Proto-ing a little suite of call-stack-frame annotation-for-scanning
sub-systems for the purposes of both,
- the `.devx._debug`er and its
traceback and frame introspection needs when entering the REPL,
- detailed trace-style logging such that we can explicitly report
on "which and where" `tractor`'s APIs are used in the "app" code.
- change mod name obvi from `._code` and adjust client mod imports.
- using `wrapt` (for perf) implement a `@api_frame` annot decorator
which both stashes per-call-stack-frame instances of `CallerInfo` in
a table and marks the function such that API endpoints can be easily
found via runtime stack scanning despite any internal impl changes.
- add a global `_frame2callerinfo_cache: dict[FrameType, CallerInfo]`
table for providing the per func-frame info caching.
- Re-implement `CallerInfo` to require less (types of) inputs:
|_ `_api_func: Callable`, a ref to the (singleton) func def.
|_ `_api_frame: FrameType` taken from the `@api_frame` marked `tractor`-API
func's runtime call-stack, from which we can determine the
app code's `.caller_frame`.
|_`_caller_frames_up: int|None` allowing the specific `@api_frame` to
determine "how many frames up" the application / calling code is.
And, a better set of derived attrs:
|_`caller_frame: FrameType` which finds and caches the API-eps calling
|_`caller_frame: FrameType` which finds and caches the API-eps calling
- add a new attempt at "getting a method ref from its runtime frame"
with `get_ns_and_func_from_frame()` using a heuristic that the
`CodeType.co_qualname: str` should have a "." in it for methods.
- main issue is still that the func-ref lookup will require searching
for the method's instance type by name, and that name isn't
guaranteed to be defined in any particular ns..
|_rn we try to read it from the `FrameType.f_locals` but that is
going to obvi fail any time the method is called in a module where
it's type is not also defined/imported.
- returns both the ns and the func ref FYI.