Since `tractor`'s new and improved inter-actor cancellation semantics
are much more pedantic, AND bc we use the `ServiceMngr` for spawning
service actors on-demand, the caller of `maybe_spawn_daemon()` should
NEVER conduct a so called "out of band" `Actor`-runtime cancel request
since this is precisely the job of our `ServiceMngr` XD
Add a super in depth note explaining the underlying issue and adding
a todo list of how we should prolly augment `tractor` to make such cases
easier to grok and fix in the future!
Given it's a fairly simple yet useful abstraction, it makes sense to
offer this sub-sys alongside the core `tractor` runtime lib.
Without going into extreme detail on the impl changes (it'll come in
the commit that moves to the other repo) here is the high level summary:
------ - ------
- rename `Services` -> `ServiceMngr` and use an factory `@acm`
to guarantee a single-instance-per-actor using a niche approach for a
singleton object using a default keyword-arg B)
- the mod level `open_service_mngr()` and `get_service_mngr()` are the
new allocation/access API.
- add a `ServiceMngr.start_service()` method which does the work of both
spawning a new subactor (for the daemon) and uses its portal to start
the mngr side supervision task.
- open actor/task nurseries inside the `@acm` allocator.
Adjust other dependent subsystems to match:
------ - ------
- use `open_service_mngr()` when first allocated in `open_pikerd()`.
- use `get_service_mngr()` instead of importing the class ref inside
`.service.maybe_spawn_daemon()`, `.brokers._daemon.spawn_brokerd()`
and `.data._sampling.spawn_samplerd()` using a `partial` to pack in
the endpoint ctx kwargs (unpacked inside `.start_service()` XD).
Was orig for debugging an issue with `kucoin` i think but definitely
shouldn't be left in XD
Also add `'perpetual_future'` to `start_backfill()` input literal set.
About time we tidy'd a buncha status logging in this backend..
particularly for boot-up where there's lots of client-try-connect poll
looping with account detection from the user config.
`.api.Client` pprint and logging fmt improvements:
- add `Client.__repr__()` which shows the minimally useful set of info
from the underlying `.ib: IB` as well as a new `.acnts: list[str]`
of the account aliases defined in the user's `brokers.toml`.
- mk `.bars()` define a comprehensive `query_info: str` with all the
request deats but only display if there's a problem with the response
- mk `.get_config()` report both the config file path and the acnt
aliases (NOT the actual account #s).
- move all `.load_aio_clients()` client poll loop requests do
`log.runtime()` statuses, only falling through to a `.warning()` when
the loop fails to connect the client to the spec-ed API-gw addr, and
|_ don't allow loading accounts for which the user has not defined an
alias in `brokers.toml::[ib]`; raise a value-error in such cases
with a message indicating how to mod the config.
|_ only `` about acnts if some were loaded..
Other mod logging de-noising:
- better status fmting in `.symbols.open_symbol_search()` with
- for `.feed.stream_quotes()` first quote reporting use `.runtime()`.
- timestamps came as `'date'`-keyed from 2022 and before but now are
- some symbols seem to have no commission field, so handle that..
- when no `'price'` field found return `None` from `norm_trade()`.
- add a warn log on mid-fill commission updates.
Like other backends use the `AsyncClient` for all venue specific
client-sessions but change to allocating them inside `get_client()`
using an `AsyncExitStack` and inserting directly in the
`Client.venue_sesh: dict` table during init.
Supporting impl tweaks:
- remove most of the API client session building logic and instead make
`Client.__init__()` take in a `venue_sessions: dict` (set it to
`.venue_sesh`) and `conf: dict`, instead opting to do the http client
configuration inside `get_client()` since all that code only needs to
be run once.
|_load config inside `get_client()` once.
|_move session token creation into a new util func `init_api_keys()` and
also call it from `get_client()` factory; toss in an ex. toml section
config to the doc string.
- define `_venue_urls: dict[str, str]` (content taken from old static
`.venue_sesh` dict) at module level and feed them as `base_url: str`
inputs to the client create loop.
- adjust all call sigs in httpx-sesh-using methods, namely just
- do a `.exch_info()` call in `get_client()` to cache the symbology
Unrelated changes for various other outstanding buggers:
- to get futures feeds correctly loading when selected
from search (like 'XMRUSDT.USDTM.PERP'), expect a `MktPair` input to
`Client.bars()` such that the exact venue-key can be looked up (via
a new `.pair2venuekey()` meth) and then passed to `._api()`.
- adjust `.broker.open_trade_dialog()` to failover to paper engine when
there's no `api_key` key set for the `subconf` venue-key.
Like we do with other history backends to indicate lack of a data set.
This avoids any raise that will will bring down the backloader task with
some downstream error.
Raise a `ValueError` on no time index for now.
This also officially moves the code base to using `PyQt6` including all
necessary reference changes and enum namespace path moves.
Also includes a small `.ui.order_mode` fix to cancel any
`Order.price <= 0` and a name error fix with logging using `msg`,
which is already used for the input order msg..
For the future, like if we ever get a `PyQt7` (or wtv else..), add
a module which allows changing Qt binding lib imports from one spot for
all other `.ui` submodules. In some sense this is like a shoddier, less
dynamic version of how `` supports multiple
libs; it might actually make sense eventually to instead import from
their shim layer instead?
Included is a draft attempt at exposing a bunch of enums which under
custom names:
- while the specific grouping of values seem to always stay consistent,
the root enum's seem to almost always get moved around in the `PyQtX`
module namespace.
- changing groupings and/or each top level enum's ns location can more
simply be changed/re-orged from one spot.
- allows `.ui` consumer code to use a name more relevant to `piker`'s
usage of wtv UI component is being configured.
Such that our internal structs can be pretty printed with indented and
type-hinted fields, AND for nested `Struct`-fields call `.pformat()` but
avoiding any recursion errors using `pprint.saferepr()`. Add
a `._sin_props()` iterator over the non-property fields; use it for
`dict` casting when called with `.to_dict(include_non_members=False)`.
Actually, we should also probably figure out how to only pprint like
when required by the user in a REPL or log msg by context-selectively
`pprint.PrettyPrinter` right? Also, if we can generalize decently enough
it'd be cool to maybe patch this in as a util to upstream `msgspec`?
Ran into this trading a peenee where a dark got (mistakenly) submitted
at a price of 0 and then that consecutively broke upstream allocator/pp
code due to a divide-by-zero.. So instead always check for a zero-price
(since that should never ever be valid in any market) and instead cancel
any such order in the EMS and return `None` so that upstream callers can
ignore it without crash handling.
Since we definitely want to markup gaps that are both data-errors and
just plain old venue closures (time gaps), generalize the `gaps:
pl.DataFrame` loop in a func and call it from the `ldshm` cmd for now.
Some other tweaks to `store ldshm`:
- add `np.median()` failover when detecting (ohlc) ts sample rate.
- use new `tsp.dedupe()` signature.
- differentiate between sample-period size gaps and venue closure gaps
by calling `tsp.detect_time_gaps()` with diff size thresholds.
- add todo for backfilling null-segs when detected.
Since service daemon actors may be cancelled remotely by clients (who
maybe also requested said daemon-actor's spawn in the first place) we
specifically ignore `tractor.ContextCancelled`s from the `ctx.wait()`
inside `Services.start_service_task()` to avoid crashing the service
mngr, and thus for now `pikerd`, (which **does** happen now due to
updated and more explicit remote cancellation semantics implemented in
`tractor`) since the `.canceller` field is not going to match the
`pikerd` uid in such cases!
This explicit check makes sense since the `Services` mngr is built to
allow remote requests to "spawn-n-supervise service actors" where the
services can remain persistent but also cancelled later as requested. We
may want to consider only allowing cancellation by actors who requested
spawn in the future tho?
Also change to more explicit imports to `tractor` types for annots
throughout the sub-pkg.
Since certain actors (even if client-like) will want to augment their
module set to provide remote features (such as our new rc annotation
msg-prot for `Qt`-chart actors) we need to ensure we merge in any input
`enable_modules: list[str]` to the value passed to the underlying
`tractor` spawning api. Previously we were passing `_root_modules` as
this value by name, but now instead we simply `list.extend()` that into
whatever is in the `kwargs` both in `open_piker_runtime()` and
Presuming the data provider gives us a config with a `frame_types: dict`
(indicating frame sizes per query/request) we try to be clever and
decrement our submitted `end_dt: DateTime` based on it.. hoping for the
best on the next attempt.
Apparently publishing futures contracts that aren't yet trading AND
changing their contract type `str` format/schema was necessary (such
that's there's a f@#$in space in it..)?
I honestly have no idea where they found their "data engineers" XD
TO CHERRY to #520
So now a chart rc client can ask to invoke the new
`Viz.reset_graphics()` by timeframe and fqme Bo This handy when doing
underlying (real time or tsp) edits and you want to make the UI reflect
the changes incrementally.
Impl deatz:
- tweak the msg schema to use a `cmd: str` which normally maps to
(something similar to) the UI method name instead of `annot` and now
offer 3 such "commands": 'redraw', 'remove', 'SelectRect'.
- impl `AnnotCtl.redraw()` which sends the underlying `msg: dict` on the
correct `tractor.Msgstream` ipc instance.
- since ipc-stream lookups now happen in multiple client methods impl
a private `._get_ipc()` to do the error raise on unknown fqmes.
Been hitting wayy too many cases like this so, finally put my foot down
and stuck in a buncha helper code to figure why (especially for gappy
ass pennies) this can/is happening XD
inside the `.ib.api.Client()`:
- in `.bars()` pack all `.reqHistoricalDataAsync()` kwargs into a dict such that
wen/if we rx a blank frame we can enter pdb and make sync calls using
a little `get_hist()` closure from the REPL.
- tidy up type annots a bit too.
- add a new `.maybe_get_head_time()` meth which will return `None` when
the dt can't be retrieved for the contract.
inside `.feed.open_history_client()`:
- use new `Client.maybe_get_head_time()` and only do `DataUnavailable`
raises when the request `end_dt` is actually earlier.
- when `get_bars()` returns a `None` and the `head_dt` is not earlier
then the `end_dt` submitted, raise a `NoData` with more `.info: dict`.
- deliver a new `frame_types: dict[int, pendulum.Duration]` as part
of the yielded `config: dict`.
- in `.get_bars()` always assume a `tuple` returned from
- return a `None` on empty frames instead of raising `NoData` at this
call frame.
- do more explicit imports from `pendulum` for brevity.
inside `.brokers._util`:
- make `NoData` take an `info: dict` as input to allow backends to pack
in empty frame meta-data for (eventual) use in the tsp back-filling
This took a teensie bit of reworking in some `.ui` modules
more or less in the following order of functional dependence:
- add a `Ctl-R` kb-binding to trigger a `Viz.reset_graphics()` in
the kb-handler task `handle_viewmode_kb_inputs()`.
- call the new method on all `Viz`s (& for all sample-rates) and
`DisplayState` refs provided in a (new input)
`dss: dict[str, DisplayState]` table, which was originally inite-ed
from the multi-feed display loop (so orig in `.graphics_update_loop()`
but now provided as an input to that func, see below..)
- `._interaction`: allow binding in `async_handler()` kwargs (`via
a `functools.partial`) passed to `ChartView.open_async_input_handler()`
such that arbitrary inputs to our kb+mouse handler funcs can accept
"wtv we desire".
- use ^ to bind in the aforementioned `dss` display-state table to
said handlers!
- define the `dss` table (as mentioned) inside `._display.display_symbol_data()`
and pass it into the update loop funcs as well as the newly augmented
`.open_async_input_handler()` calls,
- drop calling `chart.view.open_async_input_handler()` from the
`.order_mode.open_order_mode()`'s enter block and instead factor it
into the caller to support passing the `dss` table to the kb
- comment out the original history update loop handling of forced `Viz`
redraws entirely since we now have a manual method via `Ctl-R`.
- now, just update the `._remote_ctl.dss: dict` with this table since
we want to also provide rc for **all** loaded feeds, not just the
currently shown one/set.
- docs, naming and typing tweaks to `._event.open_handlers()`
Since we're now using it multiple layers probably makes sense to impl
and wrap it more correctly / publicly. The main (recent) use case is
where editing an underlying time series and then wanting to refresh the
graphics layers to reflect the changes in a chart. Part of this also
obviously includes wiping the y-range mx/mn cache.
Also ensure that `force_redraw` is proxying through to any `BarItems`
via the new `render_baritems()` func kwarg even when switching between
downsampled-line vs. bars modes.
Since `polars` has a more sane set of (time-zone aware) datetime APIs it
makes more sense and is definitely no slower then the previous `numpy`
impl. Also, actually use the sample-rate specific formats defined in
`DynamicDateAxis.tick_tpl`: dict[int, str]` finally using the new
`Viz.time_step()` property.
Since we end up needing the actual (OHLC sampled) time step info (at
least in seconds) for various purposes (in this specific follow up use
case to determine sample-rate specific `datetime` format strings for
a charted time series x-axis label), allow always reading it from the
viz with the presumption (at least for now) the underlying data-frame
will have an epoch `'time'` col/field.
Thanks to oremanj in the `trio` room for this hot style tip which i much
prefer to have less LOC and places to change sub-pkg name exports!
Also drop expecting a `gaps` frame output from `dedupe()`.
Turns out we were always filtering to time gaps longer then a day smh..
Instead tweak `detect_time_gaps()` to only return venue-gaps when
a `gap_dt_unit: str` is passed and pass `'days'` (like it was by default
before) from `dedupe()` though we should really pass in an actual venue
gap duration in the future.
In theory the `async for msg` loop can be re-purposed without having to
always call `remote_annotate()` so factor it into a new
`serve_rc_annots()` and then just call it from the former (for now) with
the wrapping `try:` block outside to delete per-client-ctx annotation
instance sets. Also, use some type aliases instead of repeatedly
defining the same complex `dict`-table defs B)
In prep for supporting reverse-ipc connect-back to UI actors from
middle-ware systems (for the purposes of triggering data-view canvas
re-renders and built-in tsp annotations), add a new struct type to
better generalize the management of remote feed subscriptions. Include
a `Sub.rc_ui: bool` for now (with nearby todo-comment) and expose an
`allow_remote_ctl_ui: bool` through the feed endpoints to help drive
/ prep for all that ^
Rework all the sampler tasks to expect the `Sub`'s new iface:
- split up the `Sub.ipc: MsgStream` and `.send_chan` as separate fields
since we're handling the throttle case in separate
`sample_and_broadcast()` logic blocks anyway and avoids needing to
monkey-patch on the `._ctx` malarky..
- explicitly provide the optional handle to the `_throttle_cs:
CancelScope` again for the case where throttling/event-downsampling is
- add `_FeedsBus.subs_items()` as a public iterator.
Apparently `.storage.nativedb.mk_ohlcv_shm_keyed_filepath()` was always
kinda broken if you passed in a `period: float` with an actual non-`int`
to the format string? Fixed it to strictly cast to `int()` before
str-ifying so that you don't get weird `60.0s.parquet` in there..
Further this rejigs the `sotre ldshm` gap correction-annotation loop to,
- use `StorageClient.write_ohlcv()` instead of hackily re-implementing
it.. now that problem from above is fixed!
- use a `needs_correction: bool` var to determine if gap markup and
de-duplictated data should be pushed to the shm buffer,
- go back to using `AnnotCtl.add_rect()` for all detected gaps such that
they all persist (and thus are shown together) until the client
For non-full-`.__aexit__()` handlers need this method instead (facepalm).
Also create and assign the `AnnotCtl._annot_stack: AsyncExitStack` just
before yielding the client since it's not needed prior and ensures annot
removal happens **before** ipc teardown.
Since leaking annots to a remote `chart` actor probably isn't a thing we
want to do (often), add a removal/deletion handler block to the
`remote_annotate()` ctx which can be triggered using a `{rm_annot: aid}`
Augmnent the `AnnotCtl` with,
- `.remove() which sends said msg (from above) and returns a `bool`
indicating success.
- add an `.open_rect()` acm which does the `.add_rect()` / `.remove()`
calls underneath for use in scope oriented client usage.
- add a `._annot_stack: AsyncExitStack` which will always have any/all
non-`.open_rect()` calls to `.add_rect()` register removal on client
teardown, to avoid leaking annots when a client finally disconnects.
- comment out the `.modify()` meth idea for now.
- rename all `Xstream` var-tags to `Xipc` names.
Got borked by the logic re-factoring to get more conc going around
tsdb vs. latest frame loads with nested nurseries. So, repair all that
such that we can still backfill symbols previously not loaded as well as
drop all the `_FeedBus` instance passing to subtasks where it's
definitely not needed.
Toss in a pause point around sampler stream `'backfilling'` msgs as well
since there's seems to be a weird ctx-cancelled propagation going on
when a feed client disconnects during backfill and this might be where
the src `tractor.ContextCancelled` is getting bubbled from?
Obvi took a little `.ui` component fixing (as per prior commits) but
this is now a working PoC for gap detection and markup from a remote
(data) non-`chart` actor!
Iface and impl deats from `.ui._remote_ctl`:
- add new `open_annot_ctl()` mngr which attaches to all locally
discoverable chart actors, gathers annot-ctl streams per fqme set, and
delivers a new `AnnotCtl` client which allows adding annotation
rectangles via a `.add_rect()` method.
- also template out some other soon-to-get methods for removing and
modifying pre-exiting annotations on some `ChartView` 💥
- ensure the `chart` CLI subcmd starts the (`qtloops`) guest-mode init
with the `.ui._remote_ctl` module enabled.
- actually use this stuff in the `piker store ldshm` CLI to submit
markup rects around any detected null/time gaps in the tsdb data!
Still lots to do:
- probably colorization of gaps depending on if they're venue
closures (aka real mkt gaps) vs. "missing data" from the backend (aka
timeseries consistency gaps).
- run gap detection and markup as part of the std `.tsp` sub-sys
runtime such that gap annots are a std "built-in" feature of
- support for epoch time stamp AND abs-shm-index rect x-values
(depending on chart operational state).
As mentioned in a prior commit this was the (seemingly, and so far) only
way to make our `.select_box` annotator shift-click rect work properly
(and the same as) by adopting the code around `ViewBox.rbScaleBox`
(which we now also disable). That means also passing the scene coords to
the `SelectRect.set_scen_pos()`. Also add in the proper `ev:
pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene.mouseEvents.MouseDragEvent` so we can actually
figure out wut the hell all this pg custom mouse-event stuff is XD
Turns out using the `.setRect()` method was the main cause of the issue
(though still don't really understand how or why) and this instead
adopts verbatim the code from `pg.ViewBox.updateScaleBox()` which uses
a scaling transform to set the rect for the "zoom scale box" thingy.
Further add a shite ton more improvements and interface tweaks in
support of the new remote-annotation control msging subsys:
- re-impl `.set_scen_pos()` to expect `QGraphicsScene` coordinates (i.e.
passed from the interaction loop and pass scene `QPointF`s from
`ViewBox.mouseDragEvent()` using the `MouseDragEvent.scenePos()` and
friends; this is required to properly use the transform setting
approach to resize the select-rect as mentioned above.
- add `as_point()` converter to maybe-cast python `tuple[float, float]`
inputs (prolly from IPC msgs) to equivalent `QPointF`s.
- add a ton more detailed Qt-obj-related typing throughout our deriv.
- call `.add_to_view()` from init so that wtv view is passed in during
instantiation is always set as the `.vb` after creation.
- factor the (proxy widget) label creation into a new `.init_label()`
so that both the `set_scen/view_pos()` methods can call it and just
generally decouple rect-pos mods from label content mods.
Since we can and want to eventually allow remote control of pretty much
all UIs, this drafts out a new `.ui._remote_ctl` module with a new
`@tractor.context` called `remote_annotate()` which simply starts a msg
loop which allows for (eventual) initial control of a `SelectRect`
through IPC msgs.
Remote controller impl deats:
- make `._display.graphics_update_loop()` set a `._remote_ctl._dss:
dict` for all chart actor-global `DisplayState` instances which can
then be controlled from the `remote_annotate()` handler task.
- also stash any remote client controller `tractor.Context` handles in
a module var for broadband IPC cancellation on any display loop
- draft a further global map to track graphics object instances since
likely we'll want to support remote mutation where the client can use
the `id(obj): int` key as an IPC handle/uuid.
- just draft out a client-side `@acm` for now: `open_annots_client()` to
be filled out in up coming commits.
UI component tweaks in support of the above:
- change/add `SelectRect.set_view_pos()` and `.set_scene_pos()` to allow
specifying the rect coords in either of the scene or viewbox domains.
- use these new apis in the interaction loop.
- add a `SelectRect.add_to_view()` to avoid having annotation client
code knowing "how" a graphics obj needs to be added and can instead
just pass only the target `ChartView` during init.
- drop all the status label updates from the display loop since they
don't really work all the time, and probably it's not a feature we
want to keep in the longer term (over just console output and/or using
the status bar for simpler "current state / mkt" infos).
- allows a bit of simplification of `.ui._fsp` method APIs to not pass
around status (bar) callbacks as well!
Can't ref `dt_eps` and `tsdb_entry` if they don't exist.. like for 1s
sampling from `binance` (which dne). So make sure to add better logic
guard and only open the finaly backload nursery if we actually need to
fill the gap between latest history and where tsdb history ends.
Also toss in a poll loop around the `hist_shm: ShmArray` backfill
read-check in the `.data.allocate_persisten_feed()` init to cope with
possible racy-ness from the increased tsdb history loading concurrency
now implemented.
Move `.data.history` -> `` for now as main pkg-mod
and `.data.tsp` -> `.tsp._anal` (for analysis).
Obviously follow commits will change surrounding codebase (imports) to
Previously we were actually failing silently too fast instead of
actually trying multiple times (now we do for 100) before finally
raising any timeout in the final loop `else:` block.
Thinking about just moving all of that module (after a content breakup)
to a new `.piker.tsp` which will mostly depend on the `.data` and
`.storage` sub-pkgs; the idea is to move biz-logic for tsdb IO/mgmt and
orchestration with real-time (shm) buffers and the graphics layer into
a common spot for both manual analysis/research work and better
separation of low level data structure primitives from their higher
level usage.
Add a better `data.history` mod doc string in prep for this move
as well as clean out a bunch of legacy commented cruft from the
`trimeter` and `marketstore` days.
TO CHERRY #486 (if we can)
For each timeframe open a sub-nursery to do the backfilling + tsdb load
+ null-segment scanning in an effort to both speed up load time (though
we need to reverse the current order to really make it faster rn since
moving to the much faster parquet file backend) and do concurrent
time-gap/null-segment checking of tsdb history while mrf (most recent
frame) history is backfilling.
The details are more or less just `trio` related task-func composition
tricks and a reordering of said funcs for optimal startup latency.
Also commented the `back_load_from_tsdb()` task for now since it's
Apparently it returns the index of the prior zero-row (prolly since we
do the backward difference) so ensure `fi_zgaps += 1`..
Also fix remaining edge case handling when there's only 2 zero-segs
which was borked after a refactor to the special case blocks (like
a single zero row) prior to the `absi_zsegs` building loop AND make sure
to always return abs indices OUTSIDE the zero seg, i.e. the indices of
the non-zero row just before and just after so that the history
backfiller can use non-zero timestamps to generate range datetimes for
backend frame queries.
Add much more detailed doc-comments with a small ascii diagram to
explain how all these somewhat subtle vec ops work. Also toss in some
sanity checks on the output indices to ensure they don't point to
zero (time) valued rows when used to read the frame.
Call it `iter_null_segs()` (for now?) and use in the final (sequential)
stage of the `.history.start_backfill()` task-func. Delivers abs,
frame-relative, and equiv time stamps on each iteration pertaining to
each detected null-segment to make it easy to do piece-wise history
queries for each.
- handle edge case in `get_null_segs()` where there is only 1 zeroed
row value, in which case we deliver `absi_zsegs` as a single pair of
the same index value and,
- when this occurs `iter_null_seqs()` delivers `None` for all the
`start_` related indices/timestamps since all `get_hist()` routines
(delivered by `open_history_client()`) should handle it as being a
"get max history from this end_dt" type query.
- add note about needing to do time gap handling where there's a gap in
the timeseries-history that isn't actually IN the data-history.
Using a bunch of fancy `numpy` vec ops (and ideally eventually extending
the same to `polars`) this is a first draft of `get_null_segs()`
a `col: str` field-value-is-zero detector which filters to all zero-valued
input frame segments and returns the corresponding useful slice-indexes:
- gap absolute (in shm buffer terms) index-endpoints as
`absi_zsegs` for slicing to each null-segment in the src frame.
- ALL abs indices of rows with zeroed `col` values as `absi_zeros`.
- the full set of the input frame's row-entries (view) which are
null valued for the chosen `col` as `zero_t`.
Use this new null-segment-detector in the
`.data.history.start_backfill()` task to attempt to fill null gaps that
might be extant from some prior backfill attempt. Since
`get_null_segs()` should now deliver a sequence of slices for each gap
we don't really need to have the `while gap_indices:` loop any more, so
just move that to the end-of-func and warn log (for now) if all gaps
aren't eventually filled.
-[ ] do the null-seg detection and filling concurrently from
most-recent-frame backfilling.
-[ ] offer the same detection in `.storage.cli` cmds for manual tsp
-[ ] make the graphics layer actually update correctly when null-segs
are filled (currently still broken somehow in the `Viz` caching
In an effort to catch out-of-order and/or partial-frame-duplicated
segments, add some `.tsp` calls throughout the backloader tasks
including a call to the new `.sort_diff()` to catch the out-of-order
history cases.
Since the `diff: int` serves as a predicate anyway (when `0` nothing
duplicate was detected) might as well just return it directly since it's
likely also useful for the caller when doing deeper anal.
Also, handle the zero-diff case by just returning early with a copy of
the input frame and a `diff=0`.
Turns out this was the main source of all sorts of gaps and overlaps
in history frame backfilling. The original idea was that when a gap
causes not enough (1m) bars to be delivered (like over a weekend or
holiday) when we just implicitly do another frame query to try and at
least fill out the default duration (normally 1-2 days). Doing the
recursion sloppily was causing all sorts of stupid problems..
It's kinda obvious now what was wrong in hindsight:
- always pass the sampling period (timeframe) when recursing
- adjust the logic to not be mutex with the no-data case (since it
already is mutex..)
- pack to the `numpy` array BEFORE the recursive call to ensure the
`end_dt: DateTime` is selected and passed correctly!
Toss in some other helpfuls:
- more explicit `pendulum` typing imports
- some masked out sorted-diffing checks (that can be enabled when
debugging out-of-order frame issues)
- always error log about less-than time step mismatches since we should never
have time-diff steps **smaller** then specified in the
Yet again these are (going to be) generally useful in the data proc
layer as well as going forward with (possibly) moving the history and
shm rt-processing layer to apache (arrow or other) shared-ds
Includes a rename of `.data._timeseries` -> `.data.tsp` for "time series
processing", making it a public sub-mod; it contains a highly useful set
of data-frame and `numpy.ndarray` ops routines in various subsystems Bo
I guess since i started supporting the whole "allow a gap between
the latest tsdb sample and the latest retrieved history frame" the
overlap slicing has been completely borked XD where we've been sticking
in duplicate history samples and this has caused all sorts of down
stream time-series processing issues..
So fix that but ensuring whenever there IS an overlap between history in
the latest frame and the tsdb that we always prefer the latest frame's
data and slice OUT the tsdb's duplicate indices..