diff --git a/piker/ui/_interaction.py b/piker/ui/_interaction.py
index 5e2c4dbe..0a972d8c 100644
--- a/piker/ui/_interaction.py
+++ b/piker/ui/_interaction.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# piker: trading gear for hackers
-# Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for piker0)
+# Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for pikers)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
@@ -14,18 +14,14 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
Chart view box primitives
from __future__ import annotations
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
-from math import (
- isinf,
import time
from typing import (
- Any,
@@ -42,8 +38,7 @@ import trio
from ..log import get_logger
from .._profile import Profiler
from .._profile import pg_profile_enabled, ms_slower_then
-from ..data.types import Struct
-from ..data._pathops import slice_from_time
+from .view_mode import overlay_viewlists
# from ._style import _min_points_to_show
from ._editors import SelectRect
from . import _event
@@ -51,7 +46,6 @@ from . import _event
from ._chart import ChartPlotWidget
from ._dataviz import Viz
- # from ._overlay import PlotItemOverlay
log = get_logger(__name__)
@@ -926,14 +920,17 @@ class ChartView(ViewBox):
*args, # capture Qt signal (slot) inputs
- debug_print: bool = False,
- do_overlay_scaling: bool = True,
+ # debug_print: bool = False,
do_linked_charts: bool = True,
+ do_overlay_scaling: bool = True,
yrange_kwargs: dict[
tuple[float, float],
] | None = None,
+ overlay_technique: str = 'loglin_to_first',
profiler = Profiler(
msg=f'ChartView.interact_graphics_cycle() for {self.name}',
@@ -964,559 +961,12 @@ class ChartView(ViewBox):
plots = {chart.name: chart}
# TODO: a faster single-loop-iterator way of doing this?
- for chart_name, chart in plots.items():
- # Common `PlotItem` maxmin table; presumes that some path
- # graphics (and thus their backing data sets) are in the
- # same co-domain and view box (since the were added
- # a separate graphics objects to a common plot) and thus can
- # be sorted as one set per plot.
- mxmns_by_common_pi: dict[
- pg.PlotItem,
- tuple[float, float],
- ] = {}
- # proportional group auto-scaling per overlay set.
- # -> loop through overlays on each multi-chart widget
- # and scale all y-ranges based on autoscale config.
- # -> for any "group" overlay we want to dispersion normalize
- # and scale minor charts onto the major chart: the chart
- # with the most dispersion in the set.
- major_viz: Viz = None
- major_mx: float = 0
- major_mn: float = float('inf')
- mx_disp: float = 0
- # collect certain flows have grapics objects **in seperate
- # plots/viewboxes** into groups and do a common calc to
- # determine auto-ranging input for `._set_yrange()`.
- # this is primarly used for our so called "log-linearized
- # multi-plot" overlay technique.
- overlay_table: dict[
- ViewBox,
- tuple[
- Viz,
- float, # y start
- float, # y min
- float, # y max
- float, # y median
- slice, # in-view array slice
- np.ndarray, # in-view array
- ],
- ] = {}
- # ONLY auto-yrange the viz mapped to THIS view box
- if not do_overlay_scaling:
- viz = self._viz
- if debug_print:
- print(f'ONLY ranging THIS viz: {viz.name}')
- out = _maybe_calc_yrange(
- viz,
- yrange_kwargs,
- profiler,
- chart_name,
- )
- if out is None:
- continue
- read_slc, yrange_kwargs = out
- viz.plot.vb._set_yrange(**yrange_kwargs)
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} single curve yrange')
- # don't iterate overlays, just move to next chart
- continue
- # create a group overlay log-linearized y-range transform to
- # track and eventually inverse transform all overlay curves
- # to a common target max dispersion range.
- dnt = OverlayT()
- upt = OverlayT()
- if debug_print:
- print(
- f'BEGIN UX GRAPHICS CYCLE: @{chart_name}\n'
- +
- '#'*100
- +
- '\n'
- )
- for name, viz in chart._vizs.items():
- out = _maybe_calc_yrange(
- viz,
- yrange_kwargs,
- profiler,
- chart_name,
- )
- if out is None:
- continue
- read_slc, yrange_kwargs = out
- yrange = yrange_kwargs['yrange']
- pi = viz.plot
- # handle multiple graphics-objs per viewbox cases
- mxmn = mxmns_by_common_pi.get(pi)
- if mxmn:
- yrange = mxmns_by_common_pi[pi] = (
- min(yrange[0], mxmn[0]),
- max(yrange[1], mxmn[1]),
- )
- else:
- mxmns_by_common_pi[pi] = yrange
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} common pi sort')
- # non-overlay group case
- if not viz.is_ohlc:
- pi.vb._set_yrange(yrange=yrange)
- profiler(
- f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} simple std `._set_yrange()`'
- )
- # handle overlay log-linearized group scaling cases
- # TODO: a better predicate here, likely something
- # to do with overlays and their settings..
- # TODO: we probably eventually might want some other
- # charts besides OHLC?
- else:
- ymn, ymx = yrange
- # determine start datum in view
- arr = viz.shm.array
- in_view = arr[read_slc]
- if not in_view.size:
- log.warning(f'{viz.name} not in view?')
- continue
- # row_start = arr[read_slc.start - 1]
- row_start = arr[read_slc.start]
- if viz.is_ohlc:
- y_ref = row_start['open']
- else:
- y_ref = row_start[viz.name]
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} MINOR curve median')
- overlay_table[viz.plot.vb] = (
- viz,
- y_ref,
- ymn,
- ymx,
- read_slc,
- in_view,
- )
- key = 'open' if viz.is_ohlc else viz.name
- start_t = in_view[0]['time']
- r_down = (ymn - y_ref) / y_ref
- r_up = (ymx - y_ref) / y_ref
- msg = (
- f'### {viz.name}@{chart_name} ###\n'
- f'y_ref: {y_ref}\n'
- f'down disp: {r_down}\n'
- f'up disp: {r_up}\n'
- )
- profiler(msg)
- if debug_print:
- print(msg)
- # track the "major" curve as the curve with most
- # dispersion.
- if (
- dnt.rng is None
- or (
- r_down < dnt.rng
- and r_down < 0
- )
- ):
- dnt.viz = viz
- dnt.rng = r_down
- dnt.in_view = in_view
- dnt.start_t = in_view[0]['time']
- major_mn = ymn
- msg = f'NEW DOWN: {viz.name}@{chart_name} r:{r_down}\n'
- profiler(msg)
- if debug_print:
- print(msg)
- else:
- # minor in the down swing range so check that if
- # we apply the current rng to the minor that it
- # doesn't go outside the current range for the major
- # otherwise we recompute the minor's range (when
- # adjusted for it's intersect point to be the new
- # major's range.
- intersect = intersect_from_longer(
- dnt.start_t,
- dnt.in_view,
- start_t,
- in_view,
- )
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} intersect by t')
- if intersect:
- longer_in_view, _t, i = intersect
- scaled_mn = dnt.apply_rng(y_ref)
- if scaled_mn > ymn:
- # after major curve scaling we detected
- # the minor curve is still out of range
- # so we need to adjust the major's range
- # to include the new composed range.
- y_maj_ref = longer_in_view[key]
- new_major_ymn = (
- y_maj_ref
- *
- (1 + r_down)
- )
- # rewrite the major range to the new
- # minor-pinned-to-major range and mark
- # the transform as "virtual".
- msg = (
- f'EXPAND DOWN bc {viz.name}@{chart_name}\n'
- f'y_start epoch time @ {_t}:\n'
- f'y_maj_ref @ {_t}: {y_maj_ref}\n'
- f'R: {dnt.rng} -> {r_down}\n'
- f'MN: {major_mn} -> {new_major_ymn}\n'
- )
- dnt.rng = r_down
- major_mn = dnt.y_val = new_major_ymn
- profiler(msg)
- if debug_print:
- print(msg)
- if (
- upt.rng is None
- or (
- r_up > upt.rng
- and r_up > 0
- )
- ):
- upt.rng = r_up
- upt.viz = viz
- upt.in_view = in_view
- upt.start_t = in_view[0]['time']
- major_mx = ymx
- msg = f'NEW UP: {viz.name}@{chart_name} r:{r_up}\n'
- profiler(msg)
- if debug_print:
- print(msg)
- else:
- intersect = intersect_from_longer(
- upt.start_t,
- upt.in_view,
- start_t,
- in_view,
- )
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} intersect by t')
- if intersect:
- longer_in_view, _t, i = intersect
- scaled_mx = upt.apply_rng(y_ref)
- if scaled_mx < ymx:
- # after major curve scaling we detected
- # the minor curve is still out of range
- # so we need to adjust the major's range
- # to include the new composed range.
- y_maj_ref = longer_in_view[key]
- new_major_ymx = (
- y_maj_ref
- *
- (1 + r_up)
- )
- # rewrite the major range to the new
- # minor-pinned-to-major range and mark
- # the transform as "virtual".
- msg = (
- f'EXPAND UP bc {viz.name}@{chart_name}:\n'
- f'y_maj_ref @ {_t}: {y_maj_ref}\n'
- f'R: {upt.rng} -> {r_up}\n'
- f'MX: {major_mx} -> {new_major_ymx}\n'
- )
- upt.rng = r_up
- major_mx = upt.y_val = new_major_ymx
- profiler(msg)
- print(msg)
- # find curve with max dispersion
- disp = abs(ymx - ymn) / y_ref
- if disp > mx_disp:
- major_viz = viz
- mx_disp = disp
- major_mn = ymn
- major_mx = ymx
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} MINOR curve scale')
- # NOTE: if no there were no overlay charts
- # detected/collected (could be either no group detected or
- # chart with a single symbol, thus a single viz/overlay)
- # then we ONLY set the lone chart's (viz) yrange and short
- # circuit to the next chart in the linked charts loop. IOW
- # there's no reason to go through the overlay dispersion
- # scaling in the next loop below when only one curve is
- # detected.
- if (
- not mxmns_by_common_pi
- and len(overlay_table) < 2
- ):
- if debug_print:
- print(f'ONLY ranging major: {viz.name}')
- out = _maybe_calc_yrange(
- viz,
- yrange_kwargs,
- profiler,
- chart_name,
- )
- if out is None:
- continue
- read_slc, yrange_kwargs = out
- viz.plot.vb._set_yrange(**yrange_kwargs)
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} single curve yrange')
- # move to next chart in linked set since
- # no overlay transforming is needed.
- continue
- elif (
- mxmns_by_common_pi
- and not major_viz
- ):
- # move to next chart in linked set since
- # no overlay transforming is needed.
- continue
- profiler(f'<{chart_name}>.interact_graphics_cycle({name})')
- # if a minor curves scaling brings it "outside" the range of
- # the major curve (in major curve co-domain terms) then we
- # need to rescale the major to also include this range. The
- # below placeholder denotes when this occurs.
- # group_mxmn: None | tuple[float, float] = None
- # TODO: probably re-write this loop as a compiled cpython or
- # numba func.
- # conduct "log-linearized multi-plot" scalings for all groups
- for (
- view,
- (
- viz,
- y_start,
- y_min,
- y_max,
- read_slc,
- minor_in_view,
- )
- ) in overlay_table.items():
- key = 'open' if viz.is_ohlc else viz.name
- if (
- isinf(ymx)
- or isinf(ymn)
- ):
- log.warning(
- f'BAD ymx/ymn: {(ymn, ymx)}'
- )
- continue
- ymn = dnt.apply_rng(y_start)
- ymx = upt.apply_rng(y_start)
- # NOTE XXX: we have to set each curve's range once (and
- # ONLY ONCE) here since we're doing this entire routine
- # inside of a single render cycle (and apparently calling
- # `ViewBox.setYRange()` multiple times within one only takes
- # the first call as serious...) XD
- view._set_yrange(
- yrange=(ymn, ymx),
- )
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} log-SCALE minor')
- if debug_print:
- print(
- '------------------------------\n'
- f'LOGLIN SCALE CYCLE: {viz.name}@{chart_name}\n'
- f'UP MAJOR C: {upt.viz.name} with disp: {upt.rng}\n'
- f'DOWN MAJOR C: {dnt.viz.name} with disp: {dnt.rng}\n'
- f'y_start: {y_start}\n'
- f'y min: {y_min}\n'
- f'y max: {y_max}\n'
- f'T scaled ymn: {ymn}\n'
- f'T scaled ymx: {ymx}\n'
- '------------------------------\n'
- )
- # profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} log-SCALE major')
- # major_mx, major_mn = group_mxmn
- # vrs = major_viz.plot.vb.viewRange()
- # if vrs[1][0] > major_mn:
- # breakpoint()
- if debug_print:
- print(
- f'END UX GRAPHICS CYCLE: @{chart_name}\n'
- +
- '#'*100
- +
- '\n'
- )
- if not do_linked_charts:
- return
- profiler.finish()
-def _maybe_calc_yrange(
- viz: Viz,
- yrange_kwargs: dict[Viz, dict[str, Any]],
- profiler: Profiler,
- chart_name: str,
-) -> tuple[
- slice,
- dict,
-] | None:
- if not viz.render:
- return
- # pass in no array which will read and render from the last
- # passed array (normally provided by the display loop.)
- in_view, i_read_range, _ = viz.update_graphics()
- if not in_view:
- return
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} `Viz.update_graphics()`')
- # check if explicit yrange (kwargs) was passed in by the caller
- yrange_kwargs = yrange_kwargs.get(viz) if yrange_kwargs else None
- if yrange_kwargs is not None:
- read_slc = slice(*i_read_range)
- else:
- out = viz.maxmin(i_read_range=i_read_range)
- if out is None:
- log.warning(f'No yrange provided for {viz.name}!?')
- return
- (
- _, # ixrng,
- read_slc,
- yrange
- ) = out
- profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} `Viz.maxmin()`')
- yrange_kwargs = {'yrange': yrange}
- return (
- read_slc,
- yrange_kwargs,
- )
-class OverlayT(Struct):
- '''
- An overlay co-domain range transformer.
- Used to translate and apply a range from one y-range
- to another based on a returns logarithm:
- R(ymn, ymx, yref) = (ymx - yref)/yref
- which gives the log-scale multiplier, and
- ymx_t = yref * (1 + R)
- which gives the inverse to translate to the same value
- in the target co-domain.
- '''
- start_t: float | None = None
- viz: Viz = None
- # % "range" computed from some ref value to the mn/mx
- rng: float | None = None
- in_view: np.ndarray | None = None
- # pinned-minor curve modified mn and max for the major dispersion
- # curve due to one series being shorter and the pin + scaling from
- # that pin point causing the original range to have to increase.
- y_val: float | None = None
- def apply_rng(
- self,
- y_start: float, # reference value for dispersion metric
- ) -> float:
- return y_start * (1 + self.rng)
- # def loglin_from_range(
- # self,
- # y_ref: float, # reference value for dispersion metric
- # mn: float, # min y in target log-lin range
- # mx: float, # max y in target log-lin range
- # offset: float, # y-offset to start log-scaling from
- # ) -> tuple[float, float]:
- # r_up = (mx - y_ref) / y_ref
- # r_down = (mn - y_ref) / y_ref
- # ymn = offset * (1 + r_down)
- # ymx = offset * (1 + r_up)
- # return ymn, ymx
-def intersect_from_longer(
- start_t_first: float,
- in_view_first: np.ndarray,
- start_t_second: float,
- in_view_second: np.ndarray,
-) -> np.ndarray:
- tdiff = start_t_first - start_t_second
- if tdiff == 0:
- return False
- i: int = 0
- # first time series has an "earlier" first time stamp then the 2nd.
- # aka 1st is "shorter" then the 2nd.
- if tdiff > 0:
- longer = in_view_second
- find_t = start_t_first
- i = 1
- # second time series has an "earlier" first time stamp then the 1st.
- # aka 2nd is "shorter" then the 1st.
- elif tdiff < 0:
- longer = in_view_first
- find_t = start_t_second
- i = 0
- slc = slice_from_time(
- arr=longer,
- start_t=find_t,
- stop_t=find_t,
- )
- return (
- longer[slc.start],
- find_t,
- i,
- )
+ return overlay_viewlists(
+ self._viz,
+ plots,
+ profiler,
+ do_overlay_scaling=do_overlay_scaling,
+ do_linked_charts=do_linked_charts,
+ yrange_kwargs=yrange_kwargs,
+ overlay_technique=overlay_technique,
+ )
diff --git a/piker/ui/view_mode.py b/piker/ui/view_mode.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53f896b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piker/ui/view_mode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+# piker: trading gear for hackers
+# Copyright (C) Tyler Goodlet (in stewardship for pikers)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+Overlay (aka multi-chart) UX machinery.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from math import (
+ isinf,
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ Literal,
+import numpy as np
+import pyqtgraph as pg
+from ..data.types import Struct
+from ..data._pathops import slice_from_time
+from ..log import get_logger
+from .._profile import Profiler
+ from ._chart import ChartPlotWidget
+ from ._dataviz import Viz
+ from ._interaction import ChartView
+log = get_logger(__name__)
+class OverlayT(Struct):
+ '''
+ An overlay co-domain range transformer.
+ Used to translate and apply a range from one y-range
+ to another based on a returns logarithm:
+ R(ymn, ymx, yref) = (ymx - yref)/yref
+ which gives the log-scale multiplier, and
+ ymx_t = yref * (1 + R)
+ which gives the inverse to translate to the same value
+ in the target co-domain.
+ '''
+ start_t: float | None = None
+ viz: Viz | None = None
+ # % "range" computed from some ref value to the mn/mx
+ rng: float | None = None
+ in_view: np.ndarray | None = None
+ # pinned-minor curve modified mn and max for the major dispersion
+ # curve due to one series being shorter and the pin + scaling from
+ # that pin point causing the original range to have to increase.
+ y_val: float | None = None
+ def apply_rng(
+ self,
+ y_start: float, # reference value for dispersion metric
+ ) -> float:
+ return y_start * (1 + self.rng)
+ # def loglin_from_range(
+ # self,
+ # y_ref: float, # reference value for dispersion metric
+ # mn: float, # min y in target log-lin range
+ # mx: float, # max y in target log-lin range
+ # offset: float, # y-offset to start log-scaling from
+ # ) -> tuple[float, float]:
+ # r_up = (mx - y_ref) / y_ref
+ # r_down = (mn - y_ref) / y_ref
+ # ymn = offset * (1 + r_down)
+ # ymx = offset * (1 + r_up)
+ # return ymn, ymx
+def intersect_from_longer(
+ start_t_first: float,
+ in_view_first: np.ndarray,
+ start_t_second: float,
+ in_view_second: np.ndarray,
+) -> np.ndarray:
+ tdiff = start_t_first - start_t_second
+ if tdiff == 0:
+ return False
+ i: int = 0
+ # first time series has an "earlier" first time stamp then the 2nd.
+ # aka 1st is "shorter" then the 2nd.
+ if tdiff > 0:
+ longer = in_view_second
+ find_t = start_t_first
+ i = 1
+ # second time series has an "earlier" first time stamp then the 1st.
+ # aka 2nd is "shorter" then the 1st.
+ elif tdiff < 0:
+ longer = in_view_first
+ find_t = start_t_second
+ i = 0
+ slc = slice_from_time(
+ arr=longer,
+ start_t=find_t,
+ stop_t=find_t,
+ )
+ return (
+ longer[slc.start],
+ find_t,
+ i,
+ )
+def _maybe_calc_yrange(
+ viz: Viz,
+ yrange_kwargs: dict[Viz, dict[str, Any]],
+ profiler: Profiler,
+ chart_name: str,
+) -> tuple[
+ slice,
+ dict,
+] | None:
+ if not viz.render:
+ return
+ # pass in no array which will read and render from the last
+ # passed array (normally provided by the display loop.)
+ in_view, i_read_range, _ = viz.update_graphics()
+ if not in_view:
+ return
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} `Viz.update_graphics()`')
+ # check if explicit yrange (kwargs) was passed in by the caller
+ yrange_kwargs = yrange_kwargs.get(viz) if yrange_kwargs else None
+ if yrange_kwargs is not None:
+ read_slc = slice(*i_read_range)
+ else:
+ out = viz.maxmin(i_read_range=i_read_range)
+ if out is None:
+ log.warning(f'No yrange provided for {viz.name}!?')
+ return
+ (
+ _, # ixrng,
+ read_slc,
+ yrange
+ ) = out
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} `Viz.maxmin()`')
+ yrange_kwargs = {'yrange': yrange}
+ return (
+ read_slc,
+ yrange_kwargs,
+ )
+def overlay_viewlists(
+ active_viz: Viz,
+ plots: dict[str, ChartPlotWidget],
+ profiler: Profiler,
+ # public config ctls
+ do_linked_charts: bool = True,
+ do_overlay_scaling: bool = True,
+ yrange_kwargs: dict[
+ str,
+ tuple[float, float],
+ ] | None = None,
+ overlay_technique: Literal[
+ 'loglin_to_first',
+ 'loglin_to_sigma',
+ 'mnmx',
+ 'solo',
+ ] = 'loglin_to_first',
+ # internal instrumentation
+ debug_print: bool = False,
+) -> None:
+ '''
+ Calculate and apply y-domain (axis y-range) multi-curve overlay adjustments
+ a set of ``plots`` based on the requested ``overlay_technique``.
+ '''
+ chart_name: str
+ chart: ChartPlotWidget
+ for chart_name, chart in plots.items():
+ # Common `PlotItem` maxmin table; presumes that some path
+ # graphics (and thus their backing data sets) are in the
+ # same co-domain and view box (since the were added
+ # a separate graphics objects to a common plot) and thus can
+ # be sorted as one set per plot.
+ mxmns_by_common_pi: dict[
+ pg.PlotItem,
+ tuple[float, float],
+ ] = {}
+ # proportional group auto-scaling per overlay set.
+ # -> loop through overlays on each multi-chart widget
+ # and scale all y-ranges based on autoscale config.
+ # -> for any "group" overlay we want to dispersion normalize
+ # and scale minor charts onto the major chart: the chart
+ # with the most dispersion in the set.
+ major_sigma_viz: Viz = None
+ major_mx: float = 0
+ major_mn: float = float('inf')
+ mx_disp: float = 0
+ # collect certain flows have grapics objects **in seperate
+ # plots/viewboxes** into groups and do a common calc to
+ # determine auto-ranging input for `._set_yrange()`.
+ # this is primarly used for our so called "log-linearized
+ # multi-plot" overlay technique.
+ overlay_table: dict[
+ ChartView,
+ tuple[
+ Viz,
+ float, # y start
+ float, # y min
+ float, # y max
+ float, # y median
+ slice, # in-view array slice
+ np.ndarray, # in-view array
+ ],
+ ] = {}
+ # ONLY auto-yrange the viz mapped to THIS view box
+ if not do_overlay_scaling:
+ viz = active_viz
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f'ONLY ranging THIS viz: {viz.name}')
+ out = _maybe_calc_yrange(
+ viz,
+ yrange_kwargs,
+ profiler,
+ chart_name,
+ )
+ if out is None:
+ continue
+ read_slc, yrange_kwargs = out
+ viz.plot.vb._set_yrange(**yrange_kwargs)
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} single curve yrange')
+ # don't iterate overlays, just move to next chart
+ continue
+ # create a group overlay log-linearized y-range transform to
+ # track and eventually inverse transform all overlay curves
+ # to a common target max dispersion range.
+ dnt = OverlayT()
+ upt = OverlayT()
+ if debug_print:
+ print(
+ f'BEGIN UX GRAPHICS CYCLE: @{chart_name}\n'
+ +
+ '#'*100
+ +
+ '\n'
+ )
+ for name, viz in chart._vizs.items():
+ out = _maybe_calc_yrange(
+ viz,
+ yrange_kwargs,
+ profiler,
+ chart_name,
+ )
+ if out is None:
+ continue
+ read_slc, yrange_kwargs = out
+ yrange = yrange_kwargs['yrange']
+ pi = viz.plot
+ # handle multiple graphics-objs per viewbox cases
+ mxmn = mxmns_by_common_pi.get(pi)
+ if mxmn:
+ yrange = mxmns_by_common_pi[pi] = (
+ min(yrange[0], mxmn[0]),
+ max(yrange[1], mxmn[1]),
+ )
+ else:
+ mxmns_by_common_pi[pi] = yrange
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} common pi sort')
+ # non-overlay group case
+ if not viz.is_ohlc:
+ pi.vb._set_yrange(yrange=yrange)
+ profiler(
+ f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} simple std `._set_yrange()`'
+ )
+ # handle overlay log-linearized group scaling cases
+ # TODO: a better predicate here, likely something
+ # to do with overlays and their settings..
+ # TODO: we probably eventually might want some other
+ # charts besides OHLC?
+ else:
+ ymn, ymx = yrange
+ # determine start datum in view
+ arr = viz.shm.array
+ in_view = arr[read_slc]
+ if not in_view.size:
+ log.warning(f'{viz.name} not in view?')
+ continue
+ # row_start = arr[read_slc.start - 1]
+ row_start = arr[read_slc.start]
+ if viz.is_ohlc:
+ y_ref = row_start['open']
+ else:
+ y_ref = row_start[viz.name]
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} MINOR curve median')
+ overlay_table[viz.plot.vb] = (
+ viz,
+ y_ref,
+ ymn,
+ ymx,
+ read_slc,
+ in_view,
+ )
+ key = 'open' if viz.is_ohlc else viz.name
+ start_t = in_view[0]['time']
+ r_down = (ymn - y_ref) / y_ref
+ r_up = (ymx - y_ref) / y_ref
+ msg = (
+ f'### {viz.name}@{chart_name} ###\n'
+ f'y_ref: {y_ref}\n'
+ f'down disp: {r_down}\n'
+ f'up disp: {r_up}\n'
+ )
+ profiler(msg)
+ if debug_print:
+ print(msg)
+ # track the "major" curve as the curve with most
+ # dispersion.
+ if (
+ dnt.rng is None
+ or (
+ r_down < dnt.rng
+ and r_down < 0
+ )
+ ):
+ dnt.viz = viz
+ dnt.rng = r_down
+ dnt.in_view = in_view
+ dnt.start_t = in_view[0]['time']
+ major_mn = ymn
+ msg = f'NEW DOWN: {viz.name}@{chart_name} r:{r_down}\n'
+ profiler(msg)
+ if debug_print:
+ print(msg)
+ else:
+ # minor in the down swing range so check that if
+ # we apply the current rng to the minor that it
+ # doesn't go outside the current range for the major
+ # otherwise we recompute the minor's range (when
+ # adjusted for it's intersect point to be the new
+ # major's range.
+ intersect = intersect_from_longer(
+ dnt.start_t,
+ dnt.in_view,
+ start_t,
+ in_view,
+ )
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} intersect by t')
+ if intersect:
+ longer_in_view, _t, i = intersect
+ scaled_mn = dnt.apply_rng(y_ref)
+ if scaled_mn > ymn:
+ # after major curve scaling we detected
+ # the minor curve is still out of range
+ # so we need to adjust the major's range
+ # to include the new composed range.
+ y_maj_ref = longer_in_view[key]
+ new_major_ymn = (
+ y_maj_ref
+ *
+ (1 + r_down)
+ )
+ # rewrite the major range to the new
+ # minor-pinned-to-major range and mark
+ # the transform as "virtual".
+ msg = (
+ f'EXPAND DOWN bc {viz.name}@{chart_name}\n'
+ f'y_start epoch time @ {_t}:\n'
+ f'y_maj_ref @ {_t}: {y_maj_ref}\n'
+ f'R: {dnt.rng} -> {r_down}\n'
+ f'MN: {major_mn} -> {new_major_ymn}\n'
+ )
+ dnt.rng = r_down
+ major_mn = dnt.y_val = new_major_ymn
+ profiler(msg)
+ if debug_print:
+ print(msg)
+ if (
+ upt.rng is None
+ or (
+ r_up > upt.rng
+ and r_up > 0
+ )
+ ):
+ upt.rng = r_up
+ upt.viz = viz
+ upt.in_view = in_view
+ upt.start_t = in_view[0]['time']
+ major_mx = ymx
+ msg = f'NEW UP: {viz.name}@{chart_name} r:{r_up}\n'
+ profiler(msg)
+ if debug_print:
+ print(msg)
+ else:
+ intersect = intersect_from_longer(
+ upt.start_t,
+ upt.in_view,
+ start_t,
+ in_view,
+ )
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} intersect by t')
+ if intersect:
+ longer_in_view, _t, i = intersect
+ scaled_mx = upt.apply_rng(y_ref)
+ if scaled_mx < ymx:
+ # after major curve scaling we detected
+ # the minor curve is still out of range
+ # so we need to adjust the major's range
+ # to include the new composed range.
+ y_maj_ref = longer_in_view[key]
+ new_major_ymx = (
+ y_maj_ref
+ *
+ (1 + r_up)
+ )
+ # rewrite the major range to the new
+ # minor-pinned-to-major range and mark
+ # the transform as "virtual".
+ msg = (
+ f'EXPAND UP bc {viz.name}@{chart_name}:\n'
+ f'y_maj_ref @ {_t}: {y_maj_ref}\n'
+ f'R: {upt.rng} -> {r_up}\n'
+ f'MX: {major_mx} -> {new_major_ymx}\n'
+ )
+ upt.rng = r_up
+ major_mx = upt.y_val = new_major_ymx
+ profiler(msg)
+ print(msg)
+ # find curve with max dispersion
+ disp = abs(ymx - ymn) / y_ref
+ if disp > mx_disp:
+ major_sigma_viz = viz
+ mx_disp = disp
+ major_mn = ymn
+ major_mx = ymx
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} MINOR curve scale')
+ # NOTE: if no there were no overlay charts
+ # detected/collected (could be either no group detected or
+ # chart with a single symbol, thus a single viz/overlay)
+ # then we ONLY set the lone chart's (viz) yrange and short
+ # circuit to the next chart in the linked charts loop. IOW
+ # there's no reason to go through the overlay dispersion
+ # scaling in the next loop below when only one curve is
+ # detected.
+ if (
+ not mxmns_by_common_pi
+ and len(overlay_table) < 2
+ ):
+ if debug_print:
+ print(f'ONLY ranging major: {viz.name}')
+ out = _maybe_calc_yrange(
+ viz,
+ yrange_kwargs,
+ profiler,
+ chart_name,
+ )
+ if out is None:
+ continue
+ read_slc, yrange_kwargs = out
+ viz.plot.vb._set_yrange(**yrange_kwargs)
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} single curve yrange')
+ # move to next chart in linked set since
+ # no overlay transforming is needed.
+ continue
+ elif (
+ mxmns_by_common_pi
+ and not major_sigma_viz
+ ):
+ # move to next chart in linked set since
+ # no overlay transforming is needed.
+ continue
+ profiler(f'<{chart_name}>.interact_graphics_cycle({name})')
+ # if a minor curves scaling brings it "outside" the range of
+ # the major curve (in major curve co-domain terms) then we
+ # need to rescale the major to also include this range. The
+ # below placeholder denotes when this occurs.
+ # group_mxmn: None | tuple[float, float] = None
+ # TODO: probably re-write this loop as a compiled cpython or
+ # numba func.
+ # conduct "log-linearized multi-plot" scalings for all groups
+ for (
+ view,
+ (
+ viz,
+ y_start,
+ y_min,
+ y_max,
+ read_slc,
+ minor_in_view,
+ )
+ ) in overlay_table.items():
+ key = 'open' if viz.is_ohlc else viz.name
+ if (
+ isinf(ymx)
+ or isinf(ymn)
+ ):
+ log.warning(
+ f'BAD ymx/ymn: {(ymn, ymx)}'
+ )
+ continue
+ ymn = dnt.apply_rng(y_start)
+ ymx = upt.apply_rng(y_start)
+ # NOTE XXX: we have to set each curve's range once (and
+ # ONLY ONCE) here since we're doing this entire routine
+ # inside of a single render cycle (and apparently calling
+ # `ViewBox.setYRange()` multiple times within one only takes
+ # the first call as serious...) XD
+ view._set_yrange(
+ yrange=(ymn, ymx),
+ )
+ profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} log-SCALE minor')
+ if debug_print:
+ print(
+ '------------------------------\n'
+ f'LOGLIN SCALE CYCLE: {viz.name}@{chart_name}\n'
+ f'UP MAJOR C: {upt.viz.name} with disp: {upt.rng}\n'
+ f'DOWN MAJOR C: {dnt.viz.name} with disp: {dnt.rng}\n'
+ f'y_start: {y_start}\n'
+ f'y min: {y_min}\n'
+ f'y max: {y_max}\n'
+ f'T scaled ymn: {ymn}\n'
+ f'T scaled ymx: {ymx}\n'
+ '------------------------------\n'
+ )
+ # profiler(f'{viz.name}@{chart_name} log-SCALE major')
+ # major_mx, major_mn = group_mxmn
+ # vrs = major_sigma_viz.plot.vb.viewRange()
+ # if vrs[1][0] > major_mn:
+ # breakpoint()
+ if debug_print:
+ print(
+ f'END UX GRAPHICS CYCLE: @{chart_name}\n'
+ +
+ '#'*100
+ +
+ '\n'
+ )
+ if not do_linked_charts:
+ return
+ profiler.finish()