from functools import partial import time from threading import current_thread import trio import tractor def sync_pause( use_builtin: bool = False, error: bool = False, hide_tb: bool = True, pre_sleep: float|None = None, ): if pre_sleep: time.sleep(pre_sleep) if use_builtin: print( f'Entering `breakpoint()` from\n' f'{current_thread()}\n' ) breakpoint(hide_tb=hide_tb) else: print( f'Entering `tractor.pause_from_sync()` from\n' f'{current_thread()}@{tractor.current_actor().uid}\n' ) tractor.pause_from_sync() if error: raise RuntimeError('yoyo sync code error') @tractor.context async def start_n_sync_pause( ctx: tractor.Context, ): actor: tractor.Actor = tractor.current_actor() # sync to parent-side task await ctx.started() print(f'Entering `sync_pause()` in subactor: {actor.uid}\n') sync_pause() print(f'Exited `sync_pause()` in subactor: {actor.uid}\n') async def main() -> None: async with ( tractor.open_nursery( # NOTE: required for pausing from sync funcs maybe_enable_greenback=True, debug_mode=True, # loglevel='cancel', ) as an, trio.open_nursery() as tn, ): # just from root task sync_pause() p: tractor.Portal = await an.start_actor( 'subactor', enable_modules=[__name__], # infect_asyncio=True, debug_mode=True, ) # TODO: 3 sub-actor usage cases: # -[x] via a `.open_context()` # -[ ] via a `.run_in_actor()` call # -[ ] via a `.run()` # -[ ] via a `.to_thread.run_sync()` in subactor async with p.open_context( start_n_sync_pause, ) as (ctx, first): assert first is None # TODO: handle bg-thread-in-root-actor special cases! # # there are a couple very subtle situations possible here # and they are likely to become more important as cpython # moves to support no-GIL. # # Cases: # 1. root-actor bg-threads that call `.pause_from_sync()` # whilst an in-tree subactor also is using ` .pause()`. # |_ since the root-actor bg thread can not # `Lock._debug_lock.acquire_nowait()` without running # a `trio.Task`, AND because the # `PdbREPL.set_continue()` is called from that # bg-thread, we can not `._debug_lock.release()` # either! # |_ this results in no actor-tree `Lock` being used # on behalf of the bg-thread and thus the subactor's # task and the thread trying to to use stdio # simultaneously which results in the classic TTY # clobbering! # # 2. mutiple sync-bg-threads that call # `.pause_from_sync()` where one is scheduled via # `Nursery.start_soon(to_thread.run_sync)` in a bg # task. # # Due to the GIL, the threads never truly try to step # through the REPL simultaneously, BUT their `logging` # and traceback outputs are interleaved since the GIL # (seemingly) on every REPL-input from the user # switches threads.. # # Soo, the context switching semantics of the GIL # result in a very confusing and messy interaction UX # since eval and (tb) print output is NOT synced to # each REPL-cycle (like we normally make it via # a `.set_continue()` callback triggering the # `Lock.release()`). Ideally we can solve this # usability issue NOW because this will of course be # that much more important when eventually there is no # GIL! # XXX should cause double REPL entry and thus TTY # clobbering due to case 1. above! tn.start_soon( partial( trio.to_thread.run_sync, partial( sync_pause, use_builtin=False, # pre_sleep=0.5, ), abandon_on_cancel=True, thread_name='start_soon_root_bg_thread', ) ) await tractor.pause() # XXX should cause double REPL entry and thus TTY # clobbering due to case 2. above! await trio.to_thread.run_sync( partial( sync_pause, # NOTE this already works fine since in the new # thread the `breakpoint()` built-in is never # overloaded, thus NO locking is used, HOWEVER # the case 2. from above still exists! use_builtin=True, ), abandon_on_cancel=False, thread_name='inline_root_bg_thread', ) await ctx.cancel() # TODO: case where we cancel from trio-side while asyncio task # has debugger lock? await p.cancel_actor() if __name__ == '__main__':