Was only really borked for higher-precision but lower priced assets
(like TLOS or peeneez) which have a `MktPair.price_tick_digits >= 2`.
The issue was using the wrong attr, the `size_tick_digits`..
Including changing to `LinkedSplits.mkt: MktPair` and adding an explicit
setter method for setting it and being sure that nothing breaks
in the display system init!
For this commit we leave in warning access to `LinkedSplits.symbol` but
will remove in following commit.
Only stuff left was the allocator stuff. Drop the top level subpkg
exports and finally kill off the awkwardly named
`Symbol.lot_size_digits` properties XD
Expose a bunch more util funcs at subpkg top level, do some typing in
allocator method internals.
Contract matching in live setup was borked; switch to
`MktPair.dst.atype` matching, don't override the `cmdty` "venue" (a
weird special case) in `get_mkt_info()` otherwise lookup will fail..
Stash it for now in the (now mutable by default) `.shm_write_opts` and
have the new `Flume._has_vlm: bool` (only set to false internally by
feed layer) which can be read via new public `.has_vlm()` predicate.
Move out the old `.ui/_fsp` helper logic to this flume method.
Avoids the really sloppy flag passing to `open_pikerd()` and allows for
separation of the individual docker daemon starts.
Also add a new `root_conf() -> Path` fixture which will open and load
the `dict` for the new root `conf.toml` file.
Using the new `._ahab.start_ahab_service()` mngr of course, and now
support user config overrides (such that our defaults can be modified by
a keen user, say using a config file, or for testing). This is where the
functionality moved out of the `pikerd` init has been moved - instead of
being triggered by bool flag inputs to that factory.
For marketstore actually support overriding the entire yaml config via
runtime `_yaml_config_str: str` formatting with any passed user dict,
primarily focussing on supporting override of the sockaddrs for testing.
Allows for using the `Services.cancel_service()` api for explicit
cancellation in tests and eventually for remote teardown. Change
`.start_ahab()` to an `@acm` `start_ahab_service()` and just yield back
the same values we were returning prior. Also fix the logging (level) to
actually reflect what's passed in - we weren't using the correct name
/ instance from the `.sevice` subpkg..
Since `.config.load()` was changed to not touch conf files by default
(without explicitly setting `touch_if_dne: bool`), this ensures both the
global module value is set and the `brokers.toml` file exists before
every test.