Instead just check for the field (which i'm not huge on the key-name for
anyway) and if not found get the "last price" from the real-time shm
buffer's latest 'close' sample.
Unrelatedly, use a `subs.copy()` in the `Router.client_broadcast()` loop
such that if a `client_stream` is popped on connection failure, we don't
RTE for the "size changed on iteration".
Turns out we were expecting/processing `Status(resp='error')` msgs not
`BrokerdError` (i guess bc latter was only really being used in initial
`brokerd` msg responses and not for relay of actual provider clearing
engine failures?) and the case block match / logic wasn't really
correct. So this changes a few things:
- always do reverse `oid` lookups from `reqid`s if possible in error msg
handling case.
- add a new `Error` client-dialog msg (derived from `Status`) which we
now relay when `brokerd` sends a `BrokerdError` and no prior `Status`
can be found (when it is we still fill in appropriate fields from the
backend-error and just send back the last status msg like before).
- try hard to look up the original `Order.symbol: str` for client
broadcasting trying first using any `Status.req` and failing over to
embedded `.brokerd_msg` field lookups.
- drop the ` = 'error'` from literal def.
Since it's depended on by `.data` stuff as well as pretty much
everything else, makes more sense to expose it as a top level module
(and maybe eventually as a subpkg as we add to it).
Since crypto backends now also may expand an FQME like `xbteur.kraken`
-> `` (by filling in the venue token), we need to use
this identifier when looking up per-market order dialogs or submitting
new requests. The simple fix is to simply look up that expanded from
from the `Feed.flumes` table which is always keyed by the `MktPair.fqme:
str` - the expanded form.
This was actually incorrect prior, we were rounding triggered limit
orders with the `.size_tick` value's digits when we should have been
using the `.price_tick` (facepalm). So fix that and compute the rounding
number of digits (as passed to the round(<value>, ndigits=<here>)`
builtin) and store it in the `DarkBook.triggers` tuples so that at
trigger/match time the round call is done *just prior* to msg send to
`brokerd` given the last known live L1 queue price.
It's been getting setup in the `brokerd` daemon-actor spawn task for
a while now and worker tasks already get a ref to that global log
instance so they don't need to care (in data or trading) task spawn
Also move to the new `open_trade_dialog()` naming for working broker
backends B)
Connecting to a `brokerd` daemon's trading dialog via a helper `@acm`
func is handy so that arbitrary trading middleware clients **and** the
ems can setup a trading dialog and, at the least, query existing
position state; this is in fact our immediate need when simply querying
for an account's position status in the `.accounting.cli.ledger` cli.
It's now exposed (for now) as `.clearing._ems.open_brokerd_dialog()` and
is called by the `Router.maybe_open_brokerd_dialog()` for every new
relay allocation or paper-account engine instance.
Previously you couldn't have a brokerd backend which defined
`.trades_dialogue()` but which could also indicate that the paper
clearing engine should be used. This adds that support by allowing the
endpoint task to return a simple `'paper'` string, in which case the ems
will boot a paperboi.
The obvious useful case for this is if you have a broker you want to use
but do not have actual broker credentials setup (yet) with that provider
in your `brokers.toml`; demonstrated here with the adjustment to
`kraken`'s startup to no longer raise a runtime error B)
Change the root-service-task entrypoint to accept the level and
setup a console log as is now expected for all sub-services. Cast all
backend delivered startup `BrokerdPosition` msgs and log them to
When the client is faster then a `brokerd` at submitting and cancelling
an order we run into the case where we need to specify that the EMS
cancels the order-flow as soon as the brokerd's ack arrives. Previously
we were stashing a `BrokerdCancel` msg as the `Status.req` msg (to be
both tested for as a "already cancelled" and sent immediately on ack arrival to
the broker), but for such
cases we can't use that msg to find the fqsn (since only the client side
msgs have it defined) which is required by the new
So, Since `Status.req` is supposed to be a client-side flow msg anyway,
and we need the fqsn for client broadcasting, we change this `.req`
value to the client's submitted `Cancel` msg (thus rectifying the
missing `Router.client_broadcast()` fqsn input issue) and build the
`BrokerdCancel` request from that `Cancel` inline in the relay loop
from the `.req: Cancel` status msg lookup.
Further we allow `Cancel` msgs to define an `.account` and adjust the
order mode loop to expect `Cancel` source requests in cancelled status
Except for paper accounts (in which case we need a trades dialog and
paper engine per symbol to enable simulated clearing) we can rely on the
instrument feed (symbol name) to be the caching key. Utilize
`tractor.trionics.maybe_open_context()` and the new key-as-callable
support in the paper case to ensure we have separate paper clearing
loops per symbol.
With the refactor of the dark loop into a daemon task already-open order
relaying from a `brokerd` was broken since no subscribed clients were
registered prior to the relay loop sending status msgs for such existing
live orders. Repair that by adding one more synchronization phase to the
`Router.open_trade_relays()` task: deliver a `client_ready: trio.Event`
which is set by the client task once the client stream has been
established and don't start the `brokerd` order dialog relay loop until
this event is ready.
Further implementation deats:
- factor the `brokerd` relay caching back into it's own `@acm` method:
`maybe_open_brokerd_dialog()` since we do want (but only this) stream
singleton-cached per broker backend.
- spawn all relay tasks on every entry for the moment until we figure
out what we're caching against (any client pre-existing right, which
would mean there's an entry in the `.subscribers` table?)
- rename `_DarkBook` -> `DarkBook` and `DarkBook.orders` -> `.triggers`
This enables "headless" dark order matching and clearing where an `emsd`
daemon subactor can be left running with active dark (or other
algorithmic) orders which will still trigger despite to attached-controlling
Impl details:
- rename/add `Router.maybe_open_trade_relays()` which now does all work
of starting up ems-side long living clearing and relay tasks and the
associated data feed; make is a `Nursery.start()`-able task instead of
an `@acm`.
- drop `open_brokerd_trades_dialog()` and move/factor contents into the
above method.
- add support for a `router.client_broadcast('all', msg)` to wholesale
fan out a msg to all clients.