Watchlist fixes

- make the % daily change use the previous days close as the reference
- color each cell on every change (results in "pulsed" colors on changes)
- tweak some quote fields
- redraw and sort all rows on every quotes update cycle
- error when the QT api is returning None values
Tyler Goodlet 2018-02-08 19:30:09 -05:00
parent 17c4ac3b8c
commit e45c07dce7
1 changed files with 95 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -7,24 +7,21 @@ from importlib import import_module
import click
import trio
from ..log import get_logger, get_console_log
log = get_logger('watchlist')
# use the trio async loop
os.environ['KIVY_EVENTLOOP'] = 'trio'
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.scrollview import ScrollView
from kivy.core.window import Window
from import DictProperty
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy import utils
from import async_runTouchApp
from ..log import get_logger, get_console_log
log = get_logger('watchlist')
def same_rgb(val):
return ', '.join(map(str, [val]*3))
@ -32,14 +29,17 @@ def same_rgb(val):
def colorcode(name):
if not name:
name = 'darkgray'
name = 'gray'
_names2hexs = {
'darkgray': 'a9a9a9',
'gray': '808080',
'green': '008000',
'red': 'ff3333',
'red2': 'ff0000',
'red2': 'ff3333',
'red': 'ff0000',
'dark_red': '8b0000',
'firebrick': 'b22222',
'maroon': '800000',
'gainsboro': 'dcdcdc',
return utils.rgba(_names2hexs[name])
@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ _kv = (f'''
#:kivy 1.10.0
# font_size: '15'
# font_size: 18
size: self.texture_size
# size_hint_y: None
# height: '100dp'
# height: 50
outline_color: {same_rgb(0.01)}
width: '100dp'
width: 50
valign: 'middle'
halign: 'center'
@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ _kv = (f'''
text_size: self.size
size: self.texture_size
# font_size: '15'
font_color: {colorcode('darkgray')}
font_color: {colorcode('gray')}
# font_name: 'sans serif'
valign: 'middle'
halign: 'center'
# outline_color: {same_rgb(0.01)}
rgb: {same_rgb(0.05)}
rgb: {same_rgb(0.06)}
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ _kv = (f'''
cols: 1
spacing: '4dp'
spacing: '6dp'
minimum_height: 200 # should be pulled from Cell text size
minimum_width: 200
row_force_default: True
@ -103,34 +103,38 @@ _qt_keys = {
'lastTradePrice': 'last',
'lastTradeSize': 'last size',
'askPrice': 'ask',
'askSize': 'ask price',
'askSize': 'ask size',
'bidPrice': 'bid',
'bidSize': 'bid size',
'volume': 'vol',
'VWAP': 'vwap',
'high52w': 'high52w',
'highPrice': 'high',
# "lastTradePriceTrHrs": 7.99,
# "lastTradeTick": "Equal",
# "lastTradeTime": "2018-01-30T18:28:23.434000-05:00",
'low52w': 'low52w',
# 'low52w': 'low52w',
'lowPrice': 'low day',
'openPrice': 'open',
# "symbolId": 3575753,
# "tier": "",
'isHalted': 'halted',
'delay': 'delay', # as subscript 'p'
# 'isHalted': 'halted',
# 'delay': 'delay', # as subscript 'p'
def remap_keys(quote, keymap=_qt_keys):
def remap_keys(quote: dict, keymap: dict = _qt_keys, symbol_data: dict = None):
"""Remap a list of quote dicts ``quotes`` using
the mapping of old keys -> new keys ``keymap``.
open_price = quote['openPrice']
if symbol_data: # we can only compute % change from symbols data
previous = symbol_data[quote['symbol']]['prevDayClosePrice']
change = (quote['lastTradePrice'] - previous) / previous * 100
change = 0
new = {
'symbol': quote['symbol'],
'%': f"{(quote['lastTradePrice'] - open_price) / open_price:10.2f}"
'%': f"{change:.2f}"
for key, new_key in keymap.items():
value = quote[key]
@ -205,59 +209,73 @@ def ticker_table(quotes, **kwargs):
"""Create a new ticker table from a list of quote dicts.
table = TickerTable(cols=1)
for ticker_record in quotes:
return table
async def update_quotes(widgets, queue):
async def update_quotes(
widgets: dict,
queue: trio.Queue,
symbol_data: dict,
first_quotes: dict
"""Process live quotes by updating ticker rows.
grid = widgets['grid']
def color_row(row, data):
hdrcell = row._cell_widgets['symbol']
chngcell = row._cell_widgets['%']
daychange = float(data['%'])
if daychange < 0.:
color = colorcode('red')
elif daychange > 0.:
color = colorcode('green')
color = colorcode('gray')
chngcell.color = hdrcell.color = color
# initial coloring
all_rows = []
for quote in first_quotes:
row = grid.symbols2rows[quote['symbol']]
all_rows.append((quote, row))
color_row(row, quote)
while True:
log.debug("Waiting on quotes")
quotes = await queue.get()
rows = []
for quote in quotes:
data = remap_keys(quote)
data = remap_keys(quote, symbol_data=symbol_data)
row = grid.symbols2rows[data['symbol']]
rows.append((data, row))
new = set(data.items()) - set(row._last_record.items())
if new:
for key, val in filter(lambda item: item[0] != '%', new):
# logic for value coloring: up-green, down-red
if row._last_record[key] < val:
color = colorcode('green')
elif row._last_record[key] > val:
color = colorcode('red2')
cell = row._cell_widgets[key]
cell.text = str(val)
cell.color = color
# color changed field values
for key, val in data.items():
# logic for cell text coloring: up-green, down-red
if row._last_record[key] < val:
color = colorcode('green')
elif row._last_record[key] > val:
color = colorcode('red')
color = colorcode('gray')
row._last_record = data
cell = row._cell_widgets[key]
cell.text = str(val)
cell.color = color
hdrcell = row._cell_widgets['symbol']
chngcell = row._cell_widgets['%']
daychange = float(data['%'])
if daychange < 0.:
color = colorcode('red2')
chngcell.color = hdrcell.color = color
elif daychange > 0.:
color = colorcode('green')
chngcell.color = hdrcell.color = color
color_row(row, data)
row._last_record = data
# sort rows by % change
for i, pair in enumerate(
sorted(rows, key=lambda item: float(item[0]['%']))
# sort rows by daily % change since open
for i, (data, row) in enumerate(
sorted(all_rows, key=lambda item: float(item[0]['%']))
data, row = pair
if grid.children[i] != row:
grid.add_widget(row, index=i)
# print(f"{i} {data['symbol']}")
# grid.remove_widget(row)
grid.add_widget(row, index=i)
async def run_kivy(root, nursery):
@ -276,23 +294,30 @@ async def _async_main(tickers, brokermod):
async with brokermod.get_client() as client:
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
# get long term data including last days close price
sd = await client.symbols(tickers)
nursery.start_soon(brokermod.poll_tickers, client, tickers, queue)
# get first quotes response
quotes = []
pkts = await queue.get()
for quote in pkts:
if pkts[0]['lastTradePrice'] is None:
log.error("Questrade API is down temporarily")
first_quotes = [
remap_keys(quote, symbol_data=sd) for quote in pkts]
# build out UI
root = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
header = header_row(quotes[0].keys())
header = header_row(first_quotes[0].keys())
grid = ticker_table(quotes)
grid = ticker_table(first_quotes)
scroll = ScrollView(
size=(Window.width, Window.height), bar_margin=10)
scroll = ScrollView(bar_margin=10, viewport_size=(10, 10))
@ -304,7 +329,7 @@ async def _async_main(tickers, brokermod):
nursery.start_soon(run_kivy, widgets['root'], nursery)
nursery.start_soon(update_quotes, widgets, queue)
nursery.start_soon(update_quotes, widgets, queue, sd, first_quotes)
@ -324,8 +349,11 @@ def run(loglevel, broker):
watchlists = {
'cannabis': [
# broker_conf_path = os.path.join(click.get_app_dir('piker'), 'watchlists.json')