Fork 0

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Actor model API testing
import time
from itertools import repeat
import pytest
import trio
import tractor
from conftest import tractor_test
async def test_no_arbitter():
"""An arbitter must be established before any nurseries
can be created.
(In other words ``tractor.run`` must be used instead of ``trio.run`` as is
done by the ``pytest-trio`` plugin.)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with tractor.open_nursery():
def test_local_actor_async_func(arb_addr):
"""Verify a simple async function in-process.
nums = []
async def print_loop():
# arbiter is started in-proc if dne
assert tractor.current_actor().is_arbiter
for i in range(10):
await trio.sleep(0.1)
start = time.time()
tractor.run(print_loop, arbiter_addr=arb_addr)
# ensure the sleeps were actually awaited
assert time.time() - start >= 1
assert nums == list(range(10))
statespace = {'doggy': 10, 'kitty': 4}
# NOTE: this func must be defined at module level in order for the
# interal pickling infra of the forkserver to work
async def spawn(is_arbiter):
namespaces = [__name__]
await trio.sleep(0.1)
actor = tractor.current_actor()
assert actor.is_arbiter == is_arbiter
assert actor.statespace == statespace
if actor.is_arbiter:
async with tractor.open_nursery() as nursery:
# forks here
portal = await nursery.run_in_actor(
assert len(nursery._children) == 1
assert portal.channel.uid in tractor.current_actor()._peers
# be sure we can still get the result
result = await portal.result()
assert result == 10
return result
return 10
def test_local_arbiter_subactor_global_state(arb_addr):
result = tractor.run(
assert result == 10
async def stream_seq(sequence):
for i in sequence:
yield i
await trio.sleep(0.1)
async def stream_from_single_subactor():
"""Verify we can spawn a daemon actor and retrieve streamed data.
async with tractor.find_actor('brokerd') as portals:
if not portals:
# only one per host address, spawns an actor if None
async with tractor.open_nursery() as nursery:
# no brokerd actor found
portal = await nursery.start_actor(
statespace={'global_dict': {}},
seq = range(10)
agen = await portal.run(
'stream_seq', # the func above
sequence=list(seq), # has to be msgpack serializable
# it'd sure be nice to have an asyncitertools here...
iseq = iter(seq)
async for val in agen:
assert val == next(iseq)
# TODO: test breaking the loop (should it kill the
# far end?)
# break
# terminate far-end async-gen
# await gen.asend(None)
# break
# stop all spawned subactors
await portal.cancel_actor()
# await nursery.cancel()
def test_stream_from_single_subactor(arb_addr):
"""Verify streaming from a spawned async generator.
tractor.run(stream_from_single_subactor, arbiter_addr=arb_addr)
async def assert_err():
assert 0
def test_remote_error(arb_addr):
"""Verify an error raises in a subactor is propagated to the parent.
async def main():
async with tractor.open_nursery() as nursery:
portal = await nursery.run_in_actor('errorer', assert_err)
# get result(s) from main task
return await portal.result()
except tractor.RemoteActorError:
print("Look Maa that actor failed hard, hehh")
except Exception:
assert 0, "Remote error was not raised?"
with pytest.raises(tractor.RemoteActorError):
# also raises
tractor.run(main, arbiter_addr=arb_addr)
async def stream_forever():
for i in repeat("I can see these little future bubble things"):
# each yielded value is sent over the ``Channel`` to the
# parent actor
yield i
await trio.sleep(0.01)
async def test_cancel_infinite_streamer():
# stream for at most 1 seconds
with trio.move_on_after(1) as cancel_scope:
async with tractor.open_nursery() as n:
portal = await n.start_actor(
# this async for loop streams values from the above
# async generator running in a separate process
async for letter in await portal.run(__name__, 'stream_forever'):
# we support trio's cancellation system
assert cancel_scope.cancelled_caught
assert n.cancelled
async def test_one_cancels_all():
"""Verify one failed actor causes all others in the nursery
to be cancelled just like in trio.
This is the first and only supervisory strategy at the moment.
async with tractor.open_nursery() as n:
real_actors = []
for i in range(3):
real_actors.append(await n.start_actor(
# start one actor that will fail immediately
await n.run_in_actor('extra', assert_err)
# should error here with a ``RemoteActorError`` containing
# an ``AssertionError`
except tractor.RemoteActorError:
assert n.cancelled is True
assert not n._children
pytest.fail("Should have gotten a remote assertion error?")
def movie_theatre_question():
"""A question asked in a dark theatre, in a tangent
(errr, I mean different) process.
return 'have you ever seen a portal?'
async def test_movie_theatre_convo():
"""The main ``tractor`` routine.
async with tractor.open_nursery() as n:
portal = await n.start_actor(
# enable the actor to run funcs from this current module
print(await portal.run(__name__, 'movie_theatre_question'))
# call the subactor a 2nd time
print(await portal.run(__name__, 'movie_theatre_question'))
# the async with will block here indefinitely waiting
# for our actor "frank" to complete, we cancel 'frank'
# to avoid blocking indefinitely
await portal.cancel_actor()
def cellar_door():
return "Dang that's beautiful"
async def test_most_beautiful_word():
"""The main ``tractor`` routine.
async with tractor.open_nursery() as n:
portal = await n.run_in_actor('some_linguist', cellar_door)
# The ``async with`` will unblock here since the 'some_linguist'
# actor has completed its main task ``cellar_door``.
print(await portal.result())
def do_nothing():
def test_cancel_single_subactor(arb_addr):
async def main():
async with tractor.open_nursery() as nursery:
portal = await nursery.start_actor(
'nothin', rpc_module_paths=[__name__],
assert (await portal.run(__name__, 'do_nothing')) is None
# would hang otherwise
await nursery.cancel()
tractor.run(main, arbiter_addr=arb_addr)
# this is the first 2 actors, streamer_1 and streamer_2
async def stream_data(seed):
for i in range(seed):
yield i
await trio.sleep(0) # trigger scheduler
# this is the third actor; the aggregator
async def aggregate(seed):
"""Ensure that the two streams we receive match but only stream
a single set of values to the parent.
async with tractor.open_nursery() as nursery:
portals = []
for i in range(1, 3):
# fork point
portal = await nursery.start_actor(
q = trio.Queue(500)
async def push_to_q(portal):
async for value in await portal.run(
__name__, 'stream_data', seed=seed
# leverage trio's built-in backpressure
await q.put(value)
await q.put(None)
print(f"FINISHED ITERATING {portal.channel.uid}")
# spawn 2 trio tasks to collect streams and push to a local queue
async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
for portal in portals:
n.start_soon(push_to_q, portal)
unique_vals = set()
async for value in q:
if value not in unique_vals:
# yield upwards to the spawning parent actor
yield value
if value is None:
assert value in unique_vals
print("FINISHED ITERATING in aggregator")
await nursery.cancel()
print("WAITING on `ActorNursery` to finish")
# this is the main actor and *arbiter*
async def a_quadruple_example():
# a nursery which spawns "actors"
async with tractor.open_nursery() as nursery:
seed = int(1e3)
pre_start = time.time()
portal = await nursery.run_in_actor(
start = time.time()
# the portal call returns exactly what you'd expect
# as if the remote "aggregate" function was called locally
result_stream = []
async for value in await portal.result():
print(f"STREAM TIME = {time.time() - start}")
print(f"STREAM + SPAWN TIME = {time.time() - pre_start}")
assert result_stream == list(range(seed)) + [None]
return result_stream
async def cancel_after(wait):
with trio.move_on_after(wait):
return await a_quadruple_example()
def time_quad_ex(arb_addr):
start = time.time()
results = tractor.run(cancel_after, 3, arbiter_addr=arb_addr)
diff = time.time() - start
assert results
return results, diff
def test_a_quadruple_example(time_quad_ex):
"""This also serves as a kind of "we'd like to be this fast test"."""
results, diff = time_quad_ex
assert results
assert diff < 2.5
list(map(lambda i: i/10, range(3, 10)))
def test_not_fast_enough_quad(arb_addr, time_quad_ex, cancel_delay):
"""Verify we can cancel midway through the quad example and all actors
cancel gracefully.
results, diff = time_quad_ex
delay = diff - cancel_delay
results = tractor.run(cancel_after, delay, arbiter_addr=arb_addr)
assert results is None