Change `.find_contract()` -> `.find_contracts()` to allow multi-search
for so called "ambiguous" contracts (like for `Future`s) such that the
method now returns a `list` of tracts and populates the contract cache
with all specific tracts retrieved. Let it take in an (unvalidated)
contract that will be fqsn-style-tokenized such that it can be called
from `.search_symbols()` (though we're not quite yet XD).
More stuff,
- add `Client.parse_patt2fqsn()` which is an fqsn to token unpacker
built from the original logic in the old `.find_contract()`.
- handle fiat/forex pairs with the `'CASH'` sectype.
- add a flag to allow unqualified contracts to fail with a warning msg.
- populate the client's contract cache with all expiries of
an ambiguous derivative.
- allow `.con_deats()` to warn msg instead of raise on def-not-found.
- add commented `assert 0` which was triggering a debugger deadlock in
`tractor` which we still haven't been able to create a unit test for.
Minimize calling `.data._shmarray.attach_shm_array()` as much as is
possible to avoid the crash from #332. This is the suggested hack from
issue #359.
Not sure why I put this off for so long but the check is in now such
that if the market isn't open or no rt quote comes in from the first
query, we just pull from the last shm history 'close' value.
Includes another fix to avoid raising when a double remove on the client
side stream from the registry sometimes happens.
Not sure this didn't get caught in usage, but basically real-time
updates got broken by a rework of `update_ledger_from_api_trades()`.
The issue is that the ledger was being updated **before** calling
`piker.pp.update_pps_conf()` which resulted in the `Position.size`
not being updated correctly since the [latest added] clears passed
in via the `trade_records` arg were already found in the `.clears` table
and thus were causing the loop to skip the `Position.lifo_update()`
The solution here is to not update the ledger **until after** we call
`update_pps_conf()` - it's more read/writes but it's correct and we
figure out a less io heavy way to do the file writing later.
Further this includes a fix to avoid double emitting a pp update caused
by non-thorough logic that waits for a commission report to arrive
during a fill event; previously we were emitting the same message twice
due to the lack of a check for an existing comms report in the case
where the report arrives *after* the fill.
Moves to using the new `piker.pp` apis to both store real-time trade
events in a ledger file as well emit position update msgs (which were
not in this backend at all prior) when new orders clear (aka fill).
In terms of outstanding issues,
- solves the pp update part of the bugs reported in #310
- starts a msg case block in prep for #293
Details of rework:
- move the `subscribe()` ws fixture to module level and `partial()` in
the client token instead of passing it to the instance; in prep for
removal of the `.token` attr from the `NoBsWs` wrapper.
- drop `make_auth_sub()` since it was too thin and we can just
do it all succinctly in `subscribe()`
- filter trade update msgs to those not yet stored int the toml ledger
- much better kraken api msg unpacking using new `match:` synax B)
No real-time update support (yet) but this is the first draft at writing
trades ledgers and `pps.toml` entries for the kraken backend.
- drop `pack_positions()`, no longer used.
- use `piker.pp` apis to both write a trades ledger file and update the
`pps.toml` inside the `trades_dialogue()` endpoint startup.
- drop the weird paper engine swap over if auth can't be done, we should
be doing something with messaging in the ems over this..
- more web API error response raising.
- pass the `pp.Transaction` set loaded from ledger into
`process_trade_msgs()` do avoid duplicate sends of already collected
trades msgs.
- add `norm_trade_records()` public endpoing (used by `piker.pp` api)
and `update_ledger()` helper.
- rejig `process_trade_msgs()` to drop the weird `try:` assertion block
and skip already-recorded-in-ledger trade msgs as well as yield *each*
trade instead of sub-sequences.