Since the new FSP system will require time aligned data amongst actors,
it makes sense to share broker data feeds as much as possible on a local
system. There doesn't seem to be downside to this approach either since
if not fanning-out in our code, the broker (server) has to do it anyway
(and who knows how junk their implementation is) though with more
clients, sockets etc. in memory on our end. It also preps the code for
introducing a more "serious" pub-sub systems like zeromq/nanomessage.
Wait for a first actual real-time quote before starting graphics update
tasks. Use the new normalized tick format brokers are expected to emit
as a `quotes['ticks']` list. Auto detect time frame from historical
Wrap the sync client in an async interface in anticipation of an actual
async client. This starts support for the `open_fee()`/`stream_quotes()`
api though the tick normalization isn't correct yet.
Start a draft normalization format for (sampled) tick data.
Ideally we move toward the dense tick format (DFT) enforced by
techtonicDB, but for now let's just get a dict of something simple
going: `{'type': 'trade', 'price': <price}` kind of thing. This
gets us started being able to real-time chart from all data feed
back-ends. Oh, and hack in support for XAUUSD..and get subactor
logging workin.
Add `ChartPlotWidget.add_plot()` to add sub charts for indicators which
can be updated independently. Clean up rt bar update code and drop some
legacy ohlc loading cruft.
Stop with all this "main chart" special treatment.
Manage all lines in the same way across all referenced plots.
Add `CrossHair.add_plot()` for adding new plots dynamically.
Just, smh.