Since currently we're only using this IPC subsys for `deribit`, and
generally speaking we're primarly supporting options markets (which are
fairly "slow moving"), flip to a default of NOT resetting the `NoBsWs`
on timeout since doing so normally breaks the jsron-rpc IPC session.
Without a proper `fixture` passed to `open_autorecon_ws()` (which we
should eventually implement!!) relying on a timeout-to-reset more or
less will just cause breakage issues - a proper reconnect sequence must
be implemented before using that feature.
- expose and proxy through the `msg_recv_timeout` from
`open_jsonrpc_session()` into the underlying `open_autorecon_ws()`
Of course I missed this first try but, we need to use the ws market pair
symbology set (since apparently kraken loves redundancy at least 3 times
XD) when processing transactions that arrive from live clears since it's
an entirely different `LTC/EUR` style key then the `XLTCEUR` style
delivered from the ReST eps..
As part of this:
- add `Client._altnames`, `._wsnames` as `dict[str, Pair]` tables,
leaving the `._AssetPairs` table as is keyed by the "xname"s.
- Change `Pair.respname: str` -> `.xname` since these keys all just seem
to have a weird 'X' prefix.
- do the appropriately keyed pair table lookup via a new `api_name_set:
str` to `norm_trade_records()` and set is correctly in the ws live txn
handler task.
Since it's depended on by `.data` stuff as well as pretty much
everything else, makes more sense to expose it as a top level module
(and maybe eventually as a subpkg as we add to it).
`trio`'s internals don't allow for async generator (and thus by
consequence dynamic reset of async exit stacks containing `@acm`s)
interleaving since doing so corrupts the cancel-scope stack. See details
- `trio._core._run.MISNESTING_ADVICE`
We originally tried to address this using
`@trio_util.trio_async_generator` in backend streaming code but for
whatever reason stopped working recently (at least for me) and it's more
or less implemented the same way as this patch but with more layers and
an extra dep. I also don't want us to have to address this problem again
if/when that lib isn't able to keep up to date with wtv `trio` is
So instead this is a complete rewrite of the conc design of our
auto-reconnect ws API to move all reset logic and msg relay into a bg
task which is respawned on reset-requiring events: user spec-ed msg recv
latency, network errors, roaming events.
- drop all usage of `AsyncExitStack` and no longer require client code
to (hackily) call `NoBsWs._connect()` on msg latency conditions,
intead this is all done behind the scenes and the user can instead
pass in a `msg_recv_timeout: float`.
- massively simplify impl of `NoBsWs` and move all reset logic into a
new `_reconnect_forever()` task.
- offer use of `reset_after: int` a count value that determines how many
`msg_recv_timeout` events are allowed to occur before reconnecting the
entire ws from scratch again.