Drop `i3ipc + `xdotool` approach for feed hacks

Tyler Goodlet 2022-05-24 08:54:55 -04:00
parent bff625725e
commit c3142aec81
1 changed files with 0 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -2556,89 +2556,4 @@ async def data_reset_hack(
await tractor.to_asyncio.run_task(vnc_click_hack)
# we don't really need the ``xdotool`` approach any more B)
# TODO: see if we can find which window is mapped to which process?
# for eg. if we can launch a paper account with docker and then find
# the pid of it, can we send keycommands to that container somehow?
# TODO: try out this lib instead, seems to be the most modern
# and usess the underlying lib:
# https://github.com/rshk/python-libxdo
# TODO: seems to be a few libs for python but not sure
# if they support all the sub commands we need, order of
# most recent commit history:
# https://github.com/rr-/pyxdotool
# https://github.com/ShaneHutter/pyxdotool
# https://github.com/cphyc/pyxdotool
import i3ipc
except ImportError:
return False
log.warning('IB data hack no-supported on ur platformz')
i3 = i3ipc.Connection()
t = i3.get_tree()
orig_win_id = t.find_focused().window
# for tws
win_names: list[str] = [
'Interactive Brokers', # tws running in i3
'IB Gateway', # gw running in i3
# 'IB', # gw running in i3 (newer version?)
combos: dict[str, str] = {
# only required if we need a connection reset.
'connection': ('ctrl+alt+r', 12),
# data feed reset.
'data': ('ctrl+alt+f', 6)
for name in win_names:
results = t.find_titled(name)
print(f'results for {name}: {results}')
if results:
con = results[0]
print(f'Resetting data feed for {name}')
win_id = str(con.window)
w, h = con.rect.width, con.rect.height
# TODO: only run the reconnect (2nd) kc on a detected
# disconnect?
key_combo, timeout = combos[reset_type]
# for key_combo, timeout in [
# # only required if we need a connection reset.
# # ('ctrl+alt+r', 12),
# # data feed reset.
# ('ctrl+alt+f', 6)
# ]:
await trio.run_process([
'windowactivate', '--sync', win_id,
# move mouse to bottom left of window (where there should
# be nothing to click).
'mousemove_relative', '--sync', str(w - 4), str(h - 4),
# NOTE: we may need to stick a `--retry 3` in here..
'click', '--window', win_id,
'--repeat', '3', '1',
# hackzorzes
'key', key_combo,
# ],
# timeout=timeout,
# re-activate and focus original window
await trio.run_process([
'windowactivate', '--sync', str(orig_win_id),
'click', '--window', str(orig_win_id), '1',
return True