import trio import pytest import tractor from piker import config from piker.brokers.deribit import api as deribit from piker.brokers.deribit.api import _testnet_ws_url from piker._cacheables import open_cached_client TESTNET_KEY_ID: str | None = None TESTNET_KEY_SECRET: str | None = None @pytest.mark.skipif( not TESTNET_KEY_ID or not TESTNET_KEY_SECRET, reason='configure a deribit testnet key pair before running this test' ) def test_deribit_get_ticker(open_test_pikerd): async def _test_main(): async with open_test_pikerd() as _: async with open_cached_client('deribit') as client: symbols = await client.symbol_info() syms = list(symbols.keys()) sym = syms[int(len(syms) / 2)] async with deribit.maybe_open_ticker_feed(sym) as tick_stream: async for typ, msg in tick_stream: assert typ == 'ticker' assert 'open_interest' in msg['data'] break config.write({ 'deribit': { 'ws_url': _testnet_ws_url, 'key_id': TESTNET_KEY_ID, 'key_secret': TESTNET_KEY_SECRET } })