Add a pager widget

It's a `ScrollView` but with keyboard controls that allow for paging
just like the classic unix `less` program. Add a search bar widget too!
Tyler Goodlet 2018-02-22 18:28:50 -05:00
parent 9e0f58ea6b
commit 385f1b9607
1 changed files with 113 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
VI-like Keyboard controls
Keyboard controls
import inspect
from functools import partial
from kivy.core.window import Window
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput
from kivy.uix.scrollview import ScrollView
from ..log import get_logger
log = get_logger('keyboard')
async def handle_input(widget, patts2funcs: dict, patt_len_limit=3):
"""Handle keyboard inputs.
"""Handle keyboard input.
For each character pattern in ``patts2funcs`` invoke the corresponding
mapped functions.
For each character pattern-tuple in ``patts2funcs`` invoke the
corresponding mapped function(s) or coro(s).
def _kb_closed():
"""Teardown handler.
@ -21,37 +26,114 @@ async def handle_input(widget, patts2funcs: dict, patt_len_limit=3):
last_patt = []
kb = Window.request_keyboard(_kb_closed, widget, 'text')
async for kb, keycode, text, modifiers in kb.async_bind(
# log.debug(
f"Keyboard input received:\n"
f"key {keycode}\ntext {text}\nmodifiers {modifiers}"
keyq = kb.async_bind('on_key_down')
while True:
async for kb, keycode, text, modifiers in keyq:
f"Keyboard input received:\n"
f"key {keycode}\ntext {text}\nmodifiers {modifiers}"
code, key = keycode
if modifiers and key in modifiers:
elif modifiers and key not in modifiers:
key = '-'.join(modifiers + [key])
# keep track of multi-key patterns
func = patts2funcs.get(tuple(last_patt))
if not func:
func = patts2funcs.get((key,))
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):
# stop kb queue to avoid duplicate input processing
log.debug(f'invoking kb coro func {func}')
await func()
last_patt = []
break # trigger loop restart
elif func:
log.debug(f'invoking kb func {func}')
last_patt = []
if len(last_patt) > patt_len_limit:
last_patt = []
log.debug(f"last_patt {last_patt}")
log.debug("Restarting keyboard handling loop")
# rebind to avoid capturing keys processed by ^ coro
keyq = kb.async_bind('on_key_down')
log.debug("Exitting keyboard handling loop")
class SearchBar(TextInput):
def __init__(self, kbctls: dict, parent, **kwargs):
super(SearchBar, self).__init__(
# text='/',
code, key = keycode
if modifiers and key in modifiers:
elif modifiers and key not in modifiers:
key = '-'.join(modifiers + [key])
self.kbctls = kbctls
self._container = parent
# indicate to ``handle_input`` that search is activated on '/'
('/',): self.handle_input
# keep track of multi-key patterns
def on_text(self, instance, value):
# ``scroll.scroll_to()`` looks super awesome here for when we
# our interproc-ticker protocol
# async for item in self.async_bind('text'):
func = patts2funcs.get(tuple(last_patt))
if not func:
func = patts2funcs.get(key)
async def handle_input(self):
self._container.add_widget(self) # display it
self.focus = True # focus immediately (doesn't work from __init__)
# wait for <enter> to close search bar
await self.async_bind('on_text_validate').__aiter__().__anext__()
if func:
log.debug(f'invoking func kb {func}')
last_patt = []
elif key == 'q':
log.debug("Closing search bar")
self._container.remove_widget(self) # stop displaying
return self.text
if len(last_patt) > patt_len_limit:
last_patt = []
log.debug(f"last_patt {last_patt}")
class PagerView(ScrollView):
"""Pager view that adds less-like scrolling and search.
def __init__(self, container, nursery, kbctls: dict = None, **kwargs):
super(PagerView, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._container = container
self.kbctls = kbctls or {}
('g', 'g'): partial(self.move_y, 1),
('shift-g',): partial(self.move_y, 0),
('u',): partial(self.halfpage_y, 'u'),
('d',): partial(self.halfpage_y, 'd'),
# ('?',):
}) = SearchBar(self.kbctls, container)
# spawn kb handler task
nursery.start_soon(handle_input, self, self.kbctls)
def move_y(self, val):
'''Scroll in the y direction [0, 1].
self.scroll_y = val
def halfpage_y(self, direction):
"""Scroll a half-page up or down.
pxs = (self.height/2)
_, yscale = self.convert_distance_to_scroll(0, pxs)
new = self.scroll_y + (yscale * {'u': 1, 'd': -1}[direction])
# bound to near [0, 1] to avoid "over-scrolling"
limited = max(-0.03, min(new, 1.03))
self.scroll_y = limited