More service-mngr clarity notes

Nothing changing functionally here just adding more `tractor`
operational notes, tips for debug tooling and typing fixes B)

Of particular note is adding further details about the reason we do not
need to call `Context.cancel()` inside the `finally:` block of
`.open_context_in_task()` thanks to `tractor`'s new and improved
inter-actor cancellation semantics Bo
Tyler Goodlet 2024-08-21 13:26:05 -04:00
parent 77703f2201
commit 4d29722794
1 changed files with 52 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -144,6 +144,9 @@ async def open_service_mngr(
# TODO: is this more clever/efficient?
# if 'samplerd' in mngr.service_tasks:
# await mngr.cancel_service('samplerd')
# await tractor.pause(shield=True)
# ^XXX, if needed mk sure to shield it ;)
@ -241,7 +244,11 @@ class ServiceMngr:
) -> Any:
) -> tuple[
Any, # started value from ctx
# TODO: use the ctx._scope directly here instead?
# -[ ] actually what semantics do we expect for this
@ -251,6 +258,10 @@ class ServiceMngr:
async with portal.open_context(
# hide_tb=False,
) as (ctx, started):
@ -269,7 +280,9 @@ class ServiceMngr:
# wait on any context's return value
# and any final portal result from the
# sub-actor.
ctx_res: Any = await ctx.wait_for_result()
ctx_res: Any = await ctx.wait_for_result(
# hide_tb=False,
# NOTE: blocks indefinitely until cancelled
# either by error from the target context
@ -304,25 +317,53 @@ class ServiceMngr:
# NOTE: the ctx MUST be cancelled first if we
# don't want the above `ctx.wait_for_result()` to
# raise a self-ctxc. WHY, well since from the ctx's
# raise a self-ctxc.
# WHY, well since from the ctx's
# perspective the cancel request will have
# arrived out-out-of-band at the `Actor.cancel()`
# level, thus `Context.cancel_called == False`,
# level (since pikerd will have called
# `Portal.cancel_actor()`), and thus
# `Context.cancel_called == False`,
# meaning `ctx._is_self_cancelled() == False`.
# with trio.CancelScope(shield=True):
# await ctx.cancel()
# HOWEVER, this should happen implicitly WITHOUT
# a manual `ctx.cancel()` call HERE since,
# - in the mngr shutdown case the surrounding
# `.service_n.cancel_scope` should be
# `.cancel_called == True` and the
# `Portal.open_context()` internals should take
# care of it.
# - in the specific-service cancellation case,
# `.cancel_service()` makes the manual
# `ctx.cancel()` call for us which SHOULD mean
# the ctxc is never raised above (since, again,
# it will be gracefully suppressed by
# `.open_context()` internals) and thus we only
# need to shut down the service actor.
await portal.cancel_actor()
cs, sub_ctx, complete, started = await self.service_n.start(
cs, # internally allocated
sub_ctx, # RPC peer-actor ctx
complete, # termination syncing
started, # proxyed from internal `.open_context()` entry.
) = await self.service_n.start(
# store the cancel scope and portal for later cancellation or
# retstart if needed.
self.service_tasks[name] = (cs, sub_ctx, portal, complete)
return cs, sub_ctx, started
return (
async def cancel_service(
@ -341,11 +382,11 @@ class ServiceMngr:
await complete.wait()
if name in self.service_tasks:
# TODO: custom err?
# raise ServiceError(
raise RuntimeError(
f'Serice task for {name} not terminated?'
# raise ServiceError(
# ^TODO? custom err type?
# assert name not in self.service_tasks, \
# f'Serice task for {name} not terminated?'