from typing import AsyncContextManager import logging import pytest from elasticsearch import ( Elasticsearch, ConnectionError, ) import trio from piker.service import marketstore from piker.service import elastic @pytest.mark.skip def test_marketstore_startup_and_version( open_test_pikerd: AsyncContextManager, loglevel: str, root_conf: dict, ): ''' Verify marketstore tsdb starts up and we can connect with a client to do basic API reqs. ''' async def main(): user_conf: dict = { 'grpc_listen_port': 5995 + 6, 'ws_listen_port': 5993 + 6, } dname: str # service name config: dict # service name async with ( open_test_pikerd( loglevel=loglevel, # tsdb=True ) as ( _, # host _, # port _, services, ), marketstore.start_ahab_daemon( services, user_conf, loglevel=loglevel, ) as (dname, config) ): # ensure user config was applied for k, v in user_conf.items(): assert config[k] == v # netconf: dict = root_conf['network'] # tsdbconf = netconf['tsdb'] # TODO: we should probably make this connection poll # loop part of the `get_client()` implementation no? # XXX NOTE: we use a retry-connect loop because it seems # that if we connect *too fast* to a booting container # instance (i.e. if mkts's IPC machinery isn't up early # enough) the client will hang on req-resp submissions. So, # instead we actually reconnect the client entirely in # a loop until we get a response. for _ in range(3): # NOTE: default sockaddr is embedded within async with marketstore.get_client( host='localhost', port=user_conf['grpc_listen_port'], ) as client: print(f'Client is up @ {user_conf}!') with trio.move_on_after(1) as cs: syms = await client.list_symbols() if cs.cancelled_caught: continue # should be an empty db (for now) since we spawn # marketstore in a ephemeral test-harness dir. assert not syms print(f'RX syms resp: {syms}') assert ( len(await client.server_version()) == len('3862e9973da36cfc6004b88172c08f09269aaf01') ) print('VERSION CHECKED') break # get out of retry-connect loop else: raise RuntimeError('Failed to connect to {conf}!') # gracefully teardown docker-daemon-service print(f'Cancelling docker service {dname}') @pytest.mark.skip def test_elasticsearch_startup_and_version( open_test_pikerd: AsyncContextManager, loglevel: str, log: logging.Logger, ): ''' Verify elasticsearch starts correctly (like at some point before infinity time).. ''' async def main(): port: int = 19200 user_conf: dict = { 'port': port, } dname: str # service name config: dict # service name async with ( open_test_pikerd( loglevel=loglevel, ) as ( _, # host _, # port pikerd_portal, services, ), elastic.start_ahab_daemon( services, user_conf, loglevel=loglevel, ) as (dname, config) ): # TODO: much like the above connect loop for mkts, we should # probably make this sync start part of the # ``open_client()`` implementation? for i in range(240): with Elasticsearch( hosts=[f'http://localhost:{port}'] ) as es: try: resp = assert ( resp['version']['number'] == elastic._config['version'] ) print( "OMG ELASTIX FINALLY CUKCING CONNECTED!>!>!\n" f'resp: {resp}' ) break except ConnectionError: log.exception( f'RETRYING client connection for {i} time!' ) await trio.sleep(1) continue