Fix partial-frame-missing backfill logic

This had a bug prior where the end of a frame (a partial) wasn't being
sliced correctly and we'd get odd gaps showing up in the backfilled from
`brokerd` vs. tsdb end index. Repair this by doing timeframe aware index
diffing in `diff_history()` which seems to resolve it. Also, use the
frame-result's `end_dt: datetime` for the loop exit condition.
Tyler Goodlet 2022-11-10 15:25:05 -05:00
parent 36868bb86e
commit 8476d8d056
1 changed files with 79 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -208,39 +208,50 @@ async def _setup_persistent_brokerd(
def diff_history(
last_tsdb_dt: Optional[datetime] = None
array: np.ndarray,
timeframe: int,
start_dt: datetime,
end_dt: datetime,
last_tsdb_dt: datetime | None = None
) -> np.ndarray:
# no diffing with tsdb dt index possible..
if last_tsdb_dt is None:
return array
time_attr = {
1: 'seconds',
60: 'minutes',
i_diff = getattr((end_dt - last_tsdb_dt), time_attr)
# if we detect a partial frame's worth of data
# that is new, slice out only that history and
# write to shm.
if i_diff < 0:
# empty case since tsdb already has this history
return array[:0]
ln = len(array)
to_push = array
if last_tsdb_dt:
s_diff = (start_dt - last_tsdb_dt).seconds
if i_diff < ln:
# slice out missing history from end of frame
to_push = array[ln - i_diff:ln]
# if we detect a partial frame's worth of data
# that is new, slice out only that history and
# write to shm.
if (
s_diff < 0
if abs(s_diff) < len(array):
# the + 1 is because ``last_tsdb_dt`` is pulled from
# the last row entry for the ``'time'`` field retreived
# from the tsdb.
to_push = array[abs(s_diff) + 1:]
# XXX: OLD GAP HANDLING..if there's a gap in a partial frame
# worth. we don't need this any more with the timeframe aware
# diffing above right?
# else:
# # pass back only the portion of the array that is
# # greater then the last time stamp in the tsdb.
# time = array['time']
# to_push = array[time >= last_tsdb_dt.timestamp()]
# pass back only the portion of the array that is
# greater then the last time stamp in the tsdb.
time = array['time']
to_push = array[time >= last_tsdb_dt.timestamp()]
f'Pushing partial frame {to_push.size} to shm'
f'Pushing partial frame {to_push.size} to shm'
return to_push
@ -286,6 +297,7 @@ async def start_backfill(
to_push = diff_history(
@ -334,12 +346,12 @@ async def start_backfill(
60: {'years': 6},
kwargs = periods[step_size_s]
period_duration = periods[step_size_s]
# NOTE: manually set the "latest" datetime which we intend to
# backfill history "until" so as to adhere to the history
# settings above when the tsdb is detected as being empty.
last_tsdb_dt = start_dt.subtract(**kwargs)
last_tsdb_dt = start_dt.subtract(**period_duration)
# configure async query throttling
# rate = config.get('rate', 1)
@ -353,7 +365,7 @@ async def start_backfill(
# inline sequential loop where we simply pass the
# last retrieved start dt to the next request as
# it's end dt.
while start_dt > last_tsdb_dt:
while end_dt > last_tsdb_dt:
f'Requesting {step_size_s}s frame ending in {start_dt}'
@ -363,6 +375,8 @@ async def start_backfill(
# if timeframe == 1:
# await tractor.breakpoint()
# broker says there never was or is no more history to pull
except DataUnavailable:
@ -404,6 +418,7 @@ async def start_backfill(
to_push = diff_history(
@ -424,6 +439,9 @@ async def start_backfill(
f'Shm buffer overrun on: {start_dt} -> {end_dt}?'
# can't push the entire frame? so
# push only the amount that can fit..
await tractor.breakpoint()
@ -510,6 +528,8 @@ async def tsdb_backfill(
# start history anal and load missing new data via backend.
for timeframe, shm in shms.items():
# loads a (large) frame of data from the tsdb depending
# on the db's query size limit.
tsdb_history, first_tsdb_dt, last_tsdb_dt = await storage.load(
@ -586,29 +606,45 @@ async def tsdb_backfill(
if bf_done:
await bf_done.wait()
# Load tsdb history into shm buffer (for display).
# TODO: eventually it'd be nice to not require a shm array/buffer
# to accomplish this.. maybe we can do some kind of tsdb direct to
# graphics format eventually in a child-actor?
# do diff against last start frame of history and only fill
# in from the tsdb an allotment that allows for most recent
# to be loaded into mem *before* tsdb data.
if last_tsdb_dt and latest_start_dt:
dt_diff_s = (
latest_start_dt - last_tsdb_dt
dt_diff_s = 0
# TODO: see if there's faster multi-field reads:
# re-index with a `time` and index field
prepend_start = shm._first.value
shm_last_dt = pendulum.from_timestamp(shm.array[0]['time'])
# sanity check on most-recent-data loading
assert prepend_start > dt_diff_s
if last_tsdb_dt:
assert shm_last_dt >= last_tsdb_dt
# do diff against start index of last frame of history and only
# fill in an amount of datums from tsdb allows for most recent
# to be loaded into mem *before* tsdb data.
if (
and latest_start_dt
backfilled_size_s = (
latest_start_dt - last_tsdb_dt
backfilled_size_s = (
latest_start_dt - shm_last_dt
# Load TSDB history into shm buffer (for display) if there is
# remaining buffer space.
# if the shm buffer len is not large enough to contain
# all missing data between the most recent backend-queried frame
# and the most recent dt-index in the db we warn that we only
# want to load a portion of the next tsdb query to fill that
# space.
f'{backfilled_size_s} seconds worth of {timeframe}s data loaded'
if (
@ -1266,7 +1302,6 @@ async def open_feed_bus(
# expected to append it's own name to the fqsn, so we filter
# on keys which *do not* include that name (e.g .ib) .
bus._subscribers.setdefault(bfqsn, [])
# await tractor.breakpoint()
# sync feed subscribers with flume handles
await ctx.started(