro service as a daemon:: pikerd -l info Then start the client app as normal:: piker monitor indexes .. _trio: https://github.com/python-trio/trio .. _pipenv: https://docs.pipenv.org/ Finicky dependencies ==================== For those running pop-culture distros that don't yet ship ``python3.7`` you'll need to install it as well as `kivy source build`_ dependencies since currently there's reliance on an async development branch. .. _kivy source build: https://kivy.org/docs/installation/installation-linux.html#installation-in-a-virtual-environment