# piker: trading gear for hackers # Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for piker0) # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Structured, daemon tree service management. """ from typing import Optional, Union, Callable, Any from contextlib import asynccontextmanager as acm from collections import defaultdict from pydantic import BaseModel import trio from trio_typing import TaskStatus import tractor from .log import get_logger, get_console_log from .brokers import get_brokermod log = get_logger(__name__) _root_dname = 'pikerd' _registry_addr = ('', 1616) _tractor_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = { # use a different registry addr then tractor's default 'arbiter_addr': _registry_addr } _root_modules = [ __name__, 'piker.clearing._ems', 'piker.clearing._client', ] class Services(BaseModel): actor_n: tractor._supervise.ActorNursery service_n: trio.Nursery debug_mode: bool # tractor sub-actor debug mode flag service_tasks: dict[str, tuple[trio.CancelScope, tractor.Portal]] = {} class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True async def start_service_task( self, name: str, portal: tractor.Portal, target: Callable, **kwargs, ) -> (trio.CancelScope, tractor.Context): ''' Open a context in a service sub-actor, add to a stack that gets unwound at ``pikerd`` teardown. This allows for allocating long-running sub-services in our main daemon and explicitly controlling their lifetimes. ''' async def open_context_in_task( task_status: TaskStatus[ trio.CancelScope] = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED, ) -> Any: with trio.CancelScope() as cs: async with portal.open_context( target, **kwargs, ) as (ctx, first): # unblock once the remote context has started task_status.started((cs, first)) log.info( f'`pikerd` service {name} started with value {first}' ) try: # wait on any context's return value ctx_res = await ctx.result() except tractor.ContextCancelled: return await self.cancel_service(name) else: # wait on any error from the sub-actor # NOTE: this will block indefinitely until # cancelled either by error from the target # context function or by being cancelled here by # the surrounding cancel scope return (await portal.result(), ctx_res) cs, first = await self.service_n.start(open_context_in_task) # store the cancel scope and portal for later cancellation or # retstart if needed. self.service_tasks[name] = (cs, portal) return cs, first # TODO: per service cancellation by scope, we aren't using this # anywhere right? async def cancel_service( self, name: str, ) -> Any: log.info(f'Cancelling `pikerd` service {name}') cs, portal = self.service_tasks[name] # XXX: not entirely sure why this is required, # and should probably be better fine tuned in # ``tractor``? cs.cancel() return await portal.cancel_actor() _services: Optional[Services] = None @acm async def open_pikerd( start_method: str = 'trio', loglevel: Optional[str] = None, # XXX: you should pretty much never want debug mode # for data daemons when running in production. debug_mode: bool = False, ) -> Optional[tractor._portal.Portal]: ''' Start a root piker daemon who's lifetime extends indefinitely until cancelled. A root actor nursery is created which can be used to create and keep alive underling services (see below). ''' global _services assert _services is None # XXX: this may open a root actor as well async with ( tractor.open_root_actor( # passed through to ``open_root_actor`` arbiter_addr=_registry_addr, name=_root_dname, loglevel=loglevel, debug_mode=debug_mode, start_method=start_method, # TODO: eventually we should be able to avoid # having the root have more then permissions to # spawn other specialized daemons I think? enable_modules=_root_modules, ) as _, tractor.open_nursery() as actor_nursery, ): async with trio.open_nursery() as service_nursery: # # setup service mngr singleton instance # async with AsyncExitStack() as stack: # assign globally for future daemon/task creation _services = Services( actor_n=actor_nursery, service_n=service_nursery, debug_mode=debug_mode, ) yield _services @acm async def open_piker_runtime( name: str, enable_modules: list[str] = [], start_method: str = 'trio', loglevel: Optional[str] = None, # XXX: you should pretty much never want debug mode # for data daemons when running in production. debug_mode: bool = False, ) -> Optional[tractor._portal.Portal]: ''' Start a piker actor who's runtime will automatically sync with existing piker actors in local network based on configuration. ''' global _services assert _services is None # XXX: this may open a root actor as well async with ( tractor.open_root_actor( # passed through to ``open_root_actor`` arbiter_addr=_registry_addr, name=name, loglevel=loglevel, debug_mode=debug_mode, start_method=start_method, # TODO: eventually we should be able to avoid # having the root have more then permissions to # spawn other specialized daemons I think? enable_modules=_root_modules, ) as _, ): yield tractor.current_actor() @acm async def maybe_open_runtime( loglevel: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Start the ``tractor`` runtime (a root actor) if none exists. """ settings = _tractor_kwargs settings.update(kwargs) if not tractor.current_actor(err_on_no_runtime=False): async with tractor.open_root_actor( loglevel=loglevel, **settings, ): yield else: yield @acm async def maybe_open_pikerd( loglevel: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[tractor._portal.Portal, Services]: """If no ``pikerd`` daemon-root-actor can be found start it and yield up (we should probably figure out returning a portal to self though). """ if loglevel: get_console_log(loglevel) # subtle, we must have the runtime up here or portal lookup will fail async with maybe_open_runtime(loglevel, **kwargs): async with tractor.find_actor(_root_dname) as portal: # assert portal is not None if portal is not None: yield portal return # presume pikerd role since no daemon could be found at # configured address async with open_pikerd( loglevel=loglevel, debug_mode=kwargs.get('debug_mode', False), ) as _: # in the case where we're starting up the # tractor-piker runtime stack in **this** process # we return no portal to self. yield None # brokerd enabled modules _data_mods = [ 'piker.brokers.core', 'piker.brokers.data', 'piker.data', 'piker.data.feed', 'piker.data._sampling' ] class Brokerd: locks = defaultdict(trio.Lock) @acm async def find_service( service_name: str, ) -> Optional[tractor.Portal]: log.info(f'Scanning for service `{service_name}`') # attach to existing daemon by name if possible async with tractor.find_actor( service_name, arbiter_sockaddr=_registry_addr, ) as maybe_portal: yield maybe_portal async def check_for_service( service_name: str, ) -> bool: ''' Service daemon "liveness" predicate. ''' async with tractor.query_actor( service_name, arbiter_sockaddr=_registry_addr, ) as sockaddr: return sockaddr @acm async def maybe_spawn_daemon( service_name: str, service_task_target: Callable, spawn_args: dict[str, Any], loglevel: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> tractor.Portal: ''' If no ``service_name`` daemon-actor can be found, spawn one in a local subactor and return a portal to it. If this function is called from a non-pikerd actor, the spawned service will persist as long as pikerd does or it is requested to be cancelled. This can be seen as a service starting api for remote-actor clients. ''' if loglevel: get_console_log(loglevel) # serialize access to this section to avoid # 2 or more tasks racing to create a daemon lock = Brokerd.locks[service_name] await lock.acquire() async with find_service(service_name) as portal: if portal is not None: lock.release() yield portal return log.warning(f"Couldn't find any existing {service_name}") # ask root ``pikerd`` daemon to spawn the daemon we need if # pikerd is not live we now become the root of the # process tree async with maybe_open_pikerd( loglevel=loglevel, **kwargs, ) as pikerd_portal: if pikerd_portal is None: # we are the root and thus are `pikerd` # so spawn the target service directly by calling # the provided target routine. # XXX: this assumes that the target is well formed and will # do the right things to setup both a sub-actor **and** call # the ``_Services`` api from above to start the top level # service task for that actor. await service_task_target(**spawn_args) else: # tell the remote `pikerd` to start the target, # the target can't return a non-serializable value # since it is expected that service startingn is # non-blocking and the target task will persist running # on `pikerd` after the client requesting it's start # disconnects. await pikerd_portal.run( service_task_target, **spawn_args, ) async with tractor.wait_for_actor(service_name) as portal: lock.release() yield portal await portal.cancel_actor() async def spawn_brokerd( brokername: str, loglevel: Optional[str] = None, **tractor_kwargs, ) -> bool: log.info(f'Spawning {brokername} broker daemon') brokermod = get_brokermod(brokername) dname = f'brokerd.{brokername}' extra_tractor_kwargs = getattr(brokermod, '_spawn_kwargs', {}) tractor_kwargs.update(extra_tractor_kwargs) global _services assert _services # ask `pikerd` to spawn a new sub-actor and manage it under its # actor nursery portal = await _services.actor_n.start_actor( dname, enable_modules=_data_mods + [brokermod.__name__], loglevel=loglevel, debug_mode=_services.debug_mode, **tractor_kwargs ) # non-blocking setup of brokerd service nursery from .data import _setup_persistent_brokerd await _services.start_service_task( dname, portal, _setup_persistent_brokerd, brokername=brokername, ) return True @acm async def maybe_spawn_brokerd( brokername: str, loglevel: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> tractor.Portal: ''' Helper to spawn a brokerd service *from* a client who wishes to use the sub-actor-daemon. ''' async with maybe_spawn_daemon( f'brokerd.{brokername}', service_task_target=spawn_brokerd, spawn_args={'brokername': brokername, 'loglevel': loglevel}, loglevel=loglevel, **kwargs, ) as portal: yield portal async def spawn_emsd( loglevel: Optional[str] = None, **extra_tractor_kwargs ) -> bool: """ Start the clearing engine under ``pikerd``. """ log.info('Spawning emsd') global _services assert _services portal = await _services.actor_n.start_actor( 'emsd', enable_modules=[ 'piker.clearing._ems', 'piker.clearing._client', ], loglevel=loglevel, debug_mode=_services.debug_mode, # set by pikerd flag **extra_tractor_kwargs ) # non-blocking setup of clearing service from .clearing._ems import _setup_persistent_emsd await _services.start_service_task( 'emsd', portal, _setup_persistent_emsd, ) return True @acm async def maybe_open_emsd( brokername: str, loglevel: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> tractor._portal.Portal: # noqa async with maybe_spawn_daemon( 'emsd', service_task_target=spawn_emsd, spawn_args={'loglevel': loglevel}, loglevel=loglevel, **kwargs, ) as portal: yield portal # TODO: ideally we can start the tsdb "on demand" but it's # probably going to require "rootless" docker, at least if we don't # want to expect the user to start ``pikerd`` with root perms all the # time. # async def maybe_open_marketstored( # loglevel: Optional[str] = None, # **kwargs, # ) -> tractor._portal.Portal: # noqa # async with maybe_spawn_daemon( # 'marketstored', # service_task_target=spawn_emsd, # spawn_args={'loglevel': loglevel}, # loglevel=loglevel, # **kwargs, # ) as portal: # yield portal