from datetime import datetime import time import trio import pytest import tractor import math from piker.log import get_logger from piker.clearing._messages import ( Order ) from typing import AsyncContextManager from piker.pp import ( Position, Transaction, open_trade_ledger, open_pps ) from piker._daemon import ( find_service, check_for_service, Services, ) from import ( open_feed, ) from piker.clearing import ( open_ems, ) from piker.clearing._messages import ( BrokerdPosition, Status, ) from piker.clearing._client import ( OrderBook, ) log = get_logger(__name__) def test_paper_trade( open_test_pikerd: AsyncContextManager ): async def main(): # type declares book: OrderBook trades_stream: tractor.MsgStream pps: dict[str, list[BrokerdPosition]] accounts: list[str] dialogs: dict[str, Status] async with ( open_test_pikerd() as (_, _, _, services), open_ems( 'xbtusdt.kraken', mode='paper', ) as ( book, trades_stream, pps, accounts, dialogs, ), ): test_exec_mode='live' test_action = 'buy' test_oid = '560beac8-b1b1-4dee-bd1e-6604a704c9ea' test_account = 'paper' test_size = 1 test_price = 30000 test_broker = 'kraken' test_brokers = [test_broker] test_symbol = 'xbtusdt' test_fqsn = f'{test_symbol}.{test_broker}' test_pp_account = 'piker-paper' order = Order( exec_mode=test_exec_mode, action=test_action, oid=test_oid, account=test_account, size=test_size, symbol=test_fqsn, price=test_price, brokers=test_brokers ) book.send(order) await trio.sleep(1) cleared_ledger_entry = {} # check if trades have been updated in in ledge and pp with open_trade_ledger(test_broker, test_account) as ledger: log.warning(f'ledger: {ledger}') cleared_ledger_entry = ledger[test_oid] assert list(ledger.keys())[0] == test_oid assert cleared_ledger_entry['size'] == test_size assert cleared_ledger_entry['fqsn'] == test_fqsn with open_pps(test_broker, test_pp_account) as table: # save pps in local state assert table.brokername == test_broker assert table.acctid == test_pp_account # assert cleared_ledger_entry['price'] == table.conf.clears[0].price pp_price = table.conf[test_broker][test_pp_account][test_fqsn]["ppu"] assert math.isclose(pp_price, cleared_ledger_entry['size'], rel_tol=1) raise KeyboardInterrupt with pytest.raises( trio.MultiError ) as exc_info: def test_trades_persist( open_test_pikerd: AsyncContextManager ): async def main(): async with ( open_test_pikerd() as (_, _, _, services), open_ems( 'xbtusdt.kraken', mode='paper', ) as ( book, trades_stream, pps, accounts, dialogs, ), ): print(f'pps: {pps}')