""" ``tractor`` testing!! """ from contextlib import asynccontextmanager as acm import sys import subprocess import os import random import signal import platform import pathlib import time import inspect from functools import partial, wraps import pytest import trio import tractor pytest_plugins = ['pytester'] def tractor_test(fn): """ Use: @tractor_test async def test_whatever(): await ... If fixtures: - ``reg_addr`` (a socket addr tuple where arbiter is listening) - ``loglevel`` (logging level passed to tractor internals) - ``start_method`` (subprocess spawning backend) are defined in the `pytest` fixture space they will be automatically injected to tests declaring these funcargs. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper( *args, loglevel=None, reg_addr=None, start_method: str|None = None, debug_mode: bool = False, **kwargs ): # __tracebackhide__ = True # NOTE: inject ant test func declared fixture # names by manually checking! if 'reg_addr' in inspect.signature(fn).parameters: # injects test suite fixture value to test as well # as `run()` kwargs['reg_addr'] = reg_addr if 'loglevel' in inspect.signature(fn).parameters: # allows test suites to define a 'loglevel' fixture # that activates the internal logging kwargs['loglevel'] = loglevel if start_method is None: if platform.system() == "Windows": start_method = 'trio' if 'start_method' in inspect.signature(fn).parameters: # set of subprocess spawning backends kwargs['start_method'] = start_method if 'debug_mode' in inspect.signature(fn).parameters: # set of subprocess spawning backends kwargs['debug_mode'] = debug_mode if kwargs: # use explicit root actor start async def _main(): async with tractor.open_root_actor( # **kwargs, registry_addrs=[reg_addr] if reg_addr else None, loglevel=loglevel, start_method=start_method, # TODO: only enable when pytest is passed --pdb debug_mode=debug_mode, ): await fn(*args, **kwargs) main = _main else: # use implicit root actor start main = partial(fn, *args, **kwargs) return trio.run(main) return wrapper # Sending signal.SIGINT on subprocess fails on windows. Use CTRL_* alternatives if platform.system() == 'Windows': _KILL_SIGNAL = signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT _INT_SIGNAL = signal.CTRL_C_EVENT _INT_RETURN_CODE = 3221225786 _PROC_SPAWN_WAIT = 2 else: _KILL_SIGNAL = signal.SIGKILL _INT_SIGNAL = signal.SIGINT _INT_RETURN_CODE = 1 if sys.version_info < (3, 8) else -signal.SIGINT.value _PROC_SPAWN_WAIT = 0.6 if sys.version_info < (3, 7) else 0.4 no_windows = pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() == "Windows", reason="Test is unsupported on windows", ) def repodir() -> pathlib.Path: ''' Return the abspath to the repo directory. ''' # 2 parents up to step up through tests/ return pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() def examples_dir() -> pathlib.Path: ''' Return the abspath to the examples directory as `pathlib.Path`. ''' return repodir() / 'examples' def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--ll", action="store", dest='loglevel', default='ERROR', help="logging level to set when testing" ) parser.addoption( "--spawn-backend", action="store", dest='spawn_backend', default='trio', help="Processing spawning backend to use for test run", ) parser.addoption( "--tpdb", "--debug-mode", action="store_true", dest='tractor_debug_mode', # default=False, help=( 'Enable a flag that can be used by tests to to set the ' '`debug_mode: bool` for engaging the internal ' 'multi-proc debugger sys.' ), ) def pytest_configure(config): backend = config.option.spawn_backend tractor._spawn.try_set_start_method(backend) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def debug_mode(request): return request.config.option.tractor_debug_mode @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def loglevel(request): orig = tractor.log._default_loglevel level = tractor.log._default_loglevel = request.config.option.loglevel tractor.log.get_console_log(level) yield level tractor.log._default_loglevel = orig @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def spawn_backend(request) -> str: return request.config.option.spawn_backend _ci_env: bool = os.environ.get('CI', False) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def ci_env() -> bool: """Detect CI envoirment. """ return _ci_env # choose randomly at import time _reg_addr: tuple[str, int] = ( '', random.randint(1000, 9999), ) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def reg_addr() -> tuple[str, int]: # globally override the runtime to the per-test-session-dynamic # addr so that all tests never conflict with any other actor # tree using the default. from tractor import _root _root._default_lo_addrs = [_reg_addr] return _reg_addr def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): spawn_backend = metafunc.config.option.spawn_backend if not spawn_backend: # XXX some weird windows bug with `pytest`? spawn_backend = 'trio' # TODO: maybe just use the literal `._spawn.SpawnMethodKey`? assert spawn_backend in ( 'mp_spawn', 'mp_forkserver', 'trio', ) # NOTE: used to be used to dyanmically parametrize tests for when # you just passed --spawn-backend=`mp` on the cli, but now we expect # that cli input to be manually specified, BUT, maybe we'll do # something like this again in the future? if 'start_method' in metafunc.fixturenames: metafunc.parametrize("start_method", [spawn_backend], scope='module') def sig_prog(proc, sig): "Kill the actor-process with ``sig``." proc.send_signal(sig) time.sleep(0.1) if not proc.poll(): # TODO: why sometimes does SIGINT not work on teardown? # seems to happen only when trace logging enabled? proc.send_signal(_KILL_SIGNAL) ret = proc.wait() assert ret @pytest.fixture def daemon( loglevel: str, testdir, reg_addr: tuple[str, int], ): ''' Run a daemon root actor as a separate actor-process tree and "remote registrar" for discovery-protocol related tests. ''' if loglevel in ('trace', 'debug'): # XXX: too much logging will lock up the subproc (smh) loglevel: str = 'info' code: str = ( "import tractor; " "tractor.run_daemon([], registry_addrs={reg_addrs}, loglevel={ll})" ).format( reg_addrs=str([reg_addr]), ll="'{}'".format(loglevel) if loglevel else None, ) cmd: list[str] = [ sys.executable, '-c', code, ] kwargs = {} if platform.system() == 'Windows': # without this, tests hang on windows forever kwargs['creationflags'] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP proc = testdir.popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs, ) assert not proc.returncode time.sleep(_PROC_SPAWN_WAIT) yield proc sig_prog(proc, _INT_SIGNAL) @acm async def expect_ctxc( yay: bool, reraise: bool = False, ) -> None: ''' Small acm to catch `ContextCancelled` errors when expected below it in a `async with ()` block. ''' if yay: try: yield raise RuntimeError('Never raised ctxc?') except tractor.ContextCancelled: if reraise: raise else: return else: yield