About time we tidy'd a buncha status logging in this backend..
particularly for boot-up where there's lots of client-try-connect poll
looping with account detection from the user config.
`.api.Client` pprint and logging fmt improvements:
- add `Client.__repr__()` which shows the minimally useful set of info
from the underlying `.ib: IB` as well as a new `.acnts: list[str]`
of the account aliases defined in the user's `brokers.toml`.
- mk `.bars()` define a comprehensive `query_info: str` with all the
request deats but only display if there's a problem with the response
- mk `.get_config()` report both the config file path and the acnt
aliases (NOT the actual account #s).
- move all `.load_aio_clients()` client poll loop requests do
`log.runtime()` statuses, only falling through to a `.warning()` when
the loop fails to connect the client to the spec-ed API-gw addr, and
|_ don't allow loading accounts for which the user has not defined an
alias in `brokers.toml::[ib]`; raise a value-error in such cases
with a message indicating how to mod the config.
|_ only `log.info()` about acnts if some were loaded..
Other mod logging de-noising:
- better status fmting in `.symbols.open_symbol_search()` with
- for `.feed.stream_quotes()` first quote reporting use `.runtime()`.
Previously we were assuming that the `Client._contracts: dict[str,
Contract]` would suffice this directly, which obviously isn't true XD
- add the `NSE` venue to skip list.
- use new `rapidfuzz.process.extract()` lib API.
- only get con deats for non null exchange names..
This is a tricky edge case we weren't handling prior; an example is
submitting a limit order with a price tick precision which mismatches
that supported (probably bc IB reported the wrong one..) and IB responds
immediately with an error event (via a special code..) but doesn't
include any `Trade` object(s) nor details beyond the `reqid`. So, we
have to do a little reverse EMS order lookup on our own and ideally
indicate to the requester which order failed and *why*.
To enable this we,
- create a `flows: OrderDialogs` instance and pass it to most order/event relay
tasks, particularly ensuring we update update ASAP in `handle_order_requests()`
such that any successful submit has an `Ack` recorded in the flow.
- on such errors lookup the `.symbol` / `Order` from the `flow` and
respond back to the EMS with as many details as possible about the
prior msg history.
- always explicitly relay `error` events which don't fall into the
sensible filtered set and wrap in
a `BrokerdError.broker_details['flow']: dict` snapshot for the EMS.
- in `symbols.get_mkt_info()` support adhoc lookup for `MktPair` inputs
and when defined we re-construct with those inputs; in this case we do
this for a first mkt: `'vtgn.nasdaq'`..
Since getting a global symcache result from the API is basically
impossible, we ad-hoc fill out the needed client tables on demand per
client code queries to the mkt info EP.
Also, use `unpack_fqme()` in fqme (search) pattern parser instead of
hacky `str.partition()`.
Move in the obvious things XD
- all the specially defined venue tables from `.api`.
- some parser funcs: `con2fqme()` and `parse_patt2fqme()`.
- the `get_mkt_info()` and `open_symbol_search()` broker eps.
- the `_asset_type_map` table which converts to `.accounting.Asset`
compat keys for each contract/security.