from contextlib import asynccontextmanager as acm from functools import partial import logging import os from pathlib import Path import pytest import tractor from piker import ( config, ) from piker.service import ( Services, ) from piker.log import get_console_log from piker.clearing._client import open_ems def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--ll", action="store", dest='loglevel', default=None, help="logging level to set when testing") parser.addoption("--confdir", default=None, help="Use a practice API account") @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def loglevel(request) -> str: return request.config.option.loglevel @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def test_config(): dirname = os.path.dirname dirpath = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'data' ) ) return dirpath @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def confdir( request, test_config: str, ): ''' If the `--confdir` flag is not passed use the broker config file found in that dir. ''' confdir = request.config.option.confdir if confdir is not None: config._override_config_dir(confdir) return confdir _ci_env: bool = os.environ.get('CI', False) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def ci_env() -> bool: ''' Detect CI envoirment. ''' return _ci_env @pytest.fixture() def log( request: pytest.FixtureRequest, loglevel: str, ) -> logging.Logger: ''' Deliver a per-test-named ``piker.log`` instance. ''' return get_console_log( level=loglevel,, ) @acm async def _open_test_pikerd( tmpconfdir: str, reg_addr: tuple[str, int] | None = None, loglevel: str = 'warning', **kwargs, ) -> tuple[ str, int, tractor.Portal ]: ''' Testing helper to startup the service tree and runtime on a different port then the default to allow testing alongside a running stack. ''' import random from piker.service import maybe_open_pikerd if reg_addr is None: port = random.randint(6e3, 7e3) reg_addr = ('', port) async with ( maybe_open_pikerd( registry_addr=reg_addr, loglevel=loglevel, tractor_runtime_overrides={ 'piker_test_dir': tmpconfdir, }, # tests may need to spawn containers dynamically # or just in sequence per test, so we keep root. drop_root_perms_for_ahab=False, **kwargs, ) as service_manager, ): # this proc/actor is the pikerd assert service_manager is Services async with tractor.wait_for_actor( 'pikerd', arbiter_sockaddr=reg_addr, ) as portal: raddr = assert raddr == reg_addr yield ( raddr[0], raddr[1], portal, service_manager, ) @pytest.fixture def open_test_pikerd( request: pytest.FixtureRequest, tmp_path: Path, loglevel: str, ): tmpconfdir: Path = tmp_path / '_testing' tmpconfdir.mkdir() tmpconfdir_str: str = str(tmpconfdir) # NOTE: on linux the tmp config dir is generally located at: # /tmp/pytest-of-/pytest-/test_/ # the default `pytest` config ensures that only the last 4 test # suite run's dirs will be persisted, otherwise they are removed: # print(f'CURRENT TEST CONF DIR: {tmpconfdir}') yield partial( _open_test_pikerd, # pass in a unique temp dir for this test request # so that we can have multiple tests running (maybe in parallel) # bwitout clobbering each other's config state. tmpconfdir=tmpconfdir_str, # bind in level from fixture, which is itself set by # `--ll ` cli flag. loglevel=loglevel, ) # NOTE: the `tmp_dir` fixture will wipe any files older then 3 test # sessions by default: # # BUT, if we wanted to always wipe conf dir and all contained files, # rmtree(str(tmp_path)) # TODO: teardown checks such as, # - no leaked subprocs or shm buffers # - all requested container service are torn down # - certain ``tractor`` runtime state? @acm async def _open_test_pikerd_and_ems( fqsn, mode, loglevel, open_test_pikerd ): async with ( open_test_pikerd() as (_, _, _, services), open_ems( fqsn, mode=mode, loglevel=loglevel, ) as ems_services, ): yield (services, ems_services) @pytest.fixture def open_test_pikerd_and_ems( open_test_pikerd, fqme: str = 'xbtusdt.kraken', mode: str = 'paper', loglevel: str = 'info', ): yield partial( _open_test_pikerd_and_ems, fqme, mode, loglevel, open_test_pikerd )