WIP add non-working m4 ds code to ohlc graphic

Tyler Goodlet 2022-03-17 09:00:59 -04:00
parent bedb55b79d
commit 1ad83e4556
1 changed files with 43 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from typing import (
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
from numba import njit, float64, int64 # , optional
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtCore import QLineF, QPointF
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ from .._profile import pg_profile_enabled
from ._style import hcolor
from ..log import get_logger
from ._curve import FastAppendCurve
from ._compression import hl2mxmn
from ._compression import hl2mxmn, ds_m4
from ._chart import LinkedSplits
@ -226,7 +227,6 @@ class BarItems(pg.GraphicsObject):
# that mode?
self._pi = plotitem
self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
# not sure if this is actually impoving anything but figured it
@ -320,24 +320,47 @@ class BarItems(pg.GraphicsObject):
# determine current potential downsampling value (based on pixel
# scaling) and return any existing curve for it.
curve, ds = self.get_ds_line(ds=ds)
curve, ds = self.get_ds_line(ds=0)
# curve = self._ds_lines.get(ds)
# if current and current != curve:
# current.hide()
# if no curve for this downsample rate yet, allowcate a new one
# if not self.linked.chart:
# return None, None
index = ohlc['index']
flat = rfn.structured_to_unstructured(
ohlc[['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']]
xpts = np.linspace(start=index[0] - 0.5, stop=index[-1] + 0.5, num=4*len(ohlc))
# bins, x, ds = ds_m4(
# xpts,
# flat,
# # px_width=self.linked.chart.curve_width_pxs()
# px_width=self.getViewBox().width(),
# )
# breakpoint()
mxmn, x = hl2mxmn(ohlc)
# if self._ds_line:
# self._pi.removeItem(self._ds_line)
if not curve:
mxmn, x = hl2mxmn(ohlc, downsample_by=ds)
curve = FastAppendCurve(
# y=ds.flatten(),
# color='dad_blue',
# use_polyline=True, # pretty sure this is slower?
# self._pi.addItem(curve)
self._ds_lines[ds] = curve
self._ds_line = curve
@ -350,12 +373,24 @@ class BarItems(pg.GraphicsObject):
# can just be read and rendered to graphics on events of our
# choice.
# diff = do_diff(ohlc, new_bit)
mxmn, x = hl2mxmn(ohlc, downsample_by=ds)
# mxmn, x = hl2mxmn(ohlc, downsample_by=ds)
# always refresh data bounds until we get diffing
# working properly, see below..
# curve._xrange = curve.dataBounds(ax=0)
# TODO: we need to do a diff here to determine
# which ohlc samples have not yet been converted
# to tracer lines.
# index = ohlc['index']
# istart, istop = curve._xrange
# curve.path = None
# print(x[-10:])
# curve.update()
self._ds = ds
return curve, ds
@ -380,9 +415,8 @@ class BarItems(pg.GraphicsObject):
# XXX: always do this?
if self._in_ds:
if self._ds_line:
curve, ds = self.update_ds_line(ohlc)
# index = self.start_index
istart, istop = self._xrange