Currently we're held back by an `asyncvnc` issue, but even still, given
we're running the container to be only accessible by localhost i'm not
sure we need this for the moment (or at all) anyway.
Based on the now defunct project @
Adds a `docker-compose.yml` and necessary gateway and `IBC` config
files to make it possible to spin up a local gateway on localhost:4002
and connect to it without issue using `ib_insync`.
Next up, we'll want to,
- automated the equivalent docker-compose steps using our
`.data._ahab` supervisor system
- probably simplify and roll our own container (likely alpine or nixos
based) which drops uneeded deps (`socat`, vnc) and adds `xdotool`.
- allow for API socket mapping to just be pulled direct from
a user's `brokers.toml` and we'll just pass that direct to `IBC`'s