Rejig option chain schema to capture all contracts

Tyler Goodlet 2018-11-13 12:57:21 -05:00
parent 368f21d8d6
commit d145a5a219
2 changed files with 38 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -60,6 +60,17 @@ async def stocks_quote(
return results
async def option_chain(
brokermod: ModuleType,
symbol: str,
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]:
"""Return option chain (all expiries) for ``symbol``.
async with brokermod.get_client() as client:
return await client.option_chains(
await client.get_contracts([symbol]))
async def wait_for_network(net_func: Callable, sleep: int = 1) -> dict:
"""Wait until the network comes back up.

View File

@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ class _API:
async def option_quotes(
ids: List[int],
expiry: str,
contracts: Dict[int, Dict[str, dict]],
option_ids: List[int] = [], # if you don't want them all
) -> dict:
"Retrieve option chain quotes for all option ids or by filter(s)."
@ -87,14 +86,17 @@ class _API:
"underlyingId": int(symbol_id),
"expiryDate": str(expiry),
} for symbol_id in ids
# every expiry per symbol id
for symbol_id, expiries in contracts.items()
for expiry in expiries
resp = await
json={'filters': filters, 'optionIds': option_ids}
return resproc(resp, log)
return resproc(resp, log)['optionQuotes']
class Client:
@ -263,37 +265,41 @@ class Client:
item for item in contracts
async def max_contract_expiry(
async def get_contracts(
symbols: List[str]
) -> Tuple[List[int], datetime]:
# {symbol_id: {dt_iso_contract: {strike_price: {contract_id: id}}}}
) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, Dict[int, Any]]]:
"""Look up all contracts for each symbol in ``symbols`` and return the
list of symbol ids as well as the maximum possible option contract
expiry out of the bunch.
of symbol ids to contracts by further organized by expiry and strike
This routine is a bit slow doing all the contract lookups (a request
per symbol) and thus the return values should be cached for use with
batch = {}
by_id = {}
for symbol in symbols:
id, contracts = await self.option_contracts(symbol)
batch[id] = max(contracts)
return tuple(batch.keys()), max(batch.values())
by_id[id] = {
dt.isoformat(timespec='microseconds'): {
item['strikePrice']: item for item in
for dt, byroot in sorted(
# sort by datetime
contracts.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]
return by_id
async def option_chains(
symbol_ids: List[int],
max_expiry: str # iso format datetime (microseconds)
contracts: dict, # see ``get_contracts()``
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]:
"""Return option chain snap quote for each ticker in ``symbols``.
quotes = (await self.api.option_quotes(
quotes = await self.api.option_quotes(contracts)
batch = {}
for quote in quotes:
batch.setdefault(quote['underlying'], {})[quote['symbol']] = quote
@ -416,6 +422,7 @@ async def quoter(client: Client, tickers: List[str]):
# `client.ensure_access()` locally thus blocking until
# the user provides an API key on the "client side"
await client.ensure_access(force_refresh=True)
quotes_resp = await client.api.quotes(ids=ids)
@ -449,7 +456,6 @@ _qt_keys = {
'askPrice': 'ask',
'bidPrice': 'bid',
'lastTradeSize': 'size',
'lastTradeTime': ('time', datetime.fromisoformat),
'bidSize': 'bsize',
'askSize': 'asize',
'VWAP': ('VWAP', partial(round, ndigits=3)),
@ -463,6 +469,7 @@ _qt_keys = {
# 'low52w': 'low52w', # put in info widget
# 'high52w': 'high52w',
# "lastTradePriceTrHrs": 7.99,
# 'lastTradeTime': ('time', datetime.fromisoformat),
# "lastTradeTick": "Equal",
# "symbolId": 3575753,
# "tier": "",