When the client is faster then a `brokerd` at submitting and cancelling
an order we run into the case where we need to specify that the EMS
cancels the order-flow as soon as the brokerd's ack arrives. Previously
we were stashing a `BrokerdCancel` msg as the `Status.req` msg (to be
both tested for as a "already cancelled" and sent immediately on ack arrival to
the broker), but for such
cases we can't use that msg to find the fqsn (since only the client side
msgs have it defined) which is required by the new
So, Since `Status.req` is supposed to be a client-side flow msg anyway,
and we need the fqsn for client broadcasting, we change this `.req`
value to the client's submitted `Cancel` msg (thus rectifying the
missing `Router.client_broadcast()` fqsn input issue) and build the
`BrokerdCancel` request from that `Cancel` inline in the relay loop
from the `.req: Cancel` status msg lookup.
Further we allow `Cancel` msgs to define an `.account` and adjust the
order mode loop to expect `Cancel` source requests in cancelled status
Except for paper accounts (in which case we need a trades dialog and
paper engine per symbol to enable simulated clearing) we can rely on the
instrument feed (symbol name) to be the caching key. Utilize
`tractor.trionics.maybe_open_context()` and the new key-as-callable
support in the paper case to ensure we have separate paper clearing
loops per symbol.
Requires https://github.com/goodboy/tractor/pull/329
With the refactor of the dark loop into a daemon task already-open order
relaying from a `brokerd` was broken since no subscribed clients were
registered prior to the relay loop sending status msgs for such existing
live orders. Repair that by adding one more synchronization phase to the
`Router.open_trade_relays()` task: deliver a `client_ready: trio.Event`
which is set by the client task once the client stream has been
established and don't start the `brokerd` order dialog relay loop until
this event is ready.
Further implementation deats:
- factor the `brokerd` relay caching back into it's own `@acm` method:
`maybe_open_brokerd_dialog()` since we do want (but only this) stream
singleton-cached per broker backend.
- spawn all relay tasks on every entry for the moment until we figure
out what we're caching against (any client pre-existing right, which
would mean there's an entry in the `.subscribers` table?)
- rename `_DarkBook` -> `DarkBook` and `DarkBook.orders` -> `.triggers`
This enables "headless" dark order matching and clearing where an `emsd`
daemon subactor can be left running with active dark (or other
algorithmic) orders which will still trigger despite to attached-controlling
Impl details:
- rename/add `Router.maybe_open_trade_relays()` which now does all work
of starting up ems-side long living clearing and relay tasks and the
associated data feed; make is a `Nursery.start()`-able task instead of
an `@acm`.
- drop `open_brokerd_trades_dialog()` and move/factor contents into the
above method.
- add support for a `router.client_broadcast('all', msg)` to wholesale
fan out a msg to all clients.
Establishes a more formalized subscription based fan out pattern to ems
clients who subscribe for order flow for a particular symbol (the fqsn
is the default subscription key for now).
Make `Router.client_broadcast()` take a `sub_key: str` value which
determines the set of clients to forward a message to and drop all such
manually defined broadcast loops from task (func) code. Also add
`.get_subs()` which (hackily) allows getting the set of clients for
a given sub key where any stream that is detected as "closed" is
discarded in the output. Further we simplify to `Router.dialogs:
defaultdict[str, set[tractor.MsgStream]]` and `.subscriptions` as maps
to sets of streams for much easier broadcast management/logic using set
operations inside `.client_broadcast()`.
This patch was originally to fix a bug where new clients who
re-connected to an `emsd` that was running a paper engine were not
getting updates from new fills and/or cancels. It turns out the solution
is more general: now, any client that creates a order dialog will be
subscribing to receive updates on the order flow set mapped for that
symbol/instrument as long as the client has registered for that
particular fqsn with the EMS. This means re-connecting clients as well
as "monitoring" clients can see the same orders, alerts, fills and
Impl details:
- change all var names spelled as `dialogues` -> `dialogs` to be
- make `Router.dialogs: dict[str, defaultdict[str, list]]` so that each
dialog id (oid) maps to a set of potential subscribing ems clients.
- add `Router.fqsn2dialogs: dict[str, list[str]]` a map of fqsn entries to
sets of oids.
- adjust all core task code to make appropriate lookups into these 2 new
tables instead of being handed specific client streams as input.
- start the `translate_and_relay_brokerd_events` task as a daemon task
that lives with the particular `TradesRelay` such that dialogs cleared
while no client is connected are still processed.
- rename `TradesRelay.brokerd_dialogue` -> `.brokerd_stream`
- broadcast all status msgs to all subscribed clients in the relay loop.
- always de-reg each client stream from the `Router.dialogs` table on close.
When the paper engine is used it seems we can definitely hit races where
order ack msgs arrive close enough to status messages that `trio`
schedules the status processing before the acks. In such cases we want
to be tolerant and not crash but instead warn that we got an
unknown/out-of-order msg.
`ib` is super good not being reliable with order event sequence order
and duplication of fill info. This adds some guards to try and avoid
popping the last status status too early if we end up receiving
a `'closed'` before the expected `'fill`' event(s). Further delete the
`status_msg` ref on each iteration to avoid stale reference lookups in
the relay task/loop.
This includes darks, lives and alerts with all connecting clients
being broadcast all existing order-flow dialog states. Obviously
for now darks and alerts only live as long as the `emsd` actor lifetime
(though we will store these in local state eventually) and "live" orders
have lifetimes managed by their respective backend broker.
The details of this change-set is extensive, so here we go..
Messaging schema:
- change the messaging `Status` status-key set to:
`resp: Literal['pending', 'open', 'dark_open', 'triggered',
'closed', 'fill', 'canceled', 'error']`
which better reflects the semantics of order lifetimes and was
partially inspired by the status keys `kraken` provides for their
order-entry API. The prior key set was based on `ib`'s horrible
semantics which sound like they're right out of the 80s..
Also, we reflect this same set in the `BrokerdStatus` msg and likely
we'll just get rid of the separate brokerd-dialog side type
- use `Literal` type annots for statuses where applicable and as they
are supported by `msgspec`.
- add additional optional `Status` fields:
-`req: Order` to allow each status msg to optionally ref its
commanding order-request msg allowing at least a request-response
style implicit tracing in all response msgs.
-`src: str` tag string to show the source of the msg.
-`reqid: str | int` such that the ems can relay the `brokerd`
request id both to the client side and have one spot to look
up prior status msgs and
- draft a (unused/commented) `Dialog` type which can be eventually used
at all EMS endpoints to track msg-flow states
EMS engine adjustments/rework:
- use the new status key set throughout and expect `BrokerdStatus` msgs
to use the same new schema as `Status`.
- add a `_DarkBook._active: dict[str, Status]` table which is now used for
all per-leg-dialog associations and order flow state tracking
allowing for the both the brokerd-relay and client-request handler loops
to read/write the same msg-table and provides for delivering
the overall EMS-active-orders state to newly/re-connecting clients
with minimal processing; this table replaces what the `._ems_entries`
table from prior.
- add `Router.client_broadcast()` to send a msg to all currently
connected peers.
- a variety of msg handler block logic tweaks including more `case:`
blocks to be both flatter and improve explicitness:
- for the relay loop move all `Status` msg update and sending to
within each block instead of a fallthrough case plus hard-to-follow
state logic.
- add a specific case for unhandled backend status keys and just log
- pop alerts from `._active` immediately once triggered.
- where possible mutate status msgs fields over instantiating new
- insert and expect `Order` instances in the dark clearing loop and
adjust `case:` blocks accordingly.
- tag `dark_open` and `triggered` statuses as sourced from the ems.
- drop all the `ChainMap` stuff for now; we're going to make our own
`Dialog` type for this purpose..
Order mode rework:
- always parse the `Status` msg and use match syntax cases with object
patterns, hackily assign the `.req` in many blocks to work around not
yet having proper on-the-wire decoding yet.
- make `.load_unknown_dialog_from_msg()` expect a `Status` with boxed
`.req: Order` as input.
- change `OrderDialog` -> `Dialog` in prep for a general purpose type
of the same name.
`ib` backend order loading support:
- do "closed" status detection inside the msg-relay loop instead
of expecting the ems to do this..
- add an attempt to cancel inactive orders by scheduling cancel
submissions continually (no idea if this works).
- add a status map to go from the 80s keys to our new set.
- deliver `Status` msgs with an embedded `Order` for existing live order
loading and make sure to try an get the source exchange info (instead
of SMART).
Paper engine ported to match:
- use new status keys in `BrokerdStatus` msgs
- use `match:` syntax in request handler loop
In order to avoid missed existing order message emissions on startup we
need to be sure the client side stream is registered with the router
first. So break out the starting of the
`translate_and_relay_brokerd_events()` task until inside the client
stream block and start the task using the dark clearing loop nursery.
Also, ensure `oid` (and thus for `ib` the equivalent re-used `reqid`)
are cast to `str` before registering the dark book. Deliver the dark
book entries as part of the `_emsd_main()` context `.started()` values.
Not sure why I put this off for so long but the check is in now such
that if the market isn't open or no rt quote comes in from the first
query, we just pull from the last shm history 'close' value.
Includes another fix to avoid raising when a double remove on the client
side stream from the registry sometimes happens.